
page by goldstargloww

Sources: Map 115:Kitchen, Map 154:ACT5_Kitchen

All text for the Kitchen on Floor 1.



(Condiments and spices.)

First time

(Oh, and...)

Subsequent times

(You locate the items.)

(You got one PEPPER JUICE!)

(You got one GINGER JUICE!)

(You got one THYME JUICE!)

(You give them all to Bonnie for safekeeping.)

Repeated interaction

(Nothing else interesting.)


Interaction text is generic.


Interaction text is generic.


(A stool.)

(But you're fine, so it'd be a waste of time to sit down.)


(It's a pile of plates.)

Isabeau (huhwah1) SO TALL!!!

Bonnie (and then1) WHY IS IT SO TALL!!!

Mirabelle (awawa1) Oh!

Mirabelle (awkward1b) I-it's just how the House's cook likes it!

Mirabelle (happy1) He always used to say... "If we stack plates super high, then the meals we put on it are sure to reach divine status!!!"


(You go "ooooh" along with Isabeau.)


(You remember to go "ooooh" along with Isabeau.)


(You think about how hungry you are right now.)

Odile (hm1) Urgh.

Isabeau (neutral1) Why not, right! How was the food?

Mirabelle (awkward1) ...

Mirabelle (awkward1b) ... Room for improvement...

Odile (lol1) Heh. For our kind gentle Mirabelle to say this...

Bonnie (lol2) Ha, ha!!! Food tasted like crab!!!

Repeated interaction

(It's a pile of plates.)


(It's a pile of plates.)

("So tall"...)


(A flyer for the Dormont boulangerie.)

("Dormont's Mignonne Boulangerie. Bread 20% off every Saturday!")

("Because we LOAF you almost as much as you LOAF our bread!!!")

Mirabelle (anxious1) Hmm...

Bonnie (ew1) Urgh.

Odile (question2) Bad.

Isabeau (fufufu1) Heh...

Isabeau (happy1) Hey, Sif.

(You look at Isabeau.)

Isabeau (fufufu1) ... Considering how much bread we bought from them for dinner yesterday...

In ACT 4, there is a 1 in 3 chance that you forget the joke, unless this is the first time.


Siffrin (joke1)


Siffrin (fufu1)


Siffrin (fake4)

  • "...Loving us is the YEAST they could do!!!" First time / Remember the joke

    Odile (dotdotdot3) No.

    Mirabelle (angy1) NO!

    Bonnie (no!1) NOT ALLOWED!!!!

    Isabeau (LMAO1) AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    Isabeau (fufufu1) Yes. Teamwork.

    First time


    ACT 2 & 3

    (You made this joke before, but making jokes with Isabeau makes you happy!)

    ACT 4



  • (...) Forgot the joke

    (What is he...)

    Isabeau (really1) With how much bread... Bread, buddy.

    Siffrin (fake5) (...?) "...?"

    Isabeau (fufufu1) ... Looks like I gotta do the job myself...

    Isabeau (really1) Considering how much bread we bought from them for dinner yesterday...

    Isabeau (hahaha1) ...loving us is the YEAST they could do!!!

    Odile (dotdotdot3) No.

    Mirabelle (angy1) NO!

    Bonnie (no!1) NOT ALLOWED!!!!

    Isabeau (LMAO1) AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


    (You forgot about the pun and let Isabeau down...)


    ACT 3 (unused)

    (He knows you very well, doesn't he.)

    ACT 4

    (Why talk when everyone can talk for you?)

    You get two weird points for this.

Repeated interaction

(A flyer for the Dormont boulangerie.)


(A flyer for the Dormont boulangerie.)


(Didn't a joke go with it...?)


(Some vials.)

First time

(Let's see...)

Subsequent times

(You pick them up.)

(You got one SUPER SOUR TONIC!)

(You give them to Bonnie for safekeeping.)

Repeated interaction

(Nothing else here.)


There is no tonic.


The counter Siffrin bumps into every time. The counter does not progress past four in ACT 2 and past five in ACT 3.

  • First time


    (You hit your hip into the counter and made an embarrassing sound.)

    Isabeau (omgggg1) OH?

    Odile (lol1) Siffrin. Did you really hit the counter and say "nya".

    Siffrin (um1) (You did.) "No."

    Odile (lol4) Okay, nya.

    Mirabelle (uwah!1) MADAME?

  • Second time


    (You hit your hip into the counter again.)

    Isabeau (omgggg1) OH?


    Odile (lol1) Siffrin. Did you really hit the counter and say "nya".

    Siffrin (um1) (You did.) "Yes."

    Isabeau (sif!1) Sif. Sif. Sif.

