Writing Room

Source: Map100 (Writing Room)

Location: Floor 3, right hallway, dead end past the tears.



[Wuh oh!]

[Wrong way, stardust~]


For more details, see Bonnie's Sidequest.

Note: Technically, you need to do the Floor 2 snack break to trigger this event, but this event is on Floor 3, so I'm unsure why that's a condition...?

(Some books, all lined up.)

Bonnie looks

Bonnie looks at the book if their Friendquest was not completed in the current loop.

First time

(There's a space in between two books, like someone removed it.)

Bonnie (sad1): ...

(...Ah, Bonnie seems to be reading it intently.)

(It has a very striking cover of a Mwudu clay figurine with large, sunken eyes and a screaming mouth.)

(You can't read the title...)

Siffrin (smiling3): (You're curious.) "What do you have here?"

Bonnie (no!2): !!!

(Bonnie hides the book in their pocket.)

Bonnie (no!2): N-nothing!!! It's nothing!!! Nothing at all!!!

Siffrin (okay2): (Sure.) "Okay..."

Bonnie (no!1): Shut up!!! It's fine!!! I'm fine!!!

Bonnie (angry1): ...S-stop looking at it, stop looking at me!!! Shut up!!!

Bonnie (no!1): Here take this book instead!!!

(Bonnie shoves a book at you.)

("Sneezing: How To Expulse Bad Thoughts".)


Subsequent times

Without progressing the sidequest:

(There's a space in between two books, like someone removed it.)

(Bonnie took the book with the weird figurine on the cover with them, like they did the first time.)

(The cover with a Mwudu clay figurine with large, sunken eyes, and a screaming mouth...)

(You're curious. Can you find that book elsewhere?)

After obtaining the other book in the Floor 1 storage room:

(You know which book Bonnie is reading, but...)

After Bonnie yells at Siffrin but before you obtain Memory of Promise:

(You don't look at them, or at Bonnie.)

Bonnie doesn't look

Bonnie does not look at the book if their Friendquest was completed in the current loop or the sidequest was completed in full.

Bonnie (surprised1): ...Hm? What?

Bonnie (hmf2): I know, I'm very strong and cool, aren't I? I am! I really am!!!

(You smile.)


These really are just random.

(Some papers.)

(You pick one at random...)


This lets you open the locked room on Floor 2.

(There's a note with the word "openphrase123" written on it.)

If you don't know what an openphrase is:

(What's an openphrase? You leave the note alone.)

If you do know:

(You look at it a little closer...)

Mirabelle (oh!1): Is that... An openphrase for something?

Isabeau (fufufu1): That sounds very safe and not at all stupid.


(Some vials.)

(Let's see...)

(You pick them up.)

(You got two SALTY BROTHS!)

(You give it to Bonnie for safekeeping.)

Repeated interaction: (Nothing else here.)

Horror books

(You find an anthology of horror stories.)

(On the cover, a handsome young man looks into the night fearfully but longingly.)

Isabeau (hahaha2): Oooh, Mira, looks like the kinda books you like, yeah?

Isabeau (huh1): Horror books... This one looks massive! What's this one ca--


First time:


(Mirabelle's yelling made you jump.)

Subsequent times:


Bonnie (no!2): Did someone keep it from you???

Odile (awkward1): What is it, anyway?

Mirabelle (anxious2): It's a full anthology all about pure-hearted boys being subjected to awful monsters and horror situations!!!

Mirabelle (excited1): Seeing them screaming in fright... I cannot help but root for them, and at the same time be happy I am not in their situation!!!

Mirabelle (happy2): There is something lovingly touching about those tales, something wonderfully hopeful!!!

Mirabelle (happy1): I cannot help but read them and pray for their survival!!!

Bonnie (serious1): So... So do they usually survive? Or do the monsters catch them?

Mirabelle (anxious2): Well...

Mirabelle (awkward1b): ...Fifty-fifty?

Bonnie (serious1): What...

Mirabelle (excited1): B-but also...! The catharsis that fills my whole being when they get caught... There is something very wonderful about that, too!!!

