Confession & Bad Touch
Edited by candycoatedroxSources: Map020 (LastRoom), Common Event 166 (HadAQuestion...), Map034 (Village Tree (LOOP)), Common Event 130 (!!!IsabeauDormontConvo)
Both events involving the romantic subplot, put together for your viewing pleasure.
Siffrin can realize Isabeau's feelings at two different points. Either when Odile interrupts Isabeau's confession, or during the fourth Shoulder Touch after asking him about the hand thing. This triggers monologue changes related to Isabeau, most notably in his Friendquest.
This page contains compiled dialogue from:
- Isabeau End Talks
- Isabeau Beginning Talks
- "I had a question..." (Loop Quest Help)
- Loop Predialogue
Isabeau's many, many attempts to confess at the very end of it all.
For all the insane variables behind this, check out this nifty spreadsheet. Also the wiki page on it based on said spreadsheet.
This is all only available in a loop without all Friendquests completed.
Fifth time onwards
(. . .)
("Sif! We did it!")
Isabeau (sif!1) Sif!!! We did it!!!
Less than five times
Isabeau (yeah!1) We did it, Sif, we did it! We did it! We stopped the King! We can finally go back to our normal lives! Isn't it great???
Fifth time onwards
("We did it, Sif...")
Isabeau (yeah!1) ...We did it! We stopped the King! We can finally go back to our normal lives! Isn't it great???
Siffrin (lol1)
ACT 3 & 4
Siffrin (fake1)
"It is[!!!/...]"
Isabeau (sif!1) Yeah!!!
Isabeau (blush2) I... Uh. I said. Do you remember what I said? At the Clocktower?
First time
(That's right!!!)
(He wanted to tell you something after you beat the King, didn't he...)
Subsequent times
(You remember.)
Siffrin (questions1)
ACT 3 & 4
Siffrin (fake1)
"You wanted to tell me something?"
Isabeau (blush1) Yes. Um... Yes.
Isabeau (boo1) Okay. Phew...
Isabeau (blush1) ... Sif. Siffarooni.
Isabeau (disappointed1) ...Siffrin.
Isabeau (angry1) . . . I...
Isabeau (blush1) I...
Isabeau (worried1) I... I... I lo--
Who's interrupting?
Bonnie interrupts
Bonnie (and then1) I wanna go so I can eat dinner!!! I'm super duper hungry!!!!!
Isabeau (jhgsaghjsaghjas1) jkghsdafhjhkdsfhjkadfshjkadfsjhkdsfjkhdsf
Bonnie (serious1) So are you done? Are you done talking?
Isabeau (jhgsaghjsaghjas1) ...............................yeah we're done talking.
First time
(He didn't get to tell you what he wanted... That's too bad.)
Subsequent times
Isabeau (hahaha2) But, Sif, I'm glad this is over!
Isabeau (neutral1) I can't wait to go back to my old job, you know? Make sure to say hi when you're near Jouvente, 'kay?
(You nod.)
Loop makes fun of Siffrin
"At the end, Isabeau..."
Loop (hm1) Ah, the thing he said he'd tell you at the end of your journey?
Loop (hmmm1) He mentions he wants to tell you something, when you go and sleep at the Clocktower... That's probably it.
Loop (lol5) But someone interrupted him just as he was about to tell you! How unfortunate!!!
Loop (hm1) If only there was a way to make sure he wouldn't be interrupted, maybe you'd finally get to hear what he has to say...
Before distracting Bonnie for the first time
(If you talked to Bonnie beforehand, maybe...)
After multiple interruptions
(And it keeps happening, too.)
Mirabelle interrupts
Telling Bonnie to shut up
This dialogue is added to the end of the regular conversation with Bonnie.
Siffrin (fake3) (...Before you forget, though...) "Do you have some snacks left?"
Bonnie (serious1) Oh, um... Well...
(Bonnie looks through their pockets.)
Bonnie (serious1) I won't give them to you, I'm super hungry.
(They just looked through their pockets, but they check again.)
Bonnie (serious1) I know you're hungry too, but I'll keep those for myself, sorry.
Bonnie (hmf2) That way I'll survive until I eat dinner!!! See, aren't I so smart?
(Very smart. But you're smarter.)
(You should make sure to talk to everyone you need to before talking to Isabeau...)
Mirabelle's interruption
Mirabelle (happy1) EVERYONE!!!
Mirabelle (happy4) I'm so glad we managed to win!!! Can you believe it?
Mirabelle (excited1) I think this calls for a group hug!!!
