Favor Tree, ACT 6
Sources: Map 213 (Village Tree (LOOP)), Common Events 263 (LoopBattle1), 264 (LoopbattleEnd), 265 (SmallEvents)
Text for visiting the Favor Tree in ACT 6, including onehats (no Loop encounter) and twohats (Loop encounter).
"US" refers to Siffrin portraits without the hat used in ACT 6. "TS" refers to Siffrin portraits used in ACT 5. Occasionally, this page uses extended spaces to represent pauses in dialogue.
Onehat (No Loop)
Returning to the Favor Tree in ACT 6 without meeting the required conditions.
(The Favor Tree.)
(You take a step forward...)
(The sun is shining.)
(The wind is blowing through the village.)
(The tree's leaves rustle around gently.)
(There's no one under the tree.)
(You walk a little farther, look around, trying to see if there's anything left behind, but...)
(There's nothing. Loop is gone.)
(Why...? Where did they go?)
(Or... They were here to help you with the loops, weren't they...?)
(The loops won't happen anymore, you're too weak for it, so...)
(Has Loop disappeared too?)
(Because they were here to help you, and their task is over?)
(Why... You didn't have time to apologize, to thank them...)
(You didn't have time to thank them for helping you this whole time!)
(That's not... Fair...)
(You remember another ritual, from your past. A tradition.)
(That when you visit a grave, you should always leave something behind.)
(Something you've carried with you for a long time, to leave behind a memory of you for their journey.)
(You look into your pockets, and gently put your Silver Coin where Loop used to sit.)
Siffrin (US_neutral1) "Goodbye, Loop."
Siffrin (US_sad2) "And thank you."
(The sun hits the coin, making it almost glow.)
(The trees around you are silent.)
(You walk back.)
Twohats (Loop fight)
Returning to the Favor Tree in ACT 6 after meeting the required conditions.
The conditions are as follows:
- Interact with the Silver Coin until "The Incident" monologue triggers. (Screen turns black and an extended scene of narration plays out.)
- Show the Silver Coin to Loop after seeing the previous scene.
- Visit the Favor Tree in ACT 6.
Approaching the tree
(The Favor Tree.)
(You take a step forward...)
(The sun is shining.)
(The wind is blowing through the village.)
(The tree's leaves rustle around gently.)
(There's no one under the tree.)
(You walk a little farther, look around, trying to see if there's anything left behind, but...)
(There's nothing. Loop is gone.)
(Why...? Where did they go?)
(Or... They were here to help you with the loops, weren't they...?)
(The loops won't happen anymore, you're too weak for it, so has Loop disa--)
(You see something shine, where Loop used to sit.)
(You pick it up.)
(It's a Silver Coin.)
(A silver coin? But...)
(. . .)
The player can now move freely.
Reapproaching the Favor Tree
(The Favor Tree.)
Using the coin
To advance, use the new Silver Coin item close to the Favor Tree.
Away from the Favor Tree:
(You should look at this near the Favor Tree.)
Close to the Favor Tree:
(It's the silver coin you found under the Favor Tree.)
(You look at it from all angles.)
(. . .)
(It's a simple silver coin. Vaugardian currency. Nothing makes this coin different from any other silver coin out there. It has no recognizable grooves, no special design.)
(And yet, you know.)
(You've seen this coin before.)
(You've traveled with a similar one before, after all.)
(Journeyed across time with one.)
(The one item you could never get rid of.)
(And this coin you found under the Favor Tree, where Loop used to sit...)
(This coin you're holding is a perfect copy of yours.)
(But your own coin is still in your pocket.)
(So... Why was a perfect copy of your own coin... Here...?)
(. . .)
Siffrin turns to look at the Favor Tree.
Siffrin (US_neutral1) "Loop."
Siffrin (US_serious1) "Loop, answer me."
Siffrin (US_question1) "Or should I call you by your previous name, instead?"
Loop's feet become visible under the Favor Tree's leaves.
Loop (ew1) . . .
(Loop is here.)
(Loop is staying silent, looking away, letting you look at them.)
(There's nothing about their appearance that you recognize from your reflection in a mirror, but...)
If you guessed correctly:
(But you were right, weren't you? This whole time?)
If you did not:
(But you're certain.)
(This is you.)
(You take your own silver coin out of your pocket, then flip it, aiming it towards Loop for them to catch.)
(They take it out of the air without looking, and mindlessly roll it across their fingers.)

