Loop Chats

Edited by candycoatedrox

Source: Common Event 163

All the various Loop chats, whenever you ask "Let's talk about something." An attempt was made to sort them by when a player is likely to get them.

Thank you CodaCheetah for initially compiling these, and allowing me to mirror their spreadsheet!

Whenever you talk to Loop, there is a 1 in 23 chance to get a specific chat. However, a lot of chats have additional conditions, meaning you need to fulfill the condition, and then get favorable RNG.

It's also entirely possible to miss chats because you no longer fulfill the requirements, such as progressing to the next ACT.

There are 23 chats in total, though only 21 are available if you do not keep the Dagger. If you give the dagger up, you still get the "Behind the Scenes" achievement after 21 chats. The "We have nothing to talk about" convos do not count toward the achievement.

This page contains discussion of self harm and suicide. To skip, avoid all conversations surrounding the Dagger.


"Are you getting on my nerves on purpose?"

Condition: ACT 2.

Siffrin (okay2) "Are you getting on my nerves on purpose?"

Loop (teehee2) Yes, I actually manufactured this personality especially to get on your nerves, stardust!

(You can't tell if that's sarcasm or not.)

(Either way, it's working really well.)

"Can you read my thoughts?"

Condition: ACT 2.

Siffrin (um2) "Can you read my thoughts?"

Loop (lol3) Nah, I just have very good intuition!

Loop (lol5) Like somehow, I can tell what you're about to say. Soooooo weird.


Loop (oh my1) What, me??? Suspicious??? Say it ain't so!!!!!!


"Why 'stardust'?"

Condition: ACT 3 or 4.

Siffrin (questions1) "Why 'stardust'?"

Loop (sad2) . . . Because you're what's left, I suppose.

Siffrin (surprised1) (What's left?) "What's left of what?"

Loop (lol5) And because it's a cute nickname! You're my little stardust! My little cutie patootie stardust!

Siffrin (um2) (Ew. But...) "Just say you don't want to answer, it's fine."

Loop (fake1) But it's so much fun to annoy you instead! Distracting people with puns and jokes is the best way to evade stupid questions.

(Yeah, you can relate.)

"What do you do, when I'm not here?"

Condition: ACT 2 or 3.

Siffrin (neutral3) "What do you do, when I'm not here?"

Loop (lol2) Excuse you, my life doesn't revolve around you! I do loads of things while you're gone.

Loop (well2) Like...  I look at the sky. And, um... I take a nap sometimes. Dream about things.

Siffrin (questions1) "What do you dream about?"

Loop (well2) ...

Loop (teehee5) What do YOU dream about?


"So! I'm sure you must have questions about me at this point."

Condition: ACT 3 or 4.

If you are in ACT 3 or 4, this conversation will forcibly appear first, before all others.

Siffrin (tired1)

Loop (teehee5) No, my turn!

Loop (lol1) So! I'm sure you must have questions about me at this point. Theories.

Loop (lol4) About who I am. Might be. That sort of stuff. Am I correct?

Siffrin (neutral3) (...)

  • "I do."

    (Of course you do.)

    (Loop's just too mysterious. Suspicious from head to toe.)

    Loop (lol4) Of course you do. I'm just too mysterious, suspicious from head to toe.

    Loop (teehee2) So! Lay it on me! I'm so curious as to what you think.

    Loop (happy1) Who, or what, do you think I am?

  • "Uh, not really?"

    Loop (angry1) HA? No? No theories? At all?!

    Loop (lol5) You don't care enough about me to think about who I am? I'm so hurt, stardust!


    (You just have other things to worry about, honestly!)

    (But, hm...)

Siffrin (questions1) ("You're...")

  • "The Change God."

    Loop (lol3) Ha!

    Loop (happy1) Nope. I don't even believe in that sort of stuff.

    Loop (hm1) "Always strive for change", or something? How naïve.

    Loop (away1) Sometimes, things stay the same, no matter what you do.


    (You don't disagree.)

    Loop (lol3) Anyway, terrible try. Incorrect!


