Third Snack Break
Edited by candycoatedroxAll dialogue pertaining to the third and last Snack Break, just before facing the King. Snack images are recreated using game files in my best attempt at approximating how they're displayed in game. I tried :/
Sources: Map 023 (THE KING), Map202 (THE KING) (ACT 5), Common Event 187 (TriedAllSnacks)
- Start
- Snack Time
- After Snacks
- Character interactions
- Exit
- ACT 5
Starting event
The group enters the room and comes to a stop in the middle. Mirabelle stands alone at the front of the group with her back to them.
Mirabelle (anxious2) Let's keep going!
Bonnie (wait1) Belle, wait a sec--
Isabeau (hm4) Mira, wait!
Mirabelle (angy1) No!!!
Mirabelle turns around toward the group.
Mirabelle (serious5) I can't wait, we can't wait!!! We have to move on!!!
Mirabelle (yell1) Everyone is waiting for me!!!
Odile (dotdotdot3) They can wait a little longer. Let's calm down and--
Mirabelle (yell1) I can't calm down!!!
Mirabelle (sad1) The Head Housemaiden... She's so close! I can feel her! I need to help her!!!
Mirabelle (sad2) She needs my help... Everyone in Vaugarde needs my help!!!
Mirabelle (sad3) I... I...!!!
Isabeau (sad4) ...
Bonnie (sad1) ...
Odile (serious1) ...
First time
(You don't know what to do.)
(She's upset, she's upset, you need to help--)
(You know it'll be fine, but you're still scared for her.)
Isabeau walks up to Mirabelle.
Isabeau (disappointed1) Mira.
Mirabelle (sad2) . . .
Mirabelle (sad3) I...
Isabeau (brag1) Do it with me, okay?
Isabeau (hahaha1) Just like Sif does!
- First time: (...?)
- Subsequent times: (...)
Mirabelle (sad3) Oh... Haha...
(Isabeau takes a deep breath in, and out, and Mirabelle follows a beat later.)
(They breathe in sync, together.)
- First time: (...Ah. That is a thing that you do, yes.)
- Subsequent times: (How many times have you done this for them to notice?)
Mirabelle (sad2) Phew. . .
Mirabelle (serious3) I... I'm okay.
Mirabelle (serious4) But Isabeau, you don't understand.
Mirabelle (serious4) The Head Housemaiden... I have to save her...
Isabeau (disappointed1) ...
Mirabelle (sad2) The Head Housemaiden... She's such a wonderful person.
Mirabelle (sad2) She helped me out so much! I couldn't do anything before I came to the House, I could barely sew my own clothes, and she helped me, she taught me...
Mirabelle (sad2) I wouldn't be the person I am without her!
Mirabelle (sad2) And when the King attacked... She protected me.
Mirabelle (sad2) Everyone... Everyone was being frozen in time around me...
Mirabelle (sad4) And the Head Housemaiden made sure I could escape! Made sure I lived!!!
Mirabelle (sad4) She gave me her blessing...!!!
Isabeau (hm4) Huh?
Bonnie (sulk3) Her blessing?
Odile (dotdotdot2) Do you mean... The power to survive the King's Curse? But wasn't that...
Mirabelle (sad3) It wasn't the Change God...
Mirabelle (sad3) The Change God rarely does anything.
Mirabelle (sad3) The Change God just pushes us to greater heights, but rarely helps us themselves.
Mirabelle (sad3) The KeyKnife we got earlier... It was the first time I felt their help...
Mirabelle (sad3) But the Head Housemaiden Crafted a blessing so I'd survive. So I'd save her. Save everyone.
Odile (dotdotdot2) But... Why? Why would she...
Mirabelle (yell1) I DON'T KNOW WHY!!!
Mirabelle (sad4) Why wouldn't she use it herself? Why didn't she save Vaugarde herself? Why didn't she give her blessing to someone else?
Mirabelle (sad3) I don't know! I don't know!!! She shouldn't have used it... Not on someone like...!
- ACT 2: Siffrin (serious1)
- ACT 3 & 4: Siffrin (sadsmile3)
- "Do you think she was wrong?"
Mirabelle (sad3) ...
- ACT 2: Siffrin (serious1)
- ACT 3 & 4: Siffrin (sadsmile3)
- "To make sure you'd survive?"
Mirabelle (sad2) . . .
Isabeau (neutral1) I'm glad you're here, Mira.
Isabeau (hahaha2) I'm glad you're here with us!
Bonnie (no!1) Don't leave us behind! We're here! We want to help you!
Bonnie (sad1) Don't be stupid and run off ahead...
Mirabelle (sad4) ... Everyone... I...
Mirabelle (sad4) I'm sorry. I shouldn't have run off ahead...
Isabeau (hm4) It's okay, Mira...
Isabeau (happy1) ...
Isabeau (brag1) Now it's m'dame Odile's turn to talk.
Odile (urgh1) What? But you all were doing so well.
Mirabelle (gentle2) I want an emotional speech from you too, madame Odile!
Isabeau (fufufu1) Yeah, don't you see her tears? How can you say no to this face?
(To prove Isabeau's point, you make a grand gesture towards Mirabelle as if presenting a marvelous art piece.)
(Isabeau does the same.)