Loop ...
Loop . . .
Loop Oh, stardust...
Loop So, you've won, haven't you?
Loop You broke the loops? Defeated the King? Talked to your party?
Loop Realized that all along, the reason you were stuck here was because of a stupid blinding wish you made?
Loop Awwwwwww.
Loop I'm soooooo happy for you.
Loop You got your perfect ending, after all.
Loop And now... I have nothing left to say to you.
Loop So you should go.
Siffrin (...) "..."
Loop Why are you still here?
Loop What do you want me to say?
Siffrin (...) "..."
Loop Hahaha... Oh, stardust!
Loop You know, you know, I was just like you, once!
Loop A stupid, aimless traveler, trying to find any reason to keep going!
Loop And then, I met everyone! And felt that finally, I had people I could count on, people I could love!
Loop And then, I got scared!
Loop And made the exact mistake you did!
Loop Make a stupid blinding wish, hoping I could stay with them!
Loop Went through the House, tried to fight the King, tried to win!
Loop Did that for so long, I couldn't even give you a number!
Loop And then... I couldn't do it anymore.
Loop You see, not unlike you a few hours ago, I did a very special kind of giving up.
Loop But unlike you, who gave up on your wish, and almost destroyed the world in the process...
Loop I gave up on my wish, and destroyed myself.
Loop And made another wish instead.

Loop I wished it could be over.
Loop I wished I could get out of here.
Loop I wished for someone to help me.

Loop For someone... Anyone, to help me!!!
Loop And someone did help me, right?
Loop The Universe did! They got me out of here!
Loop And trapped me in some other Siffrin's loops instead!!!
Loop And it was fine. It was different. It was even peaceful, for a while.
Loop I didn't have to stay inside the House, trying to defeat the King.
Loop I didn't have to fight, I didn't have to struggle, I didn't have to do anything.
Loop I just had to watch, and be happy that at least, I wasn't the only idiot out there who trapped themselves eternally in time.
Loop I just had to be happy that at least, this time, it wasn't me.
Loop And now.
Loop And now.
Loop AND NOW, YOU--!!!!!!!
Loop (hm1) So! Since you won't leave, here's what I'm thinking...
Loop (teehee3) Let's fight, you and I! Let's have a cute, minuscule, old-fashioned little fight like a bonded couple.
Loop (fake2) Okay~?
Siffrin (US_serious1) "..."
Loop (lol4) Ha...
Loop (fake1) Nothing to say, still?
Loop (fake1) Haha...
With the brief rewind of a cassette, Loop's portrait changes to Siffrin's for a split second. The next two lines display as one in game, with the portrait changing in time with the text.
Loop (TS_angry2) STARS,
Loop (shock2) killing you will make me SO HAPPY.
Loop (lol5) Are you ready?
Siffrin (US_neutral1)
Loop (teehee2) No, you don't get a choice! We're doing it!!!
Loop (fake1) Let's go, stardust~~~~~~!!!!!!
Battle start
Loop Let's just get right to it.
Battle text
Battle start
(It's you.)
Subsequent turns
(Loop is ready for you.)
Loop's attacks
Phase 1
[loop attack]: LOOP attacks!
[loop big attack]: LOOP strikes!
[loop buff]: LOOP breathes in, and out.
Phase 2
[loop attack]: LOOP attacks!
[loop buy one get one three]: LOOP doesn't wink, and attacks.
[loop buff]: LOOP gives a sarcastic toast.
[loop regen]: LOOP breathes in, and out.
[loop just attack]: LOOP strikes.

