Special thanks for the following people for making this site possible!


For helping me with the HTML, CSS, and whatever Javascript is. Also for being the best, generally.


For helping me retrieve the most obscure game information known to man, and putting up with my many question thereabout. And for being cute. Get complimented.


For joining me in the quest for script pages and allowing me to mirror his scripts from the ISATwiki!


For teaching me what github is and taking a look at my slapdash code. Your patience is infinite and astounds me.


FOR MAKING THIS FANTASTIC BEAUTIFUL GAME!!! and writing characters so good I want to transcribe everything they say!!
Also for promo'ing the ISATwiki. Very cool.
And not striking me down for the crimes I've committed against these characters. Very swag.

Armor Games Studios

For publishing this incredible game and making it possible for me to play it on switch.

Studio Thumpy Puppy

For the OST I have spent way too long listening to. On loop, one could even say.