First Snack Break
Edited by candycoatedroxAll text for the snack break on Floor 1!
Sources: Map037 (FLOOR 2, START), Map149 (FLOOR 2, START) (ACT 5), Common Event 187 (TriedAllSnacks)
Since Snacks aren't saved as full images and just background + snack as separate files... I tried my best to approximate! These may be a little teensy bit off..... I try..... sobs... ~Feli
- Start
- Snack Time
- After Snacks
- Character Interactions
- Exit
- ACT 5
Triggers as soon as you enter the room.
Isabeau (wonder2) This room feels different than the others, doesn't it? It's missing the threatening pressure the rest of the House has.
Odile (huh1) Shall we take a little break, then?
Mirabelle (anxious2) N-no! We should keep going, and--
The sound of a stomach growling.
Bonnie (ew1) What was that?
Mirabelle (hm1) . . .
Mirabelle (awkward1b) ...I think I'm hungry.
Bonnie (no!2) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Odile (hm1) Why.
Bonnie (victory1) Snacks are important to keep hunger away and keep morale up! I learned that because I'm a growing kid!
Isabeau (brag1) That sure is true!
Mirabelle (anxious2) B-But do we have time to...
Isabeau (disappointed1) Mira.
Isabeau (happy1) ...Let's take a break, alright?
Isabeau (hahaha1) Even people blessed by the Change God like you need to take a break sometimes!!!
Mirabelle (sad1) ... Alright.
The group sits down. Bonnie is off in the corner, preparing snacks.
Bonnie (proud1) You guys stay here! I'll get some snacks ready!!!
Isabeau (hahaha2) Okay, Snack Leader!
Odile (huh1) ...Oh, I remembered something.
Odile (wonder1) Isabeau, heads or tails?
Isabeau (hahaha2) Huh? Um... Tails!
(Odile takes a coin from her pocket and flips it in the air.)
(Flip flip flip flip...)
Odile is guaranteed to lose the coin flip the first time it occurs, and win the second time. From the third time onward, it's random.
(...It fell on tails.)
Odile (huh1) ...Huh. I lost.
Isabeau (hahaha2) Yay!
Isabeau (neutral1) What do I win?
Odile (lol1) The sweet taste of victory and nothing else.
Isabeau (sniff1) I don't even get congrats? Wow m'dame... I thought we were friends...
(...It fell on heads.)
First time only
(...Heads? But last time, didn't it...)
Odile (huh1) ...Huh.
Isabeau (boo1) Aw, too bad.
Odile (huh1) Interesting.
Odile (lol1) You now owe me.
Isabeau (huh1) We were betting?
Odile (lol2) You now owe me a thousand.
Isabeau (huhwah1) A THOUSAND WHAT?!?
Odile (lol4) Books.
Isabeau (NO!1) BOOKS?!??!
Isabeau (NO!1) Urgh, can't believe this... Betrayed by a friend...
Without Friendquests completed this loop
Odile (reading1) We're not friends.
Odile (lol3) We're associates.
Isabeau (really1) Not companions?
Odile (lol4) Colleagues. Allies, at best.
Isabeau (oh1) Not even soulmates?!?
Odile (lol2) Can't believe you've gone down to being an acquaintance now.
Isabeau (NO!1) NO!!!
If this is the first time you're seeing this, all menu text and skill descriptions and various points of narration will now refer to everybody as "allies" instead of "friends"!
With Friendquests completed this loop
Odile (lol4) Friends, huh...
Isabeau (boo1) Not anymore, m'dame. It's over between us.
Isabeau (hahaha1) We are friends NO MORE!!!
Odile (lol1) Uh huh.
Second time only
(. . . Huh?)
(Is that new? Is that the first time she's said this?)
Mirabelle (happy3) What was the coin flip about, madame?
Odile (wonder1) Ah, well...
Odile (wonder1) I asked the Favor Tree to make me win my next coin flip.
Bonnie jumps.
Bonnie (wait1) Huh?
Mirabelle (anxious1) Such a silly favor...
Odile (reading2) Purely for scientific reasons. I was wondering whether this Favor Tree business had any truth to it.
If Odile lost
Odile (huh2) As we can see, it doesn't.
- First time only: (Oh.)
Mirabelle (anxious2) Hmm...
Isabeau (brag1) Welp!
Bonnie (wait1) ...
Bonnie turns away.
Bonnie (sad2) ...
