WIP note: reformat dialogue options. Add full page links to individual sections.
All dialogue and text for Mirabelle's Friendquest.
Sources: Map 021 (Miraquest), Map030 (Dormont), Map102 (MiraRoom), Common Event 167 (WhatToDo Act 3-4)
For the ACT 5 version of Mirabelle's friendquest, see ACT 5 Friendquests.
This page contains compiled sections from:
- Loop Talk 1
- First Talk with Mirabelle
- Loop Talk 2
- Mirabelle's Dorm Room
- Loop Talk 3
- Second Talk with Mirabelle
- Hanging out with Mirabelle (Main Scene)
- Loop Talk 4
- Skipped Quest
Loop Talk 1
Full page: Loop What To Do ACT 3 & 4
(You need help on how to...) "...help everyone."
Loop (hm1) Hm, well...
Loop (happy3) Sounds like your Housemaiden wanted to talk to you, didn't she? You might as well talk to her this loop, before you forget.
First Talk with Mirabelle
For everything leading up to this, see ACT 3 Intro. This is part of the intro to the entire Friendquest storyline.
Full page: Mirabelle Beginning Talk
(Mirabelle is here, sitting on a bench and looking at papers.)
(She wanted to talk to you, didn't she...?)
Mirabelle (anxious2) Oh! Siffrin...
Mirabelle (anxious3) Um, sorry to bother you while you're so busy, but I REALLY wanted to make sure you were okay...
Mirabelle (anxious3) You... You'd tell me if anything was wrong, right?
Siffrin (fake1) (Where is THIS coming from...) "Of course I'd tell you!"
Mirabelle (serious1) I'm not sure you're telling me the truth here.
Mirabelle (serious2) I don't want to force you to do anything, but you have to know I want you to be happy.
Mirabelle (stressed1) And I know this is a stressful moment for all of us, but the only way we can get through this is if we talk to each other! If we share our worries!
Mirabelle (awawa1) S-So, um, I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you need help with anything...!
Mirabelle (anxious2) I-If you need help with anything, I'm, I'm here for you!
(Hm, okay, weird.)
(Why is she telling you this...?)
(Ah, you know why she's asking you this.)
(Poor Mirabelle can't just say it, so you'll have to do it for her...)
Siffrin (fufu1) (Clearly what's happening is...) "Do YOU need help with something?"
Mirabelle (uwah!1) Huh? HUH? HUH?!?
Mirabelle (angy1) NO! That's not why I'm--URGH!
(Mirabelle urgh'd at you.)
Mirabelle (hmf1) Sigh. You can be such an oblivious person sometimes. Anyway, I--
(AND she sigehd! And called you names! Who is this!)
Mirabelle (serious5) --don't need help. Not at all.
Siffrin (okay2) (Okay now that's a lie.)"Not even with those papers of yours?"
(She's been looking at those for every loop you've been in. Clearly there's something wrong with them.)
(You poke the papers to make your point.)
Mirabelle (uwah!1) HUH?!? NO! NOT AT ALL!!!
Mirabelle (angy1) Do not look at the papers, the papers are irrelevant, do NOT LOOK AT THEM SIFFRIN I SEE YOU LOOKING AT THEM
(You arch an eyebrow, smiling.)
Mirabelle (angy1) Urgh!
Mirabelle (hmf1) Alright, YES the papers are giving me a lot of trouble and I hate them.
Mirabelle (awkward1) But I'm only looking at them now to get worried at something other than, um, tomorrow? They aren't that big of a deal.
Mirabelle (anxious1) If I have to be worried I'd rather be worried about the thing that won't kill me.
Mirabelle (awkward1) There's even more in my dorm room in the House... Those stupid papers have been following me since before the King stuff even started...
(There's more in her dorm room...? The one on Floor 3?)
Mirabelle (anxious2) So... If we're done talking about my papers...
Mirabelle (anxious3) If there's nothing I can do for you, Siffrin...?