(Bonnie also joins in.)
(You, Isabeau and Bonnie point at Mirabelle and look at Odile silently.)
(Without turning your head, you look at Odile silently.)
(Isabeau and Bonnie follow suit, with an exaggerated disappointed face.)
(Mirabelle laughs, wiping her tears.)
Odile (urgh1) Urgh okay fine please stop.
Odile (dotdotdot2) Urgh.
Odile (serious4) Okay. I think it's silly for you to wonder if you were the "right choice" this late in the game.
Odile (question1) You're the one that was chosen. You're the one that found the Orbs. You're the one that made it this far.
Odile (huh1) So we can spend our very valuable time wondering if So-and-so could've saved Vaugarde better...
Odile (question2) But we're here. You're here. And now, the King is the only thing standing in our way.
Odile (wry1) So you can have your little breakdown after we kick him where it hurts and spit on his grave.
Isabeau (oh1) ...
Bonnie (surprised1) ...
Mirabelle (gentle2) . . .
Isabeau (brag1) M'dame, that was very good!
Isabeau (neutral1) A little too dry maybe. I'll give you an eight out of ten for effort.
Bonnie (and then1) That's a passing grade, Dile!
Odile (urgh1) Shut up. I--
The sound of a stomach growling.
Bonnie (oh!1) Whose tummy is grumbling this time?
Odile (urgh1) . . .
Bonnie (UWAH1) DILE?!? YOU HAVE A TUMMY?!??!
Odile (lol1) Of course not.
Isabeau (brag1) Well, your not-tummy seems hungry. Bonbon?
Bonnie (proud1) Oh, I still have snacks!!! And they're ready now!!!
Bonnie (happy1) Can you eat something, Belle?
Mirabelle (happy1) Yes, I can try.
Bonnie (stop!1) Okay then ALL OF YOU SIT THE CRAB DOWN!!!!!!!!!
For the rest, skip to snack time.
Friendquest variant
Everybody walks into the room, stopping in the middle.
Bonnie (happy2) Another safe room!
Odile (hm1) Let's rest a bit, shall we? This might be our last chance to breathe...
Everybody sits down in a circle.
First time
(You all quietly look Mirabelle's way, trying to make sure she's alright...)
(Will this be different somehow...?)
Second time onwards
(Everyone quietly look Mirabelle's way, trying to make sure she's alright...)
(You've seen this before, but...)
Mirabelle (serious1) . . .
Isabeau (hm5) . . .
Isabeau (hahaha1) Hey, hey, Mira, everything good?
Mirabelle (anxious2) Oh! Um, yes. I got a little fired up, fighting that big Sadness, earlier...
Mirabelle (anxious1) But I feel better, now. I...
Mirabelle (happy1) Hehehe, I'm doing breathing exercises! To stay calm!
Isabeau (fufufu1) Ah yes, the fabled Siffrin breathing exercises.
Isabeau (hahaha1) Told you he wasn't doing it for no reason! It had to help, somehow!
Mirabelle (happy1) Hehehe! Yes!
Mirabelle (happy2) Thank you, Siffrin!
- First time: (!)
- Subsequent times: (...)
Mirabelle (haha1) And thank you for yesterday, too! I don't think I'd be this calm if we hadn't talked...
Bonnie (surprised1) Huh?
Odile (hm2) Ah, when you two spent some time together.
Mirabelle (happy4) Yes! We had a good talk... It helped me realize some things.
Isabeau (hahaha1) Aw, I'm glad! Nothing like a good talk between friends to feel better!
Mirabelle (happy1) And it seems you were hard at work yesterday, weren't you, Siffrin? Helping me out, along with Bonnie and madame Odile...
Isabeau (yeah!1) And me!
Odile (lol1) Heh...
Odile (yeah1) I suppose that's what friends are for, isn't it? To help with important things.
First time:
(Are you all friends?)
(You traveled together, ate together, laughed together, so you thought it made you friends...)
(But Odile says the same thing every time, doesn't she?)
Subsequent times:
(It's pathetic, to come back here and hear the same thing over again.)
(But you need the reassurance.)
- First time: Siffrin (sad2)
- Subsequent times: Siffrin (tired1)
- "Are we friends?"
Mirabelle (anxious3) Huh?
Isabeau (really1) Um, yes?
- First time: Siffrin (angry3)
- Subsequent times: Siffrin (tired1)
- "But you said it once, didn't you, Odile?"
Bonnie (wait1) Huh?
Odile (huh3) I--?
First time
(You remember!)
(Every time you stop for a snack break on Floor 1!)
(She says, she says--)
Subsequent times
(You know it's not the case, but you still have to say your lines.)
(You don't want to risk anything by changing the script, do you?)
Unlike the usual, these !/. changes aren't tied to act number. "!" is for first time, "." is for subsequent times.
- First time: Siffrin (angry3)
- Subsequent times: Siffrin (hide1)
- "You said we weren't friends[!/.]"
- First time: Siffrin (angry1)
- Subsequent times: Siffrin (hide1)
- "You said we were allies! Colleagues at best[!/.]"
Bonnie (sulk5) Hm?
Odile (guilty2) Did I...?
Isabeau (huh1) Odile, how could you!!!