Bonnie (and then1) GROUP HUG!!!!!
Odile (reading1) Pass.
Bonnie (lol1) Of course you'll pass. You and Frin never join group hugs.
Bonnie (yeah!3) Za, group hug, group hug!!!
Mirabelle (happy2) Group hug!!!
Isabeau (jhgsaghjsaghjas1) ..................................... .......sureiguessit'stimeforagrouphug.
Mirabelle (excited1) Yay!!!
(You watch Mirabelle, Isabeau and Bonnie hug.)
Isabeau (angry2) . . .
Siffrin (fake2)
Siffrin (fake3)
"What did you have to..."
Isabeau (angry1) Doesn't matter.
Isabeau (brag1) Doesn't matter at all, it wasn't that important!
Isabeau (boo1) Come on, go talk to everyone! I have... Some thinking to do.
Isabeau (hahaha2) But, Sif, I'm glad this is over!
Isabeau (neutral1) I can't wait to go back to my old job, you know? Make sure to say hi when you're near Jouvente, 'kay?
(You nod.)
Odile interrupts
Telling Mirabelle to shut up
This dialogue is added to the end of the regular conversation with Mirabelle.
Siffrin (fake3) (...Before you forget, though...) "Can we group hug after I speak to the Head Housemaiden?"
Mirabelle (excited1) Oh, would you be okay with it??? I'd love to!!!
(You nod.)
(You should make sure to talk to everyone before talking to Isabeau...)
Odile's interruption
Odile (gimme1) Are you both finished? Please wrap it up so we can go.
Odile (doubt1) There's so much we have to do before we can go back to our lives. You two can talk later, okay?
Isabeau (jhgsaghjsaghjas1) ...urgrhhshrhhjdshdsjhdsjhdshjkhjkdfargh.
Odile (what1) Oh gems. Did I interrupt...?
Isabeau (jhgsaghjsaghjas1) It's fine. It's fine. It's all good.
Odile (guilty2) Are you sure? I'm...
Isabeau (LMAO1) No problem! Don't worry about it!
Isabeau (awkward1) There has to be a better moment later. A better moment than... Saving the country...
Isabeau (angry2) ...urgh.
(. . .)
If Siffrin didn't realise yet
(. . . Oh.)
Isabeau (hahaha2) But, Sif, I'm glad this is over!
Isabeau (neutral1) I can't wait to go back to my old job, you know? Make sure to say hi when you're near Jouvente, 'kay?
(You nod.)
Isabeau interrupts
Telling Odile to shut up
This dialogue is added to the end of the regular conversation with Odile.
Siffrin (hide1) (...Before you forget, though...) "Please don't interrupt."
Odile (huh1) Don't interrupt? Interrupt what...
(She looks Isabeau's way.)
Odile (isthatso1) ...Of course.
Odile (lol2) I have to say I'm surprised, Siffrin. I thought you didn't know--
Siffrin (hide1) "I'm going now."
Odile (doubt1) Hm.
Odile (reading2) ...Good luck, I suppose.
The actual thing
Isabeau (surprised1) ...Uh, Sif? ...Is everything okay?
Siffrin (fake3) "What?"
Isabeau (hm4) You look... Kind of upset.
Isabeau (sad2) What's wrong?
Siffrin (fake3) "Nothing! What did you want to tell me?"
Isabeau (huh1) No, it doesn't matter right now. You don't look good at all.
Isabeau (huh2) Are you hungry, maybe? I can tell Bonnie to--
(Oooooooooooooh, you want to scream. You just want to scream right now.)
(You did everything right. And he won't say it. He can't say it. The Universe won't let him say it!)
(You're not stupid. You know what it is! What he wants to tell you! You know!)
(But it doesn't count if he doesn't say it! It doesn't exist if it's not said!)
(In fact, you can't trust it even if he did say it! Maybe it's not even true! Maybe it is! Maybe it is and it's because you forced him to!)
(You did, didn't you? You forced him, you're forcing him right now!)
(Looping forwards and backwards, making sure no one can interrupt, making sure everything is perfect! Making sure you're perfect!)
(It's because you're looping, you're forcing him, manipulating him to say it! To think it!)
(Making sure he has to say it! Making sure he has no recourse!)
(It's not good! It's awful! He can't feel this way about someone like you!)
Isabeau (huhwah1) --frin, Siffrin! Please stop gripping your hair, you're going to hurt yourself--
Siffrin (terrified1) "DON'T TOUCH ME--"
(You feel a tug on your stomach--)
Time rewinds.
Isabeau (surprised1) --everything okay?
