Edited by candycoatedrox and fairywrenss.All text for Odile's Friendquest.
Sources: Map022 (Village E), Map025 (OdileQuest), Map062 (Shop), Map066 (Library), Map070 (House_Boulangerie), Map073 (House_Cook), Map084 (Library (Key 2-2)), Map085 (SecretLibrary).
For Odile's reactions around Dormont, see Odile in Dormont.
For the ACT 5 version of Odile's friendquest, see ACT 5 Friendquests.
This page contains compiled dialogue from:
- Boulangerie
- Beautiful One's House
- Loop What To Do ACT 3 & 4
- Dormont East
- Dormont Odile
- Dormont Library
- House Library
- Secret Library
- Setup
- The Quest
Loop Talk 1
Full page: What To Do ACT 3 & 4
- ACT 3: Siffrin (neutral1)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (tired2)
(You need help on how to...)
- "...help everyone."
Loop (teehee1) Which one, stardust?
- ACT 3: Siffrin (neutral1)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (tired2)
(Which ally...)
- "Odile."
Loop (hm1) Her, huh...
Loop (happy1) Why don't you ask her if she needs help?
First Talk with Odile
For all variations and other questions, see Odile Talk in Dormont. This section specifically portrays the first time the question is asked.
(Odile is here, looking at what the shop has to offer.)
Siffrin (fake1) "Odile."
Odile (up1) Oh, Siffrin.
Odile (lol1) You look rested. Glad to see you this laidback on the day before the end of the world.
Odile (up1) Anyway. How can I help you?
Siffrin (fake1) (...) "Can I help you with anything?"
Odile (lol3) Do I need help with anything? Are you THIS bored, Siffrin?
(Odile seems to realize you're genuinely asking.)
Odile (hm1) Ah, well. . .
Odile (dotdotdot2) . . .
Odile (dotdotdot1) ... I'm looking for a certain type of book.
Siffrin (surprised3) "A 'type' of book? Not a specific book?"
Odile (dotdotdot2) No, not a specific book.
Odile (gimme1) It's... It's a type of book called a "familytale". Have you heard of those?
Siffrin (surprised3) "Nope. What is it?"
Odile (dotdotdot2) It's a book filled with tales written by a single family, through generations. It's a tradition, in Vaugarde.
Odile (melan3) ...I...
Odile (melan1) I've always wanted to read one. But, since each family has theirs, and it's something you're supposed to keep in one family and not show others...
Odile (melan1) I was never able to touch, let alone read one.
Odile (gimme1) But I've heard that when a family dies off, the familytale might be taken by Houses. As a way to save those pieces of history.
(Huh, you didn't know that.)
(And so...)
Siffrin (questions1) "So you'd like a familytale of a family that died off?"
Odile (dotdotdot1) Yes.
(You never knew she was interested in that.)
Siffrin (joke1)
Odile (wry1) ...Of a sort.
Dialogue continues.
Odile (dotdotdot1) ...So, will you help me?
Siffrin (happy1) "Yeah, of course."
Odile (huh3) ...Thank you, Siffrin.
Odile (sigh1) Ha. Okay.
Odile (urgh1) I was planning to look in Dormont's library, but I have to buy some supplies.
Odile (wonder1) And I want to look inside Dormont's House, but... Who knows if we'll have time to search, so...
(...So you should check the libraries at your disposal, and see if you can find a familytale.)
(So that makes... Dormont's library, the House's, and the House's secret library, at least.)
(Better start looking!)
Loop Talk 2
Full page: What To Do ACT 3 & 4
- ACT 3: Siffrin (neutral1)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (tired2)
(You need help on how to...)
- "...help everyone."
Loop (teehee1) Which one, stardust?
- ACT 3: Siffrin (neutral1)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (tired2)
(Which ally...)
- "Odile."
Loop (hm1) Ah, the researcher...
Loop (happy1) She's looking for a sort of book called a "familytale", huh? Interesting.
Loop (teehee2) I've never heard of those... Maybe the librarian in Dormont might know something?
Talking to the Librarian
Full page: Dormont Library.
Bored Librarian Welcome to the library!
Bored Librarian Well. Our selection is kind of lacking. All the good books are in the House.
Bored Librarian But the House is. Well. Closed until further notice. Since the King. Took residence there. And froze. Everyone in time.
Bored Librarian ...Are you looking for a book in particular?
Siffrin (questions1) (Are you?) "Any familytales?"
Bored Librarian Familytales...?
Bored Librarian ...Why would you even want to look at one? Aren't you from outside Vaugarde...?