Mirabelle (awkward1) I don't remember her saying that, but sadly, this does sound like something Odile would say.
First time
(But she says it every time, every blinding time--)
(Did she even say it, this loop?)
(When you stopped for a snack on the second floor... It was all different, so maybe it was different then, too...)
Subsequent times
(Because she does say it, most of the time.)
(But you don't care anymore.)
(You only care about now.)
(It's nice, to see them make sure you're not sad.)
Odile (guilty1) Allies...? I don't...
Odile (sigh1) Well. That does sound like something I'd say, yes.
Odile (melan2) I... don't know if I consider you all friends, per se.
Odile (melan1) The five of us are just very different people, with different goals and thoughts. Our age difference makes it difficult for me to see you as "friends".
Odile (lol2) After all, why would an old lady be friends with a preteen?
Bonnie (sad1) Oh...
Odile (question1) It's just strange. So no, to me, we aren't friends. The mere thought is absurd to me.
Bonnie (sad1) ...
Mirabelle (anxious1) Hm...
Isabeau (boo1) Way to bring down the morale, m'dame...
Odile (gimme1) I'm not done.
Odile (dotdotdot2) I don't think we're friends, but...
Odile (melan3) . . .
Odile (melan3) But I would do anything to protect all of you. Horrible things, to be honest, as long as I could be sure you were all safe.
Odile (gimme1) And I think you'd all do the same for me. For anyone in our little group.
Odile (dotdotdot2) So... So "friends" doesn't fit, to me, but. . .
Isabeau (brag1) But we're family, right?
- First time: (Huh?)
- ACT 3: (You try not to smile.)
- ACT 4: (You try not to cry.)
Mirabelle (happy1) Oh!
Bonnie (and then1) YEAH!!! WE'RE FAMILY!!!
Bonnie (yeah!1) Like me and Nille! We stay together! We eat together! We say good morning and good night!
Odile (hm1) Family...
Odile (hm2) I have a difficult relationship with that word, but...
Odile (yeah1) Yes, "family" fits better, I think.
Mirabelle (happy1) Family! What a lovely word to describe our relationship to each other!
Isabeau (brag1) I already thought of us like that, but it's kind of awkward to say it aloud, isn't it?
Odile (urgh1) It is, a little bit. But we don't know what tomorrow, or even the next few hours have in store...
Odile (yeah1) So while we are still together on this journey, we might as well say it. Say the unsaid.
Odile (lol2) Especially since Siffrin over here seemed to think I didn't care about him.
First time
(You don't know how to react.)
(All this time... You were trying to keep in mind what she said.)
(That you were just... Allies, to each other.)
(. . .)
Subsequent times
(You hide your face under the rim of your hat.)
(You don't want to think about anything.)
After reaching the end with all Friendquests done once
(You still think it's the truth, to be honest.)
(This isn't real.)
(No, it is, it is! It's real!)
(You're standing here right now, in front of them, they exist, you exist.)
(Just because you know what happens next doesn't mean it's not real.)
(It is. It is real.)
Odile (dotdotdot3) . . .
(Odile reaches over and ruffles your hair.)
Odile (gentle1) Don't think so hard, Siffrin.
Odile (lol1) Quite honestly, it doesn't seem to work out very well for you.
Bonnie (lol2) Heheheh!!!
Isabeau (fufufu1) So mean, m'dame.
Mirabelle (happy1) Hehe, Siffrin's hat is all lopsided now!
Bonnie (lol2) You look funny like this, Frin!!!
(You readjust your hat, and hide your face.)
Odile (lol1) Heh.
(They all look at you, smiling.)
(. . .)
Bonnie (sulk5) . . .
Bonnie (serious1) I'm bored.
Bonnie (and then1) SNACK TIME!!!
For the rest, skip to snack time.
Snack Time
Sections that change if you've reached the end with all Friendquests done in the same loop once will be referred to with "With FQ" for short, but you know what I mean, right?
Everybody sits down in a circle.
Without FQ
Bonnie (sulk5) Snacks snacks snacks snacks snacks.
Bonnie (happy1) Okay!!! I have...
With FQ
Bonnie (hmf3) I have...
Bonnie (sulk5) Um, I'll start with the worst one.

Bonnie (serious1) Leftover samosas.
Isabeau (neutral1) From yesterday's dinner?
Bonnie (sad1) Yeah... They're the ones I burnt...
Bonnie (serious1) But I thought I should still keep them in case we get super duper hungry.
Isabeau (brag1) Don't be mean to the burnt samosas, they were delicious!
Odile (lol4) They really were. They're not the "worst" of anything.
Bonnie (surprised1) ...
Bonnie (smile4) Heheh...
Bonnie (hmf2) O-okay, next one!!! I have...

Bonnie (yeah!2) PA-L-MI-ERS!!!
- Without FQ: Isabeau (sif!1) PALMIERS...!!!!!
- With FQ: Isabeau (hahaha1) PALMIERS!!!!!
Bonnie (victory1) We all know palmiers. They're yummy, they're crunchy, they get crumbs everywhere. MOVING ON!
Bonnie (sulk5) And, um, the last snack...
First time only
Bonnie (surprised1) Okay, I've never tried it before, but--
(The smell hits you.)
