Odile End Talk (ACT 6)
Page created by FelikatzeSource: Map053 (EPILOGUE)
All text for talking to Odile in the last room in ACT 6.
"US" refers to Siffrin portraits unique to ACT 6.
First interaction
Siffrin (US_guilty2) "Odile..."
Odile (huh1) Oh, Siffrin... Is your fever better?
(You nod.)
(You feel a little lightheaded and weak, still...)
(But you don't feel as... Off, as you felt earlier.)
Odile (yeah1) Good.
Odile (dotdotdot2) I'm glad you're feeling better. You really worried us earlier.
Odile (worried2) We were... Really, really worried for you, Siffrin.
Odile (lol3) Oh, also, I'm going to repeat myself: One: I forgive you, out of the goodness of my heart, which means that two: you don't need to apologize.
Siffrin (US_sad1) (But...) "..."
Odile (huh1) What's wrong?
Siffrin (US_sad3) "I think everyone is taking what I did a little too well."
Odile (lol2) What? Your time loops, or how much of a stupid annoying crab you've been?
Siffrin (US_sad2) "..."
Odile (lol4) Don't worry. We'd tell you if we were mad.
Odile (reading1) Maybe for some of us, the questions and anger will come later...
Odile (lol3) But isn't it good that for now, we're okay with it all?
Siffrin (US_no!2) "But you shouldn't be okay with it!"
Odile (serious2) ... Siffrin.
Odile (wonder1) Yes, you said horrible things yesterday, which made us all upset and angry...
Odile (melan1) But then, we learned you went to the House alone, and went through it all on your own.
Odile (melan4) And we learned that those horrible things you did... You did them because you'd been going depressed and insane...
Odile (melan4) ...Because you were repeating the same two days for a very long time.
Odile (gimme1) A time loop that started because you wanted to stay with us so much you were, subconsciously or not, willing to trap yourself over it.
Odile (serious2) Do you know how it makes us feel?
Siffrin (US_sad2) (...)
- "Upset?"
- "Disgusted?"
- "Horrified?"
Odile (urgh1) Yeeeeesh.
Odile (wonder1) . . .I can't speak for everyone, but...

Odile But I think it's the cutest thing I've ever heard.
Siffrin (US_awawa1) "CUTE?!?!"
Odile Siffrin, Siffrin, Siffrin.
Odile You love us so much you used some forgotten Craft power to stay with us forever.
Odile That's cute.
Siffrin (US_no!2) "THAT'S NOT CUTE, THAT'S--"
Odile Cute.
Siffrin (US_awawa2) "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Odile Can't change my mind.
Siffrin (US_surprised1) "YOU, YOU--"
(You can't help but laugh.)
Odile Heh.
Siffrin (US_happy2) "That's not cute, that's..."
Odile It's very cute.
Odile (worried2) ...Siffrin.
Odile (gimme1) Sure, you might think you messed up yesterday. And maybe you did.
Odile (dotdotdot2) But. . . And I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling like this...
Odile (melan6) But I feel like I messed up yesterday, too.
Odile (melan6) I didn't talk to you. I didn't try to figure out what was wrong, even though something clearly was wrong.
Odile (guilty1) And...
Odile (melan1) . . . I just feel like I could've done more to help you, is all.
(. . .)
Odile (laugh1) Hah! I can tell you disagree.
Odile (gentle1) That's alright.
Odile (lol4) We can both feel guilty, and hopefully our guilt will cancel each other out eventually.
Odile (serious2) But, please, remember this.
Odile (yeah1) We want to stay with you for a bit longer, too.
Odile (yeah1) Because we feel the same way you do.
Odile (yeah1) We care for you. We want you to be happy. We want to spend more time with you.
If you chose Odile when wishing at the Favor Tree in ACT 1
Odile (melan5) And... I think it'd be nice to show you around Ka Bue, too.
Odile (lol1) Have to make that wish of yours come true, huh?
Odile (melan3) And... One day, this new journey that we are starting together... It'll end. It's inevitable that we'll all go our separate ways, eventually.
Odile (melan1) But, even if we're not together... Even if we're in completely different places from each other...
Odile (yeah1) I know that I won't forget the times we've spent together.
Odile (gentle1) I won't ever forget you, Siffrin. None of us will.
Odile (lol2) I'll even say the dreaded L-word, if you're still not convinced we care for you, but don't push your luck.
Odile (yeah1) Okay?
(You nod.)
Odile (yeah1) Good.
Odile (lol1) And really, Siffrin. If I got upset every time some child decided to be mean to me, I'd always be upset.
Odile (melan1) Don't worry about it. Like I said, I've already forgiven you.