    Mirabelle (happy4) Cat Sif.

    Isabeau (blush1) Cat Sif.............................

  • Third time


    (You hit your hip into the blinding stupid ugly counter again!!!!)

    Isabeau (omgggg1) OH?


    Odile (lol1) Siffrin. Did you really hit the counter and--

    Siffrin (um2) "YES I SAID NYA WHO CARES."

    Isabeau (hahaaa1) Woah.

    Bonnie (sad1) Frin, are you...

    Bonnie (lol1) . . . Nyan-gry?


    Isabeau (LMAO1) HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Fourth time

    This variable does not increase in ACT 2, and plays the ACT 2 dialogue until you reach a further ACT. Once you do, the game needs to run through the ACT 3+ dialogue to advance the counter.

    ACT 2


    (You hit your hip into the blinding stupid ugly counter again!!!!)

    (You yell "NYA!!!" very loud a second time.)

    Mirabelle (happy1) Nya!

    Bonnie (and then1) NYA!!!

    Isabeau (LMAO1) NYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ACT 3+

    (Ow, STARS.)

    (You hit your hip into the counter and bite your lip really hard.)

    (Why do you never remember the stupid counter!!!)

    Isabeau (huh1) Oh no, Sif!

    Odile (gimme1) Do you still have trouble judging distance?

    Odile (sad1) Let us know if you'd like anyone else to take the lead...

  • Fifth time ACT 3+

    This variable does not increase in ACT 3, and plays this dialogue until you reach a further ACT. Once you do, the game needs to run through this again to advance the counter.


    (You hit your hip into the counter and bite your lip really hard.)

    (You hit the counter back.)

    Mirabelle (awawa1) Oh!!!

    Isabeau (hahaha2) Bad counter!!!

    Bonnie (stop!2) Let's beat it up!!!

    (Isabeau and Bonnie kick the counter too.)

    (You feel better.)

    First 2 times

    (This is a good way to resolve this.)

  • Sixth time ACT 4


    (You hit your hip into the counter.)

    (You need a break.)

    Isabeau (huh2) Woah, Sif... You okay?

    (Isabeau joins you on the floor, sitting down next to you.)

    (You don't say anything.)

    (You stay here a minute.)

    (You stand up.)

    Mirabelle (anxious3) Siffrin...?

    Siffrin (fake1) "Let's go!"

    (You get going.)

    You get a weird point for this.

  • Seventh time onwards ACT 4

    (You hit your hip into the counter and don't even flinch.)

    Isabeau (surprised1) Woah, you okay?

    (You nod and keep going.)

    You get a weird point for this.


Siffrin bumps into the counter.

Siffrin turns towards the counter.

Siffrin hits the counter back, breaking it.


(A kitchen closet.)

(You open it...)

(You found the EGG KEY!)

(You put the Key in your Pocket.)

First time

(You now know where the Egg Key is located.)

(The keychain dangling from it is shaped like an egg...)

First time

Siffrin (um1)

ACT 2 & 3

Siffrin (questions2)


Siffrin (fake1)

  • "That's an egg."

    Bonnie (hmf1) An egg?

    (Bonnie is making grabby hands.)

    (You give Bonnie the key.)

    Isabeau (neutral1) Ah, so the next key should be a broken egg, right?

    Odile (doubt1) Are eggs important to the Change belief somehow?

    Mirabelle (excited1) Yes! An intact egg, and a broken egg! We--

    Isabeau (brag1) We're the egg, getting out of the egg, change also means destruction, blablabla.

    Mirabelle (anxious1) Well, um... Yes, pretty much.

    Bonnie (sulk5) "Can't make pancakes without breaking a few eggs."

    Isabeau (really3) It's "omelettes", Bonbon.

    Bonnie (serious1) YOU'RE an omelette, Za.

    Isabeau (really2) A terrifying rebuttal from the preteen.

    Mirabelle (awawa1) And, and!!!

    Mirabelle (hm2) For every change, something needs to break. Maybe changing yourself will hurt someone.

    Isabeau (hahaha2) Maybe changing means leaving a part of yourself behind!

    Mirabelle (hm3) It's to remind us that before changing, we must stop and think about what will be irreparably destroyed.

    Mirabelle (hm1) But destruction is just a part of change, and we must accept it...

    Isabeau (brag1) Yeah! It'd be awful to keep yourself from becoming a person you feel comfortable with just because it would upset someone else.

    Odile (huh1) Huh... That's a harsher belief than I thought.

    Bonnie (sulk5) ...

    (Bonnie is still looking at the egg keychain.)

    Bonnie (sulk5) ...

    Bonnie (serious1) Chomp.