  • "Part of the Universe."

    Loop (hm1) Um, yes? I AM a star, after all.

    Loop (lol3) Plus, you're a part of the Universe, too! Everyone is!

    Loop (lol5) That's like saying "You're from this planet", or something!


    Loop (teehee3) Nice try, I suppose. Better luck next time!

    Loop (lol4) Not like you'll get another try, though.


  • "The Favor Tree."

    Loop (hm1) ...Like...  Like the Favor Tree itself?

    Loop (hmmm1) Why would you think that?


    (You felt like you had something there, but you forgot.)

    Siffrin (okay2) "You're under the Favor Tree, so...?"

    Loop (lol5) Ha!

    Loop (well2) No, I'm not the Favor Tree. I just like being under the shade.

    Loop (teehee2) Nice try, though! But ultimately, incorrect!


  • "A ghost."

    Loop (away1) ...

    Loop (away1) I am, aren't I...?

    Loop (well2) Sure. Kind of. And this tree is my grave.

    Loop (happy1) Let's say that.

    Siffrin (sad2) (So, then...) "...Whose ghost are you?"

    Loop (away1) ...

    Loop (fake1) I wonder!

    Loop (lol4) Nice try, though. You're not incorrect, but not correct either!


  • "One of my allies."

    Loop (hm1) . . .

    Loop (happy1) Which one?

    Siffrin (n-nya1)

    • "Uh, Mirabelle?"

      Loop (lol5) Aw, cute!

      Loop (happy1) But no.


    • "Uh, Isabeau?"

      Loop (lol3) HA!

      Loop (well2) No.


    • "Uh, Odile?"

      Loop (away1) ...

      Loop (well2) I'm flattered, actually. I've always thought she was someone to... Emulate, I suppose.

      Loop (lol4) But no.


    • "Uh, Bonnie?"

      Loop (away1) ...

      Loop (away1) Am I that childish...?

      Loop (ew1) Anyway, no.


  • "Me."

    Loop (happy1) Ha.

    Loop (lol1) HA!

    Loop (lol3) HA, HA, HA!

    Loop (lol5) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

    Loop (lol5) SURE! YEAH! SURE! I'M YOU! HAHAHA!


    (Loop is laughing so hard, you feel like they're about to fall over.)

    Siffrin (n-nya1) (...) "So, uh..."

    Siffrin (n-nya1) "Am I right?"

    Loop (lol5) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

    Loop (lol4) Ha. . .

    Loop (lol4) Yeah, sure.

    Loop (teehee3) You found me out! Hahaha!

    (Loop is still snickering.)

    (Results inconclusive...?)

  • "The King."

    Loop (ew1) Gross.

    Loop (fake1) No, I'm not the King. Was that your best try?


  • "The Head Housemaiden."

    Loop (oh my1) The Head Housemaiden...?

    Loop (oh my1) I'm... Huh? Why?

    Siffrin (um1) "Same vibe...?"

    Loop (hm1) Hmmm?

    Loop (lol1) I think I'm flattered? She DOES have an amazing sense of style.

    Loop (lol3) I'm not her, though! Incorrect!


  • "Uh... I don't know?"

    Loop (lol5) Hah.

    Loop (lol4) No imagination in that head of yours. I'm a little disappointed.

    Loop (away1) But... I suppose you have other things to worry about.

    Loop (teehee1) I was just curious what you thought! I won't ask again!


  • "It doesn't really matter, does it?"

    Loop (oh my1) It.. doesn't?

    Siffrin (neutral3) "I don't need to know who you really are or anything."

    Siffrin (serious1) "You're Loop, and you're helping. I don't care about the rest."

    Loop (away1) ...

    Loop (teehee5) Heh, pretty cheesy, stardust!


    (You're not sure if it made Loop happy or sad to hear this.)

"Why don't you tell your little team about the loops you're stuck in?"

Condition: ACT 3.

Siffrin (serious1)

Loop (teehee5) My turn, actually!

Loop (happy1) Why don't you tell your little team about the loops you're stuck in?

