Mirabelle's Fan

Everything surrounding Mirabelle's Fan and her attempt to do something nice.

This page contains compiled text from:


Meeting the Stylish One

Full page: Stylish One's House

Talking to the Stylish One for the first time.

Stylish One Big hat... Impossibly warm looking cloak...

Stylish One You must be one of the people traveling with Mirabelle!

Stylish One She's pretty well known around here. The chosen one, you know. Blessed by the Change God with the power to save Vaugarde.

Stylish One Plus, before all this, she was a housemaiden at the House of Change nearby. She'd take classes, help out with chores, help the other housemaidens with their studies and craft. Little perfect Mirabelle.

Stylish One Hmf... As for me...


Stylish One No wonder the Change God blessed her, when she's this wonderful!!!

Stylish One I used to go to the House a lot for my classes, and she was always there, taking the class with me!

Stylish One I've never had a class I didn't share with her. She's so cool. So helpful. So driven. Honestly, we're kind of best friends.

Stylish One ...Even though I've never had a single conversation with her...

(Talking to people is hard, you get it.)

If the first time talking to her is ACT 1

(You hope she'll get to talk to Mirabelle before tomorrow!)

If the first time talking to her is ACT 2+

(You wonder if she managed to talk to Mirabelle before you went to the House...)

Talking to the Stylish One again

Full page: Stylish One's House

Talking to the Stylish One for the second time.

Stylish One Big hat... Impossibly warm looking cloak...

Stylish One You must be one of the people traveling with Mirabelle!

Stylish One She's pretty well known around here. The chosen one, you know. Blessed by the Change God with the power to save Vaugarde.

Stylish One Plus, before all this, she was a housemaiden at the House of Change nearby. She'd take classes, help out with chores, help the other housemaidens with their studies and craft. Little perfect Mirabelle.

Stylish One Hmf... As for me...


Stylish One No wonder the Change God blessed her, when she's this wonderful!!!

Stylish One I used to go to the House a lot for my classes, and she was always there, taking the class with me!

Stylish One I've never had a class I didn't share with her. She's so cool. So helpful. So driven. Honestly, we're kind of best friends.

Stylish One ...Even though I've never had a single conversation with her...

(Talking to people is hard, you get it.)

(You don't think she managed to talk to Mirabelle last time... Mirabelle would've mentioned it.)

(You should go and tell Mirabelle yourself!)

Loop Talk 1

Full page: Loop Quest Help

"Mira has a fan..."

Loop (happy1) She does. That stylish woman in Dormont, right?

Loop (teehee3) You should tell your Housemaiden! It'll make her happy!

Asking Mirabelle

Full page: Mirabelle Beginning Talk

After talking to the Stylish One, the dialogue option "You have a fan!" becomes available when talking to Mirabelle.

Siffrin "You have a fan!"

Mirabelle (awawa1) I... I do?

(You nod and point at the stylish woman's house.)

Mirabelle (awkward1) I... don't know whose house it is. A stylish lady?

(You describe the stylish lady as best you can.)

Mirabelle (awkward1b) Um... I'm sorry to tell you this, but stylish ladies aren't very rare in Vaugarde, haha.

Mirabelle (awkward2) And I see a lot of people during classes... I'm not smart enough to remember everyone I see...


(Maybe eventually you'll find a way to jog her memory...)

Loop Talk 2

Full page: Loop Quest Help

"Mira has a fan..."

Loop (hm1) She does...

Loop (oh my1) But she doesn't actually remember meeting her fan, even though they shared classes together! How devastating!

Loop (happy1) I wonder if there's a way to make her remember...

Reminding Mirabelle of the Stylish One

Full page: Classroom

For this interaction to play, you need to tell Mirabelle about her fan in Dormont. This can either be one continuous loop, or by looping forward.

(A desk with an open notebook.)

(It has very lovely handwriting.)

Mirabelle (happy2) Oh! I recognize this handwriting...

Mirabelle (happy1) This is the seat of a very stylish very scary lady with amazing fashion sense!

Mirabelle (excited1) She often wore this very cool dress, and she always has her dark hair in a bun...

Mirabelle (haha1) We often had the same classes, but she probably doesn't know I exist. I'm a little sad about it, I always wanted to ask her for fashion tips...

Siffrin (joke1) (Wait, this sounds like...) "That's the stylish lady I was talking to you about."

Mirabelle (happy3) Who?


Siffrin (joke2) (...) "Yes, her. Your fan."

Bonnie (no!2) You have a fan, Belle?!

Isabeau (fufufu1) Mira... Remember us when you're famous...

