Bonnie Beginning Talk

Uses parts made by candycoatedrox

Source: Map022 (Village E)

All text for talking to Bonnie in Dormont East.

For talking to them in ACT 5, see ACT 5 Friendquests.


Conversation start


First time in a loop

(Bonnie is here, looking morosely at the fields.)

ACT 1 & 2

Siffrin (smiling3)

Loop 1

Siffrin (awkward1)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake1)

  • "Bonnie!" ACT 1 & 2

    Bonnie (sulk1) ...

    Bonnie (sulk3) ...heyfrin.

    Bonnie (sulk1) ...

    First five times

    (Oh boy.)

    Subsequent times

    (Do you think one day Bonnie will be able to look at you in the eye?)

  • "Bonnie...?" Loop 1

    Bonnie (sulk1) ...

    Bonnie (sulk3) ...heyfrin.

    Bonnie (sulk1) ...

  • "Bonnie." ACT 3 & 4

    Bonnie (sulk1) ...

    Bonnie (sulk3) ...heyfrin.

    Bonnie (sulk1) ...

  • (Stay silent.) Available in ACT 4 (Stay silent.) ACT 4

    Bonnie (surprised1) ...!?

    Bonnie (wait1) Are you okay? You look very very VERY tired.

Bonnie (sulk3) ...What d'you want?

Second time only, if you haven't talked to any other party member yet

[You don't need to talk to your allies about things you've already talked about, but the option is still here just in case you need a refresher!]


Repeated interaction

Bonnie (sulk3) ...Do you want something?

After Kingquest

First time talking to Bonnie after getting that one scene in Kingquest. Required to complete it.

(Bonnie is here, alive and whole.)

Siffrin (yelling4) "BONBON..!!!"

Bonnie (shy2) H-Huh?! What did you--

Siffrin (fake2) "Bonnie."

Siffrin (fake3) "How are you?"

Bonnie (wait1) ...I'm... Okay?

Siffrin (fake3) "Good."

Bonnie (shy2) . . .

Siffrin (fake4) "..."

Bonnie (sulk5) And... How   are you...?

Bonnie (sulk3) You look bummed out. What's wrong?

Siffrin (fake3) "Nothing is wrong at all!"

Bonnie (sulk4) ...Okay.

Bonnie (sad1) Well. Um.

Bonnie (serious1) What do you want?


(You have to go and see Loop.)

Talking to Bonnie again in the same loop

Bonnie (sad1) ...?


After completing Kingquest, there is a 20% chance for this to occur instead of the normal conversation start every time you talk to Bonnie. This can only occur once.

The village music slows down. The screen turns black.

Bonnie (spooky1)

Everything returns to normal.

Bonnie (sulk3) ...heyfrin.

Bonnie (wait1) ...Woah, what's wrong?

(You catch your breath.)

Siffrin (fake2) "Hey, Bonnie!"

Bonnie (surprised1) ...?

Bonnie (sulk5) Well, what do you want?


ACT 1 & 2

Siffrin (questions1) (Questions...)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake1) (...)

"Clocktower, sleepover!!!"

"Worrying about tomorrow?"

"What will you do after?" ACT 1

"Anything weird happen lately?" ACT 2 onwards

"Can I help you with anything?" ACT 3 onwards

"Those kids like frogs!" Available conditionally

"Flower for you."

(Stay silent.) ACT 4


"Clocktower, sleepover!!!"

Bonnie (mock1) A sleepover? That's pretty dumb.

Bonnie (sulk3) Was it your idea?

ACT 1 & 2

Siffrin (n-nya2) (Hey...)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake1) (...)

"Mira's, actually."

Bonnie (lol1) Oh. Then it's a great idea, why didn't you come up with it?

(Stars, you do NOT know how to deal with Bonnie anymore.)

"Worrying about tomorrow?"

Bonnie (sulk5) No.


Siffrin (um1)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake2)


Bonnie (sulk1) ...

Bonnie (sulk2) Not even a little bit.

ACT 1 & 2

Siffrin (sad1) (That's a lie.)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake2) (Yeah, keep stepping right in it...)

"Your sister will be okay, you know."

Bonnie (no!1) Don't talk about my sister!

Bonnie (sulk4) And anyway, I don't need to worry about her.

Bonnie (sad1) ...It's not like she's gonna move from her spot.


(Bonnie's sister is in Bambouche, a coastal village hundreds of kilometers from here.)

(A few months ago, the King froze their whole village in time.)

(Unless you manage to beat the King tomorrow, Bonnie's sister will never move again...)

ACT 2 onwards


Bonnie (sad2) ...

"What will you do after?"

Only available in ACT 1.

Bonnie (surprised1) If we beat the King?

Bonnie (sulk5) I'll go and see my sister in Bambouche, duh.

Siffrin (okay2) "And then?"

Bonnie (sulk5) ...

Bonnie (serious1) And then I'll hug her.

Siffrin (smiling3) "And then?"

Bonnie (sulk5) ...

Bonnie (serious1) And then I'll tell her I really really tried.

