ACT 2 Intro
Created by candycoatedroxThe full intro sequence for ACT 2, starting with waking up in the Meadow after getting crushed, up to the Clocktower cutscene.
Sources: Map 002 (Meadow), Map030 (DORMONT), Map062 (Shop), Map022 (Village E), Map034 (Village Tree (LOOP)), Common Event 130 (!!!IsabeauDormontConvo), Map022 (Village E), Map051 (ClockTower)
This page contains compiled dialogue from:
- Meadow
- Mirabelle Beginning Talk
- Odile Beginning Talk
- Bonnie Beginning Talk
- Isabeau Beginning Talk
- Favor Tree
- Clocktower
- Meadow
- Entering Dormont
- "Anything weird happen lately?"
- Loop
- Clocktower
Mirabelle --frin!
Mirabelle enters the scene from the north, stopping just above Siffrin.
Mirabelle Siffrin!
Mirabelle ...Siffrin?
Mirabelle (happy1) Good morning!
Mirabelle (awkward1) Well, more like, good afternoon, I guess...
Mirabelle (happy1) Were you taking a nap? That's just like you... Only you could sleep peacefully at a time like this, hehe!
Mirabelle (happy1) I guess that's smart... We better get some rest while we can! We have to be ready for tomorrow...
Mirabelle (happy2) So we can finally face against the King!
Siffrin (surprised1) "Huh?"
Mirabelle (awkward1b) ...You're still half asleep, aren't you?
(You just look at her.)
Mirabelle (hm2) Hm... Okay, then...
Mirabelle heads north out of frame.
Mirabelle (stressed1) You can sleep for a little longer, but not too long! Come to the village when you're ready, okay?
(Hold on,
(You DID, you think! You must have! You were in the House and then a big rock fell and now you're in the meadow, back in Dormont, and what Mirabelle just said to you, waking you up, that was, very, familiar???)
(But aaargh, the trap, the trap!!! You idiot! You stupid fool! It's your job to take care of traps and you got taken out IMMEDIATELY!!!!)
(You didn't even see a glimpse of the King!!! And it's your job, stupid!!! Your job to see ahead, to take care of traps!!! You couldn't even do your job and now you're DEAD because you did a SLOPPY AWFUL TERRIBLE JOB,)
(And you DIED!!! YOU DIED!!!! You felt your body being crushed and now you're laying on the grass, alive, and your skin itches and your stomach hurts and you DIED!!!!)
(You put your hands over your mouth and scream!!! Stars!!!! You’re so stupid and useless and dumb!!!!!!!!!)
(Okay you're over it now.)
(You take a deeeeeeep breath iiiiiiiiin, and ouuuuuuuuuut.)
(You put your shaking hands behind your back, pressing them hard between you and the grass.)
(Okay, you died, that's one thing.)
(And now, you're alive, and not a crêpe, that's another thing.)
(And it's apparently the day before, back when Mirabelle woke you up from your nap, that's the third thing.)
(You went back in time?)
(Okay, that's normal. Totally normal.)
(Totally one hundred percent completely normal.)
(. . .)
(...Oh well, at least you were in the lead as always.)
(Judging by where you were when you died, you were probably the only one who got hit. The only one that...)
(In a way, you're REALLY glad you're forced to take the lead every time you and everyone else get somewhere dangerous.)
(But... You're back. Back to the day before you went to the House.)
(And why?)
(And... Can you make sure to not die this time?)
(Back to work, Siffrin. You have a country to save.)
(You'll always remember this.)
[Memories are a type of item you can equip. Each Memory is specific to one character, and gives them special abilities.]
[For example, the Memory you just got can only be equipped by you. When Memory of Looping is equipped, it'll boost your MaxHP by +5 per loop.]
[You can equip Memories by opening your menu and going to the Equip section!]
(What is that voice you've been hearing this whole time...?)
Entering Dormont
Mirabelle (happy1) Siffrin! You're up!
(Oops, you don't know how to act right now.)
(You've seen this once before, so you should maybe... Act the same??? Figure something out, quick.)
Siffrin (awkward1) (Quick!) "Hey, uh, hey again, Mira."
Mirabelle (awkward1b) ...Still half asleep, huh? How was your nap?
(Okay take two. Say something. Make normal words come out of your mouth.)
Siffrin (awkward1) (Smart and normal words, GO!) "Yes. Correct. I was taking nap time."
Mirabelle (anxious1) ...I know that? I was there?
(Oh stars.)
Mirabelle (stressed1) Oh, wait! I had something I wanted to ask you!!!
Mirabelle (anxious2) Um, I have an idea for tonight... This will be the night before we go fight the King, so I felt like we could make it special somehow...
Mirabelle (stressed1) So, I was thinking, how about a sleepover?
Mirabelle (happy1) Let's all eat good food together! Sleep in the same room! Maybe tell stories!!!
Mirabelle (happy2) It would be nice, wouldn't it?
(Suddenly, you remember where this conversation is heading.)
(Can you change it? Can you change fate?!? Only one way to find out...)
Siffrin (n-nya1) (Something like...) "That sounds like an AMAZING idea, Mira!"
Mirabelle (happy1) Yeah? Oh, I'm so glad you think so!!!
Mirabelle (happy2) I was thinking it was a little silly, but if you think it could be fun, then great!!!
Mirabelle (happy1) Ah, I can't wait... This will be delightful! I'm smiling just thinking about it...
(So you CAN change things.)
(This was a small change, but if your fate isn't set in stone... Then...)
Mirabelle (happy1) --so, could you let everyone know? I would really appreciate it!
Siffrin (smiling1) "Sure!"
Mirabelle (hm3) Okay! Let me think...
Mirabelle (thinking1) Madame Odile should be in the shop buying items, Bonnie should be near the fields to the east, and Isabeau is at the Favor Tree to the west!
Mirabelle (happy3) We're staying in the clocktower at the east of the town, right past the broken bridge, so you can just tell everyone to meet up there later!
Mirabelle (haha1) ...That was a lot of names and places. Will you remember?
Siffrin (smiling1) (You think so, yes.) "I always remember things."
Mirabelle (anxious1) ...Well, unrelated to your memory...
Mirabelle (stressed1) Here's a note with everyone's location! Just in case! You! Forget!!!
(You got the REMINDER NOTE!)
(You put the note in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)
Mirabelle (happy1) Okay, see you at the Clocktower later then! I'll be near the library if you need me, come talk to me whenever!
Mirabelle (excited1) Oh, and don't forget to check the Change God's statue too! For good luck!