Mirabelle (awawa1) So that's who you meant... Yes, I know her!!!

Mirabelle (anxious2) But see, if you said she was scary, I would've known who you meant.

Mirabelle (anxious1) She has a very intense glare, and she talks in a way where I never know if she's making fun of people or not...

(You make a face.)

(The stylish lady didn't look very scary when you talked to her...)

Mirabelle (serious1) If you see her again, look into her eyes. You'll know what I mean.

(You might try that.)

(Either way, you should go talk to the stylish lady and let her know that Mirabelle knows her...)

Loop Talk 3

Full page: Loop Quest Help

Siffrin "Mira has a fan..."

Loop (teehee5) She does! And the twist is...

Loop (oh1) Your Housemaiden thinks she's kinda cool but mostly scary!!!

Loop (hm1) You should let that stylish lady know... I wonder how she'll react?

Reporting to the Stylish One

Stylish One Big hat... Impossibly warm looking cloak...

Stylish One You must be one of the people traveling with Mirabelle!

Stylish One She's pretty well known around here. The chosen one, you know. Blessed by the Change God with the power to save Vaugarde.

Stylish One Plus, before all this, she was a housemaiden at the House of Change nearby. She'd take classes, help out with chores, help the other housemaidens with their studies and craft. Little perfect Mirabelle.

Stylish One Hmf... As for me...


Stylish One No wonder the Change God blessed her, when she's this wonderful!!!

Stylish One I used to go to the House a lot for my classes, and she was always there, taking the class with me!

(You tell her what Mirabelle thinks of her.)


Stylish One No... No... NO!!!!!

Stylish One But wait, you said she also liked my style?

(You nod.)

Stylish One Oh... Oh Change... Oh yes. Oh wonderful. I know exactly what to do.

Stylish One Give me three seconds, hatted one.

Stylish One YES. OKAY. LET'S GO. Can you give this to Mirabelle?

Stylish One I, um, I hope she likes it.

(You got the FANMAIL!)

(It's a package and a letter addressed to Mirabelle...)

(You'd better give it to her before tomorrow.)

(You put the mail in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)

Stylish One Thank you... Please give it to her... Please... I don't want to scare her... Please.

Loving Fanmail

Full page: Souvenirs 2



A gift for Mirabelle. It's lovingly wrapped.


A gift for Mirabelle. It can't be gifted anymore.


Before giving it to Mirabelle for the first time

(A gift for Mirabelle from the stylish woman.)

(It has a package and a letter.)

(Opening either would be rude, so you leave them alone.)

After giving it to Mirabelle once

(A gift for Mirabelle from the stylish woman.)

(It has a package with the Stylish Bow inside, and a letter.)

(Mirabelle didn't tell you the contents of the letter.)

(If you open the letter now, you won't be able to give Mirabelle her gift.)


(Open the letter?)

  • (Yes.)

    (You open the letter.)

    (It's many pages long. The stylish woman wrote about how she met Mirabelle, how much she admires her, and how she hopes the bow will fit her well...)

    (The last page only has one sentence written on it.)

    (It just says: "None of us blame you, Mirabelle.")


    (It just says: "None of us blame you, Mirabelle.")


    You can no longer give the Loving Fanmail to Mirabelle in this loop.

  • (No???)

    (You leave the letter alone.)

After opening it

(Did it satisfy your curiosity?)

Loop Talk 4

Full page: Loop Quest Help

Siffrin "Mira has a fan..."

Loop (oh my1) Yes, and the stylish woman gave you a gift for your Housemaiden!

Loop (teehee3) Give it to her! Do it! Do it!!!

Fanmail Delivery

Full page: Mirabelle Beginning Talk

With the unopened Loving Fanmail in Siffrin's inventory, the dialogue option "You have a fan!" becomes "Fanmail delivery!".

(You give her the gift.)

Mirabelle (awawa1) F-Fanmail?!? From a stylish lady?!?

Mirabelle (hm2) Okay... Oh, it's from one of my classmates...? I...

Mirabelle (awkward2) ...

Mirabelle (awawa1) Oh... Oh!!!

Mirabelle (awawa1) That's from, um, a scary classmate of mine...!

Mirabelle (stressed1) Or at least, I thought she was scary! She has a very intense look, you know!!!

Mirabelle (sad1) But... She's gifting me a bow she made...

Mirabelle (sad2) She thought it would fit me well, and she says... She says...

(Suddenly, Mirabelle starts tearing up!!!)

Mirabelle (sad3) S-She's such a nice person... I'm so glad that...

Mirabelle (sad3) So glad that...

Mirabelle (sad3) ...

