Tryna lay out all the act 5 stuff brb
- Waking up
- Friend talks
- Clocktower
- The House
- Floor 1
- Floor 2
- Floor 3
- King Fight
- Mal du Pays
- King Victory
- End Start (last room up to battle start)
- VS Friends
- Tell us your wish
- Last room starting dialogue
After that is ACT 6.
weh weh
So for VS Friends I'll cover everything from battle start to ACT 6.
Friendtalks ACT 5 collects from other pages and needs to be linked on regular friend talk / friend quest pages.
Waking up
(You're back.)
(Haha, no, it's fine, it's fine.)
(You had a theory, and it was wrong.)
(You thought the Head Housemaiden would know how to save you, but she doesn't. That's all good. It's fine! It's all fine!!!)
(At least you know why you're here.)
(You're here because everyone wished for it!!!)
(Everyone in Vaugarde wished for your suffering! Everyone wished for you to be stuck repeating everything, to bE ROTTING HERE FOREVER--)
(No, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine.)
(People in Vaugarde wished for the King to be defeated, for Vaugarde to be saved, but no one knew how to do Wish Craft. No one knew the correct rituals.)
(Is that why? Is that why you've been stuck in this loop?)
(They wished for it, but wished wrong, and so the wish is breaking, folding in on itself? Because it was done wrong?)
(Or maybe-- Maybe!!! Maybe YOU did it wrong! They wished for it, for the King to die, but-- But he disappears, every time you win, and the wish revolves around you, so maybe--)
(THAT HAS TO BE WHY!!! If you're still looping, after everything, after trying it all, then it must be that you're missing something!!!)
(You must be going against the wish's will without realizing, and that's why it brings you back, because you're doing something wrong!!!)
(You don't want to be here, so what-- What are you doing wrong?)
(Is it waking up?! Are you waking up wrong?!? Or, going to the House? But you have to, you have to go, you have to beat the King, save Vaugarde, because obviously, saving Vaugarde is why you're here--)
(Defeating the King is why you're here, and you do defeat him, you fight, you get his guard down, he talks, everyone talks, you attack all at once, and you defeat the King with your own two hands--)
(You DON'T defeat him with your own two hands.)
(Mirabelle. She's always the one who deals the final strike, isn't she.)
(You've never, even once, defeated him yourself.)
(Is that why?)
(It has to be why!)
(...But, why do you, specifically, need to defeat the King, why would everyone's wish revolve around--)
(No, don't think about it, this is definitely it.)
(If they all wished for you to defeat him. And you're the only one stuck in this loop.)
(Then you need to do it yourself. Fight him and tear him to pieces and rip his hair out and reach into his chest and kill!!!)
(It always comes back to him, doesn't it!!! It's his fault you're here!!! It's his fault you can't escape!!! It's his fault so many people are suffering!!!)
(There you go, hahaha! That's a theory! That's a goal!)
(You just need to make sure Mirabelle doesn't deal the final hit! That's all you need! That's all you BLINDING NEED--)
(Aaah, but it's okay, right? It's fine, isn't it?)
(Even if the entire country wished for you to be here... It's okay, isn't it?)
(Because your family is here?)
(You can stay with them forever?)
(It's fine, as long as you're with them.)
(You can live with this, as long as you're with them.)
(You're fine, as long as you're with them.)
(You're fine, aren't you?)
(You're fine.)
(You're fine.)
(You're fine.)
(. . .)
(But this thought... IS NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU TO GO ON ANYMORE!!!!!!)
(If only)
(If only you knew if only the wish wasn't broken if only you could get to the king deal the final hit end it all and finally you'll be with your family forever and you'll be okay and you can just end it all you just need to get
to the king deal the final hit make the wish come true make sure it all loops around you kill the king rip him to pieces for making you remember for making you see for not understanding for killing bonnie for getting in your
blinding way every time you just need to kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him you just)
(need to get to the end)
(and win)
(and make sure everyone's wish comes true)
(you just)
(you just need to)
(You just need to defeat the King on your own.)
(You're fine.)
(Get up, Siffrin.)
(You have a country to save)
Siffrin gets up and walks toward town. They bump into Mirabelle.
Mirabelle (happy2) Oh, Siffrin! You're awake!
Mirabelle (happy1) Hehe, I thought you were napping, so I was just--
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "--About to wake me up."
Mirabelle (awkward2) Ah, yes! I'm... Sorry? I hope that's okay...
Mirabelle (anxious2) . . .
Mirabelle (awkward2) W-Well, um... I had an idea for tonight, and I--
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "To all meet at the Clocktower for a sleepover."
Mirabelle (anxious3) Y-Yes? Oh, did you have... The same idea?
(You nod.)
Mirabelle (awkward2) ...Okay... Well, I won't keep you, then...
