
This page contains the script for the tutorial event inside the House of Change. Currenly missing the actual in-battle dialogue, whoopsies.

Images used are from ISATwiki (link to the wiki in sidebar)!!!

Location: Second hallway on the House's first floor.


Regular Tutorial

The party enter a hallway, walking upwards until seeing a Sadness. They all stop.

Mirabelle (anxious 2): Up ahead, that's...!

Full Tutorial

First Sadness Battle


After Memory of Sadnesses: (If you're not careful, you might defeat this Sadness in one hit...)

(You make sure to not strike too hard.)

Siffrin's Attack is debuffed for the remainder of the battle.

Mirabelle (anxious2): Phew... Okay, okay...

Odile (huh1): Don't worry. You focus on healing, big guy over there can hit things...

Odile (urgh1): ...and you, Siffrin, keep the puns and one liners to a minimum, PLEASE.

Odile (wonder1): We should Examine this Sadness first to know what we're up against, so...

Isabeau (hahaha1): So it's your job, m'dame!

Odile (dotdotdot3): Yes. Please slow down, everyone, and let me attack first for once.

Odile (reading1): When it's my turn, I'll Examine the enemy by using a Craft Skill.

Turn 1

Odile (smile1): Very well done, Boniface. So this Sadness must be...

Odile (lol2): Siffrin? What do you think?

Siffrin (question1): (If you look at its hands...)

Siffrin (question1): (This one is...)

"Rock type?"

Siffrin (fake1): "Rock type?"

Skipped Tutorial

Special Event (Memory of Sadnesses)

Condition: Clear the tutorial a certain number of times. Though the number can be met in ACT 2, the event can only be unlocked from ACT 3 onwards.

(That STUPID Sadness again.)

(Stand still like usual.)

(It's fine, you're not annoyed or anything.)

(Follow the script.)


(Stand still like usual.)

When choosing this option, the normal options (skip/repeat) for the tutorial can be chosen, and all proceeds as normal. The option to trigger the event will appear again the next time the player goes through the tutorial.


Odile (huh1): A Sadness, huh? The House must be crawling with them...

Mirabelle (angy1): O-okay everyone, let's, um, uh--

(You strike.)

The screen fades to black.

(So annoying.)

(You have ENOUGH of all those STUPID SADNESSES standing in your BLINDING WAY.)



(Not dead yet? You strike again.)

(Not DEAD Not DEAD not DEAD Not DEAD not DEAD not DEAD Not DEAD not DEAD not DEAD not DEAD Not DEAD not DEAD not DEAD not DEAD not DEAD Not DEAD not DEAD not DEAD not DEAD not DEAD not DEAD Not DEAD not DEAD not DEAD not DEAD not DEAD not DEAD THERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

CLose up on Siffrin's face. He's cast in shadow, looking downward and breathing heavily. Siffrin looks toward the viewer. Their face is still dark, and their eye is wide open and empty. The shadows lift. Siffrin smiles brightly with his eye closed.

"I got it!"

The party face Siffrin with various degrees of shock in their expressions. Odile is shielding the rest of the group from Siffrin. Bonnie hides behind her. Close-up of Siffrin's face. He's in disbelief. A drop of sweat runs down their cheek.

The looping animation plays, rewinding events back to before Siffrin attacked the Sadness.

Odile (huh1): A Sadness, huh? The House must be crawling with them...

Mirabelle (angy1): O-okay everyone, let's, um, uh--

Isabeau (really1): Don't get overwhelmed now!

Odile (urgh1): Come on... We've seen tons of those already.

Bonnie (hmf1): Don't worry, Belle! We can take care of them no problem!!!

Mirabelle (awawa1): O-okay, but...

(Here again.)

From here, the usual options (skip/repeat) become available, and play out like usual. Siffrin's attack will be debuffed. Special dialogue will continue after victory dialogue has played out.


Mirabelle (worried1): ...? Siffrin?

NOT YET FINISHED. WILL GET BACK TO IT. i have work you know how it is.