Siffrin (fake1) "Nah, I'm good."
Mirabelle (anxious1) Sigh...
Mirabelle (worried1) I'll see you later, then...
(Sounds like you could help Mirabelle with her problems if you went snooping a bit...)
(...If she needs help, maybe everyone else does too?)
(You should ask everyone and see if you can help them with anything.)
Talking to her again before finding the papers
Siffrin: "Can I help you with anything?"
Mirabelle (hm1) Help? Me? With anything?
(She hugs the papers she was looking at closer to her.)
Mirabelle (stressed1) I, um. Do not need help with anything. And definitely not those papers.
(Sounds like you need to figure out what those papers are.)
(She said she had more in her dorm room in the House, didnt she?)
Loop Talk 2
Full page: Loop What To Do ACT 3 & 4
Siffrin (neutral1) (You need help on how to...) "...help everyone."
Loop (teehee1) Which one, stardust?
Siffrin (neutral1) (Which ally...) "Mirabelle."
Loop (hm1) So your Housemaiden is hiding something? Some papers?
Loop (teehee2) She implied at the time that she has more of those papers somewhere in her dorm... Maybe you should go and take a look!
Loop (lol1) Be careful, though! She might be watching you closely, since that's her room. You might have to be sneaky about it!
Mirabelle's Dorm Room
Full page: Mirabelle's Dorm Room
First, interact with Mirabelle's roommate's bed. Then, interact with Mirabelle's dresser.
Mirabelle's dresser without distracting her first
(Mirabelle's dresser.)
(Back in Dormont, she seemed worried about whatever was inside, wasn't she?)
(You'd like to look inside, but...)
Mirabelle (serious3) ...Don't even think about it, Siffrin.
(You step back and smile awkwardly.)
(You won't be able to look inside as things are now...)
(Is there something in this room that could distract her somehow...?)
Claude's bed
- First time: (A bed.)
- Subsequent times: (Mirabelle's roommate's bed.)
Mirabelle (anxious2) That's my roommate's bed...
Mirabelle (anxious3) Do you think she's okay...?
Isabeau (hm5) ...
Isabeau (brag1) What is she like, this roommate of yours?
Mirabelle (serious3) She's the worst I really don't like her.
Isabeau (huh1) Oh???
Bonnie (wait1) I didn't know Belle could hate people...
Mirabelle (anxious2) She doesn't clean her side of her room ever, and she leaves her experiments and weird potions around everywhere, and she always sings way too loud!!!
Mirabelle (serious3) And when I ask her to maybe change songs and sing something I might like, she always tells me "No can do, princess"!!!
Mirabelle (anxious2) She's mean and has no respect towards others!!!
Odile (awkward1) So, a normal roommate.
Mirabelle (angy1) MAYBE!!!!
Mirabelle (awkward2) But... Even so...
Mirabelle (sad1) Not seeing her around... It really worries me...
Isabeau (hm5) ...
Mirabelle (sad2) ...Positive... Gotta stay positive...
Mirabelle's dresser after distracting her
(Mirabelle's dresser.)
Mirabelle (sad2) ...
(Mirabelle looks sad...)
(She must be thinking about her roommate.)
(You feel bad taking advantage of this moment, but...)
(You open the drawer.)
(There's some pens, a brooch, anti-anxiety medication...)
(...And some papers.)
(Each paper seems to be a file about a different person...)
(Each has a picture of someone, their name, and what seems to be their answers to questions like "Where do you imagine yourself in ten years?" and "Do you want kids?")
(What are those papers...? She must've been looking at similar papers in Dormont. Is she choosing one person to do something...?)
(Either way, this seems to be what Mirabelle is worried about.)
(You should go and talk to her about it...)
Loop Talk 3
Full page: Loop What To Do ACT 3 & 4
Siffrin (neutral1) (You need help on how to...) "...help everyone."
Loop (teehee1) Which one, stardust?
Siffrin (neutral1) (Which ally...) "Mirabelle."