Mirabelle (hm1) Um, let's all meet at the Clocktower later, then, alright?
Mirabelle exits the scene to the north.
Mirabelle (anxious2) T-Talk to you later!
(You need your family's strength)
(Yes, you need to kill the King before Mirabelle, but)
(you don't want to be here anymore.)
(You have to get to the King as fast as possible, get him close to death as fast as possible.)
(And for that,)
(You need to make sure everyone else is strong enough.)
(You need to make sure they're all as powerful as they can be.)
Taking a nap
(Sleeping, in the middle of a play?)
Friend talks
First time talking to her
Mirabelle (anxious2) Oh! Hi, Siffrin...
Mirabelle (awkward2) You, uh, look...
Mirabelle (anxious2) Um, are you okay? Did you have a nightmare during your nap, maybe...?
(You have to deal the King the final hit instead of her, you're sure of it, but...)
(You need her to learn her shield skill. The one that protects you from anything.)
(Come to think of it, you forgot to tell her about the original shield skill, earlier.)
(The one you usually tell her about when you enter Dormont.)
(Oh well. The shield she learns when you help her with her papers will do the job just fine.)
(But you don't have time.)
(You need to get to the King)
(you don't have time you don't have time you don't have
Subsequent times without attempting her friendquest
Mirabelle (worried1) Siffrin...?
Siffrin (TS_fake1)
"Would you like some help with those papers?"
Dialogue continues.
"I'll be right back."
Mirabelle (anxious2) Oh! O-okay...
Dialogue ends here.
Mirabelle (awawa1) With my papers? N-No, of course not!!!
Mirabelle (stressed1) Don't worry about them! They're not important at all, they're--
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "They're bonding papers, aren't they?"
Mirabelle (uwah!1) HUH?!? How did you--
Siffrin (TS_fake1b) "Maybe I can help."
Mirabelle (anxious3) . . .
Mirabelle (awkward2) I... I suppose I could use your help, Siffrin...
Mirabelle (stressed1) Y-Yes, let's do it!!! It'll distract us both!!! From our problems!!!
(You sit down.)
(Mirabelle looks at you without saying a word.)
Mirabelle (hm2) ...
Mirabelle (awkward2) So, um...
Mirabelle (anxious1) Well, you know they're bonding papers, so I don't need to explain...
Mirabelle (stressed1) B-But really it's more like, um, dating? Dating profiles... I-I'm not thinking about being bonded yet...
Mirabelle (awkward2) ...
Mirabelle (stressed1) Before this all started, with the King... I decided I wanted to, uh, try. To date someone.
Mirabelle (hm1) And so I asked a dating company, and they gave me a bunch of folders of people that I could meet, and that I could date... But I haven't gone through it yet...
Mirabelle (awkward1b) So I figured I could at least get that done today. And look through all of them, and make a list?
Mirabelle (serious4) Of people I could see myself... Dating.
Mirabelle (awkward2) And... I suppose I need help? I'm choosing someone I could spend the rest of my life with... So I'd appreciate another pair of eyes.
Mirabelle (hm1) Or, um, just the one eye. As long as it's not my two eyes looking at this. Um...
Mirabelle (awkward1b) And also I need a distraction from tomorrow very badly, so I figured I--
(Too long, too long, this is taking too long.)
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "You know, you don't have to be bonded to anyone.
Mirabelle (anxious3) And . . . Huh?
Mirabelle (anxious2) Wh... What do you mean?
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "If you're alone for your whole life, then that's just how it is."
Mirabelle (no!2) ...Wh... What?
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "Isn't it better to just come to terms with it now, rather than later?""
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "You don't need to be with anyone to be happy, after all!"
Mirabelle (no!2) . . .
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "So..."
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "So you should just accept it!"
Mirabelle (no!2) Accept... Accept what, Siffrin...?
Siffrin (TS_fake2) "Accept that you'll always be alone!"
The screen briefly turns black. A hit is heard. When light returns, Mirabelle is standing in front of Siffrin. Siffrin's head is tilted to the side.
( . . . Mirabelle slapped you.)
(Mirabelle slapped you...?)
Mirabelle (serious4) ... How can you...
Mirabelle (angry2) How can you say such horrible things, Siffrin!!!
(What? But...)
Mirabelle (sad2) I'll never be bonded with anyone? I'll always be alone?
Mirabelle (angry2) Change, what makes you think you can say such horrible things, Siffrin!!!
Siffrin (TS_shocked1) (Oh!) "No, I didn't mean it like..."
Mirabelle (angry2) Then HOW did you mean it, Siffrin!!!
Mirabelle (angry3) What's wrong with you today? You were weird when you woke up, you were walking around and not responding to anyone...
Mirabelle (angry3) ...You knew about my papers even though I didn't tell anyone, and now this!!!
