Who was phone / Change God event
All text relating to the 'but then who was phone???' achievement / Memory of Change God.
Some characters may not display properly. This is because we're emulating the switch version, ysee.
No seriously I can't really do anything about that if it happens. ~Feli
This page contains compiled dialogue from:
- Returning to the Change God's statue
- Loop Talk 1
- Mirabelle on the Change God's face
- Loop Talk 2
- Main Scene
- Loop Talk 3
- Interacting with the whole statue again
Returning to the Change God's statue
Full page: Prayer Room
To start this sidequest, you have to backtrack to the intact Change God statue after obtaining the KeyKnife.
(Re-)Entering the room
Odile (dotdotdot1) ...
Odile (urgh1) I'm sorry, why are we back here?
Isabeau (oh1) M'dame! Are you saying Sif was wrong to bring us all the way back to a room we already searched top to bottom because there's only one thing here?
Isabeau (fufufu1) M'dame, you're so weird.
Odile (urgh1) ...
Interacting with the statue
First time
(An intact statue of the Change God.)
(This is the only intact statue in the House, so you can see its face clearly.)
(You look at it a little closer...)
(You stick your tongue out in disgust.)
(This statue's face looks awful.)
Subsequent times
(Mirabelle's intact statue of the Change God.)
(You look at it a little closer...)
- ACT 2 & 3: (You try not to make a face, and fail.)
- ACT 4: (You don't react.)
Bonnie (lmao1) Can noses look like that?
Isabeau (really1) Wow, that left eye is somehow above the right brow.
Odile (huh1) I can't tell if they're supposed to be smiling or frowning...
Mirabelle (anxious2) ...
- ACT 2 & 3: Isabeau (brag1) Mira, Mira, help us roast this statue's terribly made face.
- ACT 4: Isabeau (brag1) Sif, Mira, help us roast this statue's terribly made face.
Mirabelle (sad1) . . .
Isabeau (huh1) . . . Mira?
First time only
(Oh no.)
Odile (huh3) Ah...
Bonnie (wait1) Uh oh.
Mirabelle (sad2) ...I was trying to make them look gentle and nice...
Isabeau (NO!1) MIRA WE'RE SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bonnie (stop!1) SORRY WE SAID YOUR STATUE SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!
Mirabelle (sad2) N-no, no, it's fine...
Mirabelle (serious2) ...I'll get my revenge against you all someday.
- ACT 2 & 3: (You all shudder.)
- ACT 4: (Everyone shudders.)
First time
(So Mirabelle made this statue...)
(Interesting that it's the only one that wasn't destroyed.)
(You know very little about the Change God, and the statues of them you can find everywhere in Vaugarde.)
(Maybe you should look at the statues inside the House, when you have the time...)
After progressing the sidequest
After hearing Mirabelle talk about the Change God's face but before completing her Friendquest.
(You always found the Change Belief a little weird.)
(Mirabelle especially seems to think it's perfect, or something.)
(You're kind of curious. Maybe you should check this statue again later, once you know more about her thoughts on the Change Belief...)
Loop Talk 1
Full page: "I had a question..."
"Mirabelle's statue..."
Loop (hm1) Huh?
Loop (oh my1) Oh, the Change God's statue where you get the KeyKnife!
Loop (lol4) I didn't know your Housemaiden made it. Explains why it looks so bad, teehee!
(It's true, sadly.)
Loop (hm1) I don't know much about the Change belief...
Loop (teehee2) But maybe if you looked at a bunch of statues in the House, you might learn something about them!
Mirabelle on the Change God's face
Full page: Change God Statues
This dialogue is obtained by interacting with five distinct Change God statues inside the House.
Selecting "I'm just wondering why they're broken." is required to progress the sidequest.
(A statue of the Change God.)
(It's been destroyed.)
Mirabelle (excited1) Siffrin? Are you curious about the Change God's statues, perhaps...?
- First time: Siffrin (awkward1) (Oh, um...)
- ACT 2 & 3: Siffrin (questions1) (...)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1) (...)
"I'm just wondering why they're broken."
Odile (huh2) That's the King's doing, isn't it?
Isabeau (wonder2) They're statues of the Change God, and the King wants to freeze Vaugarde in time, so... Maybe the King wanted to make a statement.
Isabeau (boo1) "Look how useless your god is!!!" That sorta thing.
Odile (dotdotdot2) But only the faces are destroyed... Normally, you'd destroy the whole statue, right?
Bonnie (serious1) The face is important, Dile.
Odile (hm2) Oh?
Mirabelle (anxious2) Yes! Um, so, every statue we've seen so far is made by a different Crafter, or artist!
Isabeau (brag1) It's kind of a cultural thing to Craft your own Change God.
Isabeau (neutral1) The Change God is always changing, always different... And we all have our own version of the Change God in our brains!
