Loop Hangout

Sources: Map034 (Village Tree (LOOP)), Map127 (LoopQuest), Common Event 162 (PreDialogue)

Everything relating to Loop's hangout in ACT 3 or 4. This section is a part of Loopquest.

This page contains text compiled from:


Loop asks to hang out

Full page: PreDialogue

This predialogue occurs when talking to Loop after learning about Time Craft using the book in the Candle Room and after talking to the Head Housemaiden at least once in ACT 3.

Siffrin (serious1) "So."

Loop (hm1) Sooooooo?

Siffrin (um2) "Got any theories about the loops I'm trapped in?"

Loop (happy1) Why would I?

Siffrin (um2) "Your name is LITERALLY 'Loop'."

Loop (hm1) . . .

Loop (teehee4) Oh, stars above, it is! Teehee!


Loop (lol4) But just because I call myself "Loop" doesn't mean I know anything! I'm just bad at names!!!

Loop (happy1) But I'll see what I can do. What's your question?

Siffrin (neutral3) "Do you know anything that could help?"

Loop (teehee5) Such a broad question, stardust!

Loop (hmmm1) As I've told you before... I know as much as you do, right now.

Siffrin (serious1) "How can that be?"

Loop (oh my1) What do you mean?

Siffrin (serious1) "Aren't you here to help me?"

Siffrin (shit1) "Why don't you know more about the loops you're supposed to help me with...?"

Loop (oh my1) . . .

Loop (teehee2) Tee--

Siffrin (um2) "Don't you 'Teehee' me."

Loop (teehee1) Awwwwwwwww.

Loop (hm1) I still don't have a good answer for you, stardust!

Loop (happy1) Isn't it already nice that you have me to talk to about those loops?

Loop (lol5) You could be alone, stuck with only your tiny brain for company, with no one to talk to!

Siffrin (serious1) "..."

Loop (hm1) Okay, okay, okay...

Loop (hm1) Well...

Loop (teehee2) Why don't we summarize what we know about those loops? We might find something out!

(You sigh, and nod.)

(Nothing better to do, you suppose.)

Loop (hm1) Soooooo...

Loop (happy2) You're currently stuck in a time loop, for some unknown reason.

Loop (hm1) The loop starts when you wake up in Dormont, and seems to end when you talk to the Head Housemaiden...

Siffrin (neutral1) "Unless I die first, or touch a Tear."

Loop (hm1) Yes... Maybe the loop considers getting frozen in time by those Tears a sort of death?

Loop (hm1) But why aren't you looping back when you get frozen in battle...?

Siffrin (surprised1) (Huh? Isn't it because...) "I thought the Tears worked differently than an actual time freeze skill."

Loop (hm1) Is that so? ...Well, you're the one getting frozen, so you'd know...

Loop (hmmm1) So, you loop if something keeps you from advancing in some way...

Loop (hm1) . . .

Loop (sad1) I wonder if other things would count as "keeping you from advancing".

Siffrin (surprised3) "Like what?"

Loop (hm1) Like...

Loop (lol3) What if we cut off your legs, would you immediately loop back? You can't "advance" if you have no legs, right?

Siffrin (um2) (Um...) "I'd rather not test that one."

Loop (fake1) Awww. But understandable.


(But it is interesting, though.)

(What makes the loop actually loop?)

If you've gotten Bonnie to yell at Siffrin

(You feel like... You can remember a few times when time looped back on its own, even if it was just a few minutes...)

Loop (sad1) Maybe... Does the loop consider talking to the Head Housemaiden... Something that keeps you from advancing, somehow?


(Maybe, but...)

(What would "advancing" even mean, then?)

(Towards what goal?)

(Is there something that happens when you talk to the Head Housemaiden that makes a certain goal impossible to accomplish?)

(. . .)

Loop (sad2) . . .

Loop (well3) As you've found out, all of this might be the work of Time Craft, a power that should be impossible to use...