Mirabelle (serious4) Is something wrong, Siffrin? Did something happen? Did you have a nightmare or something?
Siffrin (TS_dismissive2) "No, of course not."
Mirabelle (angry2) Then what happened, Siffrin! Because clearly something did happen!!!
Mirabelle (serious4) Otherwise, i-if nothing happened, I'll have to accept the fact that I was wrong about you!!!
Siffrin (TS_shocked1) (Huh...?) "Wrong about me...?"
Mirabelle (angry4) . . .
Mirabelle (serious2) You always tease me, Siffrin.
Mirabelle (serious3) And it's fine. Everybody does. I guess I have the kind of personality where it's easy to want to tease me.
Mirabelle (serious1) But I know people don't mean it. It's how-- It's how some people make friends.
Mirabelle (serious3) And I thought it was the same for you.
Mirabelle (serious4) I thought, "It's okay, they don't mean it, it's how they are. They tease me, but they're never mean. And Siffrin never really hurts me."
Mirabelle (sad2) "Would never really hurt me."
Mirabelle (sad2) . . .
Mirabelle (angry2) But now you have, Siffrin!
Mirabelle (angry3) Thinking I should be alone... Telling me I should be alone...
Mirabelle (angry2) Who do you think you are, to say this to me? Acting like-- Like you know better than me!!!
Mirabelle (angry2) Always soooo mysterious, Siffrin, always talking as if you're better than me! As if you know me!!!
Mirabelle (angry2) But you don't, Siffrin!!! You're just as lost and useless as I am!!!
Mirabelle (angry1) So stop!!! Talking!!! As if you know me!!!!!!
(Mirabelle breathes heavily.)
Mirabelle (angry4) . . .
Mirabelle (angry5) You've hurt me, Siffrin. And I was wrong.
Mirabelle (serious2) For you to say something like that to me, and think it was okay...
Mirabelle (angry5) You're awful. You're not my friend, not my ally, not anything.
Mirabelle (angry4) You never were.
( . . . )
Mirabelle (angry4) . . .
Mirabelle exits the stage to the right.
Mirabelle (angry5) I'm going to the Clocktower.
Mirabelle (angry5) I don't want to see you until tonight.
(But you didn't mean it like...)
(You... You've made Mirabelle very upset.)
(No, no, that's not what's important here, is it?)
The screen is covered in a static effect.
(She'll get over it one way or loop or another, but you didn't get her shield skill.)
(But maybe it doesn't matter that much.)
(You can just bring her back to that book about shields in the secret library, before you go and fight the King.)
(You don't really need her special skill, after all. The usual shield skill will do just fine.)
(It WOULD be nice to get everyone else's special skill, though...)
(. . .)
(Back to it.)
First time talking to her
Odile (up1) Oh, Siffrin.
Odile (worried2) ... Siffrin? You look... Different.
Odile (dotdotdot1) What's wrong?
Subsequent times without attempting her friendquest
Odile (dotdotdot3) ... What's wrong, Siffrin?
If you haven't talked to Mirabelle yet
(Not right now.)
(You need to talk with Mirabelle, first.)
Dialogue ends here.
If you have
Siffrin (TS_fake1)
"Nothing's wrong, but..."
Dialogue continues.
"I'll talk to you later."
Odile (gimme1) What? No, wait--
Dialogue ends here.
Odile (serious2) No, something is wrong. What--
Siffrin (TS_fake1b) "...Have you heard of something called a familytale?"
Odile (huh3) !
Odile (guilty1) ... I may have. What about them?
Siffrin (TS_fake1b) "I've heard of someone who has one."
Siffrin (TS_fake2) "Would you like to come check with me?"
Odile (dotdotdot1) . . .
Odile (dotdotdot2) Lead the way, I suppo
Time skips forward. Siffrin and Odile now stand in the boulangerie.
Talking to Odile in the Boulangerie
Odile (dotdotdot1) ...
Talking to the Big Boulanger
(Don't waste time. Just talk to her.)
Talking to the Small Boulangère
(Don't waste any time.)
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "Hi!"
Small Boulangère H-Hi...
Siffrin (TS_fake1b) "Know anything about a book?"
Small Boulangère A book?
Small Boulangère Um...
Odile (dotdotdot2) ...
Small Boulangère This is the only book I have!
(She happily shows off the Paperasse familytale.)
Odile (dotdotdot3) !
Big Boulanger WHAT?
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "Oh my!"
Big Boulanger . . .So you had it, Charline...
Big Boulanger Were you two looking for this?
Big Boulanger Well, I suppose you two can borrow it, if you'd like?
Odile (serious2) Siffrin...
Odile (dotdotdot2) . . .
Odile (serious4) Thank you both. We'll give it back shortly.