Loop (lol2) You found some papers in your Housemaiden's room! The same as the ones she's always reading in Dormont! Mystery solved!
Loop (hm1) Well, not really solved. They looked like files about different people, didn't they?
Loop (oh my1) Each file was about a different person, answering some questions like "where do you see yourself in ten years?" or whatever... I wonder what that's about?
Loop (teehee1) You should go back to Dormont and ask her about it!
Second Talk with Mirabelle
Full page: Mirabelle Beginning Talk
Mirabelle (awkward2) . . .
(Mirabelle is here, sitting on a bench and looking at papers.)
Mirabelle (happy1) Hi Siffrin! Do you need anything?
Siffrin (questions1) (Questions...) "So, which one will you choose?"
Mirabelle (happy3) Hm? Sorry?
(You point at her pile of papers.)
Mirabelle (happy3) Wha--
Mirabelle (uwah!1) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mirabelle (uwah!1) WHAT
Mirabelle (stressed1) HOW
Mirabelle (fight1) WHAT DO YOU KNOW
Mirabelle (fight3) ANSWER ME!!!!!!!
First time:
(She has her hand on her rapier!!!)
Subsequent times:
(She gets her hand on her rapier.)
- First time: Siffrin (awkward1)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (smiling3)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1)
- First time: "Y-you're choosing someone for something, right?!"
- Subsequent times: "You're choosing someone for something, right?"
- First time: Siffrin (awkward1):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (smiling3):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1):
- First time: "It seems important!!!"
- Subsequent times: It seems important."
- First time: Siffrin (n-nya1):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (fake1):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake4):
"Maybe I can help?"
Mirabelle (fight1) . . .
Mirabelle (anxious1) Hm.
Mirabelle (awkward2) I... I suppose you must have more experience than I do...
Mirabelle (serious1) Alright. I would like your help, if you'll give it.
First time:
ACT 3:
(You laugh silently.)
ACT 4:
(Experience in fighting, sure.)
- First time: Siffrin (smiling2):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (fake1):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake4):
Mirabelle (happy1) Th-thank you, Siffrin!
Mirabelle (awkward2) But, um, this might take some time!!! So, um... Make sure you have time?
- First time: Siffrin (smiling2):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (fake1):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake4):
- "I have time now."
- "Maybe in a second..."
"I have time now."
Mirabelle (stressed1) Oh! Okay!!!
Mirabelle (anxious1) Okay, how to do this... Sit down next to me, maybe?
First time repeating any friendquest
[Wow, you're here again!]
[You don't REALLY have to go through this whole thing again. You can just zone through it, and skip it completely, if you'd like.]
[You'll even still get their cool skill! But if you do, the skill will be a tiny bit less useful. Your choice!]
Available subsequent times
(Zone out?)
- (Yes.)
- (No.)
Choosing "(Yes.)" leads to the skipped scene.
"Maybe in a second..."
Mirabelle (awkward2) Oh, it's fine... Let me know when you have time, alright?
Hanging out with Mirabelle (Main Scene)
Usually, [!/.] means that "!" is used in ACT 1 & 2, and "." is used in ACT 3 & 4. In this case, it means that "!" is used in ACT 3, and "." in ACT 4.
Here, "First time" refers strictly to the first time this scene is completed, not the first time a specific dialogue choice is selected.
(You sit down.)
(Mirabelle looks at you without saying a word.)
First time only:
(She looks worried... Maybe you should take the lead.)
- First time: Siffrin (questions1):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (smiling3):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1):
"So, what are those papers, really?"
Mirabelle (anxious2) Oh.
Mirabelle (awkward2) Um.
Mirabelle (hm1) . . .
Mirabelle (awkward1b) Bonding proposals?
First time:
(Like, when you promise to stay with someone forever?)
(Is Mirabelle looking for a partner???)
Subsequent times:
(You try and act surprised.)
Mirabelle (stressed1) I-it's more like, um, dating??? Dating profiles!!! I-I'm not thinking about being bonded yet!!!