Siffrin (omg1) (COULD THEY BE...?!) "MALANGA FRITTERS?!?"
Mirabelle (awawa1) Eep!
Isabeau (huhwah1) Woah!
Bonnie (yeah!2) YEAH!!!!

Bonnie (happy1) So? So?! What do you think? I followed a recipe in a book!!!
Odile (huh1) Huh... What are they?
Bonnie (hmf2) They're fried malanga and giraumon! Malanga is some kinda root and giraumon is some kinda pumpkin!
Odile (smile1) This smells heavenly.
(Oh stars oh stars oh stars)
Isabeau (sif!1) Sif's eyes are sparkling...!
Odile (hm1) And they're drooling, too.
(You wipe your mouth.)
(You HAVE to get them.)
Bonnie (hmf2) So, which one do you guys--
Bonnie (yeah!3) Yay!!!!!!!!!!!
(Bonnie hands you the delectable yummy wonderful malanga fritters.)
(They might be your favorite fried food ever. Favorite food period, maybe.)
(You want to eat them whole so badly, but you HAVE to pace yourself.)
(You bite into one, slowly, shakingly...)
(They're so good so good so good so good!!!!!!)
(You can't help but flail your arms around.)
Isabeau (sif!1) Woah...
Mirabelle (happy1) Heheh, Siffrin, your face...
Odile (gentle1) That good, huh?
Siffrin (stuffed1) "Hmfyurghm."
Bonnie (smile3) Hehehe, gross!!!!
From here, skips to the event ending.
Subsequent times
(You control yourself this time.)
Bonnie (happy1) Okay, I've never tried it before, but I think I cooked them well!

Bonnie (and then1) Tada!!! Malanga fritters!!!
ACT 2 (without FQ only):
(You can't help but smile.)
(Bonnie sees you smile and puffs their chest proudly.)
ACT 3 (without FQ only):
(You smile.)
(Bonnie sees you smile and puffs their chest proudly.)
ACT 4 (without FQ only):
(Malanga fritters again.)
(For some reason, Bonnie looks a little disappointed.)
Odile (huh1) Huh... What are they?
Bonnie (hmf2) They're fried malanga and giraumon! Malanga is some kinda root and giraumon is some kinda pumpkin!
Odile (smile1) This smells heavenly.
Bonnie (and then1) So, which one? Which snack do you guys want?!
- ACT 2: Siffrin (questions2)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (smiling3)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake4)
(You'd like...)
"Burnt samosas, please!"
Bonnie (yeah!3) There you go!
(Bonnie hands you and Isabeau some of the burnt samosas, and keeps some for themself.)
Isabeau (hahaha1) Yeah, samosas buddies!!!
Isabeau (really1) Those have potatoes in them, right?
Bonnie (hmf2) Yeah, because I LOVE potatoes in samosas.
Isabeau (wonder2) Hm... I seem to remember Sif saying the samosas they're used to didn't have potatoes in them...
Odile (reading2) Different recipes depending on cultures, I suppose.
Bonnie (sulk5) Yeah... I love samosas a whole whole WHOOOOLE lot, but some places make them with cheese in them...
Bonnie (sulk3) Gross. Why would you dirty a perfectly good samosa with cheese.
Odile (urgh1) Such strong opinions about cheese...
- If you've started figuring out Bonnie's favorite foods: (Samosa, with potatoes, no cheese. Got it.)
(Everyone starts eating.)
First time
(You're more of a potatoes-in-samosas hater, but whatever.)
(You eat around the burnt parts.)
Second time
(Potato samosas again...)
(You eat around the burnt parts.)
Third time onwards
(You eat the samosas whole.)
"I'll take some palmiers."
Bonnie (yeah!3) There you go!
(Bonnie hands you some palmiers.)
(Everyone starts eating.)
First time
(You bite into the palmier.)
Second time
(You bite into the palmier.)
Third time onwards
(You bite into the palmier.)
"Malanga fritters[!/.]"
Bonnie (yeah!3) There you go!!!
Bonnie (happy1) ...
(Bonnie hands you the malanga fritters.)
(Everyone starts eating.)
Second time
After all, you had to pick them by force the first time.
(Malanga fritters again!!!)
(The novelty has faded a bit, but you're happy to find them again.)
(You bite into one...)
Third time
(Malanga fritters again!)
(They're still delicious, but now that you're not distracted, you can tell they taste different than how you remember.)
Siffrin (questions1) (Maybe...) "You didn't add any spicy peppers, right?"
Bonnie (serious1) The recipe I found didn't say so, so I didn't...
Bonnie (wait1) Why? Is it bad? Did I mess it up?
Siffrin (smiling2) "They're perfect, Bonnie."
Bonnie (smile4) ...!
(They're not. But they're close.)
(You just feel like they're missing some spicy peppers for some reason.)
(Still, you get ready to eat them all.)
Fourth time
(Malanga fritters again.)
(They are quickly losing their shine.)
(You used to eat an entire bowl of them in a heartbeat, giving yourself a tummy ache.)
(Your parents used to gently make fun of you for it, and. . .)
(Your head hurts--)
Time glitches.
(Malanga fritters again.)
(They are quickly losing their shine.)
(You bite into one.)