Bored Librarian Well, either way, we, um, we don't. We don't carry those here.
Bored Librarian I'm not sure where you'd need to look for one... But I feel like I've seen one recently? It's weird.
Bored Librarian Either way, the library in the House might help?
First time only
(Looks like there's no familytale in this library.)
(The library in the House, huh... You should look around there, and explore the secret library while you're at it.)
House Library
Full page: House Library
Interacting with the lists of checked out books.
(A pile of lists of books that have been checked out of the library.)
Odile (dotdotdot2) ...
(Odile is looking intently at the list...)
(You take a look, too.)
(...Looks like one person checked out every single available issue of "The Cursing of Château Castle".)
(No one here seems to have checked out a familytale.)
Odile (urgh1) ...
Secret Library
Full page: Secret Library.
Interacting with the lists of checked out books.
(A pile of lists of checked out books.)
(Odile is looking intently at the list...)
(You take a look, too.)
Mirabelle (anxious3) Um, you two? We should get going...
Odile (dotdotdot3) Give us a second, Mirabelle.
Mirabelle (awkward2) ...?
(You look through the titles, mumbling each one under your breath.)
("Lost Inland", "The History of Pepper", "What To Do When You're Sad And There's No Chocolate Around"...)
Siffrin (surprised1) (Ah! Here, at the very bottom...) "Paperasse Familytale..."
Odile (dotdotdot2) Where.
Isabeau (surprised1) Pape-what now???
Odile (dotdotdot2) Who checked it out?
(Someone called "Charles Chouquette"...)
Mirabelle (awkward1b) Charles Chouquette? Oh, that's the boulanger in Dormont!
Mirabelle (happy1) Does he have a book you want, madame Odile?
Odile (dotdotdot2) So he has it...
(The boulangerie in Dormont, huh? They sold croissants, if you remember correctly...)
Odile (serious3) Hm...
Odile (wonder3) ...Well, I'll have to check after we beat the King, and before I go away...
Mirabelle (anxious2) Hm?
Isabeau (really1) What? What are we talking about?
Odile (sigh1) Hah...
Odile (huh1) What about you, Siffrin? You were looking around... Did you find the book you were looking for?
Isabeau (surprised1) Huh? A book? Are you both looking for a book?
Siffrin (questions1) "I was, but it's fine."
Mirabelle (awawa1) Hey, are you ignoring us? What's happening? Is this another secret quest?!?
Odile (dotdotdot2) If you say it's fine, then it is. Let's get going everyone.
(Mirabelle and Isabeau look at each other, and sigh.)
(So the boulanger in Dormont might have checked out a familytale...)
(You should go back to Dormont and let Odile know!)
Loop Talk 3
Full page: What To Do ACT 3 & 4
- ACT 3: Siffrin (neutral1)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (tired2)
(You need help on how to...)
- "...help everyone."
Loop (teehee1) Which one, stardust?
- ACT 3: Siffrin (neutral1)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (tired2)
(Which ally...)
- "Odile."
Loop (lol3) Oh, her!
Loop (hm1) So, she's looking for a familytale, and one such book might be owned by someone in Dormont...
Loop (teehee4) That's great news, isn't it? That there's one here, in the village?
Loop (teehee2) You should talk to your Researcher and let her know!
Second Talk with Odile
For all variations and other questions, see Odile Talk in Dormont. This portrays the possible second interactions that actually start the Friendquest proper.
If you've chosen "Maybe in a second..." when talking to Odile, the option "Can I help you with anything?" will be "Let's hang out now!" the next time instead, and restart the conversation at the same point as "I have time now!"
(Odile is here, looking at what the shop has to offer.)
Siffrin (fake1) "Odile."
Odile (up1) Oh, Siffrin.
Odile (lol1) You look rested. Glad to see you this laidback on the day before the end of the world.
Odile (up1) Anyway. How can I help you?
Siffrin (fake1) (...) "Can I help you with anything?"
Odile (lol3) Do I need help with anything? Are you THIS bored, Siffrin?
(Odile seems to realize you're genuinely asking.)
Odile (hm1) Ah, well. . .
Odile (dotdotdot2) . . .
Odile (dotdotdot1) ... I'm looking for a certain type of book.
Siffrin (fake1) "A 'type' of book? Not a specific book?"
Odile (dotdotdot2) No, not a specific book.
Odile (gimme1) It's... It's a type of book called a "familytale". Have you heard of those?
Siffrin (fake1)
"Nope. What is it?"
Odile (dotdotdot2) It's a book filled with tales written by a single family, through generations. It's a tradition, in Vaugarde.