First time:
(You didn't think Mirabelle cared about that.)
(You're still confused.)
Subsequent times:
(You try and act confused.)
Mirabelle (hm1) Alright, well...
Mirabelle (stressed1) Before this all started, with the King... I decided I wanted to, uh, try!!! To date someone!!!
Mirabelle (hm1) And so I asked a dating company, and they gave me a bunch of folders of people that I could meet, and that I could date... But I haven't gone through it yet...
Mirabelle (awkward1b) So I figured I could at least get that done today. And look through all of them, and make a list?
Mirabelle (serious4) Of people I could see myself... Dating.
Mirabelle (awkward2) And... I suppose I need help? I'm choosing someone I could spend the rest of my life with... So I'd appreciate another pair of eyes.
Mirabelle (hm1) Or, um, just the one eye. As long as it's not my two eyes looking at this. Um...
Mirabelle (awkward1b) And also I need a distraction from tomorrow very badly, so I figured I'd replace my anxiety about our possible defeat with, um. This.
First time:
(Choosing someone to date is a little out of your comfort zone, but you think you can try and find someone who would fit Mirabelle. Maybe.)
ACT 3:
(You chuckle to yourself.)
(What a very Mirabelle thing to do.)
ACT 4:
(You smile at her.)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (smiling3):
- ACT 4 : Siffrin (fake1):
"Let's have a look, then."
Mirabelle (stressed1) Alright! I have a few profiles right here!
(She removes an IMMENSE folder out of her dress pocket.)
- First time: (Was she carrying it with her throughout your entire journey???)
- ACT 3: (You always did wonder what she carried in her pockets.)
- ACT 4: (...)
Mirabelle (angy1) Here's a few of them! So, um, we can-- You can go first! And tell me what you think! And I'll go after!!!
Mirabelle (stressed1) Um, so, w-well, tell me what you think about him!!!
(She shows you the file of a strong, buff looking man.)
- First time: (Is that Mirabelle's type...?)
- ACT 3: (Isabeau looks nicer, you think.)
- ACT 4: (...)
- First time: Siffrin (questions1):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (okay2):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1):
- "He looks nice?"
- "Meh."
- "We have one of those at home."
"He looks nice?"
Mirabelle (hm2) He does, I suppose?
- First time: (She supposes...?)
- Subsequent times: (She supposes.)
Mirabelle (serious1) Yes, glad we agree.
- First time: (Why show this one first, then?)
- Subsequent times: (You laugh.)
"We have one of those at home."
Mirabelle (neutral1) Wh- Do you mean Isabeau?
Mirabelle (serious1) . . .
Mirabelle (anxious1) Ew, you're right.
- First time: (Is that worth an "ew"...?)
- Subsequent times: ("Ew", she says.)
First time:
(Either way, sounds like masculine people aren't her type. Probably.)
(Maybe she would like someone more feminine?)
ACT 3:
ACT 4:
(Say the line, Siffrin.)
- First time : Siffrin (okay2):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (smiling2):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake4):
"Do you have someone more feminine looking?"
Mirabelle (hm1) Hm...
(She looks through her files.)
Mirabelle (anxious1) ...How about her?
(She shows you the profile of a gentle looking lady.)
- First time: Siffrin (questions1):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (n-nya2):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1):
- "She looks nice?"
- (Shrug.)
- "She looks like you[!/.]"
"She looks nice?"
Mirabelle (hm1) She does, I guess...?
- First time: (She guesses...?)
- Subsequent times: (She guesses.)
(She shrugs back.)
"She looks like you[!/.]"
Mirabelle (serious1) . . .
Mirabelle (anxious2) Ew, you're right.
- First time: (Is that worth an "ew"...?)
- ACT 3: ("Ew", she says.)
- ACT 4: (...)
First time:
(So, well, not into feminine people either, apparently.)
ACT 3:
ACT 4:
(Say the line, Siffrin.)