Fifth time onwards
(Malanga fritters again.)
(They are quickly losing their shine.)
(You bite into one.)
After Snacks
(After eating your snacks, everyone's health has been restored[!/.])
Mirabelle (anxious1) ... I'm sorry, everyone.
Mirabelle (anxious2) Being upset now... I shouldn't have... I should've kept it together.
Isabeau (really1) Mira, it's fine.
Isabeau (hahaha1) We're all different kinds of upset right now! It's a stressful day!
Bonnie (happy2) Do you feel better now that you're eating?
Mirabelle (happy1) I do, thank you Bonnie!
Mirabelle (serious1) And I'm less upset now, more... Angry.
Odile (huh1) At the King?
Mirabelle (serious2) Yes. I feel more confident, too.
Mirabelle (serious3) We'll definitely kick the King where it hurts.
Bonnie (and then1) Ooooh!!!!
Isabeau (hahaha2) And where's that, Mira?
Mirabelle (anxious2) His... His...
Mirabelle (angy1) HIS STUPID CRABBING BUTT!!!
Isabeau (LMAO1) YEAH!!!!!!!!
ACT 2 & 3
(You all laugh.)
(Everyone laughs.)
First time only
(You'll always remember this.)
[When equipped, Memory of Butt Kicking will make your Housemaiden revive one K.O.'d party member during a fight, once!]
Friendquest variant
(After eating your snacks, everyone's health has been restored[!/.])
First time
(. . .)
(As you eat, you look at everyone.)
(They're smiling... Happy...)
(Sometimes one of them sees you looking at them, and smiles at you.)
(In this moment, you are loved.)
Second time without FQ done
(In this moment, you are loved.)
First time with FQ done
(. . .)
(This is nice. Even now, you're enjoying this.)
(It's perfect, this path. It's a lot of work, but it's real.)
(In this moment, you are loved.)
(Because you forced them to.)
Second time with FQ done onwards
(. . .)
(This is nice. Even now, you're enjoying this.)
(It's perfect, this path. It's a lot of work, but it's real.)
(In this moment, you are loved.)
(Because you forced them to.)
(Because you forced them to.)
Mirabelle (serious1) . . . You know...
Mirabelle (happy3) I have a good feeling.
Mirabelle (happy2) We'll definitely kick the King's butt!!!
Isabeau (brag1) Kick the King's butt!
Bonnie (stop!1) KICK THE KING'S BUTT!!!
Odile (yeah1) Heh...
Odile (yeah1) Alright everyone, let's finish eating our snacks.
Odile (lol2) We have a King's butt to kick.
Bonnie (UWAH1) YEAH!!!!!!!!!
Memory of Safe Rooms
Triggers only once you've tried all of Bonnie's snacks.
(. . .)
(Have you tried every single one of Bonnie's snacks?)
(You count them in your head.)
(Plantain chips, cookies, malanga fritters... Yes, you have.)
(Just the fact that you've tasted them all... Means you've been looping for a while...)
(And even though you might be tired of some of them, they're all so different and delicious still.)
(How long did it take Bonnie to prepare all those snacks for today...?)
Siffrin (smiling3) "You're a really talented cook, Bonnie."
Bonnie (shy2) H-Huh?
Bonnie (shy2) . . .
Bonnie (shy1) W-Well, of course I am!!! Stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bonnie (shy1) SOMEONE has to make sure you eat good things so you can be happy and not sad!!!
Odile (yeah1) Is that so...?
Mirabelle (happy1) Hehe, thank you for taking care of us, Bonnie!
Isabeau (happy1) Thanks Bonbon! You're the best, Bonbon!!!
(You all clap your hands.)
Bonnie (shy2) ...
Bonnie (sulk5) ...
Bonnie (smile4) Hehehe...
(You'll always remember this.)
[When equipped, Memory of Safe Rooms lets you recover all your HP after a battle ends.]
Bonnie (sad1) Is Belle okay? Is she okay?
Bonnie (sulk5) I think she's okay because she ate some snacks.
Bonnie (serious1) It's when you can't eat that you're not doing well at all.
First time
(Huh, you guess that makes sense.)
(Makes sense!)
(That hasn't been your experience so far.)
(Your stomach hurts.)
(You feel like it's about to cave in on itself.)
- ACT 2: Siffrin (smiling2)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (smiling3)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake3)
- "Thanks for all those delicious snacks, Bonnie."
Bonnie (surprised1) Oh...
Bonnie (sulk1) That's... It's okay.
If you ate the malanga fritters
Bonnie (sulk3) . . . Did you like those malanga thingies?
- First time: Siffrin (omg1)
- ACT 2: Siffrin (happy1)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (smiling2)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1)
- ACT 2 only: "YES!!!"
- ACT 3 onwards: "Yes."
Bonnie (and then1) Okay!!! Okay!!! Yeah!!!
Bonnie (lol2) I made them for you, you know!!! I saw you look at a recipe book for a very long time and you were looking at that recipe!!!
Bonnie (oh!1) And I didn't know if you were staring at it because you really liked it or really hated it...
Bonnie (shy2) So I'm glad you actually really... Liked... it...
Bonnie (shy2) ...I...
Bonnie (shy2) I mean...
- First time: (They made them for you?)
