King Fight (ACT 5)

page by goldstargloww

The non-standard King fight, as seen in your final loop.

Source: Map 205 (King Room) + Common Events 245, 246, 247, 248, and 249.



Everything up to Mal du Pays.


As opposed to the shortening pause before the scene's start in all other acts, this time, there's a 300 frame (5 second) pause, which is the longest out of all the pauses.


King ......

King Oh, ooooooh......

King Hello, bright one.

King I am surprised to see you alone, facing me......

King I was expecting at least that that Housemaiden would come.

King The Savior of Vaugarde.

King And yet, you, bright one, are the only one before me......

King And......

King Your clothes......

King Aren't they......

King ......

King Bright one......

King Are you sure you want to do this......?

King I can tell, young one......

King I can tell we hail from the same country.

King I don't want to fight you.

King I just want eternity.

King Don't you get it?

King Don't you understand?

King What my wish is?!?



King WE COULD......

King ......

King Ah......

King But perhaps the time for talking is long past.

King So, bright one...

King ......Are you ready?

  • (Yes.)
  • (No.)

    The screen glitches. You are forced to make the decision again.
    (Choosing no leads nowhere. You have to say yes.)

King Hahahahahaha......

King Let us fight, then.

Fight Start

King ......

King I...... do try to be merciful.

King But......

King Against someone like you.....

King I'd better not hold back, shouldn't I?

75% HP

King Oooh, ooooooh......

King You're stronger than I thought, bright one.

King But what about this?

(You see a vision of the future...)

The King does his special attack.

(You withstood the attack.)

King ......

King Bright one......

King This isn't the first time you've withstood this attack.

King ......

King What do you see, when I attack you like this?

King What vision do you see  that it hurts you this badly?

45% HP

King Bright one......

King I am curious about something.

King The country, the knowledge we both share......

King Why you're the only one facing me, without even flinching......

King This cloying, overpowering scent of sugar......

King Yes. I can tell.

King You've trapped this country in time even more surely than I have.

King Even if I manage to beat you now......

King My victory will always be temporary, will it not?

King Perhaps my wish has come true already, and I don't even know it.

King Oooh, ooooooh......

King Why didn't I think of it......?

King With this power, there's no one to stop you, is there.....

King But I do not mind.

King As long as this country exists forever.

King As long as WE exist forever!

King There is proof!

King Proof that our country was real!!!!!!

King ......

King Doesn't a part of you agree with me?

King Doesn't a part of you want to restart this battle, again, and again, and again?

King Because......

King If you defeat me......

King What else is there?

20% HP

King My wish......

King You can guess what it was, can't you?

King Or maybe......

King You have even heard it from my own mouth......

King But what about you, bright one?

King Why are you here?

King What trapped you in this eternal place?

King What does the star beating in your chest hunger for?

King What was your wish?!?

The screen glitches, flashing red.


King Ah......

King I suppose it does not matter.

King ......I will win this battle soon, after all, for a time.

King And......

King Maybe......

King When everything is perfectly frozen......

King I will finally remember it all......

Fight End

(THE KING looks at you.)

(The King slowed you down...)

The music is pitched down to 90%, and is 70% as loud. The screen gets 20% darker.

(You have trouble moving.)

(THE KING looks at you.)

(The King slowed you down...)

The music is pitched down to 70%, and is 50% as loud. The screen gets 47% darker.

(Your vision gets faint.)

(THE KING looks at you.)

(The King slowed you down...)

The music is pitched down to 50%, and is 40% as loud. The screen gets 67% darker.

(You don't want to fight anymore.)

(THE KING looks at you.)

(the King  slowed you down)

The music fades out. The screen goes black.

(you  don't   want   to    fight   a n y m o r e )

See Mal du Pays.

With Friends

The screen flashes white, and the sound of Mirabelle unfreezing someone can be heard.


The screen slowly fades in to reveal Siffrin's family standing between him and the King. Their battle portraits are ecstatic, determined.

(you're not slowed down anymore)

(you can move again)

(the king  and)


Mirabelle (stressed1) Okay! I woke Siffrin up!!!

Isabeau (yeah!1) Alright!!! Nice job, Mira!!!

Bonnie (no!1) Frin, are you okay?!

Odile (fight1) Eyes on the enemy, Boniface! Siffrin will be alright!