Isabeau (brag1) ...But m'dame Odile didn't put any thought or hope into her favor, so why would it come true, right?
If Odile won
Odile (huh2) As we can see, it does.
Odile (reading2) But that wasn't the best experiment to prove it.. There IS a 50/50 chance, after all.
Mirabelle (anxious2) You don't believe you won thanks to the Favor Tree?
Odile (lol1) Not really. Call me weird, but I don't think a tree can grant favors.
Bonnie (wait1) ...
Bonnie turns away.
Bonnie (sad1) ...
Isabeau (brag1) ...But m'dame Odile didn't care about what she was asking, so why would the Favor Tree care, huh?
Bonnie turns back to the group.
Isabeau (happy1) If you want something to come true, it definitely will.
Mirabelle (happy1) You think so?
Isabeau (hahaha2) Absolutely!
Bonnie (happy1) ...
First time only
(That's right...)
(Bonnie probably wished for their sister to be okay, didn't they...)
Second to fifth time
(You're glad to see Bonnie smile again.)
Sixth time onwards
Bonnie returns to the main group.
For the rest, skip to snack time.
Snack Time
Bonnie (and then1) Okay, who wants snacks? I have SNACKS!!!!
Bonnie (mock1) Today, I have many snacks at your disposal. I have...

Bonnie (and then1) Some PLANTAIN CHIPS!!!!
Mirabelle (happy1) Oooh, did you use the last of those not-bananas to make them?
Bonnie (victory1) Yes. Yes I did.
Bonnie (hmf2) Crunchy. Delicious. And full of potassium.
Bonnie (and then1) That's plantain chips!!!
(You all clap.)
Bonnie (sulk5) Second snack is...

Bonnie (yeah!2) Some boring but delicious cookies!!!
Mirabelle (excited1) Cookies!!!
Isabeau (really2) Great sales pitch, Bonbon.
Isabeau (fufufu1) Boring but delicious. Cookies, the taste of home.
Bonnie (sulk4) What kinda home is boring but delicious? Za, you're weird.
Isabeau (blush1) ...
Bonnie (happy1) And for our third and final snack, we are proud to present...

Bonnie (victory1) Some, uh... O-gi-ni-ri.
Odile (reading1) Onigiri.
Bonnie (serious1) O-ri-ni-gi.
Odile (huh2) Onigiri.
Bonnie (lol1) Onion-geeree.
Odile (lol2) You messed that one up on purpose.
Bonnie (lol2) Yes!!!!!!!!
Bonnie (happy1) I have some onigiris for everyone!
Isabeau (hahaha2) One of those Ka Buan rice balls, right?
Bonnie (lol1) Yeah. Rice.
Bonnie (and then1) I. Love. Rice.
Odile (lol4) You and every other kid on this planet, Boniface.
Bonnie (hmf2) Hmf.
- If you've started figuring out Bonnie's favorite foods: (So Bonnie likes rice, huh...)
Bonnie (and then1) Now, choose! Choose which one you want! Don't worry, I have enough for everyone!
- ACT 2: Siffrin (smiling3)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (fufu1)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1)
(You'd like...)
"Some chips, please."
Bonnie (and then1) There!!! You!!! GO!!!!!!!!
(Bonnie hands you a few handfuls of plantain chips.)
First time
(Crunch, crunch!)
(They're not bananas, but they're just as good!)
Subsequent times
(Crunch, crunch.)
After dying to the banana peel ten times or more
(The smell hits you.)
(You think about tripping and dying.)
(You want to throw up.)
Isabeau (surprised1) Wuh oh! You okay, Sif?
Bonnie (no!2) Did the chips go bad???
Mirabelle (awawa1) Do chips go bad???
Isabeau (huh1) Here, have one of my cookies...
(You take a deep breath, and accept one of Isabeau's cookies.)
(You make sure to smile as you eat it.)
Isabeau (sad3) ...
You just got a weird point for this!
"I'll take a cookie."
Bonnie (and then1) There!!! You!!! GO!!!!!!!!
Isabeau (happy1) Me as well, please!
(Bonnie hands you and Mirabelle a few cookies.)
First time
(Delicious, delicious cookies.)
(Boring, but you could never get sick of them!)
Second time
(Delicious cookies.)
(They're still good, even though you've eaten them before.)
Third time onwards
(You take a tiny bite.)
(Yeah, you're getting sick of them.)
"Some onigiri for me."
Bonnie (and then1) There!!! You!!! GO!!!!!!!!