Odile (melan3) ...I...
Odile (melan1) I've always wanted to read one. But, since each family has theirs, and it's something you're supposed to keep in one family and not show others...
Odile (melan1) I was never able to touch, let alone read one.
Odile (gimme1) But I've heard that when a family dies off, the familytale might be taken by Houses. As a way to save those pieces of history.
(And so.)
Siffrin (fake1) "So you'd like a familytale of a family that died off?"
Odile (dotdotdot1) Yes.
Siffrin (fake1)
Odile (wry1) ...Of a sort.
- Before completing her quest: (Oh!!!)
- After: (Ha.)
Dialogue continues.
Odile (dotdotdot1) ...So, will you help me?
Siffrin (fake1)
"Yeah, of course."
Odile (huh3) ...Thank you, Siffrin.
Odile (sigh1) Ha. Okay.
Odile (urgh1) I was planning to look in Dormont's library, but I have to buy some supplies.
Odile (wonder1) And I want to look inside Dormont's House, but... Who knows if we'll have time to search, so...
Dialogue ends here.
"Oh, I've heard the boulangerie has one of those!"
Dialogue continues.
"Oh, I've heard the boulangerie has one of those!"
Dialogue continues.
Odile (huh3) Wh-what?
Odile (huh3) What? What? Huh? Really?
Before completing Odile's quest:
(She doesn't seem to know how to react.)
(You look at her repeat the same words over and over.)
(You wait a bit for her to calm down.)
(You look at her repeat the same words over and over.)
Odile (guilty1) ...Siffrin.
Odile (gimme1) Will you come with me? To ask them if I can borrow it?
Odile (guilty1) It might... Take some time. So make sure you have time to help me.
- Before completing her quest: Siffrin (smiling2)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (fake1)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake4)
"I have time now!"
Odile (melan4) ...Thank you.
Odile (gimme1) Let's go, then.
First time repeating any friendquest
[Wow, you're here again!]
[You don't REALLY have to go through this whole thing again. You can just zone through it, and skip it completely, if you'd like.]
[You'll even still get their cool skill! But if you do, the skill will be a tiny bit less useful. Your choice!]
Second time onwards:
(Zone out?)
See skipped Odilequest.
Siffrin is now outside, Odile directly behind them. She will now follow Siffrin around Dormont.
(You and Odile are now hanging out!)
(You should head to the boulangerie...)
For Odile's reactions around Dormont, see Odile in Dormont.
For the rest of Odile's friendquest, see Odilequest.
"Maybe in a second..."
Odile (guilty2) O-oh, of course... Well, let me know when you have time.
Talking to the Boulanger
Full page: Boulangerie
Siffrin and Odile enter the boulangerie. Odile stands by the door as Siffrin walks to the counter.
To proceed regularly, talk to Charles, the Big Boulanger.
Big Boulanger Hey there.
Odile (dotdotdot2) ...Hello. We've heard you may have a familytale...?
Big Boulanger A familytale?
Odile (dotdotdot3) Of a family called Paperasse. If you'd be okay with it, I'd like to borrow it for a little bit...
Big Boulanger Ah, the one I borrowed for my girl before the House froze.
Big Boulanger I'm not a very good writer, ha... So I figured reading another one would give me some inspiration for stories to tell my little girl.
First time
Siffrin (questions1)
Subsequent times
Siffrin (fake1)
"Do you have it still?"
Big Boulanger I...
Big Boulanger . . .
Big Boulanger Do not.
Odile (urgh1) What.
Big Boulanger Do you know Antoine, maybe? He lives at the east of town, in the house with no flowers, asked if he could borrow it.
Big Boulanger They knew the Paperasse family, you see.
Big Boulanger I couldn't really refuse. The Paperasse family died only a few years back, after all.
Odile (urgh1) . . .
Siffrin (okay2) (Well, that sucks.)
ACT 3 & 4
Siffrin (fake1)
"Do you know if he still has it now?"
Big Boulanger I don't see why they wouldn't.
Odile (sigh1) ...I have a sudden bad feeling about this.
Odile (wonder1) The house to the east of the village, with no flowers, huh? Looks like we should go pay them a visit...
Repeated interaction
Big Boulanger My friend Antoine, who lives at the east of town, in the house with no flowers, asked if he could borrow that familytale.
Big Boulanger ...Good luck with the book.
You can skip straight to the main scene by talking to Charline, Small Boulangère, after talking to Charles. This is only possible after completing Odilequest for the first time.
Talking to Charline the first time you do the quest just gives her standard dialogue.
Talking to Charline before talking to Charles
(In a second.)