Loop (hm1) You didn't need to tell them before, because you thought you'd be able to help them with this power...

Loop (happy1) But what about now?

Siffrin (angry2) (...) "I can still do it by myself."

Loop (happy1) ...

Loop (happy1) Heh...

Loop (lol5) Hahahahahahahaha!

Loop (teehee5) Okay!


"What do you think of my allies?"

Condition: ACT 2 or 3, with 5 or more loops.

Siffrin (neutral3) What do you think of my [allies/family members]?

Loop (happy1) . . .

Loop (fake1) I don't really think about them.

Loop (fake2) I try not to even see them at all!

Loop (teehee2) Your Fighter stands here for a while, every time before you come talk to me, doesn't he?

Loop (teehee5) But I make sure to not look his way, so he doesn't exist in my eyes!

Siffrin (surprised1) (...?) "What would happen if they saw you?"

Loop (happy1) He might be able to see me, if that's what you're asking.

Loop (teehee5) But I'm not going to be seen, so we'll never know!

Siffrin (sad2) "And what would happen if you saw them?"

Loop (ew1) ...

Loop (fake1) Something terrible.

Siffrin (angry1) (???) "Like...?"

Loop (hm1) Plus, why would I care about them?

Loop (teehee5) I only care about you, stardust~!

(...Sounds like Loop doesn't want to talk about them for some reason.)

"Are you jealous of my allies?"

Condition: ACT 3.

Siffrin (surprised3) "Are you jealous of my [allies/family members]?"

Loop (oh my1) What?!? Where is that coming from???

Siffrin (awkward1) "I dunno, you just act weird every time I talk about them."

Siffrin (n-nya2) "Like..."

Loop (angry1) Like what? Like I'm your partner, waiting at home, and when I finally get to talk to you, all you can talk about is the fun you're having with other people?!?

Loop (angry1) . . .

(. . .)

Loop (sad1) F-Forget I said that. That was a terrible awful metaphor.

Siffrin (boo1) "Uh huh."

Loop (serious1) Shut your mouth.

Loop (ew1) I'm really not jealous, okay?

Loop (away1) ...Not of your party, anyway.


"The King really likes stars."

Condition: Died to the King once or more. Did not progress Kingquest past reading the first Time Craft book.

Siffrin (shit1) "The King really likes stars."

Loop (lol4) He sure does!

Siffrin (angry2) "And you're..."

Loop (oh1) Hm? I'm what?

(You gesture towards Loop.)

Loop (hmmm1) ...You just gestured to all of me.

Loop (hm1) Say what you mean, stardust!

Siffrin (serious1) (Well, here goes.) "Do you control the King?"

Loop (angry1) CONTROL HIM?!?

Loop (ew1) Hm. I wish.

Siffrin (surprised3) (Alright, but...) "Are you working with him, then?"

Loop (ew1) Ew, no.

Siffrin (serious1) (Okay, last question...) "Do you also want everything frozen in time?"

Loop (away1) . . .

Loop (away1) Sometimes.

Siffrin (yelling2) "Someti--"

Loop (angry1) And what, just because the King likes stars and I have a star head means we have to be friends somehow?!?

Loop (serious2) Don't you like the stars, too?


Siffrin (hide1) "It's complicated."

Loop (teehee2) Exactly!!!

"You're like, REALLY quiet, aren't you?"

Condition: Twenty loops or more.



(You don't know what to say, so you stay quiet.)

ACT 3 & 4

(You have nothing to talk about, so you stay quiet.)

Loop (happy1) ...

Loop (hm1) You know, stardust...

Loop (lol4) You're like, REALLY quiet, aren't you?

Loop (happy1) I knew you were quiet, but I didn't realize you were THAT quiet.

Loop (lol3) I really have to carry our conversations most of the time!!!

Siffrin (siiiiigh1) (...And?) "Too bad."

Siffrin (neutral1) "But I don't mind if you stay silent for a bit, too, you know."

Loop (lol3) Heh, alright!

Loop (happy1) ...Would you rather I don't say anything? Rather than talk all the time?