(You wave goodbye.)
(Okay, that was... slightly different from what you remembered, but still...)
(So it seems you really are... repeating the same day. With small differences.)
(And Mirabelle... doesn't seem to be aware of it.)
(Are you the only one repeating today?)
(What should you do...?)
[You should come to the Favor Tree when you have a second, stardust.]
"Anything weird happen lately?"
Mirabelle (awkward2) . . .
(Mirabelle is here, sitting on a bench and looking at papers.)
Mirabelle (happy1) Hi Siffrin! Do you need anything?
If you haven't talked to anyone else yet
[You don't need to talk to your allies about things you've already talked about, but the option is still here just in case you need a refresher!]
Siffrin (questions1) (Questions...) "Anything weird happen lately?"
Mirabelle (awawa1) Something weird? U-um...
(She looks at the papers she's holding, as if you just accused her papers of being weird.)
Mirabelle (stressed1) N-Nothing! Nothing's weird! Definitely not my papers!!!
Mirabelle (angy1) D-DON'T LOOK AT THEM!!!
Siffrin (boo1)
(Tease her a little.)
(You bring your index finger up.)
Mirabelle (angy1) NO!
(You slowly move your finger closer to her papers...)
Mirabelle (awawa1) No no no no no no no...
Mirabelle (anxious2) ...
(Mirabelle is so worried at the idea of you seeing her papers that she froze.)
(Your finger gets closer...)
(...And pokes one of the papers.)
Siffrin (blep1) "Poke."
Mirabelle (anxious2) ...
Mirabelle (anxious2) ...Stop poking my papers...
(You feel a little bad.)
(You stop poking the papers.)
Mirabelle (awkward2) ...Apart from that, I haven't seen anything weird.
(Let it go.)
(You are still curious, but you'll let it go for now.)
Mirabelle (haha1) ...Phew.
(Odile is here, looking at what the shop has to offer.)
Siffrin (awkward1) "Odile!"
Odile (up1) Oh, Siffrin.
Odile (lol1) You look rested. Glad to see you this laidback on the day before the end of the world.
Odile (up1) Anyway. How can I help you?
If you haven't talked to anyone else yet
[You don't need to talk to your allies about things you've already talked about, but the option is still here just in case you need a refresher!]
Siffrin (questions1) (Questions...) "Anything weird happen lately?"
Odile (up1) Weird...? Like what?
Odile (serious2) I didn't see anything weird. Did YOU see anything weird?
Siffrin (awkward1) (Too perceptive...!) "Nope! Nothing at all!"
Odile (what2) ...Okay.
Odile (reading1) I'll keep an eye out. I do hope you'll also let me know if you see "something weird".
(Bonnie is here, looking morosely at the fields.)
Siffrin (awkward1) "Bonnie...?"
Bonnie (sulk1) ...
Bonnie (sulk3) ...heyfrin.
Bonnie (sulk1) ...
Bonnie (sulk3) ...What d'you want?
If you haven't talked to anyone else yet
[You don't need to talk to your allies about things you've already talked about, but the option is still here just in case you need a refresher!]
Siffrin (questions1) (Questions...) "Anything weird happen lately?"
Bonnie (sulk2) Weird? Um...
Bonnie (serious1) Just a second ago, I saw, like, the BIGGEST bee.
Siffrin (n-nya1) (...Okay.)
"Okay. Thank you."
Bonnie (sulk5) You asked...
"How big though?"
Bonnie (happy1) Like, like, THIS big.
(Bonnie makes a fist, and points to it to show you that yeah, that's how big it was.)
Siffrin (smiling3) (Wow.)
"That's very big."
Bonnie (sulk2) ...Are you making a pun? Bee-ig?
- First time: (Oh, that's pretty good actually. Why didn't you come up with it.)
- Subsequent times: (You act as if you're sad you didn't come up with it.)
(Bonnie sees your crestfallen face and snickers.)
Bonnie (lol1) Heheheheh.
"That's very bee-ig."
Bonnie (sulk5) What? Like a bee? This sucks. Your pun sucks.
(But, but... Ah, whatever.)
(Isabeau is here, probably pondering what favor to ask the Tree.)
Siffrin (smiling3) "Hey, uh, Isa..."
Isabeau (really1) Hey, uh, Sif? Are you still half-asleep?
Isabeau (really3) You should stop taking forever naps, Sif. Naps give you cotton brain.
Isabeau (up1) Anyway, I was just looking at the Favor Tree! Isn't this tree cool???
Siffrin (n-nya2) (Oh, wait, you remember this!) "Yeah it is..."
Isabeau (hahaha2) Glad you agree!
Siffrin (fufu1) "One could say it's a pretty..."
Isabeau (sif!1) Uh huh???
Siffrin (joke1) "...TREE-mendous tree."
Isabeau (LMAO1) HAHAHA!!!!! YEAH!!!! YEAH!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!
(You both laugh.)
(Laughing uproariously, he raises his hand towards your shoulder...)
(...but stops, and brings it to his side.)
(Didn't he do this before? What a weird gesture.)
Isabeau (sniff1) Haa... That was funny.
Isabeau (wonder1) Anyway! The tree feels weird somehow... Or maybe it's just me?
Siffrin (surprised1) (What?) "The tree feels weird?"
Isabeau (wonder1) Yeah! Like, it feels... weird.
Isabeau (surprised1) But not mean! Like if a lion came towards you and offered you some candy, that'd be weird, right? That kinda weird!
Siffrin (okay1) (...What.)
Isabeau (hahaha2) Aw, you always get me, Sif!
"Did you say that last time...?"
Isabeau (wonder1) Last time...? What d'you mean? I just started feeling like this now!
(...The tree feels weird?)
(Maybe you should go take a look at it...)
Isabeau (blush1) ...Um...
Isabeau (neutral1) I'm gonna go soon so you can do your thing with the tree, but do you wanna talk before I go?
If you haven't talked to anyone else yet
[You don't need to talk to your allies about things you've already talked about, but the option is still here just in case you need a refresher!]
Siffrin (questions1) (Questions for Isa...) "Anything weird happen lately?"
Isabeau (wonder2) Yeah! The tree!
Isabeau (angry2) I told you, something feels off.
Isabeau (hahaha2) ...But I have other things to worry about, so who cares!
Siffrin approaches the tree. Birds chirp.
(The Favor Tree.)
(Isabeau said the tree felt "weird"...)
(And you heard someone telling you to come here, didn't you?)
(What was that voice...?)
(You walk towards the tree.)
Siffrin takes two steps forward, now under the canopy's shade.
(...The tree is so big, everything under it is dark as night, but...)
(You feel like someone is here, sitting at the foot of the tree.)
(Looking at you.)
(Cautiously, with a hand on your dagger, you walk towards the base of the tree.)
(. . .)
(Well, uh, you found someone alright.)
Siffrin "Uh, hello, stranger."

