Bonnie End Talk (ACT 6)
Created by fairywrenss and FelikatzeSource: Map053 (EPILOGUE)
All text for talking to Bonnie in the last room in ACT 6.
"US" refers to Siffrin portraits unique to ACT 6.
First interaction
Bonnie (yeah!2) Hey Frin!
Siffrin (US_guilty1) "Bonnie..."
Bonnie (wait1) Huh? Huh? What's wrong?
Siffrin (US_guilty1) "I-I'm sorry for yesterday."
Bonnie (serious1) Oh, okay.
Bonnie (surprised1) For what though?
Siffrin (US_guilty2) "For, um, being mean."
Siffrin (US_sad1) "And trying to make you stronger and stuff."
Siffrin (US_sad2) "And making you cry."
Bonnie (oh!1) OH!
Bonnie (happy2) Oh, nah, it's okay, I get it.
Bonnie (and then1) You were weird and mean yesterday because you were hungry and sick!
Bonnie (hmf2) I get it, I do.
Bonnie (victory1) Me and my sister also get really cranky when we're hungry or sick.
Bonnie (happy2) One time, I broke her favorite bowl because I was hungry, and another time, she yelled at me very loud because I didn't clean my room and she was sick.
Bonnie (stop!1) And you were hungry AND sick at the SAME TIME!!!!!!
Bonnie (sad1) And also, um, you were sad, right? Because you thought we were all leaving?
Bonnie (sad1) And because we, um, didn't notice you were sad before? 'Cuz we don't remember it?
Bonnie (serious1) Because you went through the same day a bunch of times and we didn't know?
Bonnie (sulk2) Odile said... You were sticked in a timeloops. Or something.
Bonnie (sulk5) I don't really get it, but isn't it like...
Bonnie (surprised1) It's like you had to go to school every day without a day off or even a lunch break, right?
Bonnie (no!2) Like, you had to sit at school and the teacher taught you the exact same thing every time and you had to act like you didn't know the thing?
Bonnie (surprised1) And you had to do that for a very long time?
Siffrin (US_ohshit1) (......) "...Yes, that's pretty much it."
Bonnie (surprised1) Woah.
Bonnie (stop!2) But see!!!
Bonnie (sulk2) I've never been hungry AND sick AND sad AND still had to go to school at the same time before...
Bonnie (serious1) But I think that if I was, I would blow up the world.
Bonnie (serious1) That's how mean I would be.
Siffrin (US_happyy1) (Hahaha!) "You would blow up the world, huh?"
Bonnie (sulk5) Blow up this whole crabbing world.
Bonnie (happy2) And you were only mean to us, which is four people, but THEN you went through the whole House on your own! And you almost beat the King, too!
Bonnie (hmf2) And you ALMOST blew up the world I think, but not really, and it only made the sky go weird for a bit instead, so it's fine.
Bonnie (serious1) I think that, uh... Bolances it out.
Siffrin (US_happy2) "'Balances it out'."
Bonnie (and then1) Yeah, that!
Siffrin (US_happyy1) (You laugh.) "Okay!"
Bonnie (smile4) Heheheh!
Siffrin (US_guilty2) (...) "I still am sorry, you know."
Siffrin (US_sad1) "I tried to protect you, and I did the exact opposite."
Siffrin (US_guilty2) "I shouldn't have done what I did."
Bonnie (serious1) Hm.
Bonnie (happy2) It's okay, you were just being stupid.
Bonnie (hmf3) Za told me adults can be stupid too. It happens.
Bonnie (happy2) So try not to be stupid anymore!
Siffrin (US_happy2) "I'll try, Bonbon."
Bonnie (yeah!3) Yay!

(Bonnie hugs you tightly.)
(You hug them back.)
(You have practice now, after all!!!)
The Eternal Snacks are added to your inventory, unannounced.
Repeated interaction
All dialogue options except "Nothing, just saying hi!" can only be chosen once.
Bonnie (happy2) Hey Frin!
Siffrin (US_question1) (Hm...)
