Clocktower (ACT 5)
Created by candycoatedroxSources: Map 034 (Village Tree (LOOP)), Map056 (ACT5_Castle Entrance)
All text for the ACT 5 Clocktower cutscene.
Outside the Clocktower
This cutscene is a continuation of your conversation with Loop.
(The Clocktower.)
(You arrived later than usual.)
(Is everyone eating still?)
(You need to join them, and act normally this time, so you can all go to the House together tomorrow.)
(You don't care if they're not strong enough. You can make it on your own, defeat the King on your own.)
(You just want them here.)
Siffrin steps inside.
Main Cutscene
(You enter silently.)
(You don't hear cutlery or anything.)
(Your stomach hurts.)
(They must've eaten without you.)
(Maybe they're already sleeping.)
(But no-- You can hear them talk.)
(You get closer...)

Mirabelle ...
Mirabelle And...
Mirabelle And then I left. I couldn't... Be there anymore.
Odile ...
Isabeau Why would Sif act like this suddenly? That's not like them at all...
Odile Clearly, something happened.
Bonnie B-But what?
Bonnie I don't understand... Why he'd do stuff like that.
Bonnie I don't understand at all!
Mirabelle Bonnie...
Isabeau ...
Odile ...
Odile Everyone.
Odile Siffrin might come back any second now... So we need to decide what to do.
Isabeau What to do?
Mirabelle About tomorrow...?
Odile Yes.
Bonnie What do you mean?
Mirabelle Are you saying... Leave without Siffrin?
Isabeau What?!
Isabeau I-I understand how you feel, but...
Isabeau But we shouldn't leave Sif behind! H-He's the one who leads us...! We wouldn't be able to avoid traps without them!
Isabeau Plus, he's our friend! We can't leave them behind!!!
Bonnie Yeah! H-He was mean, but, but Frin was always with us, so--
Mirabelle I agree, but... B-But would he even agree to come with us, still?
Mirabelle Maybe they won't even come back tonight...
Bonnie No, Frin will be there!!! I know it!!!
Isabeau And either way, we should wait for them, everyone... We can't...
Odile Please, listen to me.
Odile . . .
Odile I... I just... I just don't know if we can trust Siffrin anymore.
Odile Not at such an important moment.
Isabeau But--
Odile We'll be fighting the King tomorrow, Isabeau!!!
Odile It's not just a simple Sadness. It's the KING. The being who has trapped Vaugarde in time.
Odile And we need to be a team.
Odile We need to be united, we need to trust one another.
Odile ... After what just happened to all of us today...
Odile Could you do it, everyone?
Odile Could you entrust your life and future to someone like Siffrin right now?
Mirabelle ...
Bonnie ...
Isabeau ...
(. . .)
(You decide to
A glitch and a smash cut. Siffrin now stands in front of the House's Gate.
The screen flashes white. An Orb floats up to the center of the House's Gate, glowing white.
The screen flashes white again, and five Orbs now float in front of five slots on the Gate.
The screen flashes white for a third and final time, and the Orbs are gone. The Gate glows white, and slowly opens.
Siffrin enters the House.