Bright Flower
Mostly compiled by Felikatze, using parts formatted by candycoatedrox and goldstarglowwSource: Common Event 58 (ITEM_brightflower)
All text for the Bright Flower, including the funny stuff that happens when you give it to people.
A four-petal flower full of hidden meaning.
You can gift it to your [friends/allies/family members/actors].
ACT 1 & 2
Option 1
(With your superior sense of smell, you smell the flower.)
(Smells flower-y.)
Option 2
(You look at the flower.)
(What if you gave it to someone important to you?)
ACT 3 & 4
Option 1
(It's a flower.)
Inside the House
(You missed the opportunity to give it to someone.)
(It's useless now.)
Option 2
(It's a flower.)
(Nothing special about it.)
(You remove the flower's petals, one at a time.)
(The flower doesn't look like anything recognizable now.)
(You can't give it to anyone.)
After fighting the King, before the finale
(still here)
(You still have the flower.)
(You guess it's yours, now!)
Talk to the Flower Growing One in the northernmost house in the east section of Dormont.
Gift Giving
Full page: Bonnie Beginning Talk.
Bonnie (serious1) You're giving me a flower?
Bonnie (sulk4) . . .
Bonnie (sulk5) . . .
Bonnie (sulk1) . . .
Bonnie (sulk3) ...Why?
Siffrin (awkward1) "Why not?"
Bonnie (sad1) ...Okay.
(Bonnie hesitantly takes the flower, and stares at it intently.)
(Did it make them happy...?)
Full page: Isabeau Beginning Talk.
Isabeau (huhwah1) W-what? A flower?
Isabeau (uwah!1) ...For me?
Siffrin (okay2) "You're the only one here, Isa."
Isabeau (shy1) Haha, yeah!!!!!!!!!
(Isabeau takes the flower and cradles it gently in his hands.)
Isabeau (blush2) ... Thanks, Sif...
Isabeau (hahaha2) I... I'll treasure it forever!!!
(He seems happy.)
Full page: Mirabelle Beginning Talk.
Mirabelle (happy2) Oh! For me? Thank you, Siffrin!
Mirabelle (happy1) Hehehe, this is a nice gift... I'll make sure to press it in a book so I can keep it forever!
(She seems happy.)
Full page: Odile Beginning Talk.
Odile (gimme1) For me? Where did that come from?
Odile (lol3) . . .
Odile (lol4) Well, nonetheless... Thank you, Siffrin.
Odile (lol2) It's not like you to be so thoughtful, so I'll definitely keep it as proof.
(Proof of what...?)
(Well, anyway... She seems happy.)
The King
Full page: (Ask the King...).
(You offer the Bright Flower to the King.)
King ......
Odile (hm1) What.
Mirabelle (awawa1) Siffrin?!?
Isabeau (hahaaa1) Uh, Sif, I don't know how it works where you're from...
Isabeau (hahaaa1) But in Vaugarde, we only give flowers to people we, um... Actually like.
Siffrin (tired1) (...) "I remember that you can give flowers to whoever you want, as long as they're..."
King ......Important.
King Friends, family, rivals...... Enemies......
(The King takes a step forward, and gently takes the flower from your hand.)
King ......
King Bright one...... No matter how this battle ends......
King Will you remember me......?
Siffrin (hide1) (...)
King ......
King Ha......
King Let us make this battle a moment truly worth remembering, then!
King Ha.
King ......
King If it's any consolation......
King I'll remember you after I defeat you, bright one.
Full page: Euphrasie End Talk.
The Bright Flower can only be given to Euphrasie after the fourth time getting to her.
Siffrin (fake1) "Hi."
Siffrin (fake1) "I have a flower for you."
Euphrasie (sorry1) A flower? But...
The screen glitches, then grows fuzzy with static. The music slows down.
It darkens around Siffrin, leaving only them in the spotlight.
Euphrasie (CRAB1) ...!!!!!
Euphrasie (CRAB1) Oh... Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no, no...
Siffrin (tired2) "Not a fan of flowers, huh..."
Euphrasie (CRAB1) Oh... Siffrin...!
Euphrasie (ending1) I'm so sorry! There's no way we can stop it now...!
The screen glitches again.
Euphrasie (ending2) I'm sorry! You'll be going back! Back when everything started!
(Burnt sugar, right on cue.)
("I know you thought...")
Another glitch. The music slows down even further.
Euphrasie (ending1) I know you thought your quest was over, but it can't be!
Euphrasie (ending1) Something's broken, something's failing, rotting!!!
Euphrasie (ending2) I can't fix it on my own, not before it all ends... If only I had noticed sooner!!!
Euphrasie (ending1) I should've seen it, prevented it!!!
(You feel a tug on your stomach.)
(Three lines left.)
Another glitch.
Euphrasie (ending2) It's my fault that you have to suffer like this.
Euphrasie (ending3) I just hope that one day...
More glitches.
Euphrasie (ending3) You might learn to for
The screen glitches black. The game over screen appears briefly, until Siffrin is torn away after a split second.
The game over text reads, at random:
- (The curtain falls.)
- (Something's broken, failing, rotting.)
- (You got to the end.)
First time
(You wave the flower towards Loop.)
Loop (ew1) Urgh, a flower.
Loop (teehee1) I don't want any of your stuff, stardust!
Loop (lol5) Get that outta here!!!
(This is where your gentle, giving heart gets you.)
Second time
(You wave the flower towards Loop.)
Loop (ew1) Urgh, that flower AGAIN?
Loop (angry1) I don't want it, stardust! Give it to someone else!
Third time
(You wave the flower towards Loop.)
Loop (subdued1) Really, stop. This is getting annoying, now.
Loop (fake1) Give it to someone else.
Siffrin (questions1) "Like who?"
Loop (away1) Like...
At random:
Loop (away1) Like the Housemaiden.
Loop (away1) She'll never wear it, but it would fit her, I think.
(Would it...?)
At random:
Loop (away1) Like the Fighter.
Loop (ew1) He'd like anything you'd give him, that sucker.
(Would he...?)
At random:
Loop (away1) Like the Researcher.
Loop (away1) It would surprise her, if nothing else.
(Would it...?)
At random:
Loop (away1) Like the Kid.
Loop (away1) They're a kid, and what kind of kid doesn't like flowers?
(Is that so..?)
Siffrin (tired2) "Will you ever accept the flower?"
ACT 2 & 3
Loop (angry1) No, I won't, so stop trying.
The counter doesn't increment. This dialogue will continue playing until it plays again in ACT 4.
Loop (away1) . . .
(Maybe next time.)
Fourth time
(You wave the flower towards Loop.)
Loop (ew1) . . .
Loop (angry1) Fine.
Loop (ew1) Give me the blinding flower.
(You bring the flower to Loop, and gently drop it in their hand.)
Loop (ew1) ...
Loop (away1) . . .
(Loop doesn't say anything.)
(But it's fine.)
Fifth time onwards
(You wave the flower towards Loop, asking them silently if they'll accept it again.)
(After a minute, they nod.)
(You gently drop the flower in their open palm, and act like nothing out of the ordinary happened.)
(Loop does, too.)