Bonnie End Talk

Created by fairywrenss.

Source: Map 020 (LastRoom); Common Event 139 (Bonnie_smells)

All dialogue for Bonnie in the final room.


Regular variant

Bonnie (sad1) . . .

Sixth time onwards

(. . .)

ACT 2 (First time)

Siffrin (surprised1)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (neutral3)

"What's wrong?"

Sixth time onwards


Bonnie (sad1) ...It's...   It's really over, right?

Less than five times

Bonnie (sulk2) Like, for real for real? It's over? The King is gone?

Sixth time onwards


Bonnie (sulk2) ...For real for real? It's over? The King is gone?

ACT 2 (First time)

Siffrin (smiling2)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake1)

"For real for real, Bon[!/.]"

Bonnie (sad1) . . .

Bonnie (sad1) So, so then...

Bonnie jumps down from the wall to face Siffrin.

Bonnie (sulk2) So I can go back to Bambouche and see my sister again? She'll be okay? She'll move around?

ACT 2 (First time)

Siffrin (smiling3)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake1)

"I'm sure of it[!/.]"

Bonnie (sad1) ...

First time

(Bonnie doesn't seem to believe it yet...)

Subsequent times


ACT 2 (First time)

Siffrin (smiling3)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (sadsmile4)

"How about this?"

Bonnie (sulk4) Hn?

ACT 2 (First time)

Siffrin (joke1)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake2)

"If she's not moving when you go see her, you can punch me three times."

Bonnie (sulk5) ...  Deal.

Bonnie (no!1) Wait, that's such a long journey though!!! I'm not gonna go find you just so I can punch you if you're wrong!!! That's dumb!!!

ACT 2 (First time)

Siffrin (okay2)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake2)

"Just as dumb as your sister not being okay when we just won!"

Bonnie (wait1) Oh...

Bonnie (and then1) OH!!! YOU'RE RIGHT!!!!!

Bonnie (lol2) Okay, then I'll believe you!!! Hopefully I won't have to walk forever to punch you!!!

First time

(You laugh.)


(You laugh...)


(You laugh a little too hard.)

Craft smells

If you read craftonomy book in the Floor 3 Break Room this loop, this text plays after the main conversation.

(Bonnie somehow looks worried...)

Bonnie (sad1) But... Frin, you know...

Bonnie (serious1) We found that book about Craft smells, right?

(Ah, yes, you did that this loop, didn't you...?)

(You nod.)

Bonnie (sad1) Well... Frin...

Bonnie (sad2) It still smells like sugar.

First time

(You freeze.)

Subsequent times

(You don't say anything.)

Bonnie (sad1) Dile said that if it smelled sweet, it might be because of Time Craft...

Bonnie (serious1) Do you think the King is really gone if it still smells like Time Craft?

Bonnie (serious1) He's the only one that can use it, right?

First time

Siffrin (awkward1) (Quick, say something...)

Subsequent times

Siffrin (fake4) (...)

"It'd make sense the smell would linger a bit, right?"

Bonnie (surprised1) Linger?

First time

Siffrin (joke1) (Well...)

Subsequent times

Siffrin (fake1) (...)

"When you fart, it smells bad for a while, yeah?"

Bonnie (surprised1) Oh.

Bonnie (and then1) OH!!! YEAH!!!

Bonnie (lol1) Heheh. Farts.

(You both laugh.)


First time

(Bonnie mentioned they started smelling sugar yesterday, didn't they...?)

(It's you, isn't it?)

ACT 4 add-on

If you're in ACT 4, this text plays after the main conversation and the Craft smells dialogue, as appropiate.

Bonnie (sad1) ...So, um.

Bonnie (shy2) D-Do you want a snack?

Siffrin (fake1) (Yes.) "Sure!"

Bonnie (sulk5) Okay. I have, um...

Bonnie (wait1) Oh, I-I only have a croissant left. Do you still want it?

Siffrin (fake1) (No.) "Nothing else?"