Big Boulanger Take your time.
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "Shall we go elsewhere, now?"
Odile (serious3) ...Lead the wa--
Time skips forward. Siffrin and Odile now sit in the clearing in the forest.
(You have the book, but.)
(Odile isn't following stage directions,)
(And is looking right at you.)
Odile (dotdotdot3) . . .
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "Quite a fascinating book, isn't it?"
Odile (dotdotdot2) Siffrin.
Odile (dotdotdot1) How did you know the little girl had a familytale?
Siffrin (TS_fake1b) "I figured I should ask."
Odile (doubt1) Why?
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "Why not?"
Odile (dotdotdot2) . . .
Odile (dotdotdot2) Knowing that little girl owned a familytale is one thing, Siffrin...
Odile (dotdotdot1) But... How did you even know I wanted to read one?
(You already failed this one, didn't you.)
(Why didn't you remember that she always, always finds out?)
(She always figures out something is wrong, when you're not careful.)
(Because she doesn't trust you.)
Odile (huh2) And even this place... Why did you bring us here?
(You stay silent.)
Odile (dotdotdot1) ...Siffrin.
Odile (dotdotdot2) I don't mind secrets, Siffrin. I have many of my own. If you want to keep yours... That's fine.
Odile (serious2) But what I hate... Is when those secrets are about me, and when people I consider friends keep them from me.
Siffrin (TS_dismissive2) "So we're friends, now?"
Odile (huh1) "Now"...?
(You don't answer.)
Odile (dotdotdot3) ... Siffrin...
Odile (worried2) Oh, Siffrin...
(She raises a hand towards you.)
Odile (worried2) ...You're shaking.
(You try not to startle.)
Odile (guilty2) And you're so tense. Like you're about to snap...
Odile (serious2) Siffrin... I was worried before, but now I'm VERY worried.
Odile (guilty1) W-What's happening? What's wrong? How can I--
Siffrin steps forward as they yell. Odile steps back.
Siffrin (TS_angry1) "NOTHING'S WRONG!!!"
Odile (uwah!1) Siffrin?
Siffrin (TS_angry2) "If you're going to ask questions, instead of acting like normal..."
Siffrin (TS_angry2) "Then I don't need you!!! I don't need this right now!!!"
Siffrin (TS_angry2) "If you can't act normally then just leave me alone!!!"
Odile (worried1) But clearly something's wrong, Siffrin, just--
Siffrin (TS_angry1) "Nothing's wrong!!!"
Siffrin (TS_angry2) "Why are you always like this? So overbearing, always trying to know everything?!"
Odile (no!1) What--
Siffrin (TS_angry2) "So blinding annoying, Odile!!!"
Siffrin (TS_angry1) "You should just leave me behind!!!"
Siffrin (TS_angry1) "It's your family specialty, isn't it?!?"
Odile (no!1) !!!
Siffrin (TS_angry1) "Just leave me behind! Just like you left Ka Bue behind!!!"
Siffrin (TS_angry2) "Just like your mom le--"
(You don't even finish your sentence.)
(Odile grabs your collar.)
(She lets you go.)
Odile (angryBUTSUPER1) . . .
Odile (angryBUTSUPER1) . . .
Odile (angryBUTSUPER2) Thank you for finding that familytale for me, Siffrin.
Odile (angryBUTSUPER2) I'm sure you have a lot of things left to do today.
Odile (angryBUTSUPER2) I'll be at the Clocktower.
The screen fades to black.
Odile (angryBUTSUPER2) Don't come back for a bit.
Odile leaves the clearing. Siffrin stands alone as the screen fades back in.
(What the...)
(What did you say?)
(Why did you say that?!)
(How could you have said such a horrible thing to her!!!)
(She was only worried about you!!! And you said, you said--)
(What is wrong with you?!?)
The screen turns black with a static effect.
(Well, that's fine. You didn't really need that skill, anyway.)
(You can barely remember what it does half the time.)
(And Odile already has so many useful skills...)
(You'll be fine.)
(You're the one who needs to deal the final strike, anyway.)
If you've talked to Bonnie
(One to go.)
If you haven't
(You should talk to Bonnie next.)
When the screen fades back in, Siffrin is already at the veggie fields or the Favor Tree.
First time talking to them
Bonnie (sulk1) ...
Bonnie (sulk3) ...heyfrin.
Bonnie (surprised1) ...Frin? What's wrong? You look...
Bonnie (serious1) You don't look good.
Subsequent times without attempting their friendquest
Bonnie (sad1) Frin...?
If you haven't talked to Mirabelle yet
(Not right now.)
(You need to talk with Mirabelle, first.)
Dialogue ends here.
If you have
Siffrin (TS_fake1)
"I was thinking..."
Dialogue continues.
"I'll talk to you later."
