
Source: Map026 (StarRoom), Map179 (ACT5_StarRoom)

All text for the observatory on Floor 3. This room can only be accessed using a Star Crest in the upper path of the left hallway, thus locking the player out of all further progression for a loop.

Whether the party knows what stars are depends on if you've examined the newspaper in the Floor 1 Writing Dorm and talked about the patterns on the King's armor. Isaquest does not count for knowing what stars are.


Entering the observatory

The camera scrolls up through the entire room, stopping at the window showing a starry night sky.

First time


Bonnie (and then1) Woah!!! Where are we???

The camera scrolls back down to the party.

Isabeau (neutral1) There's a big window over there, see?

Mirabelle (awkward2) What...? Was there a room like this in the House?

Mirabelle (stressed1) Y-yeah, I remember! Someone was working here... Studying... They looked like...

Mirabelle (thinking1) . . .

Mirabelle (awkward2) Um... Sorry, I can't remember.

If the party knows what stars are, by reading the newspapers this loop

Bonnie (oh!1) Dots in the sky, though!

Bonnie (hmf2) That's stars! Those are stars, right?

Isabeau (hahaha2) Stars, like the King's armor!

Odile (dotdotdot3) Indeed... We should look around.

First time

[Good news: there's no key or knife in here, stardust!]

An X appears in the top right corner. You are now stuck.


The camera scrolls up, showing the big window and the stars beyond.

(A big window.)

If the party knows what stars are, by reading the newspapers this loop

Bonnie (hmf2) Stars!!!

If not

Bonnie (oh!1) Those are... Stars, right? I remembered just now.

The camera scrolls back down to the party.

Mirabelle (awkward2) But don't they only appear at night...?

Mirabelle (anxious1) We left early in the morning, so it should still be light outside...

Isabeau (brag1) I've heard it's always night time, near the King. Maybe this is his influence?

Isabeau (neutral1) It was dark around the House yesterday too, remember?

Odile (reading2) Hm...

During Kingquest after reading the newspapers for the first time; only plays once

(The stars...)

(Stars, like the King's armor. Stars, like the King keeps mentioning.)

(Stars, like...)

(. . .)

(You should remember them. Something in you tells you you should.)

(Every time you raise your head and look up at them, you feel like it's something you've done dozens, hundreds, thousands of times.)

(But you can't remember any of it.)

(You can't remember what you were even trying to see, looking up at them.)

(The King... Every time you face him, he asks you the same question.)

("Do you remember?")

(Remembering is not something you're very good at.)

(There's so much you can't remember.)

(You're a very forgetful person, after all.)

(You can't remember basic items.)

(You forget where you're going half the time.)

(You can barely remember people's names.)

(You've noticed you're starting to forget whole loops.)

(You can barely remember anything that happened before you started looping in time.)

(You can  barely  remember  anything  that  happened  before)



(before. . .)

(. . .)

(You   breathe out, and unclench your fists.)

(What you can and can't remember doesn't matter much now, does it.)


(The King... Does he want you to remember something?)

(Does he...)


(You should go and ask the King what he wants you to remember, later.)

Isabeau (hm2) Sif? You okay?

Odile (question1) Lost in thought, Siffrin?

(You open your eyes, smile, and shake your head.)

(You have to keep going.)


Siffrin (hide5) "Can we look at the stars for a second?"

Odile (dotdotdot2) The stars...?

Bonnie (oh!1) Why?

Siffrin (fake1) "Just for a little bit."

Mirabelle (awkward2) ...

Isabeau (hm5) ...

Isabeau (hm5) Sure. We have time, don't we?


Everybody sits down in front of the window. Siffrin sits at the center, looking at the stars. Text continues only after player input.

(You could've stayed here forever.)

You get a Weird Point for this.

Repeated interaction

(You can see stars, but find no meaning.)



(The Universe is watching you.)

(It has to, right? There has to be a point to all this, right?)

("Please enjoy the show", you think, and "Curse you for clapping, for watching, for not doing anything to help, why aren't you helping me, why aren't you leading me, please tell me what to do, please, please, please".)

Repeated interaction

(Take a bow, when everything's done.)


(A telescope.)

(It's dusty.)

Bonnie (and then1) What's that?

Isabeau (brag1) Oh, I've seen one of those before! That's a "telescope".

Isabeau (wonder2) I think you watch the sky with it?

Bonnie (surprised1) Like, clouds?

Isabeau (wonder1) Like stars, I think. During the night, since they're not here during the day.

Bonnie (surprised1) Stars...

Bonnie (sulk3) Boring.