Siffrin (joke1) (Tried what...?) "And then?"

Bonnie (sulk5) ...

Bonnie (no!1) And then you won't be here anyway, so you won't be here to ask me stupid questions, you crab!!!!

Bonnie (sulk3) What about you, anyway? What will you do?

Siffrin (smiling3) (What will you do...?) "I'll go to space."

Bonnie (ew1) "Space" sounds lame. I bet you can't even go there anyway.

Siffrin (blep1) "I totally can."

Bonnie (sulk3) ...

Bonnie (wow1) Wait, really? How?

Siffrin (blep1) "It's a secret." (Wink.)

Bonnie (sulk2) ...This is why I don't like you, Siffrin.


"Anything weird happen lately?"

Bonnie (sulk2) Weird? Um...

Bonnie (serious1) Just a second ago, I saw, like, the BIGGEST bee.


Siffrin (n-nya1) (...Okay.)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake2) (...)

  • "Okay. Thank you."

    Bonnie (sulk5) You asked...

  • "How big though?"

    Bonnie (happy1) Like, like, THIS big.

    (Bonnie makes a fist, and points to it to show you that yeah, that's how big it was.)

    ACT 2 & 3

    Siffrin (smiling3) (Wow.)

    ACT 4

    Siffrin (fake1) (...)

    • "That's very big."

      Bonnie (sulk2) ...Are you making a pun? Bee-ig?

      First time

      (Oh, that's pretty good actually. Why didn't you come up with it.)

      Subsequent times

      (You act as if you're sad you didn't come up with it.)

      (Bonnie sees your crestfallen face and snickers.)

      Bonnie (lol1) Heheheheh.

    • "That's very bee-ig." Available second time onwards

      Bonnie (sulk5) What? Like a bee? This sucks. Your pun sucks.

      (But, but... Ah, whatever.)

"Can I help you with anything?"

Bonnie (surprised1) Help me?

Bonnie (sulk2) ...But I don't want your help.

Bonnie (no!1) I don't want you to help me with anything!!!

First time

Siffrin (okay2) (Ah, you're still hated, huh...)

Before completing their quest

Siffrin (sad2) (...)

After completing their quest

Siffrin (sadsmile1) (...)

"You don't?"

Bonnie (no!1) I don't! You're stupid and you don't know me, so I don't want you to help me!

First time

Siffrin (surprised3)

Before completing their quest

Siffrin (sad2)

After completing their quest

Siffrin (sadsmile1)

"I don't know you...?"

Bonnie (angry1) You really don't! Not even a little bit!

Bonnie (no!1) You don't even know my three favorite foods, stupid!!!

First time

Siffrin (okay1) (Ah.)

Before completing their quest

Siffrin (smiling1) (Okay...)

After completing their quest

Siffrin (sadsmile1) (...)

  • "You're right, that's a crime." First time

    Bonnie (sulk5) Yes, it is.

    Bonnie (no!1) Wait, you're making fun of me!!!

    Bonnie (no!1) See, that's also why!!! Why I don't wanna talk to you!!!

    Bonnie (angry1) Just go away!!!

    (So mean...!)

    (But Bonnie looks sad, still.)

    (...   Okay, this is a silly idea, but what if you COULD prove you do know their favorite food...)

    The conversation ends here. You cannot guess Bonnie's favorite foods during this loop.

  • "I do." Subsequent times

    Dialogue continues.

Bonnie (shy2) H-Huh...?

Siffrin (fake1) ("You love...")

Bonnie (sulk2) Y-yeah, that's true, but...

Siffrin (fake1) ("And...")

Bonnie (surprised1) . . .

Siffrin (fake1) ("And the last one is...")

Bonnie (shy2) . . .

Bonnie (shy2) But...  But which samosas?

Bonnie (shy1) Yeah, I bet you don't even know that!!! Which samosas are my favorite, stupid!!!!

Siffrin (fake1) ("Is it samosas...")

Bonnie (sulk1) Y-Yeah...  That's all my favorite foods...

First time


Subsequent times

(If there's one thing you remember...)

Bonnie (shy2) If you remembered them all, you...

Bonnie (shy2) You... Do... Pay attention to me...?

Bonnie (sad1) No, that's stupid, of course you do.  Or else you wouldn't have...

Bonnie (sad2) . . .

Bonnie (serious1) There's something you can help me with. Can you come with me?

Bonnie (sulk5) If you have time.

First time

Siffrin (smiling2)


Siffrin (fake1)


Siffrin (fake4)

  • "I have time now!"

    Bonnie (sulk5) Okay.

    Bonnie (serious1) Then come on.

    First time repeating any friendquest

    [Wow, you're here again!]

    [You don't REALLY have to go through this whole thing again. You can just zone through it, and skip it completely, if you'd like.]

    [You'll even still get their cool skill! But if you do, the skill will be a tiny bit less useful. Your choice!]

    Second time onwards

    (Zone out?)

    • (Yes.)
    • (No.)

    For the rest, see Bonniequest.

  • "Maybe in a second..."

    Bonnie (serious1) Okay. But come back soon, yeah?