"So, Snack Leader..."
Siffrin (US_question1) "So, Snack Leader..."
Bonnie (shy2) Wh-what? "Snack Leader"?
Siffrin (US_happy2) "Do you still carry snacks on you?"
Bonnie (no!2) Yeah!!! I do!!!
Bonnie (yeah!2) And you do, too!!!
If you haven't eaten any Eternal Snacks yet
(Bonnie smiles mischievously and looks towards your pockets.)
(...You look inside...)
(You put the snacks back in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)
If you have
(You sure do.)
(You grin at Bonnie.)
Bonnie (smile3) Heheheh.
Bonnie (surprised1) Are you still hungry?
Bonnie (stop!1) Wait, of course you're hungry!!! You barely ate anything and you had a fever and you fought a bunch of Sadnesses on your own!!!
Bonnie (happy2) Here, have more snacks.
(Bonnie gives you a truly immense amount of snacks!!!)
(They smell so good!!! You're so hungry!!!)
(You start eating, expecting to eat them all...)
(You're not even halfway done with the pile, but you're already comfortably full.)
(You smile.)
Bonnie (serious1) Are you okay, Frin? Did you eat your fill?
Siffrin (US_happyy1) "I did!"
Bonnie (smile1) Hehehe... Good!
(You smile.)
If you ate all nine of Bonnie's snacks (Memory of Snack Rooms)
Siffrin (US_happy2) "And, you know..."
Siffrin (US_happy2) "I didn't realize you were such an amazing cook, Bonbon."
Bonnie (surprised1) Huh? What do you mean?
Siffrin (US_happy2) "You prepared a whole lot of snacks, before."
Siffrin (US_happyy1) "You know so many recipes!"
Bonnie (and then1) Oh!!!
Bonnie (smile4) Hehe... Thank you.
Bonnie (stop!2) WAIT!!! I made snacks before?!?
Bonnie (shy2) So, so does that mean, um...
Bonnie (shy2) Did I ever... Make malanga fritters, before?
Siffrin (US_yahoo1) (Oh!) "Yes!!!"
Bonnie (no!2) Oh!!!
Bonnie (sulk5) And... A-And, what did you think?
Siffrin (US_yahoo2) "I LOVED them, Bonbon!"
Siffrin (US_happyy1) "I loved them so much!!!"
Bonnie (no!2) REALLY?
Siffrin (US_yahoo1) "REALLY!"
Bonnie (yeah!1) YEAH!!!!!!!!!!
Bonnie (yeah!3) Hehehe!!! YAHOO!!!!!!!
Bonnie (proud1) Well, of course you liked them. I'm very good at cooking.
Bonnie (happy1) But I didn't know them before! Did you eat them a lot, when you were a kid?
Siffrin (US_sad1) (...) "...Yeah."
Siffrin (US_sadsmile1) "If nothing else, I do remember that, right now."
Bonnie (surprised1) "If nothing else"...?
Siffrin (US_sadsmile1) "I'll tell you about that, one day, maybe."
Siffrin (US_sadsmile1) "It would just be a lot to talk about, right now."
Bonnie (happy2) Ah, yeah, adult stuff, I get it.
Bonnie (hmf1) But tell me later, then, okay?
(You give Bonnie a thumbs up.)
(Bonnie jumps and gives you one back.)
"Bonbon, about my eye..."
Bonnie (surprised1) Your eye?
Bonnie (sulk1) ... Oh.
Bonnie (sad1) That's not...
Bonnie (sulk4) Why are you talking about this?
Siffrin (US_guilty2) "I talked to you about it before."
Bonnie (sad1) Me? Oh, another Bonnie...
Bonnie (sad1) ...
Siffrin (US_guilty1) "I got in front of that Sadness back then because I wanted to protect you."
Siffrin (US_guilty2) "I didn't mean to get hurt, but if it's anyone's fault, it was mine."
Siffrin (US_guilty2) "It wasn't your fault, Bonnie."
Bonnie (sad1) ...
Bonnie (sad2) But... If only I was stronger then...