After talking to Charles
Siffrin (fake1) "What about you? Do you know where the book is?"
Small Boulangère A book?
Odile (dotdotdot2) Siffrin, we've just heard they don't have it. Let's go see this Antoine person alrea-
Small Boulangère This is the only book I have!
(She happily shows off the Paperasse familytale.)
Odile (uwah!1) WHAT?
Big Boulanger WHAT?
Siffrin (fake1) "Oh my!"
Big Boulanger . . .So you had it, Charline...
Big Boulanger Well, I suppose you two can borrow it now.
(You got the PAPERASSE FAMILYTALE! Finally.)
Odile (urgh1) Siffrin, how did you...
Odile (dotdotdot2) . . .
Odile (awkward1) Nevermind.
Odile (huh2) Thank you both. We'll give it back shortly.
Big Boulanger Take your time.
(Well, that saved you some time.)
Talking to the Beautiful One
Full page: Beautiful One's House
Beautiful One Oh... Hello!
Odile (huh1) Antoine, is it?
Beautiful One That sure is me. And you're two of the saviors, aren't you...?
Beautiful One Thank you for all you're doing. Best of luck for tomorrow.
Odile (question2) ...Thank you. We had a favor to ask...
Odile (gimme1) Could we borrow the familytale you possess? For an hour, maybe?
Beautiful One ...Oh, the Paperasse familytale...
Beautiful One . . .
Odile (guilty1) ... I know this means a lot to you, so--
Beautiful One Oh, no, that's not the problem, I'd be happy to lend it to you. But, well...
Beautiful One I think one of the kids next door stole it from me?
First time
Subsequent times
(This would've been so much faster if you asked the daughter beforehand.)
Odile (urgh1) What.
Beautiful One O-oh, I'm not saying they're bad kids!!! They're very nice kids!!! Very nice!!!
Beautiful One They just. Well. You know the three kids outside?
Beautiful One A few weeks ago, they passed by to help me cook some things, and, well... The book is gone, now.
First time
Siffrin (okay2)
Subsequent times
Siffrin (fake1)
"Sounds like we should talk to those kids."
Odile (urgh1) . . .
Repeated interaction
Beautiful One Good luck...?
When leaving the house:
Odile (dotdotdot2) . . .
- First time: Siffrin (sad2)
- Subsequent times: Siffrin (hide1)
- "We'll get that book, Odile."
Odile (guilty1) . . .
Odile (sigh1) Urgh. Let's just go, alright?
Talking to the Kids
Full page: Dormont East
Odile and Siffrin stand next to each other, opposite the three town children. The Wizard-loving Kid lounges atop her rock.
Odile (dotdotdot1) Kids.
(The middle kid with the small hat looks at you from their rock throne.)
Wizard-loving kid Adults.
Wizard-loving kid What d'ya want?
Odile (dotdotdot3) . . .
Odile (sigh1) Siffrin, you handle this.
First time
(WHY YOU?!?)
Subsequent times
(You sigh.)
- First time: Siffrin (awkward1)
- Subsequent times: Siffrin (fake5)
- "Why me?"
Odile (reading1) You're closer to being a kid than I am.
(. . .)
Odile (lol3) Good luck.
- First time: Siffrin (okay2)
- Subsequent times: Siffrin (fake1)
"Do you know about familytales?"
Dialogue continues.
"Which one of you stole a familytale?"
Wizard-loving kid Are you saying we're THIEFES?
Sky-loving kid "Thieves", Manon.
Wizard-loving kid Are you saying we're THIEVES?
Odile (lol2) My associate misspoke. What they MEANT was...
Returns to the questions. You have to ask "Do you know about familytales?" to progress.
Wizard-loving kid Yeah? What kind of adult doesn't know about familytales.
Wizard-loving kid Are you stupid?
Frog-loving kid Manon, you can't ask adults if they're stupid...
Wizard-loving kid Can't I? Look at him.
Wizard-loving kid They're short, and their hair looks unbrushed, and they look like they haven't slept in weeks, and that hat DEFINITELY looks stupid and not cool.
Odile (lol2) Siffrin, the kid is destroying you, do something.
First time
(On principle, you don't get into fights with kids.)
- First time: Siffrin (n-nya2) (What to say...)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (fake5) (You sigh.)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake4) (You don't react.)
- "Anyway, do you know about a Paperasse familytale?"
Wizard-loving kid Ah...
Frog-loving kid Manon, I think he's asking about...
Wizard-loving kid Shut up. I got this.
(The middle kid looks at you as disdainfully as they can.)