Siffrin (fake3) "Yep, all good!"
Isabeau (hahaha2) Oh... Okay!
Isabeau (hahaha2) Anyway, Sif, I'm glad this is over!
Isabeau (neutral1) I can't wait to go back to my old job, you know? Make sure to say hi when you're near Jouvente, 'kay?
(You nod, smile fixed on your face.)
(You'll always remember this.)
[When equipped, Memory of Confession makes your Fighter immune to Rock attacks.]
Loop makes fun of Siffrin, again
"At the end, Isabeau..."
Loop (lol4) ...Pft... Yeah...
Loop (lol5) HAHAHAHAHA!!! Yeah!!!
Loop (lol3) Your Fighter... He was about to tell you, without being interrupted, and you had to ruin it yourself!!!
Loop (lol3) How nice of him, to stop himself from saying it because you looked upset!!!
Loop (lol5) But you just really wanted him to tell you!!! Even though you know!!!
Loop (lol1) Because you know what he wants to tell you, don't you? You can be dense sometimes, but you're not THAT dense!
Loop (lol4) ...Teehee, ooooh, you're so angry! I can see it in your face!
Loop (oh my1) Who are you angry at? At me??? But I'm just telling the truth, stardust~!
(And laughing about it.)
Loop (lol5) Because it's just too funny, stardust!!! A blinding tragedy, and there's nothing you can do to change it!!!
Loop (lol5) Hahahahahahahaha!!!
(You want to stop talking about this.)
Siffrin interrupts
(There it is again.)
(You try to keep your face neutral.)
(Or will a neutral face make him stop--)
(Oh, wait, you remembered. It doesn't matter what you do.)
Isabeau (worried1) I...!!!
Siffrin (fake1) "Will this be quick?"
Isabeau (surprised1) I, um... What?
Siffrin (fake1) "I should go talk with everyone else."
Isabeau (awkward1) Oh, um...
Isabeau (hahaaa1) Yeah, sure, I... I understand.
Isabeau (uwah!1) It wasn't important anyway! Go talk to everyone!
Isabeau (hahaha2) But, Sif, I'm glad this is over!
Isabeau (neutral1) I can't wait to go back to my old job, you know?
Isabeau (angry1) They probably missed me.
Isabeau (hahaha2) Okay, go talk to everyone! Shoo!
(You nod.)
The Shoulder Touch
Conversation start
For simplicity's sake, this is the ACT 3 version. For all variations on the conversation, see Isabeau Beginning Talk.
(Isabeau is here, probably pondering what favor to ask the Tree.)
Siffrin (fake1) "Isa."
Isabeau (really1) Sif. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed? I get it.
Isabeau (up1) Anyway, I was just looking at the Favor Tree! Isn't this tree cool???
Siffrin (fake1) (Cue joke.) "Yeah it is..."
Isabeau (hahaha2) Glad you agree!
Siffrin (fake1) "One could say it's a pretty..."
Isabeau (sif!1) Uh huh???
Siffrin (fake1) "...TREE-mendous tree."
Isabeau (LMAO1) HAHAHA!!!!! YEAH!!!! YEAH!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!
(You both laugh.)
Before asking
(Laughing uproariously, he raises his hand towards your shoulder...)
(...but stops, and brings it to his side.)
Second time
(Didn't he do this before? What a weird gesture.)
Third time
(What's up with the hand???)
Fourth time
(Okay he did the hand thing again. You're too curious. You'll have to ask later.)
Subsequent times before asking
(You need to ask!!!)
Isabeau (sniff1) Haa... That was funny.
"What's up with the hand thing?"
Isabeau (wonder2) The... hand thing? What?
(You do the same gesture he does every time you talk to him at this time.)
(Bringing your hand up towards his shoulder, then sharply taking your hand back.)
(Isabeau looks at your gesture, confused, then suddenly stills.)
Isabeau (omgggg1) Ah. Um. Well.
Isabeau (shy1) I'm. I was. Trying to touch your shoulder. As like. A bro thing.
Isabeau (omgggg1) B-But I remembered you don't like to be touched!!! I remembered mid-move!!!! So I didn't touch you!!!! So it's okay!!! Sorry!!!!!!!
(He was trying to touch your shoulder?)
(You're not sure how to react to this.)
Isabeau (shy1) Aaaah, see, this is why I didn't do it! Because you do that face every time people try to touch you! I'm sorry!!! I try to remember!!!! Sorry!!!!
(Okay, you're confused, but...)
(It feels like he thinks you don't want to be touched.)
