Odile in Dormont

Created by felikatze and fairywrenss.

Odile's reaction to everything in Dormont. For Odile's Friendquest, see Odilequest.


Dormont Center


Odile (awkward1) What is a plantain peel doing here...?

Change God statue

(You approach the Change God's statue.)

Odile (hm2) The Change God's statue...

Odile (huh1) Quite a peculiar figure, don't you think?

(You shrug.)

You can then save.

Odile (gimme1) All done with... Whatever you were just doing?

(You nod.)


In the Boulangerie.

(Some croissants.)

(You refuse to even look at them.)

ACT 3 onwards

(You grip the silver coin tightly.)

Odile (hm2) Croissants, huh... You really started hating them for no reason a few weeks ago, didn't you?

(You don't respond.)

Daydreaming One

(The woman is daydreaming, singing softly under her breath.)

Odile (hm1) Please don't make us talk to everyone in Dormont, Siffrin, PLEASE.

Fishing One

Fishing One I am fishing.

Odile (gimme1) I see that. Caught anything recently?

Fishing One Heheheee...

Fishing One Maybe I have, maybe I haven't.

Odile (hm1) Thanks, that was very helpful.


Mirabelle (happy2) Oh, Siffrin, madame Odile! On a secret quest again?

Odile (huh1) "Again", huh.

Mirabelle (anxious2) Oh, sorry! I feel like... I've seen you two go on secret quests very often?

Mirabelle (awkward1) Like... Literally every time we've stayed in a town or village?

Mirabelle (happy1) Isabeau and I always wondered where you were going!


(Ah, that's right...)

(You and Odile often used to visit antique shops, every time you went to a new place.)

(Neither of you ever asked what the other was looking for.)

(...Come to think of it, she was probably looking for a familytale...)


(...Did you used to go on secret quests together?)

(You can't remember.)

Odile (up1) Are you two betting on it? On what our "secret quests" are about?

Mirabelle (serious2) Oh, I would never bet on anything. It goes against my moral code, madame.

Mirabelle (happy1) But Isabeau will read a horror book of my choice if my guess is right, hehe!

Odile (lol3) . . .

Mirabelle (happy1) . . .

Mirabelle (anxious3) Oh no, you're not going to tell me what your secret quests were about now that I've said we're betting on it.

Odile (lol4) We'll see you later, Mirabelle.

Mirabelle (uwah!1) NO!!! NO, COME BACK!!!!!!!!!

Repeated interaction

Mirabelle (stressed1) Oh, Mirabelle... You almost had it...

Running One

(Odile is out of breath.)

Odile (urgh1) Urgh... Ha...

Running One Sounds like someone needs to do some more exercise!

Odile (urgh1) Curse you and your legs.

Running One Spoken like someone who prioritized her brain over her body for decades and decades!

Odile (urgh1) . . .

(No answer for that one, huh?)

Smug One

Smug One Hell-

Odile (hm1) Hello, no time to talk, have a good day.

Smug One Um, bye then?

Tutorial Kid

Tutorial Kid Hey!!! Wanna play Rock Paper Scissors?!?

Odile (reading2) No.

Tutorial Kid Urgh...!!! Another lost soul, who won't play against me...

Dormont East


Bonnie (happy2) Oh, hey Dile.

Odile (huh1) Boniface.

Bonnie (serious1) Did you find some good stuff for tonight?

Odile (reading2) Not much. I did find some flour, though. I know we were running low.

Bonnie (smile4) Yesssssss.

Bonnie (surprised1) Why are you with Frin? Was the flour too heavy? I could've helped!

Odile (hm2) Siffrin and I have things to do.

Bonnie (serious1) Oh. Can I help? I wanna help.

Odile (huh1) We're looking for a book.

Odile (lol2) With words in it. No pictures.

Bonnie (serious1) I am so sorry I cannot help, Dile. I wish you the best in all future endive-vors.

Bonnie (sulk5) I will stay here and also do my important things.

Bonnie (happy2) Like look at this field.