(Which is a lot.)
Wizard-loving kid ...What if we do?
- First time: Siffrin (n-nya1)
- Subsequent times: Siffrin (fake1)
- "We'd like to borrow it."
Wizard-loving kid . . .Trade.
Frog-loving kid A trade, a trade!!!
Wizard-loving kid We have something you do not. Knowledge. Offer us something in exchange.
- First time: Siffrin (um1) (Um...)
- Subsequent times: Siffrin (fake1) (...)
"I have a silver coin."
Wizard-loving kid . . .
Wizard-loving kid TWO silver coins.
(You sadly show the single coin you have in your possession.)
Wizard-loving kid What kind of adult only has one coin? Are you broke? DENIED.
Odile (sigh1) URGH.
Odile (urgh1) Here, have five.
Wizard-loving kid . . .
Wizard-loving kid TEN silver coins.
Odile (lol3) Four, and I won't tell your guardians that you stole a book.
Wizard-loving kid Um, yeah, okay, deal.
Dialogue continues.
"I have a flower."
If you have the Bright Flower
Wizard-loving kid Who cares about your stupid flower? They're literally everywhere in the village.
(...But your [allies/family members] like it when you give them flowers...)
If you don't
Wizard-loving kid . . .
Wizard-loving kid No you don't.
(Ah, you don't actually have any on you this loop. Oops.)
Returns to the trade questions.
"I have a pun."
Wizard-loving kid A pun?
Wizard-loving kid It better be the best pun I've ever heard.
- First time: Siffrin (fufu1)
- Subsequent times: Siffrin (fake1)
- "How do you keep a wizard in suspense?"
Wizard-loving kid . . .
(The kid leans a little bit towards you, interested.)
Wizard-loving kid I dunno. How?
- Siffrin (joke1)
- "I'll tell you tomorrow."
Wizard-loving kid What? That's not the deal, tell me n--
(The kid's eyes grow wide, speechless.)
Wizard-loving kid . . .
Odile (urgh1) . . .
Frog-loving kid . . .
Frog-loving kid Manon... The wizard-looking adult, he said...
Frog-loving kid They said you're a wizard, Manon...
Wizard-loving kid ...
Wizard-loving kid Wow.
Wizard-loving kid I know you just said it because it's part of the joke, and I know I'm not a real wizard because wizards aren't real, but I felt something just now.
Wizard-loving kid I'll do whatever you ask.
Odile (urgh1) We... Only need the book.
Wizard-loving kid Oh yeah!
Dialogue continues.
Wizard-loving kid ...
Wizard-loving kid Um, okay, so, I--
Sky-loving kid Manon doesn't have the book anymore.
Odile (urgh1) ...What.
Wizard-loving kid Listen, Charline was being really annoying about wanting it so I gave it to her so she'd stop crying, okay!!!
Odile (urgh1) Who's Charline.
Wizard-loving kid Um, Charline Chouquette? The boulanger's daughter.
Odile (urgh1) THE WHAT.
First time
(You can't help but laugh.)
(You weren't going to laugh, but looking at Odile's face makes you snort.)
(You smile, still.)
Wizard-loving kid Heh, look at the old lady's face.
Odile (urgh1) SIFFRIN.
First time
(You jump.)
Subsequent times
(You look at her, smiling.)
Odile (dotdotdot3) WE ARE GOING.
First time
(You nod rapidly, and follow.)
Subsequent times
(You nod, and follow.)
Wizard-loving kid Bye, adults! Let's play again soon!!!
Getting the Familytale
Full page: Boulangerie
Odile and Siffrin enter the boulangerie again, this time talking to Charline.
Small Boulangère Hi--
Odile (urgh1) HELLO.
Small Boulangère W-wah!!!
Charline jumps.
Big Boulanger Hey. Please do not scare my daughter, madame.
Odile (sigh1) HRHRHGGHGHHH.
(You get in front of Odile, and smile at the girl.)
Siffrin (fake1) "Hi!"
Small Boulangère ...
Small Boulangère H-hi...
First time
Siffrin (smiling3)
Subsequent times
Siffrin (fake1)
"We've heard you got a cool book!"
Small Boulangère A book...?
Small Boulangère Oh! Oh, oh, oh, yes!!! From Manon!!!
Small Boulangère Manon is so nice!!! She gave me the book!!! The book with the nice stories!!!
Small Boulangère Dad was reading it and now it's mine and I can read it all by myself!!!
Small Boulangère But it's boring. I want another book, Papa.
Big Boulanger ...Wait, which book are you talking about, Charline?
Small Boulangère This one!!!