Odile (melan5) I hope you'll forgive me for not trying harder to find out what was wrong, too.
Siffrin (US_sadsmile1) "...Okay."
Odile (gentle1) Okay.
Odile (reading2) Now get out of here, and go talk to everyone else. This emotional talk tired me out.
Siffrin (US_joke1) "Not the battles, or anything?"
Odile (lol1) Of course not, silly. I have a body in peak physical condition.
Odile (gentle1) Go away now, Siffrin.
(She ruffles your hair, and pushes you away with a smile.)
(You smile back.)
Repeated interaction
All dialogue options except "Nothing, just saying hi!" can only be chosen once.
Odile (yeah1) Hello again, Siffrin. How are you doing?
Siffrin (US_question1) (Hm...)
"So, what's your theory?"
Odile (huh1) Hm? For what?
Siffrin (US_serious1) "For what happened to me."
Odile (wonder1) Ah... With your loops, you mean.
Odile (gimme1) Well. Do you want the short explanation, or the long one?
Siffrin (US_serious2)
"The short one."
(You just want to put this behind you.)
Odile (wonder1) Alright, well, in a few sentences...
Odile (gimme1) Your wish to stay with us, and Vaugarde's wish to be saved, merged together into a Super Wish.
Odile (huh1) Mixed them up, and made you able to spend forever with us, and also allowing you endless tries against the King.
Odile (huh2) But when you'd beat the King, you probably subconsciously realized this was the end of your time with us, and so the wish would make you loop back...
Odile (huh2) ...Back to a time where you are still with us.
Odile (lol2) That's pretty much it. Makes sense?
Siffrin (US_ohshit1) (...)
"Yeah, I guess."
Odile (dotdotdot2) Hm.
Odile (dotdotdot1) ...
"Can I have the long version, actually...?"
"The long one."
(You have to know...)
Odile (wonder1) Alright, well...
Odile (dotdotdot1) First, Wish Craft is a thing. I'm guessing you know more about Wish Craft than we do, at this point.
Odile (gimme1) Not only because of what you've found out through your loops, but also because I believe you knew some of the rituals beforehand...?
(You nod.)
(Consciously or not, you've always known them.)
(Grew up with them, if you had to guess.)
Odile (dotdotdot2) Hm. Well...
Odile (gimme1) Before your loops started, you made a wish to stay with all of us.
Odile (serious2) A simple wish, but backed with rituals. It'd make sense for Wish Craft to hear your wish, and try to make it come true.
Odile (melan2) Unrelated to this, people in Vaugarde wished for the King to be defeated, for people to not be frozen in time anymore...
Odile (gimme1) Wishes that boiled down to "we wish for Vaugarde to be saved from the King."
Odile (wonder1) Everyone in Vaugarde knows about the Favor Trees, but no one really knew how to Craft wishes from them.
Odile (wonder1) And rituals are more important than intent, when it comes to wishes...
Odile (gimme1) But that's when it's a single person doing Wish Craft. But an entire country, channeling their belief towards a single goal?
Odile (dotdotdot2) No rituals needed. Just intent.
Odile (guilty1) And, in the end... Mirabelle, and every one of us... We had little to no chance of winning against the King on our own.
Odile (gimme1) Which would make Vaugarde's wish, filled with belief, and yours, supported by rituals, impossible to grant.
Odile (wonder1) And so... My theory is that Wish Craft merged those two wishes together.
Odile (gimme1) Mixed them up and made you able to spend more time with us, and also allowing you endless tries against the King.
Odile (serious2) The intent to defeat the King, with the means to do it.
Odile (dotdotdot2) So every time you died, you'd come back, to make sure you could save Vaugarde.
Odile (dotdotdot3) But... I'm guessing that this isn't the first time you're here, right? In this room, having beaten the King?
Odile (melan1) Knowing this is the end of your journey?
Siffrin (US_sad1) "That we can't be together anymore."
Odile (melan4) And if you're convinced you can't be with us anymore, that this is the end...
Siffrin (US_sad4) "Wish Craft reacts..."
Odile (melan1) And brings you back to a time where you're with us once more.
Siffrin (US_sad1) "..."
Odile (dotdotdot2) ...
Odile (guilty2) Phrased like that, it kind of feels like you're to blame for your own suffering...
Odile (serious2) But listen. I don't know everything that happened while you looped again and again...
Odile (worried2) But the truth is, the first time we fought the King...
Odile (guilty1) We died, didn't we?
Odile (melan2) Or maybe we even died before we even got to him...
Odile (melan1) Siffrin...
Odile (melan6) It's just conjecture, but I think that without you, everyone's wish to save Vaugarde would have been... Aimless. Directionless.