Bonnie (wait1) O... Okay?
Dialogue ends here.
Siffrin (TS_fake1b) "How about I teach you how to fight, today?"
Bonnie (wow1) R-Really?
Bonnie (sad1) I, I, um...
Bonnie (happy2) I would really like that. Will you really?
Siffrin (TS_fake1b) "Of course."
Bonnie (wow1) Oh!
Bonnie (and then1) Then, yeah!!! Let's g--
Time skips forward. Siffrin and Bonnie now stand on the grassy path, in front of a Sadness.
Bonnie (no!1) L-Look, look! I'm not scared!!!
Bonnie (angry1) COME ON!!!
Battle starts. It's a basic Paper type Tristesse.
Bonnie (wait1) I'm not scared... I'm not scared...
Bonnie (no!1) I can do this... I can--
(Too long, too long, it's taking too BLINDING long.)
(You only need to fall over to make them act, don't you?)
(You just need to make them realize they can protect you.)
(You just need)
(To fall...)
You hear a whiff, followed by a thud.
(...You tripped on nothing.)
(The Sadness saw you trip, and now has its sight on you.)
(Bonnie saw you trip, too.)
Bonnie (wait1) Wh-What? What did you . . .
Bonnie (no!1) !!! FRIN!!! NO!!!!!!

(Bonnie attacks the Sadness with a special cut-in illustration, dealing around 3000 damage and killing it instantly.)
Bonnie (wait1) Ah... Ah...
(You breathe in, and out.)
(150 EXP recieved.)
The battle ends. Bonnie is standing far ahead of Siffrin, but quickly turns back towards them.
Bonnie (no!2) F-FRIN!!!
Bonnie (wait1) Why did you fall?! What did you trip on?!? You almost got hurt!!! You... You . . .
Bonnie (sulk2) You . . .
Bonnie (surprised1) You... Didn't trip on anything. It's like you just... Fell?
(You don't say anything.)
Bonnie (sad1) You fell on nothing... And you... You didn't look scared...
Bonnie (sulk2) Frin...
Bonnie (sulk3) You... let yourself get attacked on purpose?
(You don't move.)
Bonnie (no!1) I saw it, I saw you! You-- You looked around, and the Sadness was about to attack, and you, you just fell...
Bonnie (wait1) And-- You didn't even look surprised, Frin!!!
Bonnie (no!1) But why would you do that?! I don't get it!!!
Bonnie (wait1) You fell, and I... I didn't think you could've moved fast enough, so I... attacked the Sadness... On my own . . .
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "Yeah!"
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "And you beat it on your own, too!"
Bonnie (surprised1) What...?
Siffrin (TS_fake2) "I did that so you'd become stronger! More confident!"
Bonnie (whichone1) . . .
Siffrin (TS_fake2) "If I get hurt, you protect me."
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "And if you get hurt, I'll protect you!"
Siffrin (TS_unhinged2) "That's how it is with us, isn't it? We promised!"
Siffrin (TS_unhinged1) "I-I just wanted you to be stronger!"
Bonnie (whichone1) . . .
Bonnie (whichone1) What...
Bonnie's map sprite changes, and looks sad.
Bonnie (crying2) WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?
(You jump.)
Bonnie (crying2) I DON'T WANT THIS!!! I NEVER WANTED THIS!!!
Bonnie (crying3) NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!
Bonnie's map sprite changes again. This time, it's animated---they're visibly sobbing.
Siffrin (TS_shocked1) (...) "I..."
Siffrin (TS_shocked2) "I thought it would help."
Bonnie (crying1) NO!!! IT DIDN'T HELP!!! IT REALLY DIDN'T HELP!!!
Bonnie (angry2) I HATE YOU, FRIN!!!!!!
Bonnie (crying3) I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
(Bonnie cries, and cries, and cries.)
(You can't move.)
Bonnie's map sprite changes. They're no longer sobbing, but tears still run down their face.
Bonnie (crying5) . . .I...
Bonnie (crying5) I can't...
Bonnie (crying4) . . .
The screen fades out.
(Bonnie runs away.)
The screen fades back in.
( . . .)
(You . . .)
(Because of you, Bonnie...)
The screen turns black with a static effect.
(Didn't get stronger.)
(Not that their attacks got that much stronger after you talked to them, didn't it?)
(You'll be fine, as long as you know Bonnie's here to watch your back.)
(As long as you defeat the King yourself, it doesn't matter what skills they all do or don't have.)
If you've talked to Odile
(One to go.)
If you haven't
(You should talk to Odile next.)
When the screen fades back in, Siffrin is already at the shop or the Favor Tree.
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "Hey, Isa."
Isabeau (neutral1) Oh, Sif--
(Your smile stops Isa in his tracks.)
(This is not a good thing.)