Mirabelle (anxious1) The Change God is always depicted wearing the same clothes, so they're at least recognizable in that way...
Mirabelle (excited1) But their face is always changing!
Bonnie (yeah!2) I think the Change God has like a thousand eyes!!! That's how they can see everything!
Mirabelle (stressed2) I've heard someone say the Change God had sewn their own mouth shut... Unable to tell us how to change, and leaving it to us poor humans to figure it out!
Isabeau (hahaha1) I had a dream they had dimples!
Mirabelle (happy1) And, and! Since it's Crafted by us, it's supposed to represent our connection to the Change God!
Mirabelle (happy1) The Change God, by their very nature, doesn't interact with humans much...
Bonnie (and then1) Except for when they blessed Mirabelle!
Mirabelle (anxious2) Ah... Y-Yes...
Mirabelle (awawa1) B-But by Crafting the Change God's face, we get linked to them in some small way!
Mirabelle (happy1) And some people even get to communicate with the Change God through the statues they made, as well!
Odile (huh3) Oh, really?
Isabeau (really1) Nah, not really.
Mirabelle (angy1) Yes, really!!! I've met someone who's talked to the Change God, when they finished their statue!!!
Isabeau (really3) Was it in a dream, maybe? Because you know that doesn't count.
Mirabelle (happy1) A-Anyway, that's why all the statues are different from one another!
Odile (lol1) Interesting... So it's a cultural tradition to make your own statue.
Odile (gimme1) And it's a connection between you and the Change God...
Isabeau (neutral1) How do you connect with your gods, m'dame?
Odile (wonder1) We make shrines for our gods, and everyone shares the shrines.
Isabeau (huhwah1) SHARING GODS............
First time
(Now that you know more about the statues and the Change belief, maybe you could check Mirabelle's statue once more...)
ACT 2 only
(Not right now, though. You have a King to beat.)
"No, not really."
Mirabelle (anxious1) Ah... Okay...
Mirabelle (stressed1) W-Well, let me know if you ever want to know more about them, okay?!?
- First time: (Was it because you looked at the statues too often...?)
- Subsequent times: (You looked at the statues too often again.)
Loop Talk 2
Full page: "I had a question..."
"Mirabelle's statue..."
Loop (hm1) Ah, so believers make a statue to connect with the Change God, even in a small way...
Loop (oh1) And some people might have talked to the Change God through their statues?
Loop (teehee1) Kinda cute! And it's a nice way to feel closer to your faith.
Before doing Mirabelle's Friendquest:
Loop (hm1) Not that you know much about the Change belief still, don't you? Maybe that'll come later...
Loop (teehee2) You should look at your Housemaiden's statue again! Maybe you'll find out something more about it.
Main Scene
Touching the statue
(Mirabelle's intact statue of the Change God.)
(You look at it a little closer...)
- ACT 2 & 3: (You try not to make a face, and fail.)
- ACT 4: (You don't react.)
Bonnie (lmao1) Can noses look like that?
Isabeau (really1) Wow, that left eye is somehow above the right brow.
Odile (huh1) I can't tell if they're supposed to be smiling or frowning...
Mirabelle (anxious2) ...
- ACT 2 & 3: Isabeau (brag1) Mira, Mira, help us roast this statue's terribly made face.
- ACT 4: Isabeau (brag1) Sif, Mira, help us roast this statue's terribly made face.
Mirabelle (sad1) . . .
Isabeau (huh1) . . . Mira?
Odile (huh3) Ah...
Bonnie (wait1) Uh oh.
Mirabelle (sad2) ...I was trying to make them look gentle and nice...
Isabeau (NO!1) MIRA WE'RE SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bonnie (stop!1) SORRY WE SAID YOUR STATUE SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!
Mirabelle (sad2) N-no, no, it's fine...
Mirabelle (serious2) ...I'll get my revenge against you all someday.
- ACT 2 & 3: (You all shudder.)
- ACT 4: (Everyone shudders.)
(But, hm...)
(The statue is a link between the Change God and the Crafter, right?)
(You wonder what would happen if Mirabelle touched it right now.)
Siffrin (surprised3) "Mira, can you put your hand on the statue?"
Mirabelle (oh!1) Hm? Um, sure?
(As soon as Mirabelle touches the statue, you hear something.)
The screen turns white.
Mirabelle (angy1) WAH!!!!!!!!
Siffrin and Mirabelle are teleported into a white void.
Meeting the Change God
Siffrin and Mirabelle look around, confused.
Mirabelle (awawa1) Huh?!? What?!? Where are--
(Mirabelle and you got transported somewhere...)
Siffrin faces north and draws his dagger.
Siffrin (fight3) "Someone's there, Mira!"
Mirabelle (awawa1) Huh?!?