Mirabelle (happy1) A-Anyway, look!!! Look at this bow! Isn't it pretty?

(She's crying, but she must not want you to mention it...)

(You look at the bow.)

(It's a very bright shade, and seems to sparkle in the light.)

(It would probably fit Mirabelle very well...)

Siffrin (smiling2) "It looks wonderful."

Mirabelle (happy1) It does!

(You got the STYLISH BOW!)

(Mirabelle keeps it safe.)

Telling the Stylish One

Stylish One You gave her my gift? You did??? What did she say???

Siffrin (smiling3) "She really liked it!"

Stylish One SHE REALLY LIKED IT.......................

Stylish One Thank you for giving it to her!!! Now, no matter what happens tomorrow...

Stylish One . . .

Stylish One A-actually!!! Please make sure to win, tomorrow!

Stylish One I want to tell her tomorrow how much she means to me, after she beats the King!

Stylish One So she and I... can become friends!!!

Stylish One Make sure to win tomorrow!!!!!


(You nod.)

Loop Talk 5

Full page: Loop Quest Help

Siffrin "Mira has a fan..."

Loop (teehee3) And you gave that fan's gift to your Housemaiden!!!

Loop (well2) That was sweet. That was nice. Makes my heart grow warm.

Loop (teehee4) You got a pretty bow for your Housemaiden too!

Loop (happy1) It's too bad you shouldn't give that gift to your Housemaiden again. Can't give her something she already owns, huh?

Loop (teehee3) And that's the end of this quest! Good job, stardust!

Repeated fanmail delivery

Full page: Mirabelle Beginning Talk

This occurs if you select "Fanmail delivery!" when talking to Mirabelle if you already have the Stylish Ribbon.

(You give her the gift.)

Mirabelle (awawa1) F-Fanmail?!? From a stylish lady?!?

Mirabelle (hm2) Okay... Oh, it's from one of my classmates...? I...

Mirabelle (awkward2) ...

Mirabelle (awawa1) Oh... Oh!!!

Mirabelle (awawa1) That's from, um, a scary classmate of mine...!

Mirabelle (stressed1) Or at least, I thought she was scary! She has a very intense look, you know!!!

Mirabelle (sad1) But... She's gifting me a bow she made...

Mirabelle (sad2) She thought it would fit me well, and she says... She says...

Second time

(Mirabelle starts tearing up.)

Mirabelle (sad3) S-She's such a nice person... I'm so glad that...

Mirabelle (sad3) So glad that...

Mirabelle (sad3) ...

Mirabelle (happy1) A-Anyway, look!!! Look at this bow! Isn't it--

>(You already have the Stylish Bow.)

(The bow disappeared from Mirabelle's hands.)

Mirabelle (thinking1) ...Huh...?

Mirabelle (anxious3) What... What happened?

Siffrin (surprised1) (Huh?) "Mirabelle?"

Mirabelle (anxious2) She mentioned... A bow, in her letter, but...

Mirabelle (sad1) The bow... Wasn't I... Wasn't I just holding it...?

Siffrin (surprised1) "..."

Mirabelle (awkward2) I... I can't remember... I...

Mirabelle (no!1) Urgh!!! My head... My head hurts...!!!

(Oh, no.)

Siffrin (surprised2) (You have to do something!!!) "I-It's right here, see???"

If Mirabelle has the Stylish Bow equipped

(You point at the bow Mirabelle is wearing.)

If not

(You point at Mirabelle's pockets.)

Mirabelle (no!1) Right the--right there... It's right there...

Mirabelle (happy1) It's right there! Look at this bow! Isn't it pretty?

Siffrin (awkward1) (. . .) "I-It looks wonderful!"

Mirabelle (happy1) It does!

Subsequent times

(Mirabelle starts tearing up.)

Mirabelle (sad3) S-She's such a nice person... I'm so glad that...

Mirabelle (sad3) So glad that...

Mirabelle (sad3) ...

Mirabelle (happy1) A-Anyway, look!!! Look at this bow! Isn't it--

(You already have the Stylish Bow.)

(The bow disappeared from Mirabelle's hands.)

Mirabelle (thinking1) ...Huh...?

Mirabelle (anxious3) What... What happened?

Siffrin (fake1) "You have a stylish bow!"

If Mirabelle has the Stylish Bow equipped

(You point at the bow Mirabelle is wearing.)

If not

(You point at Mirabelle's pockets.)

Mirabelle (awkward2) I... I do...?

Mirabelle (happy1) I do! Look at this bow! Isn't it pretty?

Siffrin (fake1) "It looks wonderful!"

Mirabelle (happy1) It does!