(You don't want to think about this anymore.)
After asking
First time
(Laughing uproariously, he raises his hand towards your shoulder...)
(You get it now.)
(This is him trying to touch you.)
(You freeze.)
(His hand is in the air.)
(And goes closer... Closer...)
(His hand abruptly stops above your shoulder, and goes back to his side.)
Isabeau (sniff1) Haa... That was funny.
Second time
(Laughing uproariously, he raises his hand towards your shoulder...)
(You watch his hand get closer to you again.)
(Maybe this time...)
(Closer... Closer...)
(His hand abruptly stops above your shoulder, and goes back to his side.)
Isabeau (sniff1) Haa... That was funny.
Third time
(You wait for him to touch you.)
(You're beginning to think he never will.)
(You look at his hand coming closer... Closer...)
(As expected, his hand stops above your shoulder.)
Isabeau (sniff1) Haa... That was funny.
Fourth time; only in ACT 3 onwards
(You wait for him to touch you. You wait for him to touch you. You wait for him to touch you.)
(He has to do it. You will never do it yourself.)
(But he won't touch you because he thinks you don't want him to.)
(And you can't say it. Because. That's embarrassing.)
(That's life-ending, even. Asking for someone's touch.)
(But please, you think. Please, please, please.)
(A flicker of movement makes you look at his face.)
(He looks stricken. Sad.)
(Seeing you look at him, he laughs and brings his hand down.)
(You wonder what face you were making as you were waiting for him to touch you.)
Isabeau (awkward1) ...
Subsequent times without getting the Confession
(You wait for him to touch you.)
(His hand stops above your shoulder.)
30% chance
(Is it fun to go back here? To keep torturing yourself?)
Isabeau (sniff1) Haa... That was funny.
Bad Touch
(You wait for him to touch you.)
(Why do you have to wait? Why do you have to wait? Why do you have to wait?)
(. . .)
(Keep waiting.)
(His hand stops above your shoulder.)
30% chance
(Is it fun to go back here? To keep torturing yourself?)
Isabeau (sniff1) Haa... That was funny.
Dialogue ends here. You can get the event another loop.
Dialogue continues.
(Suddenly you realize a very basic thing.)
(He will never touch you. He will never say it to you. You will be stuck here forever.)
(Stuck in your yearning.)
(Unless you're the one who breaks the cycle.)
(You reach out.)
Isabeau ...
Isabeau Uh, Sif?
Isabeau Ah--

(He pushed you away.)
Time rewinds.
Siffrin (fake3) "Hi Isa, I need to do the Favor Tree thing!"
Isabeau (uwah!1) Oh! Sorry, I'm in your way then, aren't I? I'll get out of your hair, see you at the Clocktower!!!
The conversation ends here, and Isabeau cannot be spoken to for the rest of the loop.
After Bad Touch
Subsequent shoulder touches
(You take a step back.)
(He does not reach towards you.)
Isabeau (sniff1) Haa... That was funny.
Trying to go north of Dormont in the same loop
(Isabeau's up ahead.)
Siffrin turns around.
Loop makes fun of Siffrin, the third
This dialogue is initiated upon just starting a conversation with Loop after the event.
Loop (happy1) ...
Siffrin (hide3) "..."
Loop (happy1) ...
Loop (lol3) Stardust, you traitor!!! I thought what we had was special!
Siffrin (hide3) "..."
Loop (lol5) But you didn't value me, did you, and I had to see you kiss the fighter, in front of my very eyes! The shock! The betrayal!!!
Siffrin (hide3) "Shut up."
Loop (lol3) And then you looped right back! Refusing to face the consequences of your actions!
Loop (happy2) What were you afraid of? For him to finally see you? To see what kind of person you truly are?
Loop (happy1) Maybe he would have accepted you, you know. Maybe you're not as disgusting as you think you are.
Siffrin (no1) "Shut up!"
Loop (fake1) Or, stardust... Maybe you ARE that disgusting. Not letting the poor fighter make his own decisions! Who would do that! Or--
Siffrin (angry4) "SHUT. UP."
Loop (happy1) ...
Siffrin (angry4) "I don't want to talk or THINK about ANY of this."
Siffrin (scary2) "Especially not with YOU."
Loop (happy1) ...
Loop (teehee1) But, stardust... Who else but me?
Siffrin (scary3) "..."
Loop (ew1) ...
Loop (fake1) Anyway, you got a Memory for your troubles. You can check it out later, I don't think you'd like me to tell you what it does.
Loop (teehee3) So! How can I help you on this wonderful new loop?