Loop (subdued1) But you and the King are somehow able to manipulate it.

Siffrin (hide1) (But...) "Am I manipulating Time Craft if I can't control it?"

Loop (happy1) But you can, can't you?

Loop (happy2) You can more or less control where you come back. Except when you talk to the Head Housemaiden, it seems, which brings you back to the start.

Loop (hmmm1) But just being able to loop back in time and avoid death might count as you being able to use Time Craft.

Siffrin (serious1) (But if Time Craft is supposed to be too dangerous to even use...) "How did I get that power?"

Loop (hm1) And how can you break the loop for good?

Loop (fake2) Yes, those are the big questions, aren't they?

Loop (well3) ...   I do wonder about the limitations of your powers, still.

Loop (sad1) What makes you actually loop?

Loop (away1) Somehow, I feel like finding out more about that would be useful...

Loop (away1) . . .

(. . .)

Loop (away1) ...

Loop (serious2) Stardust, we've been talking for a while, so maybe not right now, but...

Loop (serious2) When you have some time, will you hang out with me for a bit?

Siffrin (surprised1) (Huh?) "Hang out?"

Loop (away1) I have... A theory I'd like to test. And...

Loop (lol5) And we haven't spent any time together, stardust!!! I'm lonely!!! I want to have a long conversation with someone, anyone!!! I wanna hang ouuuuuut!!!


Loop (happy1) Again, it doesn't have to be right now.

Loop (happy2) Our little hang out time might last a while. Maybe even longer than the rest of the day.

Loop (teehee2) I'm sure you have plans for this loop, so I can wait until you have time!

Loop (happy1) ...Okay?

(A theory Loop would like to test about the loops...?)

(It might be useful.)

(You should talk to Loop and hang out with them when you have time, then.)

Loop (lol4) Yay!!! I'll be waiting, stardust!

Loop (teehee1) In the meantime...

Loop (teehee5) How can I help you on this wonderful new loop?

Asking Loop to hang out

Loop (happy1) Hey, stardust. How can I help you on this wonderful new loop?


Siffrin (neutral1) (...)


Siffrin (tired2) (...)

"We can hang out now."

First time

Loop (oh1) Oh...!

Loop (lol5) Our theory hangout! Yes!

Loop (hm1) But we can't actually hang out right now. It'd be pretty useless.

Loop (happy1) So how about you come back here early tomorrow, after you're done acting things out at the Clocktower?

Siffrin (surprised1) (Wait...) "You want me to sneak out?"

Loop (lol5) And spend a loop with me, yes!


(You always go to the House, after the Clocktower.)

(If you're not here, what will everyone do? What will everyone think--)

Loop (happy1) Does it matter what they think?

Loop (teehee1) They'll forget it all in your next loop, after all!

Siffrin (hide1) (...)

  • "It matters!"

    Loop (hm1) Hm...

    Loop (hmmm1) ...So you won't do it?

    Loop (lol4) You won't come and hang out with little old me?

  • "...I guess it doesn't."

    Loop (teehee5) Neat!

    Loop (happy1) Will you come, then?

Siffrin (hide1)

  • "I'll come, yeah."

    Loop (teehee5) Neat!!!

    Loop (happy1) ...I'll see you soon, then?

    (You nod.)

    This starts the Loop Hangout.

  • "No, I won't."

    (You don't want everyone to go to the House without you.)

    Loop (away1) ...So you won't come, huh...

    Loop (away1) . . .

    Loop (serious2) I'd really like you to spend a loop with me, stardust.

    Loop (serious2) It doesn't matter if it's right now, or in a dozen, a hundred loops...

    Loop (lol3) You'll have to spend time with me eventually! Just let me know when you want to!!!

    Loop (subdued1) ...It's important.

    (You glare at Loop.)

    (. . .)