(Bonnie hands you one onigiri.)
First time
(Odile taught Bonnie how to make onigiri a few weeks back.)
(You wonder what Bonnie put inside this time...)
(...Apple slices...???)
Odile (urgh1) Did you... Put apple slices in the onigiris?
Bonnie (happy1) Yeah! Dile put a plum in hers before so I figured I'd try putting another fruit in there.
Bonnie (surprised1) Is it good?
Odile (dotdotdot2) .........................
Bonnie (happy2) It's okay, Dile. I know you're old and don't like change, so I have one with a plum if you want.
Odile (urgh1) Thank... You.
Second time
(You eat the apple onigiri before Odile has time to realize what's inside.)
Bonnie (happy1) D'you like it, Frin? I tried to change the recipe a bit...
Odile (lol3) Really? What did you change?
Odile (lol2) You often experiment with food in very interesting ways, so I'd be curious to know what you did with this Ka Buan recipe.
Bonnie (hmf2) I added apple slices as filling!
Odile (urgh1) .........................
Bonnie (happy2) It's okay, Dile. I know you're old and don't like change, so I have one with a plum if you want.
Odile (urgh1) Thank... You.
Third time onwards
(You eat the apple onigiri.)
(It's not very good.)
After Snacks
Bonnie (happy1) ...
Bonnie (proud1) S-So? Do you all like it? Did I do a good job as Snack Leader?
- First time: (You absently nod.)
- Subsequent times: (You nod, but prepare yourself for what comes next.)
Isabeau (brag1) Yeah, this is good.
Mirabelle (happy1) Mhm!
Odile (reading2) ...
Bonnie (happy1) ...
Bonnie (surprised1) ...
Bonnie (sulk5) . . .
Isabeau (huh2) Ah.
Mirabelle (awawa1) Um.
First time only
(Uh oh.)
- First time: Siffrin (awkward1) (You say very loudly:)
- ACT 2: Siffrin (smiling2) (You say very loudly:)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (fake5) (Do not make Bonnie sad!!!)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1) (Do not make Bonnie sad.)
Mirabelle (angy1) Ooooh, this is soo good!!! Thank you, Bonniiiiiie!
Isabeau (LMAO1) Mmmmm, so good, Bonbon!!! I feel refreshed, invigorated, alive!!!
Bonnie (hmf2) Hmf.
Bonnie (serious1) ...
Odile (reading2) ...
Isabeau (glare1) ...
Odile (reading1) Mmm, good food, yummy yum yum.
Bonnie (UWAH1) YES
First time
(You'll always remember this.)
[When equipped, Memory of Snacks makes the Kid more likely to heal during battle.]
Second time
(The result of the coin flip was different this time...)
(So things related to chance are random...? Good to know...)
(After eating your snacks, everyone's health has been restored[!/.])
Memory of Safe Rooms
Triggers only once you've tried all of Bonnie's snacks.
(. . .)
(Have you tried every single one of Bonnie's snacks?)
(You count them in your head.)
(Plantain chips, cookies, malanga fritters... Yes, you have.)
(Just the fact that you've tasted them all... Means you've been looping for a while...)
(And even though you might be tired of some of them, they're all so different and delicious still.)
(How long did it take Bonnie to prepare all those snacks for today...?)
Siffrin (smiling3) "You're a really talented cook, Bonnie."
Bonnie (shy2) H-Huh?
Bonnie (shy2) . . .
Bonnie (shy1) W-Well, of course I am!!! Stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bonnie (shy1) SOMEONE has to make sure you eat good things so you can be happy and not sad!!!
Odile (yeah1) Is that so...?
Mirabelle (happy1) Hehe, thank you for taking care of us, Bonnie!
Isabeau (happy1) Thanks Bonbon! You're the best, Bonbon!!!
(You all clap your hands.)
Bonnie (shy2) ...
Bonnie (sulk5) ...
Bonnie (smile4) Hehehe...
(You'll always remember this.)
[When equipped, Memory of Safe Rooms lets you recover all your HP after a battle ends.]
Repeated interaction just replays the event and lets you pick a different option.
Bonnie (sulk5) Za's stupid.
Bonnie (mock1) We can't be friends! That'd be like being friends with your mom or your sister.
- ACT 2: Siffrin (questions1) (So then...)
- ACT 3 and 4: Siffrin (fake1) (...)
"Which one is Odile?"
Bonnie (sulk5) Hm...