- ACT 2: (They made them for you!!!)
- ACT 3: (They made them for you.)
- ACT 4: (They made them for you...)
- First time: Siffrin (surprised1)
- ACT 2: Siffrin (joke1)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (sadsmile2)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (sadsmile4)
- "You made them for me?"
Bonnie (no!2) NO!!!
Bonnie (wait1) I-I made it for--
(Bonnie frantically looks around.)
Bonnie (proud1) F-for Dile!!! I made them for Dile!!! Because she likes to try out new foods!!!
Odile (reading1) I do not.
Bonnie (shy1) YES YOU DO!!!
Odile (lol4) I suppose I do, then.
Bonnie (no!1) SEE!!!
Bonnie (sulk5) I made them for Dile. Not for you.
Bonnie (shy2) . . .
Bonnie (shy1) Go away now!!! Don't look at me!!! Make like a crab and go!!!
- First time: (A little lightheaded, you go.)
- ACT 2: (Still smiling wide, you go.)
- ACT 3: (Waving goodbye, you go.)
- ACT 4: (You go.)
If you didn't eat the fritters
Bonnie (surprised1) But you didn't try the...
Bonnie (sulk2) ... Forget it.
Friendquest variant
Bonnie (serious1) What? What is it? Are you still hungry?
Bonnie (proud1) Here, have some more malanga fritters.
(Bonnie fills your cupped hands with fritters.)
Bonnie (happy2) Eat them, 'kay? You look weird. I think you're out of keylories.
Odile (reading1) Calories.
Bonnie (happy2) I think you're out of calories.
(You eat the fritters.)
- ACT 3: (Tastes good.)
- ACT 4: (Tastes like nothing.)
Bonnie (smile3) Hehehe...
Bonnie (happy1) You know, you know, I made them for you!!!
- ACT 3: Siffrin (happy1)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (sadsmile3)
- "Thank you, Bonbon."
Bonnie (happy1) ...!!!
Bonnie (smile3) Hehehe! You're welcome!!!
(Bonnie smiles brightly...)
Repeated interaction
Bonnie (sad1) ...
Bonnie (shy1) JUST GO!!!!!! DON'T LOOK AT ME!!!!!!
Friendquest variant
Bonnie (happy1) Let me know if you're still hungry, okay?
Mirabelle (serious1) . . .
- ACT 2: Siffrin (sad2)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (smiling3)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (sadsmile1)
- (...) "Mira, how are you feeling?"
Mirabelle (serious2) Good.
Mirabelle (serious1) ...
- ACT 2: Siffrin (um1)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (questions2)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1)
- (...) "One word answers are really reassuring!"
Mirabelle (serious1) ...
Mirabelle (serious2) They are.
- ACT 2: Siffrin (siiiiigh1)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (questions2)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1)
- (...) "Now, two word answers..."
Mirabelle (serious3) ...
- ACT 2: Siffrin (joke1)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (joke2)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (smiling2)
- (...) "...They're two-rifying."
Mirabelle (anxious2) ...
Mirabelle (pft1) Pfthahahahaha!!!
Mirabelle (happy1) Hehehe...
Mirabelle (happy4) I'll be fine, Siffrin!
Mirabelle (happy4) Thank you for asking.
Mirabelle (gentle1) Thank you... For being here.
- ACT 2: Siffrin (smiling2)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (hide1)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (sadsmile4)
- "Wouldn't want to be anywhere else, Mira."
Mirabelle (gentle1) ...
(She gives you a gentle smile.)
Friendquest variant
Mirabelle (stressed1) Siffrin!
Mirabelle (anxious2) Would you, perhaps, accept a comb?
First time
(...Is your hair that bad?)
(You nod, and get your hand out to receive the comb.)
Subsequent times
(You nod, and get your hand out again.)
Mirabelle (awkward1) ...Actually...
Mirabelle (happy1) Would you, perhaps, allow me to brush your hair?
- First time: (You nod?)
- Subsequent times: (You nod, again.)
Mirabelle (awawa1) Oh, that's completely fine! I just thought I'd ask, since--
(You nod, again.)
(Slightly farther, you hear someone gasp and curse.)
- First time: (What is that about...?)
- ACT 3: (Probably someone losing a bet, or something.)
- ACT 4: (...)
Mirabelle (angy1) Quick, quick, sit down in front of me, do it, do it!!!
- First time: (Hesitantly, you sit down, and remove your hat.)
- Subsequent times: (You sit down, and remove your hat.)
(Mirabelle slowly and methodically starts combing your hair.)
Mirabelle (happy1) Finally... I can repay the favor!
Mirabelle (happy2) You did my hair so wonderfully a few weeks ago, so I'm glad I get to brush your hair in return...
Mirabelle (happy4) I was surprised you had experience taking care of kinky hair, too!
Mirabelle (anxious3) Ah... Look, your hair is split everywhere! You should take better care of it!!!
Mirabelle (happy1) Such a shame... It's such a nice bright shade, too.
Mirabelle (excited1) Will you dye your hair again? I think you should let it grow out. Light hair suits you so well!
First time
(You can barely hear what she's saying.)
(Getting your hair combed feels nice.)
(You can feel your tension, and Mirabelle's, fade as she takes care of you.)