Subsequent times; if you refused to hang out with Loop the first time

Loop (happy1) ...Will you come and hang out with me now?

Siffrin (shit1) (It'll mean leaving everyone behind, but...)

  • "...Alright."

    Loop (lol5) Neat!!!

    Loop (happy1) ...Don't worry, stardust.

    Loop (teehee4) ...I'll see you soon, then?

    (You nod.)

    This starts the Loop Hangout.

  • "No."

    Loop (lol3) Ouuugh, rejected again!!!

    Loop (lol5) How dare you play with my feelings like this, stardust!!!

Main Scene

(. . .)

(You spend the rest of the night with everyone...)

(Early in the morning, while everyone is still asleep, you quietly slip away and head to the Favor Tree...)

Siffrin approaches the Favor Tree.

(...But you can't see Loop anywhere.)

Loop Up there, stardust, up there!!!

("Up there"...?)

(Did Loop go back to their home or something?)

(You look up.)

(Loop is waving at you from the top of the tree.)

Loop I'm here, I'm here~!

Loop Come and join me, stardust!


Loop Oh, come on.

Loop Just climb the tree! I know you can do it!


(You sigh and climb the tree.)

Loop and Siffrin sit in the canopy of the Favor Tree. They gaze at the horizon, where the House looms large under a night sky.

Loop Aaaah...

Loop Isn't it pretty, stardust? We're so high up!

(You are.)

(You can see the House from there.)

(. . .)

(Everyone will be inside the House soon...)

(You try  not to think about it.)

Loop ...Thank you for coming to today's Loop hangout!

If you've completed Isabeau's Friendquest before

Loop If you hang out with me, it'll take some time, and...

Loop Well. You know how this goes.

Siffrin "I sure do."

Loop Hm.

Loop ...

Loop I, um. I haven't actually prepared anything to talk about.

Loop Soooooo...

Loop Tell me about yourself, stardust!

Siffrin (Really?) "I'd rather not."

Loop Huuuuuuuuh? Why noooooooot?

Siffrin "Don't you already know me?"

Loop Hm?

Siffrin "It just feels like it."

Siffrin "You know too much about me."

Siffrin "You knew my name, you know how I think..."

Siffrin "You knew me before we even met, didn't you?"

Loop . . .

Loop Kind of.

Siffrin (Kind of?) "Do I know you?"

Loop Oh! No, you don't know me, teehee.

Loop Don't worry, your memory isn't failing you, this time!

Loop When we met under the Favor Tree, that was... That was the very first time we've ever seen each other.

Siffrin (Is that so?) "So then..."

Siffrin "Is that why you're helping me?

Siffrin "Because you know me?"

Loop Oh.

Loop Not really.

Loop When I decided to help you...

Loop You were not a factor in the slightest.

Loop ...You are now, I suppose.

Loop But, does that mean you actually believe me? When I say I'm here to help?

Loop You don't think I'm lying, and I'm actually the one trapping you here, or whatever?

Loop You really believe that I'm here to help you...?

Siffrin (. . .)

  • "...I do."

    Loop Oh.

    Loop . . .

    Loop You always surprise me, stardust.

    Loop ...I know I wouldn't believe myself, if I was in your place.

    Loop Maybe time has made me more jaded than you are...

  • "..."

    Loop . . .

    Loop Hahahahahaha!!!

    Loop Yes, that's it! I knew it! You don't believe me at all!!!

    Loop Hahaha... I don't mind, stardust.

    Loop I wouldn't believe myself either, if I was in your place.

Loop But it's fine.

Loop Whether you believe me or not, I'm here to help you.

Loop So you can escape this loop.

Siffrin "So you believe it's possible?"

Siffrin "For me to escape?"

Loop ...Of course.

Loop Why would I be here, otherwise?

Loop I'm trapped here with you, after all.

Loop I want to escape just as much as you do.

Loop I know how it feels, you know.

Loop To be stuck somewhere... With no hope of escape...