??? ...Hello, stranger.
??? (subdued1) ...
Siffrin (surprised1) (A... star?) "..."
??? (subdued1) ...
The stranger's silly theme music begins to play.
??? (lol1) My, struck speechless at the sight of me, aren't you?
??? (lol5) You're so cute, stardust!
Siffrin (um1) (Stardust?!?) "Um--"
??? (lol3) Aw, Siffrin, look at you. All lost and confused.
Siffrin (surprised1) (Huh? Wait...) "How do you know my--"
??? (happy2) Why wouldn't I know? You're Sif! Siffrin!
??? (well3) No middle names, no last name! Just Siffrin!
??? (hmmm1) I shouldn't wonder why you look like this, though. It makes sense that you'd feel overwhelmed!
??? (teehee1) Considering this is your first loop, and all.
Siffrin (surprised2) (HUH!??!) "HOW DO YOU--"
??? (lol5) Aw, of course I know, stardust!
??? (teehee1) I know about you, I know about your party, about the loops, about that funny silver coin you carry--
Siffrin (surprised2) (Alright, that's it.) "CAN YOU STOP TALKING PLEASE"
??? (hmmm1) Oh stars, no need to yell.
??? (teehee3) Let's take a deep breath in, and out, okay? Breathe with me, let's go. In...
(Your head hurts and your hands are shaking and your heart is beating like it's about to explode, so you probably should.)
(Slowly, following the astral being, you breathe in, and out.)
??? (well2) Pheeeeeeeeeee e e e ew.
??? (happy1) Alright! Who I am, right?
??? (well3) Hm, well, let's see, let's go with...
??? (lol5) Loop. Your ally Loop, here to help you with the loops. Easy to remember, right?
Loop (teehee2) And for pronouns, you may address me with the royal We.
Siffrin (um2) (Um.) "That doesn't make ANY sense."
Loop (lol4) Ah, yes, that's true, isn't it?
Loop (teehee3) Then use they/them for me. I'm sure you'll think about me all the time, so you might as well know what pronouns to use!
(Yeah, better know this one's pronouns so you can think very clearly in your head that they're getting on your nerves.)
Siffrin (okay2) (Your turn, you guess.) "I use--"
Loop (happy1) He/they, I know. It's in your profile.
Loop (lol3) I can read, you know!
Siffrin (awkward1) "My what now--"
Loop (teehee2) Anyway stardust, I'm here to help! Ask whatever questions your little heart desires!
(Yep, full blown headache now.)
Siffrin (okay2) (Questions, questions...) "You said I'm, uh, 'looping'?"
Loop (lol5) Oh, getting right into it! I like it, stardust!
Loop (lol1) Are you sitting down? You better sit down, you're gonna get a lot of info at once!
Siffrin sits down. Their feet are now visible under the Favor Tree's canopy, opposite Loop's.
(You sit down.)
Loop (teehee2) So! You're stuck in a time loop! Fun, right?
Loop (lol1) Which means that every time you die, you'll loop back, and you'll get to try it all over again!
Loop (lol3) No matter how horribly or stupidly you die, like, let's say, crushed by a giant rock, you will always come back!
Siffrin (surprised1) (They saw that...?) "Did you see--"
Loop (hmmm1) Of course I saw, stardust! How can I help you if I don't know what you're doing?
Loop (happy1) Also, you've probably noticed a lot of things got reset, right?
Loop (hm1) Your party members are saying the same things, all the items you got while you were in the House disappeared...
Siffrin (questions1) (Yeah, you noticed your pockets got emptier...) "Because I didn't pick anything up yet, right?"
Loop (teehee5) Stardust, you smart cookie, you got it!
Loop (hmmm1) So you'll have to pick them up again. If you want! Which you probably should, since you got a long road ahead of you.
Siffrin (questions1) (So what about...) "I have to pick up keys again, too?"
Loop (lol4) Yep! Every time! Well, until you learn.
Siffrin (um2) (Huh?) "Learn wh--"
Loop (teehee5) Anyway, this is a lot of information, but don't worry! You'll pick things up as you go along!
Loop (happy2) Oh, but your weapons and equipment won't be reset though! So that's good news!
Loop (lol1) Isn't it nice that you get to keep your cool powerful equipment?
Loop (teehee2) Especially since you, stardust, will keep whatever Experience you have, but the rest of your party won't. Compensate by having powerful weapons equipped!
(Your friends won't grow and get Experience like you?)
(You guess it makes sense, since they won't remember whatever enemies you face...)
Loop (fake2) Speaking of your party, you can tell them about the loops, if you want! They might be able to help, and nothing is keeping you from telling them, so...
Siffrin (neutral3) (Uh, why?) "Why would I tell them?"
Loop (happy1) Why wouldn't you? Don't you need help?
(Uh, you've just learned that you can start again as many times as you want and fix your mistakes.)