Loop (away1) Don't you want some quiet?

Siffrin (surprised1) (Huh?) "What? No."

Siffrin (surprised3) "I like to listen to people talk. I don't mind if you talk a lot."

Loop (away1) ...

Loop (away1) Yeah, that's it, isn't it...?

Loop (well2) It IS just nice to hear people talk.



Condition: Have not seen The Incident yet.

Before the patch, this conversation also required you to have talked to Loop at least fifteen times.

Siffrin (questions1)

Loop (angry1) HOLD UP!!! ME!!! I WANT TO CHAT!!!

Loop (hm1) ...Say...

Loop (happy1) You've been carrying that silver coin for a while, haven't you?

Loop (teehee3) The one in your pockets, I mean!


(For a few weeks, yes.)

ACT 3 & 4

(Since before you started looping, yes.)


Loop (lol5) I dunno, I'm mentioning it because it is just so weird, for it to be the only thing you had in your pockets! Only a silver coin!

Loop (lol1) What's the deal with it, I wonder?

Siffrin (hide1) (. . .) "It's just a coin."

Loop (lol4) Is that so?

Siffrin (angry2) "It is so."

(You just like to twirl it, flip it, or interact with it every once in a while.)

Loop (happy1) Uh huh...

Loop (hm1) So it's not secretly made of gold, or it doesn't have anything hidden inside a secret box, or it doesn't even open some secret door if you press on it real hard?

(No, but...)


Loop (happy1) ...

Loop (lol3) Pretty pathetic, to be carrying it around with you this whole time, though!


"Aren't you bored?"

Condition: None.

ACT 2 & 3

Siffrin (okay2)


Siffrin (hide1)

"Aren't you bored?"

Loop (hm1) Me? Nah, don't worry about me, stardust!

Loop (well2) ...I like being in the sun.

ACT 2 & 3

(Weird one.)



"Since I remember, isn't there a chance?"

Condition: None.

ACT 2 & 3

Siffrin (questions1)


Siffrin (hide1)

"Since I remember, isn't there a chance?

Loop (happy1) A chance of what?

ACT 2 & 3

Siffrin (serious1)


Siffrin (hide2)

"A chance they'd all remember?"

Loop (hm1) Who, your party?

Loop (happy1) Oh, is that what you're worried about?

Loop (teehee1) Don't worry. You are, and always will be, the only one who remembers previous loops.

Loop (lol2) Which is good news! They won't have to suffer like you do!

Loop (well2) This pain is yours, and yours alone.


Siffrin (neutral3) (Hey, wait...) "What about you then?"

Loop (happy2) Oh, I don't count, stardust!

Loop (teehee5) I'll always remember your mistakes. It's my job!

"So, are you a star?"

Condition: None.

ACT 2 & 3

Siffrin (okay2)


Siffrin (hide2)

"So, are you a star?"

Loop (hm1) Uh, no? Of course not? Stars don't talk, dummy?

(. . .)

Loop (lol3) Haha, your face!!!

Loop (well2) Nah, I'm not a star. I'm more like...  A mirror.

Loop (lol2) It's more fun to reflect! Being the real thing would be tiring!!!

"I can tell you've never let yourself think about what would happen if you managed to break the loop."

Condition: ACT 4.

Siffrin (tired1)

Loop (happy1) My turn.

Loop (happy1) . . .

Loop (happy3) Say, stardust.

Loop (happy3) I've been watching you this whole time. Talking to you this whole time.

Loop (well2) I can't read your mind, stardust, not really, but...

Loop (happy1) I can tell.

Loop (happy1) I can tell you've never let yourself think about what would happen if you managed to break the loop.

Siffrin (surprised1) "Huh?"

Loop (happy1) ...

Siffrin (surprised3) (But...) "But there's a lot to look forward to."

Loop (happy1) Like?

Siffrin (questions1) "Well, like..."

Siffrin (shit1) "Like..."

The screen turns black.

Siffrin "..."

The screen fades back in.


Loop (happy1) ...

Loop (happy1) Hm.