Loop Forced to relive the exact same events over and over...

Loop Taking any deviation as a sign that things are finally going to change. That everything will be okay.

Loop And finding yourself trapped, still.

Loop Hahaha... Look at me, talking and talking!

Loop Don't pay attention to me. I'm doing fine.

(Loop laughs sadly, and looks at the House in the distance.)


Siffrin (. . .) "...Tell me about yourself, Loop."

Loop . . .

Loop I'd rather not, teehee!

(Loop winks and blows you a kiss.)

(Despite yourself, you laugh.)

(You hear Loop laugh softly, as well.)

Loop Hahaha...

Loop ...

Loop Say, stardust, that reminds me...

Loop only mentions one of these. They are sorted by priority, meaning that Loop mentions the first one that applies.

If Siffrin is level 80 or more

Loop Are you at level 80 already? That is SUCH a high level! Do you like fighting that much?!

If you've looked at 100 or more barrels total

Loop Have you really looked at more than a hundred barrels?! Do you think barrels look that appealing to the eye? Do you have a crush on barrels?!

If you've gone fishing 15 or more times

Loop Have you really gone fishing more than fifteen times? Don't you have anything better to do?!

If you've received the Change God's blessing ten or more times

Loop Did you really ask for the Change God's blessing more than ten times? You know it's not your belief, right? Teehee!

If you've slipped on the banana peel ten or more times

Loop Did you really slip on that banana more than ten times?! Why is a banana peel even here, anyway?! It's a blinding tropical fruit!!!

If none of the above apply

Loop I can't believe your first death was being crushed by the very first trap!!! How embarrassing!!!


(You and Loop animatedly talk about the different things you've done during your loops...)

(It's nice. To be able to talk about them with someone.)

(You talk and talk until the sun has risen high above you in the sky...)

Loop . . .

Loop Ah.

Loop It'll happen soon, now.

Siffrin (?) "What will?"

Loop ...

Loop The theory-crafting part of our hangout session, of course.


(You open your mouth to ask, and then...)

There is a familiar roar.

A bright star shaped light shines from the peak of the House in the distance above Loop and Siffrin. They are now both cast in shadow, which makes Loop's shine stand out all the more.

The sound of someone taking damage.


(You heard a horrible sound.)

(Your head...)

(You saw... Something.)

Loop I'm glad you decided to spend some time with me, stardust.

Loop Sorry it's going to end with this.


Loop I thought maybe it wouldn't happen, but...

Loop . . .

Loop See that light, in the distance?

Loop It's from the King's floor.

Loop I see it every time you get far enough to fight him.

Loop His first attack.

(The King's... First attack?)

(How long have you been talking to Loop?)

(Who was the King attacking?)

(Who was he...)


Loop ...

(The King doesn't attack, or do anything, until you get to him.)

(He would only attack if... If someone...)

Loop ...

Loop I can feel it, every time.

Loop Whatever he does, it makes you see something, doesn't it?

Loop Something awful.

Loop Something so terrible that it's enough to bring anyone close enough to their knees.

Loop ...

Loop Stars, I wonder who he attacked.

(. . .)

(You can't even hear Loop speak.)

(Your friends)

(They were against the King just now)

(You know how to survive his first attack, you found out, but)



(You hear someone cry out.)

(You look at Loop--)

Loop looks at Siffrin.

(Loop is just. Looking at you.)

(Not saying anything.)

(There's no pity in their gaze)

(No sadness)

(Just some slight impatience, like...)

("Did you figure it out yet?")

("Did you figure out what made the King attack just now?")

("There's only one answer, stardust.")

("Just figure it out already, so we can move on.")

("Who was the King fighting?")

("Who did the King just kill?")

("Did you figure it out yet?")

Loop . . .

Loop Did you?

(You start screaming.)

The sound of someone taking damage. The game over music plays.









Siffrin loops back. They appear in front of the Favor Tree.