The camera scrolls upward, revealing a hazy white figure. They walk downwards, toward the duo.
Change God (smiling2) . . .
Mirabelle (anxious3) Th... The Head Housemaiden...?
Change God (oh1) ...
A buzzer sounds.
Change God (lmao1) ... *buzzer sound* ( *`з´)
Change God (crying4) mirabelle!!! i can't believe u can't recognize me ಠ_ಠ
Mirabelle (uwah!1) Th-They changed shapes?!?
Change God (brag1) yea!!! i did!!! don't you know who i am??? ヽ(・∀・)ノ
Mirabelle (anxious3) Someone... Who changes shapes...
Mirabelle (uwah!1) No... This can't be?! You're--
Change God (lol2) aaand she got it!!! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶ it's me
Change God (happy1) THE CHANGE GOD. @^▽^@
Mirabelle (uwah!1) !!! Wh... Wh--
Mirabelle (sad3) WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!
Siffrin looks at Mirabelle.
Change God (ending1) oh no oh no oh no!!! └(★o★)┐
Change God (awkward1) i didnt mean to make u cry!!! i messed up ¯_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯
Mirabelle (sad3) Oh, Change God... I...
Mirabelle (sad4) I'm so sorry!!!
Change God (huh1) sorry? but for what? ( ̄ヘ ̄)
Mirabelle (yell1) For so many things!!!
Mirabelle (sad4) For being useless, for not being willing to change enough, for lying and making everyone believe you blessed me, for...
Change God (happy2) oh, that!
Change God (fufufu1) i dont care \( ̄▽ ̄)/ its fine dont worry about it
Mirabelle (sad4) ...Huh?
Change God (gentle1) if i was mad about it i wouldnt have helped u earlier right?
Change God (fight2) but i did it bc im rooting for u! (*¯︶¯*)
Siffrin looks at the Change God.
Siffrin (surprised1) (Helped us earlier...?) "Do you mean... The knife?"
Change God (angry1) the KEYKNIFE, okay. it has a name and you should use it
Change God (really3) but yes that was me ヽ(>∀<)ノ
Mirabelle (awawa1) It was...? So...
Mirabelle (stressed2) . . .
Change God (sorry2) aw, housemaiden mirabelle... (ಥ_ʖಥ)
Change God (serious1) im about to tell you something really important. for many reasons, you won't remember it after i send you back to your quest.
Change God (boo1) well, ur brain wont remember, but your heart will (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ so listen!!!
Change God (dotdotdot2) its true that as the change god i cant help humans much
Change God (lol2) (mostly because i dont want to ♡( ◡‿◡ ))
Change God (wonder2) i cant help with your petty struggles for survival and stuff
Change God (smiling4) but it doesnt matter, because even my little god powers are nothing next to yours!!!
Change God (fight1) the real power comes from you, mirabelle!!! ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ
Change God (brag1) if you decide you can change, thats enough power and belief to do anything
Change God (mock1) (dont even need some silly rituals or anything like SOME OTHER BELIEF OUT THERE (ಠuಠ))
Change God (smiling3) and look how far you’ve come!!! without me!!!
Change God (melan5) but if thats not enough for u, then know this

Change God you are loved, mirabelle.
Change God i see you changing, even if you do not.
Change God you are always changing, always evolving.
Change God you are not stagnating in any way.
Change God and even if you were, that would be fine, because life is about changes but it's also about staying right where you are, sometimes.
Change God i am proud of you
Change God and i love you!!! σ(≧ε≦σ) ♡
Change God and i love the stupid ugly face you gave me and i wont ever let anyone destroy it!!!!!!! (((o(*°▽°*)o)))
Change God remember that ok!!!! (⁎˃ᆺ˂)
Mirabelle (sad4) . . .
Mirabelle (gentle2) ...Thank you, Change God.
Mirabelle (haha1) You are nothing like I was expecting, but...
Mirabelle (happy4) I would expect nothing else from you!
Change God (blush2) hihihihihihi aw (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
(Mirabelle and the Change God giggle together.)
(Somehow, Mirabelle looks so much less burdened than before...)
The ding sound for receiving a Memory plays.
Change God (and then1) OH, OH, i wanna do this!!!!!!!
Change God (blush1) you got a MEMORY of ME (*´台`*)
Change God (urgh1) when equipped, it'll do... eh, who cares.
Change God (lol2) i don't know why you need to remember things so much. weirdo!
Mirabelle (anxious2) Um... What?
(Mirabelle tilts her head to the side, confused.)
Change God (blush3) oh crab look at that head tilt!!!
Change God (smile3) hihi... that head housemaiden of yours is right!
Change God (mirabelle1) you really are so stinking cute, mirabelle!!!! (o´∀`o)
Mirabelle (awawa1) Oh, um--
Change God (and then1) alright thats it! that was your god call!!!
