King Fight [START AGAIN]
Everything relating to the battle with the King in START AGAIN: a prologue.
Sources: Map001 (Meadow), Map002 (King Room WIN), Map007 (King Room), Troops 0005 (The King)
This page makes heavy use of spacing to convey pauses in dialogue.
Everyone comes to a stop side by side, facing the King
Fighter (fight2) ...
Housemaiden (angry1) ...
Kid (angry2) ...
King Ah...... ah......
King Oh...... Young ones...... Are you...... here to kill me......?
Housemaiden ...
King Oh...... Young lady...... You stand for Change Themselves, do you not......?
King ...I...
King I... I just want the world to stay the way it is now...... To be frozen in eternal beauty.......
King A world of everlasting peace and rest.
King Young housemaiden...... In a way... Isn't my wish a form of Change? Why aren't you on my side......?
Housemaiden (angry1) ...
King Ah...... Can't you feel it, young lady......?
King The Universe yearns for everyone's hopes to be encased in limitless ice......
King Won't you allow your fate to be ended......?
Housemaiden (angry3) Corrupting and ending people's lives? You call this a form of Change?
Housemaiden (angry2) You DARE compare your dreams of ice and stillness to Change themselves?!
Housemaiden (fight1) This is NOT true Change! This is just you, acting as a God would, for your own satisfaction!
King Oh......
King Ha...... Spoken like a true Housemaiden of Change......
King Ha...... I understand...... Seems like there is only one end for you all.
Fighter (confident1) Interestingly enough, the same as yours!
Researcher (angry1) Death comes for everyone, including you.
Kid (angry1) But yours will come first!!!
King Hahaha...... Ooh...... Ooooh......!
King Ooooh, ooooooh, oooooh!!!! The Universe weeps...... The stars cry out in grief......!!!
King Oooh...... Oh...... Young ones...... If you won't obey...
King I suppose I'll have to MAKE you obey.
The battle begins.
True End path
Siffrin (fight1) (Stars...) "Let's just get right to it."
Housemaiden (fight1) Yes!
Fighter (confident1) Aw, and I had a whole speech prepared too!
Researcher (angry1) Get ready, everyone.
The battle begins.
Battle Start
Identical on the True End path.
Researcher (angry1) There's no reasoning with him, it seems.
Researcher (angry1) Everyone, get ready to fight. And...
Kid (angry1) I'll be here for backup! Hit him hard!!!
Fighter (confident1) We won't back down, not now! Too many people are counting on us!!!
Housemaiden (angry3) We'll defeat you. For all the people you've hurt, for all the people you've killed...
Housemaiden (fight1) FOR THE SAFETY OF ALL OF VAUGARDE!!!
True End path only
(You can feel everyone's love for you and Vangarde...)
(Everyone's stats went up!!!)
Perfect End path
Researcher (angry1) There's no reasoning with him, it seems.
Researcher (angry1) Everyone, get ready to fight. And--
King Ooooh.... Ooooooh....
King I'm afraid it won't be as easy as you think.
The King immediately uses his special attack and kills everyone.
For the ending, see here.
Outside of the True Ending, you are doomed to die to the King's special attack. He uses it immediately on the Perfect End path, or at 70% HP for regular endings.
Regular Endings
If you end the battle with Siffrin frozen in time, you are guaranteed the Tears and Time ending. If not, there is a 50/50 chance to get either the Tears and Time or Blood and Stars endings.
Battle End (70% HP on the King)
King Ooooh....Oooooooh....
King I'm afraid this is goodbye, young ones.
(The King is preparing his last move... and looking right at you.)
(Not for the first time, you see his tearful, wrathful eyes.)
(He won't miss. He never does.)
(You'll die with the next hit.)
On his next turn, the King uses his special attack, instantly defeating the entire party and ending the battle.
Isabeau Urgh...
Mirabelle No... not like this... Not like this...!!!
(Nothing you can do.)
(At this point it's just a matter of whether you'll die frozen in time or die choking on your own blood.)
(You think for a little bit.)
(For this loop... You would rather die...)
(In tears and time.)
(You hope the King freezes you in time, lending you some rest.)
(In blood and stars.)
(You hope the King kills you quickly, in blood and stars.)
Kid No, please, please, don't leave me alone here!!!
Fighter Sif... ....Sif! SIFFRIN!!!!
(The King strikes.)
In Blood and Stars
(Your blood drips down your cloak)
(Your vision blurs)
(You can taste iron)
If you wanted this
(You're dying choking on your own blood)
(You let go.)
The game over screen appears. Siffrin loops back.
If you did not
(Not the death you wanted)
(Oh well there's always next time
The game over screen appears. Siffrin loops back.
In Tears and Time
(The world
The screen turns black.
With every word, the game over screen becomes clearer in the background.
You are static
You are endless
You rest for as long as you are abl
Siffrin loops back.
Perfect End
The sound of something slamming against the floor. The screen is dark.
(This could've worked.)
A slam.
(You acted perfectly normally, didn't you?)
A slam.
(Nothing out of place, nothing weird, every line the same as it might've been the first time?)
A slam.
(Ah... That was your mistake, wasn't it...?)
A slam.
(Because... Didn't your very first time... end exactly like this?)
A slam.
(The King throws the Housemaiden's body onto the floor again.)
A slam.
(She hasn't said a word or breathed for a long time.)
A slam.
(No one else is making a sound.)
A slam.
(You hope this body of yours expires soon.)
A slam.
The game over screen appears.
Siffrin loops back.
True End
The entire fight against the King (past the 70% HP mark) only occurs on the True End path.
Battle against the King
85% HP