Isabeau (hm5) . . .
Isabeau (sad4) Um, I...
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "What's wrong?"
Isabeau (hm5) . . .
Isabeau (awkward1) Um, nothing, just...
Isabeau (sad1) Mira, Odile and Bonnie came to talk to me, earlier... They all looked a little upset.
Isabeau (sad4) So, uh... Did something happen...?
(Talking behind your back, as always.)
Siffrin (TS_dismissive2) "Nothing happened, no."
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "Would you like to go see the stars with me?"
Isabeau (angry2) The stars? But those only appear at night... It won't be nighttime for a few hours still...
Siffrin (TS_fake1b) "Later, then."
Isabeau (hm5) Oh... Sure.
Isabeau (hm4) . . .
Isabeau (sad1) Sif...
Isabeau (huh1) A-Are you okay?
Isabeau (hm5) I've heard that . . .
Isabeau (fufufu1) Well! I've heard from trusted sources that you are not doing very well today.
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "No, I'm fine."
Isabeau (really1) Yeah, that's a lie and we both know it, buddy.
Isabeau (hahaha1) What's wrong? Is it something you can tell your buddy Isa?
Isabeau (hm5) ...Sif...
Isabeau (fufufu1) You know, I get like that too. Sometimes, I feel weird, and I wanna push away everyone.
Isabeau's dialogue starts repeating here.
Isabeau (really1) But you know it's not good, right? It's not healthy!
Isabeau (angry1) And I, and everyone else, we want you to be okay. To talk to us!
Isabeau (yeah!1) Because we're companions! Comrades in arms!
Isabeau (hahaha1) And we want everyone in our little crew to be ready for anything, right?
If this is the first loop of his dialogue, the zone out symbol appears, even though you haven't heard this before...
Isabeau (hahaaa1) Especially since... No matter what, tomorrow will be our last day together, as a family, I guess.
Isabeau (hahaha1) So please don't hesitate, okay? And talk to us! Or just me, or just Odile, or whoever! About anything!
Isabeau (really1) And you know, I get like that too. Sometimes, I feel weird, and I wanna push away everyone.
Isabeau's dialogue repeats. For every repetition, the screen gets darker.
Until Siffrin zones out through it.
Isabeau HEY!!!!!
Isabeau (angry2) What the... Sif, were you even listening to what I was saying...?
Isabeau (hm4) Sif...
Isabeau (worried1) They were right, Sif, something IS wrong!
Isabeau (worried1) Mirabelle said you were acting weird since you woke up! Odile told me something happened, with a book? That you shouldn't have known about?
Isabeau (worried2) And Bonnie was crying so much they could barely string two words together!
Isabeau (worried2) Did you do something? Did they misunderstand? They had to, right? You wouldn't... You wouldn't do stuff like that...
Isabeau (worried1) What's happening, Sif? Is something wrong? Can you tell me?
(Why is he so suspicious of you right now?)
(Urgh, so annoying, all of them!!!)
(Always talking behind your back, always acting weird, always deviating from their role every time you look away for a single blinding second!!!)
(Don't they get it?!)
(You just want them to follow!!!)
(You just want them to come with you!!!)
(You just want them here!!!)
(And the easiest way to keep them close is to make sure they don't die, and the easiest way to make sure they don't die is to make them stronger, why can't they understand that?!?)
(You don't want to talk!!!)
(You don't want to think about your problems!!!)
(You just want to follow the script, the Universe, to the end, like always, except this time, you'll break it, and you'll kill him, and you'll escape, and everything will be--)
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "Yeah, something's wrong."
Isabeau (worried1) I knew it! What is it, can I help?
Isabeau (wonder1) If you tell me, we can go and talk to everyone, and--
Siffrin (TS_dismissive2) "What's wrong is that you're getting on my nerves."
Isabeau (surprised1) H u h . . . ?
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "Oooh, Mr Amazing-Wonderful-Funny-Buff Isabeau!"
Siffrin (TS_dismissive1) "Look at you."
Siffrin (TS_dismissive2) "You're acting as if you're so calm and reasonable..."
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "When all you are is weak and useless!"
Isabeau (shock2) . . .
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "Nothing to say this time?"
Siffrin (TS_dismissive2) "It's just fine."
If Siffrin Knows
Siffrin (TS_dismissive1) "You never could say it, anyway."
Siffrin (TS_dismissive2) "You never could say anything."
Siffrin (TS_fake1b) "I know what kind of person you are, now."
Isabeau (shock1) What kind of... Person I am?
Siffrin (TS_fake2) "A coward, Isa!"
Siffrin (TS_fake2b) "Never able to say what you mean, never able to do what you want."
Siffrin (TS_fake2b) "Because it's easier, isn't it? To not do anything?"