Loop (well1) Well. That's just something I was wondering about, that's all.

Loop (well3) We can go back to not thinking about it.

"You know, don't you. What your Fighter is trying so hard to say to you!"

Condition: If Siffrin got the shoulder touch from Isabeau five times or more.

Siffrin (hide1)

Loop (happy1) Wait, actually. My turn to ask a question.

Loop (lol1) You know, don't you.  What your fighter is trying so hard to say to you!

(You flinch.)

Siffrin (hide1)

  • "No, I don't."

    Loop (happy1) ...Is that so?

  • "..."

    Loop (fake1) Heh.

    Loop (ew1) I wonder who we should pity more, then.

    Loop (lol1) The one who won't be able to spit it out, almost like forbidden by time itself, or the one waiting endlessly for it...

    Loop (lol3) Such a terrible tragedy, isn't it?!?

Touch Therapy 1

Condition: ACT 2. Got the Touch in the Gardening Room two to three times.

Siffrin (neutral3)

Loop (teehee5) My turn, actually, my turn! I have a question!!!

(You guess that's fair...)

Loop (lol4) Of course it's fair.

Loop (happy2) So, I've seen you don't like to be touched, huh? Why do you think that is?

Siffrin (awkward1) (You flinch.) "I'm just too precious to touch!"

Loop (teehee1) Haha!

Loop (happy1) No, but really. Ever thought of NOT flinching when someone touches you, though?

(As if it was that easy. You just can't help it.)

(You can't help but jump when people touch you. You think it's because you're just not used to it.)

(It's not like you wanted to be like this...)

Loop (happy2) Maybe you could do some exposure therapy. Try to touch your allies. Like in that gardening room in the House!

Loop (lol3) You have nothing but time, after all!


Touch Therapy 2

Condition: Got the Touch in the Gardening Room 4 to 8 times.

Siffrin (questions1)

Loop (teehee5) My turn, actually, my turn! I have a question!!!

Loop (happy1) So, so, so, how's your touch exposure therapy going?

(Your what?)

Loop (teehee2) In the gardening room! You've been practicing to touch your party in that annoyingly cramped room, right?

Siffrin (okay2) (How does Loop know about this...) "It's going well."

Loop (teehee1) I'm so happy for you!!!

Loop (lol5) Touching people is so weird, right? At least you have all the time in the world to get used to it!

Loop (teehee4) Especially since they don't remember what you did if you loop, right? Removes all the yucky yucky ew vulnerability of it all.

(. . .)

Touch Therapy 3

Condition: Got the Touch in the Gardening Room 12 or more times.

Siffrin (questions1)

Loop (teehee5) My turn, actually, my turn! I have a question!!!

Loop (happy1) . . .So.

Loop (happy1) How's your touch therapy going?

Loop (happy1) You know, poking all your party members in the gardening room.

Siffrin (hide3) (...) "Does it matter?"

Loop (well3) That well, huh?

(. . .)

(They used to react before, when you touched them.)

(Why aren't they reacting now?)

(Poke, poke, poke, poke.)

(You keep trying and trying, but nothing changes.)

(It's like you aren't even here anymore.)

(It's like you're being erased.)

(Are you here?)

(Are you even living?)

(Someone, anyone...  Please. . .)

Loop (serious2) I see you, stardust.


Loop (serious2) I see you.

Loop (teehee3) Y-You're still here, look!

(With some hesitation, Loop brings their hand forwards...)

(...and pokes your gloved hand.)

(You feel pressure, and warmth.)

Loop (serious2) Stardust.

Loop (serious2) You're here, with me.

(. . .)

(You breathe out.)

(Loop seems to flash you a hesitant smile.)

(You smile back.)

Siffrin (sadsmile2) "You're also here, with me."

Loop (oh1) ...!

Loop (sad1) . . .Ha...

Loop (teehee3) I sure am!!!!!!

"Did you know your eyes have different shades?"

Condition: Talk to Loop twenty or more times. Doesn't have to be "Let's talk about something" but just in general.