Mirabelle (fight1) You don't need to fight anymore, Siffrin! We got you!!!


Siffrin "How  are you   here?"

(they came)

(for   you?)

Isabeau (really1) Um, we walked, duh?

Bonnie (hmf1) We talked, after-- After yesterday, and we couldn't find you anywhere, and we decided to come after you!

Odile (fight1) We had trouble figuring out where you went, so we asked people in Dormont, and then--

Bonnie (and then1) A weird shiny person helped us!!! And--

Mirabelle (angy1) Aaaaaargh, it doesn't crabbing matter!!!

Mirabelle (angry2) I'm still mad at you, Siffrin!!! So mad!!!

Mirabelle (angry3) I still can't believe you said all those horrible things to us yesterday!!! And that you went to fight the King without us!!!

Mirabelle (fight3) But we'll talk about it later!!!

Mirabelle (fight1) And in the meantime I'm going to channel my anger to kick that stupid King's butt who froze our country in time!!!

Bonnie (no!1) What Belle said!!! Get ready, King!!!

Odile (fight1) We'll explain the rest later, Siffrin. Right now, we have a King to defeat!

King ......

King Ooooooh......

So you had companions after all, bright one......

King How lucky.

King Quite a shame they couldn't be here to help you earlier.

King They must not care about you very much, do they?

(they must not)

Isabeau (disappointed2) Dude, just shut up.

Isabeau (disappointed1) We may be upset, but we wouldn't leave Sif behind.

Odile (lol2) Not in a million years.

(that's a lie)

(she said it)

(she said they should leave you behind)

(but...   but if they're here, then. . .)

Odile (lol1) Heh.

Odile (lol3) If Siffrin was stupid enough to come and fight you on their own, the only thing we can do is follow and fight right alongside them.

Bonnie (angry1) I'll fight, I'll fight, I'll fight!!! This time, Frin, it's my turn to protect you!!!

Bonnie (no!1) So shut the CRAB up, King!!! I'm gonna kick your crabbing BUTT!!!

King ......

King Ha......




King Your bright companion may have been able to hurt me, because his Craft also draws from It...

King But pathetic, wishless humans like you......

The King's cut-in attack illustration. He pulls his hands away from his face, lightless Craft sparking around him.


(the king)

Isabeau (huhwah1) WUH OH!!!

Odile (no!1) EVERYONE, GET READY!!!


A special version of Mirabelle's cut-in attack. She's intensely focused, furious, with gritted teeth and Change spirals in her eyes. She flings her hands out before her, a translucent, glowing diamond made of Craft floating above them.

A bell sound can be heard.

Mirabelle I WON'T LET YOU!!!!!!

Mirabelle You really think I'll let you defeat us like this?

Mirabelle After you froze my beloved House in time, my country, my HOME?!?

Mirabelle We won't let you!!! We want to live!!! We want to be able to change, to grow!!!

Mirabelle We don't want your eternity, King!!!!!!

Mirabelle But if you want eternity so bad, then--!!!

A sound like a slash rings out. The screen starts to fade to white.

Mirabelle TAKE THIS!!!

King Ah--!

A whooshing sound, and then the screen fades to pure white.

(a sound   like a sword getting deflected)

(like hitting a metal ball   with a bat)

(like   breaking   a mirror)

The King is bombarded by darkless Craft attacks.

King What. . . . . . ?

King Your shield......

My attack......

King Has been......

Reflected back......

To me......?

King I'm being......


King No......

King No......


King I don't want eternity!
Not yet!
Not now!!!!!!

King Not when......
I still cannot......
Remember...... Its name......

King Please...... Please...... Not now, please......!!!!!!

King P L E A S E . . . . . . ! ! !

The King pulls his hands away from his face as he is slowly frozen in time, surrounded by sparkles. Tears roll down his cheek as he stares upwards in disbelief.

King ............   Ah!

King Why now, of all times......
I see it......

I can see it!!!!!!

King The mountains, covered in trees and warm rocks!!!
The sea, clear, dangerous, yet giving!!!
The lightless sand, dark like the night sky!!!!!!

King I see it now, I see it!!!!!!

King Aaaaaah......

I remember i t, n o   w......

I r e  m e m b  e r   i t    a l    l  .  .   .  .   .  .

The King is fully frozen in time, tears frozen in place.

See End Rooms (ACT 5).