- First time: Siffrin (okay2)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (neutral3)
- ACt 4: Siffrin (fake1)
"What kind of person are you into, then?"
Mirabelle (happy1) Oh, I don't have a type! I like all kinds of people equally!
- First time: Siffrin (okay1):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (n-nya2):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (sadsmile5)
"But if you had to choose...?"
Mirabelle (anxious2) Ah, um...
Mirabelle (awkward2) Someone... Nice?
(You nod.)
Mirabelle (awkward2) And... Someone... Pretty?
- First time: (You... nod.)
- Subsequent times: (You nod, a beat later.)
Mirabelle (awkward1) And... Someone who... Likes me?
- First time: Siffrin (joke1):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (sadsmile1):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (sadsmile2):
(You don't nod.) "Mira."
Mirabelle (uwah!1) No no no no wait, wait, let me think a bit more!!!!
Mirabelle (awkward2) I want... Someone who...
Mirabelle (thinking1) . . .
Mirabelle (hm1) . . . . . .
(She thinks for an awfully long time.)
Mirabelle (stressed1) W-Well, what about you, then!!! What kind of person are you into, Siffrin!!!
First time:
(You think about how to answer this for an awfully long time, but then catch yourself.)
Subsequent times:
(You act like you're thinking for a little bit, and then answer.)
- First time: Siffrin (um2):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (joke1):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1):
"Wait, are you just going to copy my answers?"
Mirabelle (awawa1) N-NO!!!!!!!!
Mirabelle (hm1) . . .
Mirabelle (hmf1) Okay, fine.
Mirabelle (serious3) You got me, Siffrin.
Mirabelle (hm1) I'm not... Interested in that dating stuff.
First time:
(Oh, that makes sense.)
(But then, why...)
Subsequent times:
- First time: Siffrin (neutral3):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (sadsmile1):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1):
"So then, why worry about it?"
Mirabelle (hm2) . . .
Mirabelle (anxious1) You know, Siffrin...
Mirabelle (anxious2) The Change belief... Is very, very important to me.
Mirabelle (stressed1) It's all around changing! Changing with a capital C! Bettering yourself! Becoming a better, different person!
Mirabelle (haha1) And one of the ways to change is to try new things, you know? That's part of the reason the House offers so many different classes, hehe...
Mirabelle (anxious2) And so, um, so, I'm trying! I'm trying new things!
Mirabelle (awkward2) And some are fun, and fulfilling, and easy, but you can't just go and only try new, easy things, can you?
Mirabelle (anxious2) Sometimes I have to try SCARY new things! Things that make me uncomfortable!
Mirabelle (sad1) Th-Things I don't want to do, at all!!!
- First time: (Things she doesn't want to do...?)
- Subsequent times: (...)
- First time: Siffrin (sad2):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (sadsmile1):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (hide2):
"Like... Dating?"
Mirabelle (stressed1) Yes, like dating!!!
Mirabelle (anxious2) B-but, but, you know, romantic love is one of the biggest ways to Change! It's supposed to change you, to bring you new experiences, a-and...
Mirabelle (sad1) And so... I have to do it, right? To be a good Housemaiden, I have to do it...
Mirabelle (sad1) I have to date, I have to love someone in a romantic way, I have to... Do things with them...
Mirabelle (sad2) I have to bond with them I have to sleep with them I have to have children with them I have to love them in this very specific way
Mirabelle (sad2) And... And...
Mirabelle (sad2) . . .
- First time: Siffrin (serious1):
- Subsequent times: Siffrin (hide1):
"And you don't want to?"
Mirabelle (sad2) ...And...
Mirabelle (sad2) And I don't want to...
Mirabelle (serious5) I don't want to do it, Siffrin, not at all!!!
Mirabelle (serious4) Dating, the idea of being in a romantic relationship, of being with someone like that, I hate thinking about it! I hate the idea of it! I really do!!!
Mirabelle (sad1) The idea of it alone is just awful for me to think about...!!!