ACT 2, or ACT 3 & 4 first time


Second time

Siffrin (serious1) (Okay, you have to say something.) "Stars aren't boring."

Bonnie (surprised1) Huh?

Bonnie (wait1) B-but they are... They're just dots in the sky.

Siffrin (hide1) (...) "But they're not boring."

Siffrin (serious1) "They're not just dots, they're big balls of fire and gas and light."

Bonnie (no!2) FIRE?!

Siffrin (serious1) "Most are bigger than our planet, they're just really far."

Bonnie (wow1) Huh?! Really???

Siffrin (hide1) "And they don't 'appear' at night, they're here during the day too."

Bonnie (and then1) WOA--

Odile (lol2) Okay, that was interesting, but stop telling the kid lies.

Mirabelle (happy1) I almost believed you, Siffrin, but that one is too much!

Mirabelle (happy2) I mean, if stars are also here during the day, then why can't we see them?

Siffrin (fake3) (...)

  • "Got you, haha!"

    Isabeau (hahaha2) Haha, weird joke, Sif!

  • "Because they're sleeping~"

    Mirabelle (happy1) Aw, cute!!!


Third time onwards

(You don't want to explain stars to them again.)

(You tried before, way before this all happened, you remember that.)

(And they didn't care.)

(You can't understand not caring about stars.)

Repeated interaction

(A telescope.)



(You look through it.)

(You only see the Universe.)

(You take a step back, and look at the walls.)

(You only see the Universe, still.)

Repeated interaction

(A telescope.)

Star charts

(A star chart.)

Isabeau (fufufu1) What's this drawing for? This looks pretty good!

Bonnie (sulk1) Not really. It's just dots on lightless paper.

Bonnie (sulk3) I could do that.

Odile (reading1) ...

Odile (gimme1) The dots on the map look like the sky we can see through the window... Could it be some kind of drawing of the stars...?

Isabeau (wonder2) A map of the stars...? But what for?

(You gently touch the map.)


(For some reason, you can feel yourself frowning.)


(For some reason, you feel empty.)

Repeated interaction

(You don't remember any of these.)


(Star chart.)

Book on Color Theory

The party knows what colors are if you've read the book on color theory in the Secret Library on Floor 2 in this loop.

(There's a book in Ka Buan open on the table.)

(You all look at Odile.)

Odile (huh1) A Ka Buan book here in Vaugarde, how rare...

Odile (reading2) The title translates to... "Colors Through Time"?

Odile (reading1) It seems to be an essay about color theory.

Isabeau (fufufu1) "Color theory"...

If you've read the first color book this loop

Isabeau (hahaha1) Let's rea--

If not

Isabeau (neutral1) What's a "color"?


If you haven't seen a color before

(Yeah, you don't really care.)

If you've ever read the first color book

(You can go and reread the book about colors in the secret library if you're so curious.)

Dialogue ends here.

If you've seen a color, but haven't read the other book this loop


(Colors... What you saw, when you talked to the King...)

(Was that a "color"?)

If you've never read either book


(What's a color? Maybe you should look around the House for another book on colors...)

If you've read the other book before

(Maybe you should reread the color book in the secret library first...)

If you've read both books before


(You should reread the book in the secret library first.)

Dialogue ends here.

If you've seen a color and read the other book this loop

(But what if you did.)

Isabeau (boo1) Ah, I know this face, Sif...

Isabeau (fufufu1) "But what if we did?"

(Odile sighs and picks up the book.)

Mirabelle (anxious2) Yes, I'm not the one reading this time...

Odile (lol4) Heh.

Odile (reading2) ...This book seems to go into detail about what could've caused colors to disappear...

Bonnie (no!2) Something big must've happened, right? For everyone to not be able to see them anymore!

Mirabelle (anxious2) And it was a very long time ago, so there's probably no records of why...

Odile (reading2) There seem to be a lot of theories... A Craft experiment gone horribly wrong, the side effect of a Craft war...

Odile (reading1) Whatever happened then, all colors disappeared from this world.

Isabeau (wonder2) But it seems impossible, right?

Isabeau (neutral1) It'd be like... Like if everyone stopped seeing shades all of a sudden.

Odile (dotdotdot2) I do wonder what could've made that happen, yes.

If the party doesn't know about Wish Craft

Bonnie (ew1) Weird...

If you've read the first book on Wish Craft this loop

Mirabelle (hm3) ...That Wish Craft thing, perhaps?"


Odile (huh1) Ah yes... If Wish Craft can really make the impossible come true, maybe that is what happened.

First time

(You're still wondering about that weird shade you saw, while... Talking to the King.)