(She shows you all a book with "Paperasse Familytale" written across it.)
Odile (uwah!1) . . .
Big Boulanger . . .
Big Boulanger I'm so sorry.
Odile (urgh1) IT'S FINE.
(You got the PAPERASSE FAMILYTALE! Finally.)
Hanging out with Odile (Main Scene)
First time
(You both find a nice, silent place to talk...)
Subsequent times
(You go back to the middle of the woods.)
Odile (sigh1) Haaa... I can't believe this took this long.
Odile (melan1) But... Finally. . .
(Odile looks at the closed familytale book intently.)
Odile (melan6) ...
First time
Siffrin (questions1)
Subsequent times
Siffrin (serious1)
"Aren't you going to read it?"
Odile (melan1) ...They said I could keep it until I have to leave Dormont, so I have time, but...
Odile (melan3) . . .
First time
(She's still looking at it...)
(The familytale book you spent so much time trying to find.)
(It seems important to her, but why...?)
Subsequent times
(You let her look at it for a little longer.)
(Say the line, Siffrin.)
First time
Siffrin (smiling3)
Subsequent times
Siffrin (hide1)
"Is it related to your research?"
Odile (melan4) ...
Odile (huh3) Sorry, what?
First time
Siffrin (okay2)
Subsequent times
Siffrin (fake1)
"...The book, is it related to your research?"
Odile (wonder1) Ah... Hm.
Odile (lol2) Well. I suppose I've kept it secret long enough. Don't tell Isabeau, alright?
Odile (melan1) There is no research. I'm not researching anything.
First time
Subsequent times
(You try and act surprised.)
Odile (melan3) Sorry for not saying anything. Isabeau said I must be researching something, since I was a traveler here in Vaugarde...
Odile (melan3) And it felt... Easier. To not say anything.
First time
Siffrin (surprised1)
Subsequent times
Siffrin (sad1)
"So then, why are you..."
Odile (melan5) Why did I leave Ka Bue, travel for years, all to find myself in Vaugarde, if not for some intellectual pursuit?
Odile (dotdotdot2) Hm. Well...
Odile (melan3) I'm actually here in Vaugarde... To find out more about myself.
Odile (wonder1) ...I suppose it's not very apparent to you, but...
Odile (huh1) My mother was Vaugardian.
First time
Subsequent times
Odile (wonder1) I've lived my whole life in Ka Bue. My father was Ka Buan, and my mother Vaugardian.
Odile (melan3) I have no idea how they met, he never told me, but all I know is that she never wanted a child.
Odile (melan5) She left very early in my childhood, and I never saw her again. Good riddance, if you ask me.
Odile (melan3) But she left, and didn't leave anything behind. No pictures, no letter, no family history.
Odile (huh1) But what does it matter, right? My father was a good man, and Ka Bue was my home.
Odile (worried2) I used to think I didn't need to know about my history, about Vaugarde. But still, a part of me was... Curious.
Odile (melan1) And one day, a few years ago, a Vaugardian merchant showed me her wares. And this book, that she wouldn't let go of.
Odile (melan4) A book of tales, written by her whole family.
Odile (melan4) A familytale.
Odile (wonder1) And she explained familytales to me. Generations of Vaugardian parents, writing stories for their children, and writing them down in a book.
Odile (gimme1) So you'd end up with stories written by an entire lineage.
Odile (lol2) And she was explaining the way the book was written, the rules of this particular way of telling stories...
Odile (lol2) How friendly families shared their stories with each other...
Odile (lol1) And how it had been done for generations, how it brought her closer to her family, her ancestors, her culture.
Odile (melan5) And while she was explaining all this to me, she suddenly stopped, and I was surprised to find out she stopped because I was crying.
Odile (melan5) I didn't even realize it.
Odile (melan2) Because I wanted this. This connection that she had to a history that was also supposed to be mine.
Odile (melan6) But it was stolen from me, because my mother left. And I'd never have a link to this culture, ever.
Odile (melan1) Unless I went there.
First time
Siffrin (surprised1) (...)
Subsequent times
Siffrin (hide1) (...)
"So this is why..."
Odile (melan3) Hm.
Odile (urgh1) So I traveled to Vaugarde. And, well, the King took over shortly after I arrived, which did make things more difficult...
Odile (wonder1) But during my travels with you all, I got to know many Vaugardians, and see many Vaugardian cities.
Odile (wonder1) I got to learn more about the country, its culture, its faith... Its people.
Odile (melan1) And. . .
Odile (melan2) And I look, and I learn, and. . .
Odile (melan2) This is the country my mother came from, it's half of me, but... But still. . .