Siffrin (TS_fake1b) "To only project a facade of confidence, but not doing anything to back it up?"
Isabeau (shock2) . . .
Siffrin (TS_dismissive2) "It's easier to let people do everything, isn't it."
Siffrin (TS_dismissive2) "To just encourage them, while staying on the sidelines."
Siffrin (TS_fake1b) "Poor Isabeau."
Siffrin (TS_fake2) "You keep changing and changing, from a nerd to a jock to a clothing designer..."
Siffrin (TS_dismissive1) "But deep down, you know you can't escape yourself."
Isabeau (shock3) . . .
Isabeau (shock2) I...
Isabeau (shock1) I don't know where this is all coming from, but...
Isabeau (angry1) But maybe you're right, Sif.
Isabeau (angry1) Yeah, I'm weak. Yeah, I'm a coward.
Isabeau (angry1) Yeah, I feel like I can never do things right.
Isabeau (angry2) Yeah, I keep changing personalities like clothes, because it's easier than learning to like myself.
If Siffrin Knows
Isabeau (angry2) YEAH, there are things I can't tell you, no matter how hard I try.
Isabeau (disappointed2) But at least, I'm trying to change. I'm trying to be someone I can be proud of. I'm trying to be better.
Isabeau (sad3) So I can help and support the people I care about.
Isabeau (angry3) Unlike someone else here.
Siffrin (TS_busted1) "..."
Isabeau (angry2) ...
Isabeau (angry2) I don't want to talk to you right now.
Isabeau (angry1) I'm gonna join everyone at the Clocktower.
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "...I'll see you there."
Isabeau (really1) Oh, sure.
Isabeau (oh1) Take your time, though.
Isabeau (hahaha2) Take all the time you need!
Isabeau leaves.
(. . .)
(It's fine.)
(They're all upset right now, but they wouldn't go to the House without you.)
(You just need to give them some time to calm down.)
(. . .)
Loop (away1) . . .
(And you have one last person to talk to, anyway.)
Loop (away1) . . .
Siffrin (TS_away1) "..."
Loop (hm1) This was... Not the nicest thing you could've said?
Loop (sad2) To... Any of them?
Siffrin (TS_normal1) "Does it matter?"
Loop (hm1) Well... Um...
Loop (hmmm1) Yes? Why wouldn't it matter?
Siffrin (TS_away2) "They'll come with me to the House anyway."
Siffrin (TS_dismissive2) "They've always done it before."
Loop (sad1) ... Okay, but...
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "But it really doesn't matter!"
Siffrin (TS_fake2) "Because I've found it, Loop!!!"
Loop (hm1) Found it? Found what?
Siffrin (unhinged1) "How to break this loop! How to escape!!!"
Loop (oh1) What?! But--
Siffrin (TS_fake2) "I'm here to kill the King, aren't I?"
Siffrin (unhinged1) "Everyone's been wishing for it, for the King to be defeated, so that's why I'm here, aren't I?!"
Loop (hm1) Well, um...
Loop (sad2) Maybe? I don't--
Siffrin (unhinged1) "And, and, and!!!"
Siffrin (unhinged2) "Mira's always the one, isn't she?!"
Loop (oh1) The one? The one to what?
Siffrin (unhinged2) "The one to deal the final strike on the King!!!"
Loop (oh my1) ...And?
Siffrin (TS_unhinged2) (Why doesn't Loop get it?!?) "And if everyone's wish is centered on me..."
Siffrin (TS_fake2) "And if I'm the only one who's looping and remembering..."
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "And if time keeps rewinding after I kill the King..."
Siffrin (fake2) "The Head Housemaiden said it might be because the wish hasn't come true, right? So..."
Siffrin (unhinged1) "Isn't it rewinding because it's not me, the person who's in the middle of this, killing the King?!?"
Loop (oh1) ...
Loop (ew1) "That..."
Loop (ew1) . . .
Loop (away1) It can't be that simple, stardust.
Siffrin (unhinged1) "Maybe it IS that simple!"
Siffrin (unhinged2) "We've never thought about it, haven't we?"
Siffrin (unhinged1) "Maybe it WAS that easy, all this time!!!"
Loop (sad2) No, I...
Loop (sad2) I can say with certainty that it's not it.
Loop (serious2) It has to be something else...
Siffrin (scary1) "Why?"
Loop (hm1) Huh? Well, are you even sure you've never defeated the King yourself?
Loop (sad2) I'm sure it must've happened once or twice. You've been looping for a long time, so you might have forgo--
Siffrin (scary1) "'It must've happened once or twice'?"
Siffrin (TS_fake1b) "I'm certain I never defeated him myself."
Siffrin (TS_dismissive2) "And yet..."
Siffrin (TS_fake1) "How can you say it with certainty?"