Mirabelle (sad1) I can't love someone like that... In the way I should love them... It never happened, and I don't think it ever will!
Mirabelle (sad2) And, I... I need this to change, don't I...?
First time:
(Oh stars, this is heavy.)
(You're not sure what to say.)
(Maybe... Maybe...)
ACT 3:
ACT 4:
(Say the line, Siffrin.)
- First time: Siffrin (shit1):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (serious1):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (hide1):
"Well, um..."
Mirabelle (sad2) . . .
- First time: Siffrin (sad2):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (hide1):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (hide2):
"...Why do you need to change...?"
Mirabelle (yell1) BECAUSE, I HAVE TO, SIFFRIN!!!
Mirabelle (stressed2) I'm a Housemaiden!!! And I love it, I love helping people, getting to know them, I love learning new things, I love it all, but...
Mirabelle (angy1) BUT I HAVE TO CHANGE IN THAT WAY, TOO!!!
Mirabelle (anxious3) I wish I could just, not do it!!! Not be with someone that way!!!
Mirabelle (stressed2) But, Siffrin, there is such a pressure to force us to do that!
Mirabelle (yell1) And not only that, there's such intense pressure to force us to Change!
Mirabelle (angy1) We have YEARLY FESTIVALS all around showing yourself as a new person, for crab's sake!!!
Mirabelle (sad2) Most Housemaidens have completely Changed at least once, and I haven't! Isabeau isn't even a Housemaiden, and he's Changed! And I haven't!!!
Mirabelle (stressed1) And, and I don't-- I don't WANT to change! I'm happy with who I am! I'm comfortable with who I am!!!
Mirabelle (anxious2) I'm comfortable with the idea of not being with anyone! I'm comfortable with the idea of staying the same forever!!!
Mirabelle (sad1) But we have to change and bring new things into our lives and change clothes and hairstyles and even part of our PERSONALITIES...
Mirabelle (sad1) To appeal to a deity that...
Mirabelle (sad2) That... That I don't know if they understand that sometimes, I'd just like to stay the same.
Mirabelle (sad2) Or maybe they do. Maybe that's why they haven't...
Mirabelle (sad2) . . .
Mirabelle (anxious3) And now... I have a list of people that I could meet so that I can fall in love with them, which I can't do...
Mirabelle (anxious2) ....And d-do things with them, which I will never, ever want to do.
Mirabelle (sad1) All so I can change.
Mirabelle (sad2) And it makes me feel like a mistake.
Mirabelle (sad2) That I must be broken for not being able to want these things. B-because everyone else can.
First time:
(. . .)
ACT 3:
(You'd never told anyone this before.)
(You wonder what made you tell her, at that moment.)
ACT 4:
(You wish you didn't feel those feelings, sometimes.)
- First time: Siffrin (sad2):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (shit1):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (hide2):
"Well, I don't know about the romantic part..."
- First time: Siffrin (okay2):
- Subsequent times: Siffrin (hide1):
"But I don't want to 'do things' with people, either."
Mirabelle (neutral1) . . .
Mirabelle (neutral1) Huh?
Mirabelle (neutral1) Why not?
- First time: Siffrin (okay2):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (sadsmile1):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1):
"It's weird, right?"
Mirabelle (neutral1) . . .
Mirabelle (neutral1) Yes...
(Mirabelle takes hold of your hands.)
- First time: (You jump a little, but she doesn't notice.)
- Subsequent times: (You don't react.)
Mirabelle (awawa1) YEAH!!! Yeah!!! It's just weird! And gross! It's awful!!! I don't want it at all!!!
Mirabelle (happy1) Oh, Siffrin, Siffrin!!! You mean it? You really mean it? You understand?
- First time: Siffrin (lol1):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (n-nya2):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1):
"Yeah, of course!"
Mirabelle (happy1) Haha, hahaha!!!
Mirabelle (gentle1) Ha... What a relief... To have someone who understands this, at least...