Bonnie (lol1) Actually, Dile's more like a grandma, isn't she?
Bonnie (sulk5) And you DEFINITELY can't be friends with your grandma.
ACT 2 only
(Is that how it works?)
"Which one is Mira?"
Bonnie (happy1) Belle's like a cool sister!!!
Bonnie (happy1) The one who'd give me sweets when I ask.
Bonnie (sulk5) Unlike my actual older sister who sucks.
ACT 2 only
(Is that how it works?)
"Which one is Isa?"
Bonnie (sulk5) Bonnie (sulk5): Hm...
Bonnie (mock1) Bonnie (mock1): Za's like a little brother.
ACT 2 only
(Is that how it works?)
"Which one am I?"
Without Bonnie's Friendquest
Bonnie (sulk5) Bonnie (serious1): You're...
Bonnie (sulk5) Bonnie (sulk1): . . .
Bonnie (sulk5) Bonnie (sad1): I dunno.
ACT 2 only
(Is that how it works?)
With Bonnie's Friendquest
Bonnie (sulk5) Bonnie (smile2): You're my cousin who I see once a year and we have a really good time!!!
ACT 4 only
(So in this hypothetical situation, you're only together once a year?)
(Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about it.)
Mirabelle (worried1) ...
Mirabelle (worried1) I hope everyone is alright...
- ACT 2: Siffrin (questions1)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (neutral3)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake4)
"The people in Dormont?"
Mirabelle (anxious1) Yes... But...
Mirabelle (stressed2) The King's Curse probably got to them already. It was so close, when we arrived a few days ago.
Mirabelle (stressed2) Even if we decided to go back, there'd be nothing to come back to...
Mirabelle (sad2) So all we can do now is...
Mirabelle (sad2) . . .
"The people in the House?"
Mirabelle (anxious1) Yes... Well...
Mirabelle (anxious3) They're most likely all frozen in time, aren't they?
Mirabelle (anxious3) We haven't seen anyone yet, but...
Mirabelle (stressed2) Maybe... Maybe someone survived...
Mirabelle (sad2) Maybe the Head Housemaiden managed to...
Mirabelle (sad2) . . .
Mirabelle (stressed1) T-Tell me a joke, Siffrin, please! To get my mind off things!!!
- First time: Siffrin (awkward1) (Oh, um...)
- ACT 2: Siffrin (blep1) (Joke time.)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (blep1) (Make her smile!)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1) (Make her smile.)
- "I had a meeting with a plum today."
Mirabelle (anxious1) A plum? Like the fruit?
- First time: Siffrin (okay2)
- ACT 2: Siffrin (joke1)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (smiling3)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1)
"Yes. That meeting was--"
Mirabelle (thinking1) Oh, let me guess. Was it a very "fruitful" meeting?
Mirabelle (happy1) ...
Mirabelle (anxious1) Oh no. Was that it?
Mirabelle (anxious1) Sorry... For stealing your joke...?
First time
(This is the worst thing that could ever happen to you.)
(Who are you. If you are not the funnyjokespun person.)
Second time onwards
- ACT 2: Siffrin (shit1) (YOU CAN STILL SAVE THIS...!!!)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (smiling3) (Nah, you got it.)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1) (Heh.)
- "The fact that you stole my joke, Mirabelle..."
- ACT 2: Siffrin (joke2)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (joke1)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (smiling3)
- "What a PIT-iful experience for me."
Mirabelle (anxious1) . . .
Mirabelle (happy1) You kind of brought it back! Hehehe...
- ACT 2: (But you didn't bring it back enough...)
- ACT 3: (You chuckle along with her.)
- ACT 4: (You smile.)
Available second time onwards: "Yesthatmeetingwasfruitful!!"
(You finished the joke quickly to make sure she wouldn't finish it herself.)
Mirabelle (awkward2) ...What?
Mirabelle (awkward1b) Oh, "fruitful"! I guess that's funny, hehe.
(Yeah, that's not the way to go.)
(Stupid, stupid, stupid.)
Repeated Interaction
If you told the joke right:
Mirabelle (happy4) "Pit-iful"...
Mirabelle (happy4) Hehehe...
If you mucked up:
Mirabelle (anxious1) I guess we all have our off days, don't we...?
Isabeau (sif!1) Hey Sif!!!
Isabeau (really1) ...Let me guess, you're still hungry? I can see it on your face.
Isabeau (neutral1) Want half of this cookie?
(Isabeau waves his last cookie at you.)