Change God (happy1) good luck mirabelle!!! im rooting for u!!! i love u!!! bye!!! *beams you away!*
Mirabelle (awawa1) Wai--
The screen turns white again. When vision returns, Mirabelle is gone. Siffrin looks at the spot she used to be.
(Mirabelle disappeared!)
Siffrin looks left and right.
(Where did she--)
The screen shakes. Siffrin looks at the Change God and jumps.
Change God (lmao1) and YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Change God (unhinged2) siffrin no middle names no last name (✿´◉◞⊖◟◉`✿)
Change God (anxious1) sorry for not talking to u
Change God (reading1) this was all for mirabelle's sake, you understand. her sidequest~.
Change God (mock1) you know aaaaaaall about sidequests dont you
Change God (glare1) plus i know you dont really care about me hihi ( ͡ຈ╭͜ʖ╮͡ຈ )
Change God (huh2) but hey its not every loop you get to meet a god,
Change God (King) (and its not like yours will ever REALLY talk to you)
Change God (happy1) so i will give you some words too
Change God (lol5) ill say them thru the face of your little sponsor buddy too, for the effect hihihihi
Change God (happy1) and those words are...
The screen turns black. A slowed down version of the game over music plays.
Change God (possessed1) I HAVE SEEN IT ALL.
Change God (possessed1) AND THIS... IS THIS WHAT I HAVE NOW?
Change God (possessed1) A CRIME AGAINST LIFE ITSELF!
(But you don't want to be here, either!!!)
(If you could change it, you would!!! So--)
Change God (possessed1) HIHIHI... YOU MISUNDERSTAND.
Change God (possessed1) HOW WILL YOU CHANGE?
Change God (possessed1) I. . .
The screen and music return to normal.
Change God (omg2) i just cant wait to see more!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*
Change God (excited1) ill keep giving you the knife every time, so dont worry!!! ( ´ ω ` ) keep going! keep changing!!!
Change God (ending5) and keep giving us a good show!!!
Change God (happy1) bye!
Siffrin (angry4) "Wait, wait--"
Change God (teehee3) nope! bye! *hangs up the phone.*
The screen fades to white. When it returns to normal, Siffrin and Mirabelle are in the room they left, in front of the Change God's statue.
(You stumble.)
Mirabelle (worried1) Woah...
Bonnie (no!2) HEY!!!
Isabeau (huh2) Mira, Sif!!! Are you two okay?
Mirabelle (stressed2) What... What happened?
Isabeau (angry2) I don't know, you both started looking weird!
Isabeau (hm5) Like... Like you were about to faint, or something!!!
Odile (gimme1) Are you both okay? Can you stand up?
Siffrin and Mirabelle turn to each other.
(You and Mirabelle nod.)
Mirabelle (anxious3) Yes, I...
Mirabelle (anxious1) I feel like... I feel like I saw something incredible?
Bonnie (ew1) Huh?
Mirabelle (anxious3) I...
Mirabelle (sad2) I don't remember it anymore, though.
(You do, still.)
Mirabelle (wonder1) ...
Odile (awkward1) ... If you're good, we should keep going.
Mirabelle (anxious2) Yes... Yes, let's go.
Loop Talk 3
Full page: "I had a question..."
"Mirabelle's statue..."
Loop (oh my1) You went to Mirabelle's statue, I saw that! I wanted to ask you about it!
Loop (hm1) I couldn't see you very well... I saw you go to the statue, and ask your Housemaiden to touch it...
Loop (oh my1) And then poof! Nothing! I think you were talking to someone?
Siffrin (um1) (Heh.) "Yeah, the Change God."
Loop (teehee1) Hahaha!
Loop (angry1) WHAT?!?
(You tell Loop about how you and Mirabelle talked to the Change God.)
Loop (hm1) . . .
Loop (ew1) Well, um, putting aside the whole "the Change God knows you're looping and thinks it's funny to watch" aside...
Loop (teehee4) It's so nice that the Change God talked to your Housemaiden!
Loop (away1) She was thinking she was a bad believer because she doesn't feel romantic or sexual attraction...
Loop (happy1) Isn't it nice to know some god out there doesn't care about that sorta thing?
Loop (lol5) Especially the Change God! Kind of freeing! Your Housemaiden got some closure!
Loop (happy1) Even if she doesn't remember.
(You nod.)
Loop (ew1) ...
Loop (ew1) So they think it's funny, huh...?
(Loop swears under their breath.)
(You're angry, too, but you just breathe and move on.)
Loop (fake2) ...Well, neat! That's neat! And I guess that's the end of that!!!
Interacting with Mirabelle's statue again
(You make sure that Mirabelle doesn't come close to touching it.)