Siffrin (fufu1) (Why would you need help? You're the one in a position to help your friends here...) "I don't really need their help."
Loop (teehee3) Right, because you got me!
(NOT what you meant.)
Siffrin (okay2) (Questions, questions...) "What should I do now?"
Loop (well3) Hm, let's see...
Loop (teehee3) Have you tried Not Dying???
Loop (lol2) I dunno! Just an idea!
Loop (hm1) Just go back to the House and try again! And maybe die again? Guess we'll see!
Loop (teehee3) Remember: no death is wasted!
(Thanks, that was useless.)
Siffrin (okay2) (Questions, questions...) "Any advice?"
Loop (hm1) Advice, yes. I have advice.
Loop (happy2) Don't eat pineapples! You're allergic.
Siffrin (um2)
Loop (hm1) Hey, you ask for advice, I give you advice!
"Am I?"
Loop (lol1) You REALLY are. Don't try it!
Loop (lol3) ...Aw, you look so steamed! Okay, real advice, real advice...
Loop (well4) While you were talking to your party, didn't you see a weird symbol appear?
Loop (happy1) Two little triangles, maybe?
Loop (happy1) It might happen with some conversations you've heard before. If you see it, you can zone out by pressing the [button] button.
Loop (lol5) It makes you stop listening and makes conversations go faster. No point in staying aware for conversations you've already experienced, huh?
Loop (hm1) Let's try it with the next text box, so you know how it works.
The zone out symbol () appears. Dialogue repeats until the assigned button has been pressed long enough to skip all of it.
Loop (teehee3) I am talking now, so press [button] whenever! Nope, that's the wrong button, stardust. Wrong again. I said [button]! Come on now, this is getting silly.
When pressing shift:
Loop (teehee3)
- YEAH!!!!
- You're doing it!!!
- So proud of you!!!
- YEAH!!!!
- You're doing it!!!
- Don't make the same mistakes I did, okay?
- You're doing it!
- So proud of you!!!
When letting go of shift:
Loop (hm1) No, don't press that, silly, press [button]! Let's try again.
(Yeah, that's it.)
Loop (teehee1) You did it! It'll take some time for you to get used to it, but it'll save you time, for sure.
Loop (teehee3) You might miss what your party is saying, but who cares, right? If you make them mad, you can always loop back and they'll have forgotten all about it!
Loop (well4) If you want me to say it another way...
[If you see the icon during a conversation, press [button] to fast-forward through it!]
(Ow ow ow ow.)
(You don't know how they did that, but their voice resonated through your head...)
(You've heard that voice before, yesterday-- Well, in another version of today, really...)
(So they WERE the voice you've been hearing, giving you advice?)
Loop (lol5) See, I'm useful. I'm very useful! That's why I'm here, helpful Loop.
(That IS useful, but...)
Siffrin (hide1) (...) "Why are you helping me?"
Loop (happy1) . . .
Loop (well2) Because I think you should be helped.
Loop (happy1) I won't always have the answers, but... I think having someone on your side to talk to is better than dealing with this alone.
Loop (lol1) Right?
Siffrin (um2) (...) "But I never asked for your help..."
Loop (lol3) Tough luck, stardust!!! I'll still help you out!!!
Loop (teehee4) Alright! That's all I have for you right now, but don't forget to come to me when you feel stuck, okay?
Loop (teehee3) I'll be right here under this tree! Don't forget! Bye!!!
(They wave at you excitedly.)
(You awkwardly wave back as you go...)
Siffrin walks away from the Favor Tree.
(Loop, huh...)
(They're a little annoying, but... If you do find yourself stuck at some point, or just need someone to talk to, they might be able to help...)
At this point, you can continue on in Dormont as normal. You can't slip on the banana peel yet, so you're forced to go to the Clocktower at the end of the day.
The cutscene outside the Clocktower is the same. Parts of the main cutscene not listed here have only tiny dialogue changes in ACT 2.
Full page: Clocktower
After Samosas
[Pst, stardust...]
(As you're about to take another samosa to munch on, you hear Loop's voice, and try not to jump.)
[Heh, sorry, sorry!]
[So, here again, huh? Don't worry, you'll get to zone out during this entire event if you want. But there is something...]
[You're able to zone through most conversations you've seen at least once, yes... But some of them might be slightly different!]
[Oh, don't stress out about it. Don't worry, if it was REALLY important, you'd stop zoning out immediately. But remember that just because you can zone out, doesn't mean the events will be exactly the same!]
[So... To zone out, and miss some small things, or to listen to it all again? What a dilemma!]
[That's all! Bye, stardust~!]
(You go back to your samosa.)