Odile (lol1): The schadenfreude?

Mirabelle (angy1): THE SCHADENFREUDE!!!!!!!!!

Bonnie (ew1): Cat-fart-sis... Ska-den-froo-ber...

Isabeau (fufufu1): Don't worry about it, Bonbon. I too am also lost.

Mirabelle (awawa1): It's just, it's very good!!! Very moving!!!! Makes me feel like I went on a run!!!

Mirabelle (happy2): And also sometimes the heroes end up bonding with the monsters, too...

Bonnie (and then1): What!!!

Isabeau (hahaha2): Oh, romance!!! I understand the romance part!!!

If you interacted with the bookshelf in Mirabelle's room in the same loop:

Odile (isthatso1): Books about terrible things happening to good people, huh...

Odile (lol2): When we finally get our book club going, I would love to know if you have more books like this one.

Mirabelle (excited1): BOY DO I!!!!!!

ACT 2:

(You laugh quietly.)

(You hope they get to have their book club soon.)

ACT 3:

(You smile.)

(Some things stay the same.)

ACT 4:


Odile (isthatso1): I understand all those parts, actually... Any books you'd recommend?

Mirabelle (excited1): Absolutely!!! I'll lend you some of my favorites once we...

Mirabelle (wonder1): Well... Once we finally escape a horror tale of our own, I suppose...

Odile (lol3): Haha... I'm looking forward to it.

Repeated interaction:

Orange Poem

Spaces are used here to represent pauses in order to preserve the poem's delivery.

(There's a bunch of unfinished poems on the desk.)

(Isabeau slaps his hand on one of them.)

Isabeau (hahaha2): Miraaaaaaa!

Mirabelle (anxious1): Yes, yes, I'm reading...

"Oranges  are nice."

"Oranges  are soft."

"Oranges  are frail."

"When you look at me  I feel  like one."

"Your fingernail  digs  into  my cheek."

"Peel an orange open..."

(The poem ends here...)

Isabeau (oh!1): Is this.........

Isabeau (hahaha2): A CLUE?

Odile (awkward1): No, it's just someone's unfinished poem.

Isabeau (brag1): Let's finish it for them!

Odile (urgh1): Do we have time? Do we really have time to do this right n--

Isabeau (fufufu1): "Peel an orange open..."

Isabeau (brag1): ..."Orange juice comes out!!!"

Odile (hm1): Oh gems...

Mirabelle (anxious2): Um, um... "Peel an orange open..."

Bonnie (sulk1): The person who wrote this is the orange, right?

Odile (dotdotdot1): That seems to be one interpretation, yes.

Bonnie (victory1): Okay, so... "I die."

Isabeau (fufufu1): Hm, hm, very literal, very nice...

Mirabelle (awkward2): Blood oranges...? Something with that... Something bloody but poetic...

Odile (doubt1): I haven't heard a single good idea yet.

Isabeau (neutral1): M'dame, do you have something then?

Odile (huh4): No.

Isabeau (brag1): Yeah, yeah, leaving us young people to do the job, I get it.

Isabeau (neutral1): Sif, your turn!

"It gets very a-peel-ing!"

Isabeau (LMAO1): HA!!!!!!

Odile (hm1): Siffrin...

(You take a bow.)

(No one except Isabeau claps.)

"Is it nice and sweet?

Isabeau (fufufu1): Ah, a question ending...

Isabeau (hahaha1): In poetry, they call that a cliffhanger!

Odile (hm1): No they don't.

"Blood on your hands!

Isabeau (hahaaa1): ......Huh?

Mirabelle (happy1): Bloody AND poetic!!! I like it!

Mirabelle (awkward1b): I just... didn't think this would be the type of writing you navigated towards, though?

Isabeau (disappointed1): Yeah, that's...

Isabeau (hahaha2): ...That's the power of writing for you!!!

Mirabelle (happy1): It's true!!!

Isabeau (hm2): ...

(You look away.)

Repeated interaction:

(The poem lays here, unfinished.)


(A note for a festival that was supposed to take place...)