    (Bonnie tried to take a bite of the keychain.)

    Bonnie (sulk5) ...

    Bonnie (sulk2) Chomp chomp.

    Odile (gimme1) It's carved out of stone, Boniface.

    Mirabelle (happy1) Maybe the keychain had a secret, madame!

    Odile (urgh1) Uh huh.

    Bonnie (sulk5) Stupid crabbing rock.

    (Bonnie gives you back the key.)

    ACT 2

    (...It's sticky...)

    (No time.)

    (There's a House to explore.)

Repeated interaction

(There's nothing more to be found.)


(The kitchen closet.)

(Got the EGG KEY.)

Repeated interaction

Interaction text is generic.


(A sink and some kitchen utensils.)

If you don't have the Wok

Bonnie (no!1) HERE!!!

Mirabelle (awawa1) Wh-what? What is it???

Bonnie (hmf2) WOK.

(Bonnie points to a big, thin cooking pot.)

Odile (huh1) Wok?

Isabeau (fufufu1) Wok...

Mirabelle (anxious1) Yes, that's... A wok.

Bonnie (yeah!1) WOK!!!!!!!!!

(You got the WOK!)

(You give the Wok to Bonnie to equip later.)

First time finding most Floor 1 armor or weapon

[You found a Weapon!]

[Weapons and Armors can be equipped by going through the menu, and then to "Equip".]

[This specific Weapon is for that Kid of yours. Don't forget to equip it!]

If you do

(A sink and some kitchen utensils.)

Bonnie (no!1) HERE!!!

Mirabelle (awawa1) Wh-what? What is it???

Bonnie (hmf2) WO--

The world skips.

Bonnie (sulk3) --t's that? Is that an entire potato in the sink?

Mirabelle (hm3) What a waste...

The text for refinding equipment then plays.

Repeated interaction

(The wall, wok-less.)


(You look at the Wok.)

The screen glitches, and the Wok disappears.




(They're frozen in time.)



(Your stomach grumbles.)

(You try and eat one...)

(It's like biting a rock.)


(A pot filled with bubbling food, frozen in time.)

(The steam is frozen in midair.)

Bonnie (oh!1) So, what's inside?

Odile (wonder1) Ah...

Odile (what2) Looks like they were cooking crab.

Bonnie (no!2) WHAT

Mirabelle (uwah!1) EEK!!!

Isabeau (huhwah1) CRAB?!??!!???!???!???!

Odile (uwah!1) Wh-what's happening?


Mirabelle (awawa1) IN A HOUSE OF CHANGE OF ALL PLACES!!!!!!



Odile (sad1) I, um...

(Odile looks at you with question marks in her eyes.)

First time

(What's wrong with crab? It's tasty, but they all seem very upset.)

(You shrug at Odile.)


(But crab is so tasty...)

(You shrug.)


(You shrug.)


(You think. You're not looking her way.)

Odile (urgh1) ...I am very confused. Is this a Vaugardian thing?

Isabeau (sniff1) Please don't tell me you eat crabs in Ka Bue I don't think I could handle it...

Odile (urgh1) No, not really, but we don't... Have such an aversion to them...

Odile (sigh1) Hm. Okay. Wait. Is it. Is this like dolphins.

Isabeau (neutral1) What about them?

Odile (reading2) In Ka Bue, we don't like dolphins. Something about them being too smart.

Odile (what1) Are... crabs... smart?

Bonnie (sulk4) No, they're stupid and don't even walk right.

Isabeau (boo1) Crabs just look weird I think? I've never actually thought about it.

Isabeau (hahaha2) I thought it was like spiders!!! Every human thinks spiders look scary!!!

Bonnie (lmao1) Haha, Za's afraid of spiiideeeers!

Isabeau (uwah!1) N-no!!! I'm a big strong man!!!

Odile (urgh1) So, crabs are weird and don't walk right, okay.

Mirabelle (anxious2) A-and... they're  INEVITABLE.

Odile (huh1) Uh huh . . .

Odile (urgh1) I still don't understand anything.


(You also still don't understand anything.)

(Vaugarde is weird.)


(Such weird superstitions.)

(You also have weird superstitions, so it's not like you can talk.)


(You try to not think about how hungry you are.)

Repeated interaction


(Crabs are pretty tasty though...)

(But you don't think you should say this aloud.)

ACT 3 & 4

(You don't mind crab, either as an animal or a meal.)

(You're getting tired of this, though.)

(Time may be frozen, but the smell still lingers.)


(A pot filled with bubbling food, frozen in time.)

(The steam is frozen in midair.)

Repeated interaction

(It smells like raw sugar.)