(This is just the start. Your friends seem determined.)
(The Fighter.
The Housemaiden.
The Researcher.
The Kid.)
(These are your friends. You know, you know, you know.)
(But, as you fight by their side, against this undefeatable enemy, for the tenth, hundredth, thousandth time...)
(You are painfully aware of the fact that you don't remember any of their names.)
(Is it craft? Is it a curse?)
(Or did you just refuse to remember?)
Subsequent times only
(If even your thoughts are repeating, there's no hope for you, is there?)
50% HP
(The King sobs.)
(Tears appeared to help the King...)
King Oh.... ooooh.....
Kid (angry1) Stop it, stop it, STOP IT!!!!!!
Kid (angry4) YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT!!!!!!

(Something... Something to do with beauty?)
(An old sounding name?)
(Maybe... Maybe something fruity?)
(One of them is only known by their nickname, you know that...)
(So you remember? You must have heard it. You've known them for weeks, months, years. They introduced themselves to you, even if you can't recall. Of course you remembered their names!)
(...No? You don't? You're too broken to remember?)
(You're a terrible friend, Siffrin. Terrible, terrible, terrible.)
35% HP

(The torch in the infirmary? That's important!)
(The key in the book? Soooo important.)
(The names of your friends, that have been by your side throughout this entire adventure?)
(Not worth remembering.)

(Wasn't it, Siffrin? Wasn't it worth remembering? They were your friends. They ARE your friends!)
(But their souls and yours are stuck in a spiral and you look at them and see only ghosts of the people you knew and you couldn't bear it, could you?)
(Turning to look at your companions and hearing only lines that you've already heard hundreds of times?)
(It was easier if you didn't have to remember their names, if you didn't have to think of them as the people you knew, wasn't it...?)
(But they're your friends, aren't they...? Aren't they? Aren't they?!)

The King flashes, charging his attack.
Researcher (angry1) The King is charging up... Something's coming!
Housemaiden (angry2) Everyone, be on your guard...!
King Ooh, oooooh.....
End of Battle (10% HP)
(You're frozen, you're scared, you can't do anything!)
(Any second now the King will have enough, and you will die! You will all die!)
(You don't want to go through this all over again! Not now, after you've seen something new!)
(Why is the King taking so long to kill you all? Why is he delaying the inevitable?)
(He should just kill you! Get it over with! You don’t want to fight anymore! You don’t want to hope anymore!!!)
(Please, please, please, please...)
King No... No... NO!!!!!!
King I cannot allow you to win!!! I can't!!! I won't!!!
King You poor, lost creatures... Why won't you listen to me? I only want what is best for you! For everyone!
King And if you won't listen...
(Ah, finally......)
(The King is preparing his last move... and looking right at you.)
(Not for the first time, you see his tearful, wrathful eyes.)
(He won't miss. He never does.)
(Close your eyes.)
Housemaiden (awkward2) SIFFRIN?!
Fighter (fight3) SIF!!! MOVE!!!