Mirabelle (sad2) ...But it doesn't fix anything.
Mirabelle (anxious2) I need to change... And dating... It's part of it, so...
(Mirabelle sighs...)
Mirabelle (hm2) . . .
Mirabelle (anxious1) Siffrin... I know you don't follow the Change belief, but... Do you have something like this?
Mirabelle (anxious3) Something that brings you joy, and community, and faith...
Mirabelle (awkward2) But some other parts... You don't know how to follow? Some other parts, you don't know what to do with?
Mirabelle (anxious1) Some other parts just... Bring you grief?
(Something that brings you both joy and grief?)
(. . .)
- Before Kingquest: (You think about the stars.)
- After Kingquest: (You don't think about anything.)
Siffrin (hide1) "It's more complicated than that for me, but...
- First time: Siffrin (serious1):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (fake1):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake3):
"Yeah. I have something like that.
Mirabelle (anxious2) So you do, too...
Mirabelle (anxious1) How... How do you deal with it, then?
- First time: Siffrin (fake1):
- Subsequent times: Siffrin (fake3):
(You don't.) "I just try to not think about things that bother me in general, haha."
Mirabelle (anxious1) ...Avoidance, huh...
Mirabelle (awkward2) That feels... A little too cowardly, for me.
- First time: (Ouch.)
- Subsequent times: (...)
Mirabelle (awawa1) I-I mean!!! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say--!!!
First time:
(You laugh.)
(You know she didn't mean it that way.)
(Of course not.)
(. . .)
(You didn't know Mirabelle held those feelings towards the Change belief...)
(She always seemed so passionate about it.)
(But the belief she loves so much is also the same belief that forces her into a box she doesn't want to be in...)
(Why doesn't she leave it behind, then?)
(...You suppose it's not that simple.)
Second time in ACT 3:
(You smile.)
(You were wrong, the first time you talked to her.)
(Instead of telling her to change by not changing...)
(Couldn't she instead change the belief, instead of the belief changing her?)
(Why should she be the one to do the work?)
(Why couldn't the world change for her, instead?)
(You could tell her that.)
(But changing the script is scary.)
Subsequent times in ACT 3:
(Say the line, Siffrin.)
First time in ACT 4:
(You try to smile.)
(She's right. You're just a coward who doesn't want to think about anything that could hurt you.)
(You're pathetic.)
(What do you know about belief, anyway?)
(What do you know about faith?)
(You believe in something you forget about half the time.)
(Remembering it brings you only pain and grief.)
(The Universe leads. You can only follow.)
(. . .)
(Say your lines, then.)
(Follow the blinding script.)
Subsequent times in ACT 4:
(Follow the script.)
- First time: Siffrin (questions1):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (hide1):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1):
"I don't know anything about your belief, but..."
- First time: Siffrin (smiling3):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (hide1):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1):
"You could always game the system, right?
Mirabelle (neutral1): ...Game the system?
- First time: Siffrin (um1):
- Subsequent times: Siffrin (fake1):
"Change things by... Deciding not to change?"
- First time: Siffrin (happy1):
- Subsequent times: Siffrin (fake1):
"If everyone changes in that way, then you'll change by not changing in that way."
- First time: Siffrin (happy1):
- Subsequent times: Siffrin (fake1):
"There's more than one way to become a better person, right?"
Mirabelle (neutral1) Changing... By deciding not to change?
Mirabelle (pft1) Heh...
Mirabelle (happy1) Hahahaha!!! Siffrin!!! That's not how it works!!!
- First time: Siffrin (joke1):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (smiling2):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (sadsmile2):
"But no one needs to know."
Mirabelle (happy1) Hehehehehe!!!
Mirabelle (happy3) Ha...
Mirabelle (hm3) . . .
Mirabelle (hm3) Change myself... By deciding not to change...
- First time: Siffrin (fufu1):
- ACT 3: Siffrin (happy1):
- ACT 4: Siffrin (sadsmile3):
"Sounds challenging and fun to me.