(Mirabelle chatters on for a few minutes... Until...)
Subsequent times, without Kingquest completed
(You close your eyes, and don't think about anything.)
Subsequent times, with Kingquest completed
(...Isn't it strange, that you know how to style kinky hair?)
(Did you use to style someone's hair?)
Mirabelle (happy1) All good! You're all ready for the King, now!
Odile (reading1) Yes, we do have to be beautiful to appear in front of him.
Isabeau (disappointed1) We do, m'dame. Gotta appear fierce.
Odile (lol3) Of course.
Mirabelle (happy1) Hehehe!
(Mirabelle smiles at you.)
Repeated interaction
Mirabelle (serious1) ...
Mirabelle (pft1) Two-rifying... Hehehe...
Friendquest variant
Mirabelle (serious1) ...
Mirabelle (happy2) We can do this, Siffrin.
(Mirabelle smiles your way, determined...)
Isabeau (hm5) Mira...
Isabeau (angry1) She's strong, but this situation must be super stressful for her.
Isabeau (neutral1) We gotta stay at her side, okay, Sif?
(You nod.)
- ACT 2: Siffrin (serious1)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (neutral1)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake4)
- (...) "What you said to Mira..."
Isabeau (boo1) Huh? What did I say?
- ACT 2: Siffrin (serious1)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (neutral1)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake4)
- "'Do it like Sif does!'"
Isabeau (oh1) Oh! The deep breath!
Isabeau (wonder2) Um, well, it's just something me and Mira noticed.
Isabeau (hahaha2) Sometimes, when you're taken off guard, or when we get out of battle or something, you always take a deep breath in and out!
Isabeau (neutral1) It's to calm yourself down, right? The breathing?
Isabeau (fufufu1) You always do it the exact same way, too! You go like this...
(Isabeau puts his hand on his chest, and breathes.)
Isabeau (brag1) Deep breath in... And out.
Isabeau (wonder2) Mira and I wondered what that was all about, and we talked about it and realized it kinda seemed to calm you down, and we thought it was cool...
Isabeau (neutral1) And that one time a few days ago, Bonnie was upset and you told them to do that, so we remembered.
First time
(They noticed that?)
(It does calm you down.)
(How weird! To be noticed, and known!)
(You've had to do that more often lately.)
(. . .)
(Breathing doesn't seem to make anything better anymore.)
Isabeau (wonder2) . . .
Isabeau (blush3) Was telling you weird? I think that was weird. I shouldn't have said that because now you might get self-conscious.
- ACT 2: Siffrin (um1)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (fake5)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake3)
- First time: "I'll... try not to?"
- Subsequent times: "I'll try not to."
Isabeau (blush1) Okay...
If you talked to Mirabelle first
Mirabelle (pft1) Pft...
Isabeau (hahaha2) What's up, Mira?
Mirabelle (happy1) Yeah, Isabeau... You should be careful...
Mirabelle (pft1) You might make Siffrin self-conscious about breathing... Hehehe...
- ACT 2: (You snort.)
- ACT 3: (You laugh.)
- ACT 4: (You smile.)
Isabeau (LMAO1) HA!!!
Friendquest variant
This one also has variations on whether the ending was reached with all Friendquests done. This will be "With FQ" and the counterpart is "Without FQ" so as to not retype all of this. Okay, love you, bye.
Isabeau (fufufu1) Sooooo, Sif, Siffrin, buddy...
Isabeau (really1) Do you want to talk?
- First time: Siffrin (questions1)
- Without FQ done: Siffrin (smiling3)
- With FQ done: Siffrin (fake1)
- "What about?"
Isabeau (really3) Oh, okay, we're ignoring that whole thing, sure, that's fine, we can do this if you want.
Isabeau (angry2) We can also ignore how you're acting weird and how you stop smiling every time you think we're not looking.
Isabeau (fufufu1) I'll give you one last chance though, would you like to sit down and have a talky-talk? About what just happened?
- ACT 3: Siffrin (fake1) (No.)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1) (Not in a million loops.)
- "Nope!"
Isabeau (brag1) Okay! No problem!
Isabeau (fufufu1) But when we're done, and we've won... And we eat dinner tonight, having beaten the King... Before we go our separate ways...
Isabeau (disappointed1) We will have. The feelings talky-talk.
Without FQ done:
(You snort.)
With FQ done:
(You can't help but laugh again.)
(For better or worse, you'll never have that talk.)
- Without FQ done: Siffrin (joke1)
- With FQ done: Siffrin (sadsmile2)
- "Sure thing, Isa."
Isabeau (hahaha1) OH! You said "sure"! We are gonna have this talk!
Isabeau (yeah!1) Caught you! You're stuck now! You WILL be emotionally vulnerable!
If you Don't Know
(But don't you have another talk with Isabeau planned?)
If you Know
(Oh, so now HE'S asking you to be emotionally vulnerable?)
(You laugh.)
- Without FQ done: Siffrin (joke2)
- With FQ done: Siffrin (joke1)
- "Only if we have that first talk first."
Isabeau (neutral1) That first talk? What--
(Isabeau freezes in the middle of his sentence.)
Isabeau (omgggg1) ...................................