Siffrin (US_serious1) "I'd still protect you."
Siffrin (US_happy2) "But differently!"
Bonnie (surprised1) Differently?
Siffrin (US_happy2) "I wouldn't get hurt, either!"
Bonnie (sad1) Oh.
Bonnie (sad2) ...
Bonnie (serious1) I guess you can protect me sometimes if you promise not to get hurt.
Bonnie (sulk1) I don't want you to get hurt
Bonnie (serious1) So do you promise?
Siffrin (US_sad1) (...) "I can't promise, no."
Bonnie (no!1) Huh?! Why not?!
Siffrin (US_sad2) (You remember a hand, squeezing.) "I haven't been very good at keeping promises to you."
Siffrin (US_sad2) "So I... I can't..."
Bonnie (sulk1) ...
Bonnie (serious1) I mean, if you aren't good at keeping promises, it doesn't mean you have to stop trying to keep them.
Bonnie (sad1) I... I'm not good at keeping promises either.
Bonnie (sad1) I kept promising my sister I would do my chores, or clean my room, or not blow up the kitchen, but sometimes I did it anyway.
Bonnie (sad1) But... B-Before she got frozen...
Bonnie (sad2) She yelled at me, and made me promise that I would run as far as I could, so I would live.
Bonnie (sad2) And I didn't think I could do it, but I tried very, very hard.
Bonnie (no!1) And I'm okay, now! And I'll get to show her I'm okay, when we go see her! So...
Bonnie (hmf2) And you'll be with me! And I'll say, "That's Frin! I'm here and you're okay because he made a wish for that to happen"!!!
Bonnie (happy2) So, I don't think promises are that important to keep, but they're important to TRY to keep, you know?
Bonnie (happy1) So, will you try?
Siffrin (US_sadsmile1) (...) "I'll try."
Bonnie (surprised1) Will you super try?
Siffrin (US_happy2) "I'll super try."
Bonnie (and then1) Will you super duper try?!?
Siffrin (US_happyy1) "I'll super duper try!!!"
Bonnie (yeah!3) Crab yeah!!!
Bonnie (happy1) So it's fine! Just try!!!
Bonnie (smile4) And I'll super duper try to protect you without getting hurt, too!!!
(Bonnie runs into you and bonks your stomach. Ouch!)
(You lean into Bonnie, too.)
Bonnie (oh!1) Oh, you know how to give hugs, now!
Siffrin (US_happy2) "I had a good teacher."
You had a teacher for hugs? That's weird.
(You laugh.)
Only available if you have Memory of Promise.
Bonnie (happy2) Hm?
Siffrin (US_sadsmile1) "None of us died."
Bonnie (happy1) Yeah!
Bonnie (mock1) But, um, I know, stupid. I can see it.
(Yeah, stupid!!!)
Siffrin (US_surprised1) (Why would you tell a kid this!!!) "S-Sorry, it's just..."
Siffrin (US_sad1) "You... Because of us, every loop, you'd get really worried that we'd die."
Siffrin (US_sad2) "So... Even if you don't remember, I just wanted to tell you that we're all okay."
Bonnie (surprised1) Huh.
Siffrin (US_awawa1) "Sorry, that was stupid. You don't even remember.
Bonnie (yeah!3) No, I get it! You HAD to tell me!
Bonnie (happy2) It's like when I dreamt that my sister stole my breakfast and when I woke up I wouldn't talk to her until she apologized.
Bonnie (hmf3) Past Bonnie was scared about everyone dying and I don't remember but you do...
Bonnie (happy1) ...And it makes you happy everyone is okay and you wanted to tell past Bonnie about it, and I'm here so you can tell me!!!
Bonnie (smile3) I'm glad everyone is okay, too!
(Bonnie grins at you.)
(You smile, and breathe out slowly, trying not to cry.)
"Nothing, just saying hi!"
Bonnie (smile4) What, that's it?
Bonnie (proud1) Hehehe... Hi, Frin!
did you know that bonnie has an invisible set level of 12?