Siffrin (TS_fake1)
Siffrin (TS_yahoo2) "Do you know something?"
Loop (guilty2) N-No, I don't know any more than you, stardust!!!
Loop (guilty1) It's just... I know that's not it.
Loop (guilty2) It has to be something else that's causing the loops, something else that can break them. Something--
Siffrin (TS_angry1) "THEN WHAT ELSE, LOOP?!?"
Siffrin (TS_despair2) "IT HAS TO BE THIS, LOOP, OR-- OR--"
The screen turns black with the sound of Siffrin hitting the ground.
(You fall to your knees.)
Siffrin "Or, or does it mean-- It means--"
Siffrin "It means I'm stuck here for good, aren't I?"
Siffrin "Forever?"
Loop ...
Loop . . .
(. . .)
Siffrin (No.) "You think I'm stuck here forever."
Loop What? N-No, I--
Siffrin "Loop."
Siffrin "You knew."
Siffrin "You knew this whole time."
Siffrin "You knew this whole time there was no escape."
Loop . . .
Loop Stardust...
Siffrin (Stars.) "No, no, no, no, no, no..."
Loop S-Stardust, I...
Siffrin "Why didn't you tell me?"
Loop ...
Siffrin "Why did you lie to me?"
Loop I-I didn't...
Loop I was b-brought here to help you, and-- And I thought, if I was here, we could--
Siffrin "You knew there was no way to break the loops?"
Loop I thought that if we tried, together, w-we'd--
Siffrin "YOU KNEW."
Siffrin "YOU KNEW!!!!!!"
Loop Stardust--
Loop . . .
Loop No.
Loop No, I didn't like to watch this at all.
Siffrin "Curse you, Loop."
Loop . . .
Loop Stardust...
Loop I...
Loop I'm sorry... I really am...
Loop . . .
Loop But please, stardust-- Siffrin!!! If we think, if we go through it all again, we can--
(You don't have time for this.)
A glitch and a smash cut. Siffrin is now outside the clocktower. It is now evening.
(The Clocktower.)
(You arrived later than usual.)
(Is everyone eating still?)
(You need to join them, and act normally this time, so you can all go to the House together tomorrow.)
(You don't care if they're not strong enough. You can make it on your own, defeat the King on your own.)
(You just want them here.)
Siffrin steps inside.
(You enter silently.)
(You don't hear cutlery or anything.)
(Your stomach hurts.)
(They must've eaten without you.)
(Maybe they're already sleeping.)
(But no-- You can hear them talk.)
(You get closer...)

Mirabelle ...
Mirabelle And...
Mirabelle And then I left. I couldn't... Be there anymore.
Odile ...
Isabeau Why would Sif act like this suddenly? That's not like them at all...
Odile Clearly, something happened.
Bonnie B-But what?
Bonnie I don't understand... Why he'd do stuff like that.
Bonnie I don't understand at all!
Mirabelle Bonnie...
Isabeau ...
Odile ...
Odile Everyone.
Odile Siffrin might come back any second now... So we need to decide what to do.
Isabeau What to do?
Mirabelle About tomorrow...?
Odile Yes.
Bonnie What do you mean?
Mirabelle Are you saying... Leave without Siffrin?
Isabeau What?!
Isabeau I-I understand how you feel, but...
Isabeau But we shouldn't leave Sif behind! H-He's the one who leads us...! We wouldn't be able to avoid traps without them!
Isabeau Plus, he's our friend! We can't leave them behind!!!
Bonnie Yeah! H-He was mean, but, but Frin was always with us, so--
Mirabelle I agree, but... B-But would he even agree to come with us, still?
Mirabelle Maybe they won't even come back tonight...
Bonnie No, Frin will be there!!! I know it!!!
Isabeau And either way, we should wait for them, everyone... We can't...
Odile Please, listen to me.
Odile . . .
Odile I... I just... I just don't know if we can trust Siffrin anymore.
Odile Not at such an important moment.
Isabeau But--
Odile We'll be fighting the King tomorrow, Isabeau!!!
Odile It's not just a simple Sadness. It's the KING. The being who has trapped Vaugarde in time.
Odile And we need to be a team.
Odile We need to be united, we need to trust one another.
Odile ... After what just happened to all of us today...
Odile Could you do it, everyone?
Odile Could you entrust your life and future to someone like Siffrin right now?
Mirabelle ...
Bonnie ...
Isabeau ...
(. . .)
(You decide to
A glitch and a smash cut. Siffrin now stands in front of the House's Gate.
The screen flashes white. An Orb floats up to the center of the House's Gate, glowing white.
The screen flashes white again, and five Orbs now float in front of five slots on the Gate.
The screen flashes white for a third and final time, and the Orbs are gone. The Gate glows white, and slowly opens.
Siffrin enters the House.