Mirror Room

Created by candycoatedrox

Sources: Map099 (MirrorRoom (Key 3-1)), Map194 (ACT5_MirrorRoom (Key 3-1))

All text relating to the room on Floor 3 containing the mirror and the Smiling Key.



ACT 5's dialogue shows the first picture, but when interacted with in your Pockets, it shows the ACT 5 picture.

See: Mirror Picture

(A mirror.)

(You and your [allies/family members/actors] are reflected in it.)

Bonnie (serious1) That's a big mirror.

Odile (gimme1) Massive, even... And there's not really anything else of interest in this room.

Mirabelle (awkward1b) I don't know anything about it... Before the house shifted around because of the King, it was in a part of the House I didn't often walk by...

Isabeau (wonder2) Hm.

  • First time: (Isabeau seems to be looking for something...)
  • Subsequent times: (Isabeau is looking for the switch.)

Isabeau (wonder1) If it is what I think it is, then... It should be...

Isabeau jumps in place.

Isabeau (yeah!1) Ah HA!

Isabeau (hahaha1) Everyone, say "FROMAGE"!

Bonnie (happy2) Froma--

The screen flashes white.

Bonnie (stop!2) Wh-WHAT WAS THAT?!?

Mirabelle (anxious3) Oh, look! Something's on the ground...

Odile (gimme1) A piece of paper...?

Isabeau (yeah!1) Ehehehe... BEHOLD!!!

  • First time and ACT 5
    The mirror takes a picture of the party. Everyone except Isabeau looks surprised.
  • ACT 2 & ACT 3
    The mirror takes a picture of the party. Everyone except Isabeau and Siffrin looks surprised. Siffrin smiles contently.
  • ACT 4
    The mirror takes a picture of the party. Everyone except Isabeau and Siffrin looks surprised. Siffrin's smile is forced.

Mirabelle (excited1) Oh!!!

(It's a picture of all of you.)

Mirabelle (happy1) It's us!!!

Odile (smile1) This is lovely.

Isabeau (brag1) Isn't it? It's a crafted mirror that takes pictures!!!

Isabeau (neutral1) I heard rumors that someone was creating one, but I didn't know this someone lived in Dormont's House!

Bonnie (and then1) We look so surprised!

Mirabelle (happy1) Hehe, only Isabeau knew this was coming!

Odile (smile1) Pictures are so rare... It's nice to have one of us.

Mirabelle (happy1) Thank you for telling us about it, and for taking a picture, Isabeau!

Isabeau (uwah!1) Oh!

Isabeau (hahaha2) Hehe... It's nothing!

First time only


(You'll always remember this.)

[When MEMORY OF REFLECTION is equipped, your DEFENSE will be automatically boosted at the start of a battle!]

Mirabelle (happy1) What should we do with it?

Odile (huh1) Hm...

(Odile looks at you.)

Odile (lol2) Would you keep it safe, oh one with all the secret pockets?

  • First time and ACT 5: (You beam.)
  • ACT 2: (You nod furiously.)
  • ACT 3: (You nod.)
  • ACT 4: (You take the picture to keep it safe.)

(You got the MIRROR PICTURE!)

(You put the picture in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)

First time only



(You and the picture are finally reunited.)

First time after reading the Sparkly Diary during Kingquest

(You're glad to have the picture back. It's proof.)

(Proof that you're here on this journey, proof that you were with your [allies/family members], proof that you love them.)

(Even if you forget, and you forget a lot... It's proof that you and your friends existed.)

(Proof that you were happy.)

(Proof that this moment happened...)

(Perfectly frozen in time.)

(. . .)

(After the country was forgotten, the King was welcomed by Vaugarde, wasn't he?)

(Welcomed, helped, and loved.)

(To the point where he sees Vaugarde as "perfect".)

(But... No one knows why the country was forgotten.)

(What's keeping Vaugarde from being forgotten the exact same way?)

(Wasn't it his duty, as thanks for welcoming him, to make sure such a fate would never befall Vaugarde?)

(What else could he do  but make sure this perfect country was preserved in amber forever?)

(How could he ever let go?)

(. . . You understand the King more than you'd like to.)

(But... But still, he's...)

(You want to talk to him again.)

Otherwise in ACT 3

(You smile at the picture.)

Repeated interaction

(It's you and your [allies/family members][!/.])


(It's you.)

Smiling Key

The key only appears after you interact with the mirror.

First time only


(The flash of the mirror somehow made something appear...)

(You reach down and pick it up.)

Subsequent times

(Now that you can see the key, you pick it up.)

(You found the SMILING KEY!)

(The keychain dangling from it is shaped like a smiling mask...)

(You put the Smiling Key in your Pocket.)

First time only

(You now know where the Smiling Key is located.)


(Got the SMILING KEY.)

(You try not to think about them.)

(Even if it was the same lines every time, it was nice, wasn't it? To listen to the same thing?)

(It was restful, wasn't it? To know, to remember exactly what happens next?)

(Is it worth it to try to break the loop by whatever means necessary?)

(You like knowing what happens next! You don't have to think about anything!)

(And even if you manage to break the loop, what will you come back to?)

(Allies that hate you?)

(don't think about it don't think about it don't think about it)

(You keep going.)


Before taking the picture for the first time

(Little paintings of people looking at the artist.)

(They look very realistic...)

After taking the picture for the first time


Top Right Pictures

This pile of pictures only has unique dialogue if you've already seen the unique Kingquest dialogue from this room. Otherwise, it gives the same dialogue as above.


(...  One of the photos is of the King, standing alone.)

(He looks lonely.)



(One of them is of the King.)

(It's like looking in a mirror.)

Extra pictures (ACT 5)

Only the photos that are only present in ACT 5 have this dialogue.

(Photos of you and your friends.)