Odile (melan5) Even now that I'm here in Vaugarde, I feel no connection to it whatsoever.
Odile (melan5) I don't recognize myself here.
Odile (wry1) Isn't that strange? Half of me should be from here, isn't it? Shouldn't I see something of myself here, in the place that my mother came from?
Odile (wry1) Shouldn't it be like looking in a mirror? Like a revelation?
Odile (melan5) Shouldn't I see how Vaugardian people act, how they think, and be able to say, "Ah! So this is why I'm like this!"?
Odile (melan6) Shouldn't I be able to call this place mine?
Odile (melan2) But I can't.
Odile (melan2) And it feels awful, like...
Odile (melan6) Like my roots have been cut off without my consent.
Odile (melan6) Like my mother stole it from me.
Odile (melan6) Like I really don't belong anywhere.
Odile (melan6) . . .
Odile (lol1) But... This is why I'm here, still.
Odile (lol2) To know as much as I can about this country... And in the meantime, find out if it'll make me find out more about myself.
Odile (melan5) And I did find out more about myself during this journey, so I'm glad.
Odile (wonder1) It is an interesting question, is it not? How much do you carry of your country, of a culture that should've been yours, but wasn't?
Odile (huh1) It may not seem so to you... But to Ka Bue, my features are foreign.
Odile (dotdotdot2) Just small things... My hair being slightly too thick, my brows too thin... Enough for me to look different, here.
Odile (dotdotdot2) I am other.
Odile (huh2) So... What about Vaugardians? Would they see me as one of theirs? Would I find myself in them?
Odile (melan1) After coming here, I found out that no. Of course not. Why would I? I've never been here before this journey.
Odile (yeah1) But at the same time, I am not the only one who is other.
Odile (yeah1) In fact, Vaugarde is filled with people who also come from other lands.
Odile (lol2) Vaugarde welcomes people from all over the world, after all.
Odile (melan5) So, even if I did not find someone like me...
Odile (yeah1) I have found Vaugarde to be full of people that are similar to me. And I am very grateful for that.
First time
(. . .)
(Odile is half-Vaugardian...)
(You never knew.)
(She traveled halfway across the world, to find out more about herself...)
(Trying to see if she'd find herself in a country she has no memory of.)
Subsequent times in ACT 3
(Coming to a country she has no ties to, but wanting to create those ties herself...)
(How brave. It almost feels revolutionary, to you.)
(You're jealous.)
(She's so lucky, to be able to just go somewhere to try to find out more about her roots.)
(So blindingly lucky.)
(. . .)
Odile (yeah1) What about you, Siffrin? Are you finding out more about yourself, in Vaugarde?
First time
Siffrin (surprised1) (Huh?)
Subsequent times
Siffrin (hide1) (...)
"What do you mean?"
Odile (yeah1) Well, you didn't grow up in Vaugarde either, right? Do you have roots here? Or were you just passing through?
Odile (huh1) . . .
Odile (lol1) HA! Hm, my apologies. Forget I asked.
First time
Siffrin (hide1)
Subsequent times
Siffrin (fake1)
"I didn't say anything."
Odile (lol1) You didn't need to. Your face said it all.
Odile (wry1) Just because I'm telling you personal facts about myself doesn't mean you need to tell me anything in return. It was wrong of me to ask.
Odile (yeah1) We can forget about it.
(She goes back to looking at the familytale's cover.)
First time
(She'd probably be fine leaving it here, just baring her story to you and nothing else, but, but you...)
(. . .)
Subsequent times in ACT 3
(What pushed you to tell her about your home, the first time?)
(You don't want to tell her, not anymore. It's yours. It doesn't need to be shared.)
(But... You have to follow the script, still.)
(You don't want to tell her.)
(You don't want to speak of it.)
(It's gone. Dead and buried. It doesn't exist anymore, not even in your memories.)
(Talking about it makes it real.)
(You don't want to... You don't want to speak of it, but you have to.)
(You have to, because if the Universe made you tell her once, it must want you to tell her every blinding time.)
(The Universe led you here. You can only follow.)
Siffrin (hide1) "I..."
Siffrin (hide1) "I don't remember much about where I'm from."
(Odile turns to look at you.)
Odile (huh1) Huh...
Odile (gimme1) Were you too small when you left, or was it because there was nothing worth remembering?
(Everything was worth remembering.)
First time in ACT 4
The screen goes black and the music stops.
(Is it any wonder you crave knowledge? Habits?!?)
(If it all keeps happening the exact same way every time, you'll never lose anything, will you? You'll HAVE to remember it all, because you're living it!!!)