Isabeau Phew, Bonbon...

Isabeau That was DE-LI-CIOUS!
Odile You keep getting better at cooking, Boniface. Those samosas were delicious.
Bonnie Really? It wasn't bad? You liked it?
Bonnie I-I MEAN, OF COURSE IT WAS DELICIOUS. I'm a master cooker, you know!!!
Odile Chef.
Bonnie I'm a chef cooker!!!
Mirabelle That was the perfect meal, Bonnie! We'll all sleep well tonight and be full of energy tomorrow!
Isabeau It was almost too much, to be honest... I don't think I can move...
(You didn't eat much this time.)
(Your stomach feels weird...)
Bonnie ...You... You didn't like it?
Bonnie ...
(Wuh oh.)
Siffrin "I'm just not very hungry."
Bonnie But you're always hungry?!?
Siffrin "I, uh, may have eaten some bread earlier."
Mirabelle Siffrin!
Odile How could you do this to poor Boniface.
Odile Look at them. They're pouting so hard they're about to explode.
Bonnie KABOOM!!!!!!!
Bonnie I exploded.
Bonnie Siffrin was destroyed on impact.
Odile A beautiful explosion.
Mirabelle Siffrin... You died because of your hubris...
Siffrin (How regrettable.) "Was it just me that died?"
Bonnie Yes. You were the only casualty.
(That's fine then.)
(You still dramatically fall over for good measure.)
Siffrin "No... How could this happen..."
Mirabelle Hehehe...
Talking to Isabeau
Isabeau Sif...