Siffrin (neutral3) "Did you know your eyes have different shades?"

Loop (oh1) They... They do?


(You can barely see it most of the time, but you've been looking at Loop's face for a while, now.)

Loop (sad1) I, um...  I'm not sure what I even look like, to be honest.

Loop (teehee3) Th-there's no mirror around, you know!


(You have so many questions.)

(But big questions aside, that's kind of sad, not knowing what you even look like.)


The screen fades out.

(Crouching, you draw a dark silhouette on the ground.)

(Star head, star on their chest, two half moon eyes.)

The screen fades back in. A tiny drawing of Loop can be seen on the ground between them and Siffrin.

Image ID: A small doodle of Loop. It has its hands up. End ID.


(Loop looks down.)

Loop (oh my1) . . .

Loop (oh my1) Is that me?

(You nod.)

Loop (oh1) Oh.

Loop (oh1) ...

Loop (sad2) . . .

Loop (sad2) Hm.

Loop (teehee5) Anyway, please make sure to not die too early this loop, stardust~!


"What's the difference between looping with a Tear, and looping because of my dagger?"

Condition: If you took your dagger in the initial conversation about Your Dagger with Loop, whether you later gave it up or not.

If you gave up the dagger

Siffrin (tired1) "What's the difference between looping with a Tear, and looping because of my dagger?"

Loop (oh1) Oh!

Loop (hm1) Yes, I suppose I got a little upset back then.

Loop (sad1) ...  It just feels like a slippery slope to me.

Loop (sad1) I know there's no real difference. Freezing yourself in time is still knowingly ending your life for the purpose of looping back.

Loop (ew1) But... With your own dagger, in such a brutal way...

Loop (serious2) You begin to see your own body as unimportant. Disposable.

Loop (sad2) Freezing yourself in time isn't that different, but at least your body is kept intact...

Loop (sad2) And there's already so little you can keep, when you're looping through time like this.

Loop (sad2) Your possessions aren't yours. Whatever events happen to you aren't yours.

Loop (away1) All that's left is you.

Loop (ew1) And...

Loop (well2) . . .

Loop (teehee4) I'm just glad you didn't go through with it, that's all!


(Somehow, you feel like Loop was speaking from experience just now.)

If you kept the dagger

Siffrin (tired1) "What's the difference between looping with a Tear, and looping because of my dagger?"

Loop (happy1) . . .

Loop (happy1) Is this the start of a joke?

Loop (fake1) I don't want to hear any of your blinding jokes.

Siffrin (hide1)

  • "No, I'm really asking."

    Loop (happy1) . . .

    If you've used the dagger

    Loop (fake1) Shouldn't you already understand the difference?


    (You suppose you do.)

    If you haven't used the dagger

    Loop (fake1) Why don't you go and find out.


  • (...Let it go.)

    (. . .)

"You've been... Using that dagger of yours quite often, aren't you?"

Condition: Use the dagger 10 or more times.

This conversation is optional to "Behind the Scenes" when giving the dagger up.

Siffrin (tired1)

Loop (serious2) My turn.

Loop (sad1) . . .

Loop (serious2) You've been... Using that dagger of yours quite often, aren't you?


Siffrin (tired1) "It's faster."

Loop (fake1) Ha, it sure is.

Loop (sad1) I just... Wish you wouldn't.

Loop (sad1) But I know you won't listen to me on that point.

Siffrin (angry2)

  • "What, will something happen if I do it too often?"

    Loop (sad1) ...

    Loop (serious2) Not really.

    Loop (serious2) If anything's going to happen...

    Loop (subdued1) I suppose it already is.

  • (Stay silent.)

    Loop (sad1) ...

    Loop (sad1) I won't mention it anymore.

    Loop (away1) You're the one trapped. I suppose I shouldn't force you to act in a way I think is better.

    Loop (away1) You're the one who has to cope with all this this time, after all.

"So. You like theater, huh?"

Condition: ACT 4. Choose to keep the dagger both times.

This conversation is optional to "Behind the Scenes" when giving the dagger up.

