Stylish One's House

Source: Map069 (House_Change)

Text for the Stylish One's House in Dormont.

For all text relating to the Stylish One's quest to give Mirabelle a gift, see Mirabelle's Fan.



(Books about a variety of subjects, from woodworking to psychology.)

(Some are written in Mwudu... You wonder if the stylish lady is from there.)

Change God statue

(A little figure of the Change God.)

(It's been Crafted to dance slightly.)

(This one looks very stylish.)


(It's a closet.)

(It's filled with many beautiful dresses.)


(A desk.)

(There's a half-written letter on it, along with a pile of blank paper.)

Before receiving the Loving Fanmail

Stylish One I'm trying to write a letter... Don't look, please!

After receiving the Loving Fanmail

Stylish One Oh, those are my drafts for Mirabelle's letter... Don't look, please!

(You look away.)


(A dresser.)

Stylish One DO NOT TOUCH! My unmentionables are inside.


(You leave the dresser alone.)

Stylish One

Before receiving the Loving Fanmail

Stylish One Big hat... Impossibly warm looking cloak...

Stylish One You must be one of the people traveling with Mirabelle!

Stylish One She's pretty well known around here. The chosen one, you know. Blessed by the Change God with the power to save Vaugarde.

Stylish One Plus, before all this, she was a housemaiden at the House of Change nearby. She'd take classes, help out with chores, help the other housemaidens with their studies and craft. Little perfect Mirabelle.

Stylish One Hmf... As for me...


Stylish One No wonder the Change God blessed her, when she's this wonderful!!!

Stylish One I used to go to the House a lot for my classes, and she was always there, taking the class with me!

Stylish One I've never had a class I didn't share with her. She's so cool. So helpful. So driven. Honestly, we're kind of best friends.

Stylish One ...Even though I've never had a single conversation with her...

  • First time

    (Talking to people is hard, you get it.)

    If the first time talking to her is ACT 1

    (You hope she'll get to talk to Mirabelle before tomorrow!)

    If the first time talking to her is ACT 2+

    (You wonder if she managed to talk to Mirabelle before you went to the House...)

    The conversation then ends here (or skips to Loopquest).

  • Before talking to Mirabelle

    Specifically, before getting Mirabelle's opinion on the Stylish One by interacting with her seat in the classroom.

    (Talking to people is hard, you get it.)

    (You don't think she managed to talk to Mirabelle last time... Mirabelle would've mentioned it.)

    (You should go and tell Mirabelle yourself!)

    The conversation then ends here (or skips to Loopquest).

  • After talking to Mirabelle

    Specifically, after getting Mirabelle's opinion on the Stylish One by interacting with her seat in the classroom.

    (You tell her what Mirabelle thinks of her.)

    Stylish One SHE THINKS I'M SCARY?!?

    Stylish One No... No... NO!!!!!

    Stylish One But wait, you said she also liked my style?

    (You nod.)

    Stylish One Oh... Oh Change... Oh yes. Oh wonderful. I know exactly what to do.

    Stylish One Give me three seconds, hatted one.

    Stylish One YES. OKAY. LET'S GO. Can you give this to Mirabelle?

    Stylish One I, um, I hope she likes it.

    (You got the FANMAIL!)

    (It's a package and a letter addressed to Mirabelle...)

    (You'd better give it to her before tomorrow.)

    (You put the mail in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)

    Stylish One Thank you... Please give it to her... Please... I don't want to scare her... Please.

    The conversation then ends here (or skips to Loopquest).

During Loopquest

(You need to ask...)

Stylish One Oh, oh, I asked the Favor Tree to help Mirabelle on her journey!

Stylish One I don't really believe in that stuff, but the Head Housemaiden does, so I thought I'd give it a shot!

After giving Mirabelle the Loving Fanmail

Talking to the Stylish One again after receiving the Fanmail but before giving it to Mirabelle, the repeated interaction text plays.

Stylish One You gave her my gift? You did??? What did she say???

Siffrin (smiling3) "She really liked it!"

Stylish One SHE REALLY LIKED IT.......................

Stylish One Thank you for giving it to her!!! Now, no matter what happens tomorrow...

Stylish One . . .

Stylish One A-actually!!! Please make sure to win, tomorrow!

Stylish One I want to tell her tomorrow how much she means to me, after she beats the King!

Stylish One So she and I... can become friends!!!

Stylish One Make sure to win tomorrow!!!!!


(You nod.)

Repeated interaction

Before giving Mirabelle the Loving Fanmail

Stylish One Oh, Mirabelle... She'll save us all, I'm sure of it!

After giving Mirabelle the Loving Fanmail

Stylish One Make sure to win, tomorrow!!!