Break Room

Created by fairywrenss, ACT5 text by Felikatze

Source: Map096 (BreakRoom), Map198 (ACT5_BreakRoom)

Dialogue for the room with the dog on Floor 3. Does not include generic dialogue.


Frozen dog and its owner

  • First time: (A dog!)
  • Subsequent times: (A dog and its owner.)

Isabeau (hahaha1) Dog!

Mirabelle (happy1) Doggy!

Bonnie (hmf2) PUPPY!

Odile (urgh1) ...And an actual human, also standing right there.

Isabeau (neutral1) They have a massive bow, too. Looks cute!

Bonnie (happy2) Massive bow.

Mirabelle (anxious1) Massive bow... Oh!

Mirabelle (awawa1) OH, that's my friend!!! I gave them that bow!!! AND THAT'S THEIR DOG!!!

Isabeau (hahaaa1) Oh.

Bonnie (wait1) Oops.

Odile (lol1) Pft...

Odile (lol3) You can never tell them you noticed their dog before them.

Mirabelle (serious3) No, never ever ever. They'd make fun of me for days.

Odile (lol4) At least they'd think it's funny, it seems.

Odile (wry1) If you did that to me, Mirabelle... My revenge would be swift and absolute.

Mirabelle (awawa1) I would never, madame Odile. Never ever. This was a one time mistake.

Mirabelle (sad1) ...I'm glad they're with their dog, at least... They're not alone...

Repeated interaction

(A dog and its owner.)


(Someone and their dog, frozen in time.)


(The closet contains some bandages, painkillers, and...)

Mirabelle (oh!1) Oh, eyepatches!

Bonnie (sulk3) These look ugly. Frin's is better.

Isabeau (blush1) Hehehe...

Isabeau (sif!1) Does your eyepatch fit still, Sif? I can adjust it if you ever need me to!


(You smile.)

(Isabeau made your eyepatch when you lost your eye.)

(He apparently Crafted it so it wouldn't bother you, or itch, or anything.)

(It's comfy and fits you well!)


(You smile.)

(Isabeau made your eyepatch, a long time ago.)


(You make sure to smile.)

(You're glad it loops back with you.)

Repeated interaction

(The closet contains some bandages, painkillers, and eyepatches.)


(The closet contains some bandages, painkillers, and eyepatches.)

(Your stomach hurts, you feel cold, you keep shaking, and you have a headache from thinking too hard on all your mistakes.)

(You look at the recommended amount of painkillers you should take, and swallow one more.)

Repeated interaction

(The closet contains some bandages, painkillers, and eyepatches.)

Craftonomy book

(Some old, boring books.)

  • First time: (Oh? There's a Ka Buan book here...)
  • Subsequent times: (The Ka Buan craftonomy book is here.)

Odile (reading1) Ah... That's a craftonomy book.

Odile (gimme1) We don't really have time to read about Craft of any kind. Let's keep going.

If the party doesn't know about Time Craft

(You leave the book alone.)

If the Time Craft book was read this loop

Isabeau (brag1) But, m'dame, maybe it'll teach us something about Time Craft!

Odile (urgh1) Urgh, fine...

(Odile flips through the book.)

Odile (reading2) ... Yep, very technical and useless.

Odile (gimme1) Nothing in there is useful to us at all.

Isabeau (oh1) Nothing at all?

Odile (reading2) Nothing at all. Unless you think the fact that some Crafts have a distinct smell would be useful to us somehow.

Mirabelle (oh!1) Is that so?

Isabeau (boo1) Well now I'm kind of curious.

Odile (reading2) Just things we could've figured out ourselves. Rock Craft smells like wet rocks, Paper Craft like wood or leaves...

Bonnie (sulk5) Scissors Craft like scissors?

Odile (reading2) Exactly. They all smell like you'd expect.

Odile (reading1) ...Oh. There's apparently another Craft smell they're trying to figure out, which smells... Very sweet?

Isabeau (angry2) Sweet? Like sugar? But--

Bonnie (UWAH1) OH!!!!!!!!!!

Mirabelle (awawa1) Wah!!! What is it?!

Bonnie (no!2) SUGAR!!!


  • First time: (You freeze.)
  • Subsequent times: (You don't react.)

Odile (wonder1) ...Ah.

Odile (reading2) So this mysterious sweet smelling Craft might be Time Craft, I see.

  • First time: (YOU FREEZE.)
  • Subsequent times: (You don't react.)

Mirabelle (oh!1) How so, madame?

Odile (gimme1) This place has been frozen in time for a while, hasn't it?

Odile (wonder3) It wouldn't be weird to think it smelled like Time Craft.

  • First time: (You relax.)
  • Subsequent times: (You don't react.)

Bonnie (happy2) Oh yeah...

Mirabelle (anxious2) I can't smell anything, though... Are you sure?

Isabeau (angry2) Me neither... Wait.

Isabeau (boo1) ...Now that Bonnie mentioned it, I can kind of smell it.

Isabeau (hahaha1) It's very slight, though! You really have a great sense of smell, Bonbon!

Odile (lol2) No wonder you're so good at cooking.

Bonnie (smile3) Hehehe...

Mirabelle (anxious3) Do you smell it some places more than others? Could you smell sugar before we went into the House?

Bonnie (sulk5) Um...

Bonnie (surprised1) No, not really? I only noticed it yesterday afternoon, I think...

Bonnie (sulk5) But I smell it super strong near those Sadnesses that give us those crests thingies.

Isabeau (boo1) Hm...


Repeated interaction

(Some old, boring books.)



If you've read this book before


(Time Craft smells like sugar.)

(But you haven't been using Time Craft that much. So.)

(Must not be related!)

Repeated interaction


Massive chain

For souvenir interaction, see Souvenirs 2.