Siffrin (tired1)

Loop (happy1) My turn, actually.

Loop (happy1) . . .

Loop (fake1) So!  You like theater, huh?

Loop (fake1) What about this play you're in? Do you like it?

Loop (lol1) Where you're both actor and director?

Siffrin (surprised1) ("Director"...?) "It's... Not like that."

Loop (hm1) Oh? So you don't follow the script, and say your lines exactly the same way every time, to make sure your party doesn't think you're acting weird?

Siffrin (angry1) "I don't control them!"

Loop (happy1) You control their responses, stardust.

Loop (subdued1) Sometimes going as far as restarting the scene from the top if you don't like where it's going.

Loop (lol5) What is that, if not a director?

Siffrin (what1) "I-- I don't--"

Loop (hm1) Do you even see them as people you knew, anymore?

Loop (happy1) Or are they just characters to you, without any agency of their own?

Loop (fake1) Do you remember their names, or their role?

Loop (fake1) Or--

Siffrin (angry4) "SHUT UP!!!"

Time skips back.

(You breathe harshly.)

(Loop just looks at you calmly.)

Loop (subdued1) . . .

Loop (lol5) I won't take it back!

Loop (lol3) I felt like being mean, and I'm owning up to it!


Loop (fake1) ...

Siffrin (scary3) "If I'm the director..."

Siffrin (scary2) "What does that make you?"

Loop (happy1) . . .

Loop (fake1) Why, your sponsor, of course!

Loop (fake1) Can't make a play with no resources, after all!!!


Come back later

This Loop chat occurs if there are still available chats left, but you don't meet the additional conditions for any of them.

Have not met required conditions

Only occurs in ACT 3 and below when you've run out of chats you meet the conditions to / all available chats have been seen already.

(...You don't know what to talk about.)

Loop (hm1) Me neither... Is there really nothing we can chat about, right now?

Loop (well2) What a weird feeling.

Loop (teehee1) Come back when you've done something new! Maybe we'll have something fun to talk about then.

Missed Chats

Only occurs in ACT 4 if you do not meet the conditions for anymore chats. It's possible to get if you're missing some conditions still available in ACT 4 (e.g. the second and third Touch Therapy chats), but primarily indicates you've locked yourself out of some chats.

(...You don't want to talk about anything.)

Loop (away1) ... I don't think we have much more to chat about, stardust.

Loop (well2) What else is there to say, really?

Loop (happy1) Come back later, though. Maybe we'll have something fun to talk about then.

"So that's it?"

This is the only available chat if you have obtained all 23 (or 21, without the dagger) Loop chats. There's no more to talk about!

(...You don't know what to talk about.)

Loop (away1) Me neither.

Loop (away1) I... suppose... we've talked about a lot of things already.

Loop (well2) Hm.

Loop (teehee3) Well, the Universe said there was nothing more to talk about, I guess!

Loop (sad1) ...You know what this means, don't you?

Siffrin (sad1) (You do.) "So that's it?"

Siffrin (hide4) "We used up all the conversations we had available to us?"

Siffrin (hide5) "We can't talk, anymore?"

Loop (sad1) ...

Loop (teehee3) W-Well, we can't CHAT anymore, that's for sure!

Loop (happy1) But... If you need advice, or help with anything...  I'll still be there.

Loop (sad2) So... Even if we can't chat... Please come by and say hi still, hm?


Loop (sad2) ...

Loop (guilty2) Um, than--

Siffrin (sadsmile4) "Thank you, Loop, for chatting with me."

Siffrin (sadsmile2) "You can be a pain, and annoying..."

Siffrin (sadsmile4) "But... I really enjoyed our chats."

Siffrin (hide5) "So... Thank you."

Loop (sad2) ...!

Loop (sad2) Oh, stardust...

Loop (teehee3) I was just about to say the same thing! It's like you read my mind, hahaha!

(You and Loop smile sadly at each other, and wait for the Universe to lead you once more.)

Loop (sad2) . . .

Loop (teehee3) Anyway! How else can I help you on this wonderful loop?