Bonnie (wait1) I-I have a half-eaten apple?

Siffrin (fake1) "I'll take it."

Bonnie (ew1) Ew...

(The half-eaten apple has a massive bite mark on it.)

(You take it and eat it in three bites, core and all.)

(Bonnie watches you eat silently.)

Bonnie (sad1) . . .Frin...

Bonnie (sad1) Are you okay?

First time

Siffrin (surprised3) (?)

Subsequent times

Siffrin (fake3) (Stars...)

"Yeah, why?"

Bonnie (sad1) ...

Bonnie (sulk1) I dunno. I'm just asking.

Bonnie (sulk3) But if you say you're okay, then it's true, I guess.


Distracting Bonnie

If you need to stop Bonnie from interrupting the confession, this text plays after the main conversation and the Craft smells and ACT 4 add-ons, as appropiate.

First time

Siffrin (fake1)

Subsequent times

Siffrin (fake2)

(...  Before you forget, though...)

"Do you have some snacks left?"

Bonnie (serious1) Oh, um... Well...


(Bonnie looks through their pockets.)


Bonnie (serious1) I won't give them to you, I'm super hungry.


(They just looked through their pockets, but they check again.)


Bonnie (serious1) I know you're hungry too, but I'll keep those for myself, sorry.

Bonnie (hmf2) That way I'll survive until I eat dinner!!! See, aren't I so smart?

(Very smart. But you're smarter.)

(You should make sure to talk to everyone you need to before talking to Isabeau...)

Repeated interaction

Bonnie (surprised1) . . .

(Bonnie stares at you without saying anything.)

(You give them a wave.)

Bonnie (sulk5) ...

(...  Bonnie shyly waves back.)



ACT 3 & 4


Friendquest variant

Bonnie (sad1) . . .

Bonnie jumps down from the wall to face Siffrin.

Bonnie (sulk2) I never said "thank you".

First time


Subsequent times


Bonnie (sad1) You saved me that time, against the Sadness.

Bonnie (serious1) And you saved me, when we met.

Bonnie (happy2) You're the one who saw me, back then, right?

Bonnie (sad1) When I was... Walking?

First time


(When you first met Bonnie, forever ago...)

(Bonnie was out of it. They'd been walking away from their village for days, when you saw them.)

(Crying, barely hanging on, walking to escape the slowly encroaching King's Curse.)

(They fainted as soon as you got to their side.)


Subsequent times


(You remember, still.)

(You won't forget.)

Bonnie (sad1) I was really really tired then, so I don't remember well...

Bonnie (serious1) But you saw me, right? You made everyone notice I was there?

Bonnie (sulk5) And I never said thank you for that. Or for protecting me.

Bonnie (shy2) So, um... Hm...

Bonnie (shy1) Th-Thanks, stupid!!!

First time

(Bonnie runs into you, pressing their face against your left side.)

(Their arms are still at their sides, though...)

(Is that a hug?)

(Without raising your arms, you gently lean back against them.)

Subsequent times

(Bonnie runs into you, doing the weird no-arms hug again.)

(You lean back, forcing yourself to not raise your arms.)

Bonnie (smile4) Heheh.

Bonnie (sad2) ...  I'll miss you, Frin.

Bonnie (sad1) ...

Bonnie (sad2) I know you'll leave soon, but, um...

Bonnie (shy1) Y-You should come by Bambouche one day! So you can meet my sister!!!

Bonnie (happy1) So I can say...   "That's Frin! They helped me a bunch! They're really cool!!!"

Bonnie (happy1) So come and see me sometime, yeah?

Bonnie (happy1) Promise?

First time

Siffrin (sadsmile2)

Subsequent times

Siffrin (fake1)


"Yeah, I'll come by."

Bonnie (happy1) Heheh...

Bonnie (smile2) Yay!

Bonnie (and then1) I'll be waiting for you, Frin!!!

(Bonnie smiles at you...)

Repeated interaction

Bonnie (happy1) Hey, Frin!

(Bonnie smiles at you...)