(There's a chain on the table, probably for a pendant.)

(You pick it up.)

(You got the MASSIVE CHAIN!)

(You put the massive chain in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)

Repeated interaction

(Nothing here.)



Repeated interaction is generic.

Croissant book

First time:

(A cooking book all about...)


Subsequent times:

(A cooking book all about stupid croissants.)

Odile (huh2) So, Mirabelle, about Vaugardian croissants...

(You tune out.)

(Don't want to even think about croissants.)


(Odile is smiling, which means they're probably done.)

Odile (lol4) Hm... Fascinating. Thank you, Mirabelle...

Mirabelle (happy1) Hehehe...

Isabeau (happy1) Heh, you were right, Mira...

Odile (doubt1) ... You have something to say, perhaps?

Isabeau (really1) Oh, no, we would never.

Mirabelle (happy1) Haha! It's just...

Second time:

If this is the first time this conversation is seen, the conversation proceeds as if you'd chosen "(Nah, watch it happen.)"


(You should probably stop them...)

Third time onwards:

(Ah, you should probably stop them.)

Subsequent times:

  • ACT 2 & 3: Siffrin (n-nya2)
  • ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1)
  • (Save them.)

    (You slap your hand right on Mirabelle's mouth.)

    Isabeau (omgggg1) OH!!!!

    Mirabelle (uwah!1) MPFH!??

    Mirabelle (angy1) MMM--

    (You shake your head at her, and remove your hand.)

    Isabeau (omgggg1) What the crab...

    Mirabelle (anxious2) What?! I wasn't going to say anything bad!!! I was just going to say that...

    Mirabelle (anxious3) That... It's...

    Mirabelle (awawa1) ............................

    Odile (doubt1) That...?

    Mirabelle (awkward1) Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat this torch over there is wonderful, right??? The design of it is very nice!!!

    Odile (doubt1) I suppose...?

    (Mirabelle gives you a grateful smile.)

    (You give her a thumbs up.)

    (Oh... Your glove now has a trace of lipstick on it.)

    Mirabelle (hm2) Oh! Lipsticked gloves.

    Mirabelle (hm1) Did mine smudge...?

    (She looks as perfect as always.)

    (You shake your head.)

    Mirabelle (happy1) Hehe! Sorry about your gloves, then.

    Isabeau (weh1) ...

    Odile (lol2) There, there.

    (Odile absentmindedly pats Isabeau's shoulder.)


  • (Nah, watch it happen.)

    Isabeau (hahaha2) It's very cute, right?

    Mirabelle (happy1) Yes!!! It's cute!!! Your eyes light up and everything when you're learning things! It's cute!!!

    Bonnie (ew1) Cute...?

    Bonnie (smile4) Dile isn't cute, she's old.

    Odile (lol3) No, Boniface... They have a point... I AM very cute, aren't I?

    Odile (lol4) I wonder how cute you'll think I am when I put wasabi in your sandwiches when you least expect it.

    Odile (lol2) You'd help me out, wouldn't you, Boniface?

    Bonnie (lol1) I'm always up for putting spicy stuff into people's lunches, so yeah.

    Isabeau (awkward1) Oh no...

    Mirabelle (awawa1) Sorry, madame!!! W-we didn't say anything!!!

    (You chuckle.)

    Odile (lol2) Ah, looks like Siffrin wants a sandwich as well. Would you like me to offer you one of my sandwiches, Siffrin?

    • First time: Siffrin (n-nya1) (You've been spotted...!)
    • ACT 2 & 3: Siffrin (joke1) (Ah.)
    • ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1) (Heh.)
    • "No Odile thank you Odile"

      Odile (lol3) Heh. Good.

    • "That would be so cute of you, Odile."

      Odile (lol1) ...

      Bonnie (lol1) I'll put twice as many peppers in theirs, Dile.

      Odile (lol4) See that you do.

    First time only:



    (You'll always remember this.)

    [When equipped, Memory of First Strike makes everyone FASTER at the start of a battle!]

Repeated interaction

(A cooking book.)


(A cooking book all about stupid croissants.)

(You grip your coin you grip your coin you grip your

Repeated interaction

(A cooking book.)

Hole in the wall

On the east wall, between the barrel and the shelves. Leads to the hallway into the secret room.

On subsequent interactions in a single loop, you just pass through without comment.

First time:

(There's a hole here, hidden between some supplies.)

(It doesn't bring you any...  Wait a second.)


Subsequent times:

(You look at the secret passage.)

Mirabelle (awawa1) HUH?

Bonnie (and then1) SECRET PASSAGE!!!

(You all enter the secret passage.)

Isabeau (hahaaa1) That's just a hallway.

Odile (hm1) Somehow, I feel like we're wasting our time... But I suppose we might as well see where it leads.


(No need to go there.)

Pictures on the wall

(Small paintings of various Housemaidens.)

(You can see Mirabelle in some of them.)


(Small paintings.)

Supply shelf

(Various supplies.)


(Various supplies.)

(Your stomach hurts.)

(Why does your stomach hurt so much?)

(Why are you so hungry?)

(You feel like you've been hungry for years!)

(You feel like you could eat the whole world, and still not feel full!)

Repeated interaction

(Various supplies.)


(Some vials.)

  • First time: (Let's see...)
  • Subsequent times: (You pick them up.)

(You got one PEPPER JUICE!)

(You give it to Bonnie for safekeeping.)

Repeated interaction

Also applies in ACT 5, despite being unable to pick it up.

(Nothing else here.)


Interaction text is generic.

Change God statue

For some strange reason, not a copy of the statue template. Thus also doesn't increment the statue counter for the Mirabelle event.

Identical in ACT 5.

(A broken figurine of the Change God.)