Isabeau (shy1) Y-Yes! That other talk. The one I said I would have with you last night in the Clocktower after we went back. Yes. That talk. Yes. Uh huh.
Isabeau (yeah!1) T-Two talks, Sif!!! One talk each!!! We can get through this!!!
(Isabeau gives you a shaky thumbs up.)
- Without FQ done: (Smirking, you give one back.)
- With FQ done: (Smiling, you give one back.)
Repeated interaction
If you didn't talk to Mirabelle first, without FQ
Isabeau (angry2) ...
(Isabeau seems to be thinking about the fight ahead...)
If you talked to Mirabelle first, without FQ
Isabeau (fufufu1) Heh...
Isabeau (really1) Please don't get self-conscious about breathing, though.
- ACT 2: (You nod very seriously.)
- ACT 3: (You nod.)
- ACT 4: (You smile.)
Friendquest variant
Isabeau (angry2) Oh crab... I forgot all about that... I can't go through a feelings talky-talk AFTER that... That'd be impossible...
Isabeau (omgggg1) S-SIF!!!
Isabeau (shy1) You're still here, hahaha! Want a snack? Here's a palmier, bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Isabeau gives you a palmier, which you eat whole immediately, and looks away from you.)
Odile (urgh1) A lot of emotions being expressed right now, aren't there?
Odile (dotdotdot2) ... I feel bad that I didn't notice Mirabelle wasn't doing well. I should've paid more attention...
- ACT 2: Siffrin (smiling2)
- ACT 3: Siffrin (sadsmile2)
- ACT 4: Siffrin (fake3)
- "I'm glad Isa is here."
Odile (wonder1) Yes. Neither of us is very good at this "feelings" thing, and Boniface is a child still learning how to manage theirs...
Odile (reading1) So it's good we have at least one person who knows what they're doing, emotions-wise.
Odile (huh1) So. In the spirit of being a person good at this "feelings" thing...
Odile (huh2) How are you feeling right now?
Before fighting the King
(You're all good!)
Siffrin (nya1) "I'm fine!"
After dying to the King at least once
(You don't know if you'll ever beat the King, but...)
Siffrin (smiling2) "I'm fine!"
(. . .)
Siffrin (fake1) "I'm fine."
(Why is she asking you this again?)
(You swallow.)
Siffrin (fake3) "I'm fine."
Odile (smile1) That's good.
(You open your mouth to ask how she is, but...)
Odile (reading1) I'm good.
Odile (reading2) Feelings check over, go away now.
(You leave her alone.)
ACT 3 & 4, regular
Odile (serious1) Hm.
Odile (reading1) Well, as long as it doesn't get in the way of our victory, I suppose you can feel however you want.
ACT 3 & 4 with 14+ Weird Points
For an explanation on Weird Points and the Sus Run, consult the ISATwiki on it.
Odile (dotdotdot2) ...
Odile (dotdotdot1) Are you? Because you look a bit out of it to me.
Odile (serious2) You've been acting weird since yesterday, actually.
Siffrin (fake2) (You try not to flinch.) "I'm all fine, I swear!"
Odile (serious1) . . .
Odile (serious2) I don't believe you.
Odile (dotdotdot1) And if you think everyone hasn't noticed how weird you've been acting...
Odile (dotdotdot3) That dumb smile isn't as convincing as you think it is.
Siffrin (hide1) (...) "Leave it alone, Odile."
Odile (serious1) ...
Odile (serious2) I'll figure it out eventually.
Siffrin (fake4) (...) "Do your worst."
Odile (serious1) ...
Friendquest variant
Odile (huh1) Sorry for messing up your hair, earlier. I know you don't usually like to be touched.
Odile (gentle1) But I think you needed it this time, right?
(You stay silent, and readjust your hat.)
Odile (serious4) ... If I can help with anything, Siffrin, just let me know.
Odile (smile1) You and I are very private people, but we need to learn to open up every once in a while, don't you think?
Odile (gentle1) We're... Family, after all.
Siffrin (hide1) (. . .) "I don't think I can."
Odile (huh1) Open up, you mean?
Odile (smile1) Hm. Of course not. As I've said, it's not a skill we're very good at.
Odile (lol3) But... Know that I'll always be here, if you decide to do so before we part ways.
(. . .)
(You don't say anything.)
Repeated interaction
ACT 2 & 3:
Odile (reading1) Go away. I need a break from talking.
ACT 4:
Odile (serious1) ...
Friendquest variant
Odile (huh1) ...
Odile (yeah1) Offer valid whenever, Siffrin.
(You don't say anything.)
Isabeau (angry1) The King must be up ahead...
Isabeau (neutral1) Are you ready?
- ACT 2: Siffrin (smiling1)
- ACT 3 & 4: Siffrin (fake1)
- "Ready!"
- "Not yet!"
As Siffrin enters the room, their family members actors
appear at the other end, exiting the room one by one.
(Everyone is going on ahead!)
(No, wait, you can't let them go--
Siffrin rushes forward--
The screen goes black.
(Your stomach screams)
(Your head is splitting in two)
(The smell of sugar surrounding you is making you want to throw up)
(y o u j u s t n e e d t o d ef e a t t h e K i n g o n y o u r o w n)
The screen returns to normal.
There is no snack time.