- First time only: Siffrin (n-nya2) (Yes.)
- ACT 2: Siffrin (fufu1) (Yes.)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (smiling3) (You really would.)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1) (Your stomach screams.)
"Nah, it's fine."
Isabeau (fufufu1) ...Okay, let's try that again, and this time you say "Yes please, Mr Amazing-Wonderful-Funny-Buff Isabeau".
Isabeau (brag1) I ask again, would you like half of this cookie?
- ACT 2: Siffrin (lol1)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (smiling3)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1)
- "Yes please, Mr Amazing-Wonderful- Funny-Buff Isabeau!!!"
Isabeau (brag1) Of course!!! Here you go!!!
ACT 2:
(Isabeau gave you half of his cookie!!!)
ACT 3:
(Free cookie.)
(You eat it in two bites.)
ACT 4:
(You eat the cookie.)
Isabeau (sif!1) ...
- ACT 2: Siffrin (awkward1)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (smiling3)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake3)
- First time: "Th-thank you?"
- Second time onwards: "Thanks, Isa."
Isabeau (hahaha1) Heh, no problem!
Available second time onwards: "Yes please, Mr Amazing-Wonderful-Funny-Buff Isabeau!"
Isabeau (hahaha2) Ha...
Isabeau (omgggg1) HUWAH?!??!
First time
(Isabeau was so surprised by what you said he destroyed the cookie he was holding into a thousand crumbs!!!)
(No!!! Not the cookie!!!)
(He destroyed the cookie again!!!)
(Why did you say it again!!! The cookie!!!)
ACT 3, if You Don't Know
ACT 3, if You Know
(You should stop saying that.)
(It's not fair to him.)
(You look at the cookie crumbles on the floor.)
ACT 4, if You Don't Know
(The cookie has been destroyed.)
ACT 4, if You Know
(You look at him.)
(He's blushing.)
(You feel powerful, and, immediately after, disgusting.)
Isabeau (omgggg1) SIF!!! Y-you can't just say that!!!
Isabeau (blush2) I-I really have the heart of a delicate maiden, you know. You have to be careful with me.
- First time: (Okay...)
- ACT 2: (Poor guy, he's also devastated that the cookie was destroyed.)
- ACT 3: (Yeah, you feel awful about the cookie too.)
- ACT 4: (...)
- If You Know: (. . .)
Repeated interaction
If he handed you the cookie
Isabeau (hahaha1) Hey!
(Isabeau smiles at you.)
If he destroyed the cookie
Isabeau (blush2) H-Hey...
(Isabeau seems to have trouble looking you in the eye.)
This section lets you confirm whether you're on track for Sus Event. You need her to remark on both Time and Wish Craft.
Odile (guilty1) Hm... I hope I didn't make Bonnie upset earlier.
(You both look Bonnie's way...)
(Bonnie is stuffing their cheeks happily.)
Odile (hm1) ...Nevermind.
If you got four Weird Points or more on Floor 1. For an elaboration on Weird Points, check the wiki page on the event.
Odile (dotdotdot2) . . .
(Odile seems lost in thought...)
Odile (dotdotdot2) . . .
If you read both the book on Time Craft in the Candle Room and the book on Wish Craft in the locked storage room in this loop
Odile (dotdotdot2) Time Craft, and Wish Craft, huh...?
If you only read the book on Time Craft
Odile (dotdotdot2) Time Craft, huh...?
If you only read the book on Wish Craft
Odile (dotdotdot2) Wish Craft, huh...?
If you didn't read either book
Odile (huh1) Ah, Siffrin. I'm just thinking, don't mind me...
(She's looking at you weird. Did you do something wrong...?)
Repeated interaction
Odile (reading1) Leave me be, now. I need some alone time.
- ACT 2: (You understand.)
- ACT 3: (But...)
- ACT 4: (...)
(You leave Odile be.)
Isabeau (neutral1) Are you ready?
- ACT 2: Siffrin (smiling1)
- ACT 3 onwards: Siffrin (fake1)
Isabeau (yeah!1) Alright! Let's go!!!
"Not yet!"
Isabeau (brag1) Okay! We can stay here a bit longer.
As Siffrin walks into the room, his family members actors
appear to be sitting in their regular spots, eating. They quickly
fade away.
(You thought you saw something, but it was just you.)
(You're alone, but it's fine.)
(You just need to defeat the king on your own.)
(You're hungry.)
There is no snack time.