(You stumble, and fall to your knees.)

(You breathe, harshly, in, and out.)

(It's not working.)

(You can't  take  a full  breath)

(You can't)

(You hit the ground with your fist.)

Siffrin (angry4) "WHY?!?"

Loop (happy1) ...

(Loop does not answer.)

Siffrin (angry4) "DID YOU KNOW THIS WOULD HAPPEN?!?"

Loop (happy1) ...

Loop (lol5) Which part? You looping back, or your party dying?

Loop (happy1) I had a suspicion about the former.

Loop (fake1) I was certain about the latter.

Siffrin draws his dagger.

Siffrin (angry4) "YOU--"

Loop (serious2) . . .

(Loop is looking straight at you.)

(They don't even seem to care that you drew out your dagger.)

(Somehow, this calms you down.)

Loop (serious2) ...

Loop (serious2) If I tell you to breathe, will you?


(. . .)

Siffrin sheathes their dagger.

(You breathe slowly, in, and out.)


Loop (serious2) ...

Siffrin (angry3) (...) "What was that for."

Loop (lol5) For funsies, of course!

(You take a step forward--)

Loop (serious2) And because I was curious to know how the loops work.

Loop (serious2) Aren't you?

(How the loops work?)

(How could what just happened teach you anything about the loops?!)

Loop (happy1) Think, stardust.

Loop (happy1) Why did you loop back just now?

Siffrin (angry1) (Huh?) "Because the King won, isn't it?"

Loop (serious2) Why would the King winning make you loop?

Loop (happy1) You don't immediately loop back the second you and your party lose, don't you?

Siffrin (angry1) (Don't you?) "I kind of do, though."

Loop (serious2) No, stardust.

Loop (subdued1) You loop when you die.

Siffrin (surprised1) "I-- No, it takes a little bit--"

Loop (fake1) You loop when you die, stardust.

Loop (happy1) The fact that the King "wins" is irrelevant.

Loop (lol1) But you didn't die just now, did you?

Loop (serious2) So why did you loop?

Siffrin (what1) "But--"

Loop (subdued1) It's the same with the Head Housemaiden. You don't die when you talk to her, so what makes you loop?

Loop (subdued1) You loop when the Head Housemaiden talks to you, and you looped just now.

If you've finished Kingquest

Loop (away1) And when... When the Kid died, you looped back, too. Even though they're the one who died, not you.

Loop (serious2) Why?

Loop (serious2) Don't you think this would be important to figure out?

(. . .)

(Loop's right...)

(There have been other times you looped back without dying, too.)

(But... What could be the reason...?)

Loop (away1) ...

Loop (sad2) I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to spend time with you.

Loop (sad2) We never got the opportunity to really talk, after all.

Loop (fake1) But...   Yes. I figured this would happen.


Loop (away1) ...I...

Loop (angry1) I won't say sorry, so you can stop waiting for it!!!

(You don't answer.)

Loop (away1) ...


Loop (away1) ...Well, it looks like that's all you can find out about the loops for now.

If you haven't reached the end with all Friendquests yet

Loop (happy1) But you can still help your party...

If you haven't finished Kingquest yet

Loop (happy1) But you can still find out more about the King, can't you?

If you've finished neither Friendquests or Kingquest

Loop (happy1) But you can still help your party...

Loop (happy2) And you still have questions to ask the King, don't you?

Loop (away1) I'll be ready to help you out next loop... But for now, I think we both need some time.


Loop (away1) ...I think you can find out more about the loops, if you search for it.

Loop (happy1) There might be some places you can go to, now that you can read those books in your language again...

Loop (away1) You should do that. I think we both need some time, before we can talk more.

Loop (teehee5) ...Come back next loop, stardust!

(You just walk away.)

Trying to talk to Loop in the same loop

Siffrin walks away from the tree.

(You don't want to talk to Loop right now.)