(Forever living in memories you can't let go of!!!)
(You're so pathetic.)
(Telling the King to let go?)
(You can't even do that. Can't let go of it.)
(This perfect play.)
(. . .)
The screen and music return to normal.
Subsequent times in ACT 4
(. . .)
Siffrin (hide1) "Neither."
Siffrin (hide1) "But I can relate to you."
Siffrin (hide1) "Trying to find pieces of yourself wherever you can."
Odile (huh1) Trying to find where you belong?
Siffrin (hide1) "Trying to find how your roots might have shaped you."
Odile (melan1) Which parts of you you created, and which parts already were.
(You nod.)
Odile (huh1) . . . Siffrin...
Odile (melan1) I don't know what you're going through right now. I suppose that even if I asked, you wouldn't answer me, but...
Odile (gimme1) But you know you're not only made of where you're from, right?
Odile (gimme1) If that was the case, everyone in Ka Bue would be the exact same, and everyone in Vaugarde would be the exact same...
Odile (huh2) Where you're from matters, yes, but it's not the only thing that makes you "you".
Odile (melan1) That's what I realized during this journey, Siffrin. I'm Ka Buan and Vaugardian, in ways I do and don't realize...
Odile (yeah1) And I am also myself.
Odile (lol2) One might say that's more important than being Ka Buan and Vaugardian, wouldn't you agree?
(. . .)
(You don't.)
(She's the one who doesn't understand.)
(What a privilege, to be able to think your roots don't inform your identity.)
First time
Siffrin (fake1)
Subsequent times
Siffrin (fake3)
"I do!"
Odile (lol1) Heh.
Odile (melan5) . . .
Odile (yeah1) Ha, that's interesting... I feel so much lighter now.
First time
Siffrin (questions1) (Hm?)
Subsequent times
Siffrin (fake1) (...)
"Because you found a familytale?"

Odile ...Yeeeees, and also because we talked, Siffrin.
First time
Subsequent times
Odile Hah!!!
Odile Heh... Thank you for listening to me, Siffrin.
First time
(You blush, and nod.)
Subsequent times
(You nod, and smile.)
Odile (gentle1) Heh.
Odile (gentle1) . . .
Odile (lol2) Now get out of here! I have a familytale to read before we all meet for our sleepover.
Odile (yeah1) We'll talk later. Go have fun.
(Odile smiles at you mischievously.)
First time
(You'll always remember this.)
[When equipped, Memory of Secret Quest boosts all of your Researcher's stats by 30! Wow!]
[Your Researcher also learned the skill "Craft Break α"!!!]
["Craft Break α" is amazingly strong. When used, it makes an enemy weaker to all CRAFT types for a few turns!!!]
[It's so strong, you'll only be able to use it when you and your Researcher have had this exact conversation. So if you loop back to Dormont, you'll have to talk to her all over again! Remember that, okay?]
Subsequent times
[Your Researcher learned the skill "Craft Break α" again!!!]
First time
(You get up and leave, waving goodbye.)
Subsequent times
(You get up and leave.)
Loop Talk 4
Full page: What To Do ACT 3 & 4
- ACT 3: Siffrin (neutral1)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (tired2)
(You need help on how to...)
- "...help everyone."
Loop (teehee1) Which one, stardust?
- ACT 3: Siffrin (neutral1)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (tired2)
(Which ally...)
- "Odile."
Loop (happy1) Your researcher...
Loop (teehee1) So, she was looking for a familytale, maybe the whole time you've known her.
Loop (happy3) Familytales are a Vaugardian tradition, and as half-Vaugardian, she felt like it would bring her closer to her roots...
Loop (happy1) And that's why she came to Vaugarde, even. To find out more about herself.
Loop (away1) Being able to go wherever you want, and find more about yourself in the process...
Loop (sad1) . . .
Loop (fake1) Well, that sure was interesting, wasn't it?
Skipped Quest
(You go back to the middle of the woods.)
Odile (sigh1) Haaa... I can't believe this took this long.
Odile (huh3) Sorry, what?
Odile (melan1) I'm not researching anything.
Odile (melan3) I'm actually here in Vaugarde... To find out more about myself.
Odile (huh1) My mother was Vaugardian.
Odile (melan4) A familytale.
Odile (melan5) I didn't even realize it.
Odile (dotdotdot2) I am other.
Odile (yeah1) We can forget about it.
Odile (huh1) Trying to find where you belong?
Odile (yeah1) And I am also myself.
Odile (gentle1) Thank you for listening to me, Siffrin.