Isabeau Hey... hey Sif. Siffrin. Siffarooni.
(Isabeau is whispering your name...)
- (Turn around and listen.)

Isabeau Um...
Isabeau Sorry? To wake you up?
Isabeau I just have to tell you something.
Isabeau If that's okay.
(Again with this?)
(You didn't get to the King, so you don't know what he wants to tell you...)
(You nod.)
Isabeau Okay, okay, okay.

Isabeau Then I shall tell you the thing!
Isabeau The thing I woke you up to tell you!
Isabeau Haha!
Isabeau Um, okay. So.
Isabeau The thing I have to tell you
Isabeau Is
Isabeau That

Isabeau I don't have anything to tell you right now.
Isabeau But I will, when, uh, when we beat the King tomorrow. Okay?
- "That's so ominous, Isa."
- "That's STILL so ominous, Isa."
Isabeau I-it's not meant to be???
Isabeau I, uh, just don't wanna tell you right now. It might distract you. And we wouldn't want that, right???
Isabeau So, um, I'll tell you when we beat the King. Okay?
(You haven't gotten to the King yet, so you still don't know what he wants to say.)
(You're so curious. But the only thing you can say is...)
Siffrin "Okay."

Isabeau ... Okay!

Odile I'm already up.

Odile And if the noise continues, I will stand up.
Odile You do not want to know what will happen if I stand up.
Bonnie Sorry.
Isabeau Sorry m'dame...
Mirabelle S-Sorry...

Isabeau Good night, Sif!
(You think about how far you still have to go before beating the King.)
(You fall asleep.)