(Was that weird shade a "color"?)

Subsequent times

(Ask again.)

Siffrin (fake1) "Is there a way to see colors now?"

Odile (reading2) Funny you should mention it... People have been known to see a "weird shade" during...

Odile (what1) Um... "Times of immense trouble"?

Odile (guilty1) They described this shade as... "Scary"? "Dangerous"? "Visceral", maybe?

Odile (gimme1) Historians think this "weird shade" could've been a color.

Mirabelle (stressed1) A "visceral" shade?

Isabeau (wonder1) "Times of immense trouble"? What does that mean?

Odile (hm1) Sorry, it's a little tough to translate... Moments before something "breaks", maybe?

Isabeau (wonder2) When something breaks...

Isabeau (hm2) Like, during the end of something? Or something gets destroyed?

Bonnie (and then1) Like the end of the world?

Odile (reading2) Maybe so.

Mirabelle (stressed1) If colors were an integral part of the world... Then the world rights itself right before the end...

Mirabelle (happy1) How poetic! Someone should write a novel about this!


(Colors appear when something "breaks", huh...)

(When the King tried so hard to say your country's name... Did something "break" then?)

Repeated interaction

(There's a book in Ka Buan open on the table.)

Before seeing a color

(Yeah, you don't really care.)

If you've ever read the first color book

(You can go and reread the book about colors in the secret library if you're so curious.)

After; if you've never read either book

(What's a color? Maybe you should look around the House for another book on colors...)

After; if you've read the other book before

(Maybe you should reread the color book in the secret library first...)

After; if you've read both books before


(You should reread the book in the secret library first.)


(There's a book in Ka Buan open on the table.)

(You look back at Odile,

Odile (spooky1)

(You look back at Odile, but there's no one there.)

Repeated interaction

(There's a book in Ka Buan open on the table.)

Stacked books

On the central table.

(Some books.)

Without Memory of Memories equipped

(Just looking at them gives you a headache.)

Without Memory of Memories equipped

(You can read their titles...)

(They're books about space, the stars, the Universe.)



Rolled up papers

(Rolled up paper.)

(You unroll one.)

(It's a star chart.)


(Rolled up paper.)


(A world globe.)

Isabeau (hahaha2) We are here!

(Isabeau points to where you are, on the lower half of the globe.)

(Vaugarde, the Land of Change.)

Odile (huh2) Ka Bue is here.

(Odile points to a big country, far from Vaugarde.)

(Ka Bue, a country you've visited at least once.)

Bonnie (oh!1) And Bambouche is here!

(Bonnie points to a spot almost on the edge of Vaugarde.)


(You spin the globe, and jab your finger on a random spot.)

Isabeau (huh1) Oh!!! Is that... Is that where you're from, Sif?

(You smile mysteriously.)

Isabeau (hahaaa1) What does the smile mean.

(You laugh.)

ACT 3 & 4

(You look away from the globe.)

Repeated interaction

(You see a spot on the globe where the paint has started wearing out, like someone kept dragging their finger on it.)

(You drag your finger there too.)

ACT 3 & 4

(Erased. You almost want to look for lightless paint.)


(World globe.)

(Island, North of Vaugarde, name unknown, name unknown, name unknown,)

Repeated interaction

(World globe.)

Pile of papers

On the small table to the right.

(A pile of papers.)

(Something is written on them.)

Isabeau (brag1) Looks like a child tried to write down their first word!

Odile (hm1) That sure is some awful handwriting.

Mirabelle (awkward1) And a determined child... Looks like they tried to write the same word on all those papers.

Repeated interaction

(A pile of papers.)

Without Memory of Memories equipped

First time

(Something is written on them.)

The following is decided by RNG. The game rolls a number between 1 and 20. In ACT 3, 5 is added to the number. In ACT 4, 10 is added.


(But you can't read it.)


19 or above

(But you can't read it.)

(But you can't read it.)

(But you can't read it but you can't read it but you can't read it but you can't read it)


(But you can't read it.)

(You follow the lines as best you can but you can't read what's written why can't you read it?)

With Memory of Memories equipped

(It looks like someone was trying to write your country's name.)

(. . .)

(You cannot read it, still.)


(A pile of papers.)

(BUT YOU CAN'T READ IT!!!!!!!!!!)



Repeated interaction

(A pile of papers.)


(A chair.)

(You wish you could sit down.)


(A chair.)

(You wish you could sit down.)

(No no no you wouldn't you wouldn't wish for anything ever again because you know that somehow somehow somehow Wish Craft brought you here)

Repeated interaction

(A chair.)