(Isabeau protected you from the King's attack!!!)


Isabeau Don't worry about me, Sif!!! Just GO!!!

Researcher Stand up, Siffrin!!! The King is weakened... This isn't over yet!!!
(Odile, Odile, how could you forget, Odile...)

Kid Hey!!! Quick, take this Sour Tonic and GO!!!
(Bonnie, Bonnie, sweet and caring Bonnie...)
Housemaiden SIFFRIN!!!

Mirabelle Come and help me!!! Together, we can finish him off!!!

Mirabelle This is our chance! Our chance to end everything once and for all!!!
Siffrin (shock3) (...!) (MOVE...!)
(Something changed, finally, something changed!!!)
(Mirabelle powered you up...)
(This is it!!!)

Sources: Map001 (Meadow), Map002 (King Room WIN)
Everyone comes to in the same room as before, but it's bright. Torches flicker, the King is gone, and time is moving again.
Isabeau (fight2) ...
Mirabelle (fight2) ...
Odile (oof1) ...
Bonnie (surprised1) ...
Siffrin (shock1) (...) "..."
Mirabelle (determined1) Did... did we do it?
Isabeau (fight2) ...
Isabeau (fight1) ... He's gone...
Isabeau (embarassed2) We did it...???
Everybody jumps in joy and gathers around Siffrin.
Isabeau (happy1) Sif, we did it! He's gone! The King is gone!!! Hahahaha!!!
Siffrin (shock1) (Isabeau, your friend, your comedy partner, your...) "Isa..."
Bonnie (ew2) Ho...
Bonnie jumps up and yells.
Siffrin turns to Bonnie.
Bonnie (excited1) Holy CRAB THAT WAS SCARY!!! WE DID IT? WE DID IT!!!!
Siffrin (shock1) (The little sibling of the group, the one who kept you all going...) "Bonnie..."
Odile (oof1) Ha...
Siffrin turns to Odile.
Odile (happy1) Haha... hahahahaha!!! Oh, it was close for a second there!!!!
Siffrin (shock1) (The woman who understands you the best, observant to a fault...) "Odile..."
Siffrin turns to Mirabelle.
Mirabelle (distressed2) Oh...
Mirabelle (cry1) Oh, what a relief...!
Siffrin (shock1) (The savior of Vaugarde, the reason you are all here...) "Mirabelle..."
Isabeau jumps in joy. Siffrin turns toward him.
Isabeau (happy2) Sif, Sif, Siffrin!!! It's over! We won!!!
- Siffrin (shock2) (...)
- "..."
- "...We won...?"
Isabeau (happy1) We won, Sif!!!!! The country's okay, everything's gonna be okay now!!!
(You won, you won, you won.........)
(You wipe your eyes.)
Mirabelle (gentle1) Oh, Siffrin...
Mirabelle (smile1) It'll be okay, Siffrin. We prevailed.
Mirabelle (smile2) We'll all be able to go back home!
Isabeau (happy2) I can't wait to tell my old job friends that I've helped save the country!
Bonnie (excited1) I gotta go back home and see if my sister's okay!!!
Odile (sigh1) Finally, I'll be able to go back to my research.
Mirabelle (smile1) Hehehe!
Mirabelle (gentle1) See, Siffrin? We'll all be fine now.
Mirabelle (gentle1) There's nothing to worry about anymo--
The screen flickers.
(You feel your heart being tugged.)
(No, no, not now)
(You reach out
Siffrin loops back.
There are snippets of the entire journey here. The fight against the King, the treck through the House, a fight against a Sadness, the game's intro...
And Siffrin comes to, lying on their back on the grass in a meadow.
He wakes up.
Mirabelle Ah, Siffrin!!!
Mirabelle enters the scene from the north, and Siffrin stands up.
Mirabelle (determined1) Huh???
Mirabelle (awkward1) Siffrin, were you... were you...
Mirabelle (awkward2) TAKING A NAP????!??!
Mirabelle (wondering1) I... I suppose that's...
Mirabelle (smile1) Yes, you're right! I should follow your lead on this one!
Mirabelle (smile2) We'd better get some sleep while we can! Since tomorrow...
Mirabelle (smile1) We'll have to fight against the King!
The credits play.