Odile (lol3) Thank you for your support, Boniface.

Repeated interaction

Bonnie (serious1) I will never help you find a book. I have more important things to do.

Bonnie (lol1) Like watching this carrot grow.

Drawing Kid

(The kid looks up at you.)

Odile (reading1) No time, Siffrin. Wave goodbye, now.

(You wave goodbye.)

(The kid waves back, happily.)

Sky-loving Kid

Sky-loving kid .............................

(The kid dances, and doesn't care about you and your old cohort.)

Wizard-loving Kid

Before you learn the kids took the familytale from the Beautiful One

Wizard-loving kid Hey. Hey, old one.

Odile (isthatso1) Hey, baby one.

Wizard-loving kid Nice one, old lady.

Wizard-loving kid How does it feel to be old?

Odile (reading2) It feels nice, I suppose.

Wizard-loving kid Huh.

Wizard-loving kid ...Really?

Odile (lol1) Really. I wouldn't go back to being your age, that's for sure.

Wizard-loving kid Huh!

Wizard-loving kid ...Crab, I wanna be old, now.

Repeated interaction

Wizard-loving kid I wanna be old so bad......

After the kids tell you the Boulanger's daughter has the familytale

Wizard-loving kid Let's play again soon. That was fun.

Frog-loving Kid

Before you learn the kids took the familytale from the Beautiful One

Frog-loving kid ...

(The little girl making a frog embroidery seems too shy to make eye contact with you, especially now that you have an older woman with you, which puts you firmly in the "Big Adults" category.)

After the kids tell you the Boulanger's daughter has the familytale

Frog-loving kid Bye bye! Good luck with the book!


In the Beautiful One's house.

(Some recipes.)

Odile (lol2) Hm... Think we should look at those for Boniface?

Blind One

Blind One Ah, hello? Is anyone there?

Odile (dotdotdot1) We are, but we don't actually have time to talk. Sorry to bother you.

Blind One Haha, it's no problem! Have a good day!


This has a 1 in 3 chance of occuring instead of the regular sheep interaction.

Sheep Meeeeeeeeeeh.

Odile (reading2) Meeeeeeeeeeh.


Trying to go to the Clocktower

Odile (dotdotdot3) That's the way to the Clocktower.

Odile (serious3) . . .


Three loops or less (unused)

(Not right now.)

Dormont North


Isabeau (happy1) Ohoho! You guys look thick as thieves as usual. Are you on a secret quest again?

Odile (lol1) Indeed we are.

Isabeau (really1) Good for you. Nothing like a secret quest to make life worth living.

Isabeau (fufufu1) Ah, I'm so jealous... I'd love to go on a secret quest, too...

Isabeau (hahaha1) Let's go on a secret quest before we part ways, yeah?

Odile (gentle1) Oh, I'd love to. A secret quest with you could be fun, Isabeau.

Isabeau (neutral1) Huh?

Isabeau (omgggg1) OH, WITH YOU, M'DAME ODILE!!!

Isabeau (shy1) Yes!!! That's exactly what I meant!!! I definitely meant going on a secret quest with you, because you are also standing right here. Yes.

Odile (lol3) . . .

Isabeau (awkward1) . . .

Isabeau (disappointed1) Please don't look at me.

Odile (lol1) Uh HUH.

Repeated interaction

Isabeau (hahaha1) Have fun, you two!

Old One

Old One Hello--

Odile (expressionnumber) Hello, nice to talk to you, goodbye.

Old One Oh... Goodbye.

Favor Tree

Odile (reading2) The Favor Tree, huh...

Odile (lol3) Quite an interesting tradition, isn't it?

(You shrug.)



This has a 1 in 3 chance of occuring instead of the regular bird interaction.

Odile (lol1) Piou piou.



Don't go there

Trying to enter the Meadow or most houses.

Curiously, the houses in Dormont East don't use the common event, and in practice always have Siffrin respond (...) because the usual ACT 3 response is tied to three or less loops.

Odile (awkward1) There's no need to go here right now, is there?


(Apparently not.)