If you guessed the wrong food at any point

Bonnie (surprised1) ...

Bonnie (serious1) Nope.


Bonnie (sulk2) I don't want you to help me with anything.

Bonnie (no!1) EVER!

(You got it wrong...)

(You don't think Bonnie will let you guess again this loop.)

You can try again next loop.

Trying to ask again after guessing wrong

Bonnie (sulk1) . . .

Bonnie (sulk3) I don't want your help, stupid.

(You won't be able to help Bonnie this loop, it seems.)

"Those kids like frogs!"

Availaible after making a frog pun for the Frog-loving kid.

Bonnie (sulk2) Okay. And?

Siffrin (n-nya2) (Uh.) "Don't you want to play with them?"

Bonnie (ew1) No??? They're babies.

Siffrin (um1) (Aren't they the same age as Bonnie...?)

  • "I have bad news."

    Bonnie (ew1) What?

    Siffrin (joke1) "You are also a baby."

    Bonnie (no!1) NO!!!

    Bonnie (proud1) I'm not a baby, I'm a PRETEEN!!!!!

    (You do not say a single word.)

  • (Don't mention it.)

    Bonnie (sulk4) ...

    Bonnie (mock1) YOU'RE the baby.

    Siffrin (awkward1) "I didn't say anything."

    Bonnie (no!1) Well I heard you think it!!!!!

"Flower for you."

Only available with the Bright Flower in your inventory.

Bonnie (serious1) You're giving me a flower?

Bonnie (sulk4) . . .

Bonnie (sulk5) . . .

Bonnie (sulk1) . . .

Bonnie (sulk3) ...Why?

Siffrin (awkward1) "Why not?"

Bonnie (sad1) ...Okay.

(Bonnie hesitantly takes the flower, and stares at it intently.)

(Did it make them happy...?)

(Stay silent.)

Available in ACT 4. Can only be chosen once per loop.

Bonnie (sulk1) ...

Bonnie (sulk2) ...Why aren't you saying anything?

Bonnie (sulk3) And why do you look so tired?

Bonnie (sulk5) Did you not take a nap like you said you would?

Siffrin (tired1) "Did I say that?"

Bonnie (serious1) Yeah? Like, two hours ago, you said you'd go and take a nap, and to come get you if we needed something.

Bonnie (surprised1) Did you not nap?

Siffrin (tired1) "I did."

Bonnie (surprised1) Oh.

Bonnie (serious1) Then did you have a nightmare?

Siffrin (hide1) (...) "I guess so."

Bonnie (sulk3) How can you "guess" you got a nightmare?

Bonnie (sulk2) Either you had a nightmare or you didn't.

Siffrin (fake1)

  • "Then I guess I did!"

    Bonnie (surprised1) Oh.

    Bonnie (serious1) What was it about?

    Bonnie (happy2) Belle says it's better to talk about your nightmares so they're out there and not in your brain.

    First time

    Siffrin (hide1) (Make something up.)

    Subsequent times

    Siffrin (hide4) (Follow the script.)

    "...I dreamt I was running in place for a very long time."

    Bonnie (surprised1) ...That doesn't sound very scary.

    Siffrin (hide1) "And something was running after me."

    Bonnie (ew1) Something? What was it...?

    Siffrin (hide1) "Something bad."

    Bonnie (sulk5) . . .

    Bonnie (surprised1) Was it a someone or a something?

    Siffrin (fake1) "Does that matter?"

    Bonnie (serious1) Yeah.

    Bonnie (sad1) If it's a something then there's nothing you can do.

    Bonnie (happy2) But if it's a someone you could've tried talking to it.

    (Last time you talked to someone that scared you, something worse than a nightmare happened.)

    Siffrin (fake1) "I'll try that next time!"

    Bonnie (serious1) Okay.

    Bonnie (and then1) Okay!!!

  • "Then I guess I didn't!"

    Bonnie (serious1) Then why do you look like how my sister did when I woke her up in the middle of the night to play a board game?

    Siffrin (fake1) "I'm just hungry!"

    (It's not a lie, this time.)

    Bonnie (surprised1) Oh?

    Bonnie (yeah!2) OH!!! YOU'RE JUST HUNGRY!!!

    Bonnie (hmf1) Here, here, I have some peanuts!!!

    (Bonnie gives you a massive amount of peanuts.)

    (You eat them all.)

    (You feel just as hungry as before.)

    Bonnie (surprised1) ...

Bonnie (sad1) ...Did I help?

If you've seen both options

(Bonnie ends this conversation the exact same way, whether or not you said had a nightmare.)

(Whatever you do, nothing really changes.)

Siffrin (fake1) (...) "Yeah. Thanks, Bonnie."

Bonnie (sad1) ...Hm.


If this is your first time talking to Bonnie in ACT 1, you can only select this to end the conversation after asking "Clocktower, sleepover!!!" / "Worrying about tomorrow?" / "What will you do after?"

Bonnie (sulk2) Hm. ...See you at the clocktower.

First time

(You talked to Bonnie!)

(You cross Bonnie from the Reminder Note.)