Odile (worried2) Your wish gave everyone's wish direction.
Odile (worried1) And without your wish, the King would've won.
Odile (lol2) And what kind of ending would that have been?
Siffrin (US_neutral1) (. . .)
"A bad one."
Odile (gentle1) Indeed.
"The real one."
Odile (melan2) ... Oh, Siffrin...
Odile (melan4) ...
Odile (dotdotdot1) This experience... It may stay with you for a while.
Odile (dotdotdot3) It may stay with you forever.
Odile (worried2) But, I want you to know this...
Odile (worried2) Mirabelle, Isabeau, Boniface...
Odile (serious2) And I, too...
Odile (lol1) We won't leave you alone so easily. Even after our new journey ends.
Odile (lol2) And so. You have to promise to tell us if something's wrong, now. None of that "I'll keep all my feelings here and one day I'll die" stuff, got it?
Siffrin (US_sad1) "..."
Odile (serious2) GOT IT?
Siffrin (US_sad4) "..."
Siffrin (US_sad3) "I'll try."
Odile (lol1) Heh.
Odile (yeah1) It's all I can ask for.
(Odile looks at you warmly.)
(You hesitantly smile back.)
"What's the dreaded L-word?"
Odile (reading2) . . .
Odile (lol3) Linguini.
Odile (lol2) I "linguini" you, Siffrin.
Siffrin (US_happy2) (HAH!) "Odile..."
Odile (lol3) Hm?
Siffrin (US_joke1) "I feel very 'gnocchi' to know you, too."
Odile (laugh1) HA!!!!
(Yay, success, she laughed!!!)
(You beam.)
Odile (gentle1) ...I know it's only been two days, or even less that that...
Odile (gentle1) But I missed your stupid puns, Siffrin.
Odile (melan5) I was very worried about you, today. We all were.
(You make a face.)
Odile (lol2) Heh, you don't like it, huh? Being worried about.
Odile (lol1) Feels gross, doesn't it?
Siffrin (US_shy1) (It does!) "...I'm not used to people being worried about me."
Odile (worried1) ...Is it...
Odile (serious2) Is it because you don't remember it happening?
(You flinch a little.)
Odile (melan2) ...Siffrin...
Odile (worried2) I won't pretend to know I understand how it feels. To not remember your childhood, your country, anything.
Odile (serious2) But I have two facts for you.
Odile (yeah1) One: we should talk about it, you and I. I might understand what you're going through better than most.
(It did help a bit, to talk to her about it.)
Odile (wonder1) And two...
Odile (gimme1) Just because you don't remember it happening, doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Odile (yeah1) You know, to be worried about someone, you have to love them.
Odile (lol3) And you are very lovable, Siffrin. Whatever happened before, I have no doubt you were loved.
(You feel very warm.)
(You try to hide your face by lowering your hat, but...)
Odile (laugh1) Hah, can't hide your face without your hat, huh?
(You both laugh.)
"You found out about everything, once."
Only available if you have Memory of A Secret.
Odile (wonder1) Ah...
Odile (gimme1) By "everything", I suppose you mean your loops?
(You nod.)
(In a way, she even found out about how your wish was part of it, even before you realized it, let alone accepted it.)
Odile (hm2) Hm.
Odile (dotdotdot3) And what happened, after I found out?
Siffrin (US_joke1) "I immediately looped back, of course."
Odile (lol1) Of course you did.
Odile (wry1) You and Isabeau. Two cowardly peas in a pod.
Odile (lol1) I AM very proud of myself, though. Even through time, I can smell lies.
Siffrin (US_sad2) (...) "It was a little scary."
Siffrin (US_sadsmile1) "When you found out."
Odile (worried1) Hm. Of course it was.
Odile (gimme1) If you had lied to me for an entire day, on such an important day, on something I could feel was important, I would've been angry.
Odile (dotdotdot2) . . .
Odile (guilty1) But... It probably didn't help, did it.
Odile (guilty1) ...
Odile (guilty2) If I was... Gentler, when I found out... Maybe you would've gotten help earlier.
Odile (guilty1) I know I can be a bit... Abrasive. So...
Odile (guilty1) ...
(No, it's not her fault, at all...)
(If you had talked to her then, instead of fleeing, then maybe...)
Siffrin (US_sadsmile1) "We're here now, aren't we...?"
Odile (melan4) ...
Odile (yeah1) We are. Thank you, Siffrin.
(You smile.)
"Nothing, just saying hi!"
Odile (reading1) Okay.
Odile (reading2) Hi.
Odile (lol3) Now go. I still have to read that familytale you found me.
(You smile, and go.)