First time:
(Right now, you mean it.)
ACT 3:
(Is it fun, you wonder.)
ACT 4:
(Deciding not to change...)
(Isn't it just accepting that you're fine with everything staying the same?)
(But you're fine with it, still. You're fine. You're fine.)
(You're fine.)
Mirabelle (gentle1) . . .
Mirabelle (gentle1) It does.
Mirabelle (happy2) It does sound challenging and fun!!!

(Mirabelle smiles at you brightly.)
(You smile back.)
Mirabelle: Thank you, Siffrin...
Mirabelle: Thank you! For talking with me!
Mirabelle (awawa1) O-oh!!! Look at the time... You probably had other things to do, didn't you?
Mirabelle (happy1) Go, go, don't let me keep you!
Mirabelle (gentle1) I need... To be alone for a little bit.
Mirabelle (haha1) I have a lot to think about.
Mirabelle (happy2) ...I'll see you later, okay?
First time:
(You got a MEMORY OF FAITH!)
(You'll always remember this.)
[When equipped, Memory of Faith boosts all of your Housemaiden's stats by 30! Wow!]
[Your Housemaiden also learned the skill "Holy Care Shield"!!!]
["Holy Care Shield" is amazingly strong. When used, it creates a shield that makes everyone invulnerable to attacks for one turn!!!]
[It's so strong, you'll only be able to use it when you and your Housemaiden have had this exact conversation. So if you loop back to Dormont, you'll have to talk to her all over again! Remember that, okay?]
Subsequent times:
[Your Housemaiden learned how to use "Holy Care Shield" again!!!]
ACT 3:
(You nod to Mirabelle.)
(You wave goodbye.)
ACT 4:
(You remember to wave goodbye to Mirabelle.)
Loop Talk 4
Full page: Loop What To Do ACT 3 & 4
- ACT 3: Siffrin (neutral1)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (tired2)
- (You need help on how to...) "...help everyone."
Loop (teehee1) Which one, stardust?
- ACT 3: Siffrin (neutral1)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (tired2)
- (Which ally...) "Mirabelle."
Loop (teehee1) Had a nice time talking with your Housemaiden?
Loop (away1) So... She feels bad, because she can't love people romantically, and she feels like she can't do what's needed of her, as a Housemaiden...
Loop (away1) She feels like she can't change in the way that's asked of her, since she doesn't want to get in a relationship, ever.
Loop (away1) Must be hard. Having a crisis of faith like this.
Loop (happy1) ...Sounds like talking to you helped her, though.
Loop (teehee1) And talking to her didn't help you, but it made her stronger, which is all you can ask for, huh?
Loop (teehee2) Don't forget! If you want her to get that special skill again, you'll have to hang out with her once more.
Loop (lol1) Or, well, you could do it and zone out the whole time if you wanted to. But that's cheating!
Skipped Quest
(You sit down.)
Mirabelle (anxious2) Oh.
Mirabelle (awkward1b) So I figured I could at least get that done today.
Mirabelle (stressed1) Um, so, w-well, tell me what you think about him!!!
Mirabelle (happy1) I like all kinds of people equally!
Mirabelle (awkward2) I want... Someone who...
Mirabelle (awawa1) N-NO!!!!!!!!
Mirabelle (serious3) You got me, Siffrin.
Mirabelle (anxious1) You know, Siffrin...
Mirabelle (anxious2) --romantic love is one of the biggest ways to Change!
Mirabelle (sad2) And I don't want to...
Mirabelle (sad1) To appeal to a deity that...
Mirabelle (neutral1) Huh?
Mirabelle (sad2) ...But it doesn't fix anything.
Mirabelle (anxious2) So you do, too...
Mirabelle (hm3) Change myself...
Mirabelle (happy2) It does sound challenging and fun!!!
Mirabelle (gentle1) Thank you, Siffrin...
Mirabelle (happy2) ...I'll see you later, okay?