Upon HP dropping to 0
Loop looped back.
Loop recovers all of their HP.
Death 1
Loop AH--!!!
LOOP loops back.
Loop ...
Loop Teehee... Here's a tutorial for you!
Loop [If I die, I can loop back!]
Loop What? Surprised you're not the only one who can loop back?
Loop Hahaha...
Loop Have you forgotten?
Loop It's okay. I know you forget literally everything.
Loop That's just the kind of person you are!
(Keep fighting, keep fighting.)
Death 2
Loop Stage! Lights! Action! Teehee!!!
Loop You know, in a way, I am so very proud of you!
Loop You did so good, stardust~! I am so proud, stardust~!
Loop The Universe brought you to victory~! It only had to lead, and you followed~!
Loop And I suppose, what the Universe wanted from me, was to just shut up and take it!
Loop Everyone's favorite cosmic joke~!
Loop Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Death 3
Loop From main character, to stage director, to sponsor, to corpse!
Loop ...
Loop The King...
Prior to patch
Loop I could never beat him, did you know that?
After patch
Loop It took me dozens, hundreds, thousands of loops, just so I could beat him a single time, did you know that?
Loop No matter how hard I tried, the King always defeated me.
Loop And yet, look how easily you beat him, your first time!
Loop Oh, you may think it was easy, but just seeing you succeed...
Loop I was so blindingly angry!!!
Loop Why did you manage to beat him this easily?!
Loop What kept me from defeating him?!?
Loop What script was I following that kept me from victory?!?
Death 4
Loop changes forms. From smiling with their eyes closed, to clutching their face, single red eye blown wide.
Loop ...
Loop I finally saw your party, earlier.
Loop I did really well, this whole time. Made sure they never saw me.
Loop Made sure I never saw them.
Loop Those pale copies of the party I knew.
Loop I didn't want to see them, ever again.
Loop Didn't want to know.
Loop Hah, can you believe, I forgot their names, for a time?
Loop Despair and trauma does that to you, sometimes, doesn't it?
Loop . . .
Loop But... I had to talk to them, didn't I?
Loop I was ready to tell them everything... Tell them who I was, what happened to me, that they had to go after you...
Loop And yet... And yet, when they saw me...
Loop It was like they were looking at a stranger.
Loop . . .
Loop Can you imagine how it feels, stardust?
Death 5
Loop I loved them...
Loop I loved them...
Loop I loved them...!!!
Loop And yet, they didn't recognize me!!! Didn't remember me!!!
Loop Because, it never happened to me, did it? It happened to you!!!
Loop You're the one who got their perfect ending!!!!!!
Loop This... Remembering the times I spent with them, when they can't remember me, this is worse!
Loop This is worse than forgetting!!!!!!
Loop I wish I could forget, stardust!!!!!!
Loop Ooooh, stardust, do you know how this feels? Can you imagine it?
Battle End
If you defeat Loop six times.
Loop AH--!!!
(Loop flinched!!!)
(Seeing the opening, you strike.)
Siffrin wins
Loop Aaah...
(Loop can't fight anymore.)
(You've won.)
(. . .)

Loop . . .
Loop You...
Loop Siffrin, stardust, whatever our real name actually is...
Loop Just kill me.
Siffrin (Huh?) "Why?"
Loop "Why"...?
Loop Are you stupid? Isn't it obvious?
Loop I wanted to kill you!!!
Loop So I could take your place!!!
Loop I wanted what you have!!!
Loop Stars, I still do!!!
Loop You... You don't... You don't want another you walking around.
Loop You should just kill me and get on with your stupid life!!!
Siffrin (You laugh.) "My self-hatred isn't that strong that I'd literally kill another me.
Loop Hah... Hahaha...
If you've used the Dagger:
Loop So killing yourself is fine, but killing other selves is off limits?
Loop You've got weird priorities...
Loop ...But what if I'm asking you to? What if I want this?
Loop What if dying is the ending I want?!?
Loop Stardust, please, please, just kill me!!! I don't want to be here!!!
Loop What else is there for me now?!?
Loop You've won, so I should be gone!!!
Loop I can't go back to how it was before, because that past is gone!
Loop I can't go back to my friends, because they wouldn't recognize me!!!
Loop There's nothing else for me to do, no script to follow, no Universe to lead me, I--
Loop wins
If, at any point during the battle, Siffrin's HP drops to zero.
(Loop is above you, hands on your neck.)
(They'll kill you, you know they will.)
(No, it's not over yet!!!)
(You reach out, trying to loop back, but)
(There's nothing to reach out to.)

Loop Oh, stardust...
Loop Have you forgotten?
Loop You sure burned yourself out earlier with your little temper tantrum, haven't you...?
Loop So...
Loop You~ can't~ loop back~ a~ny~ more~~~
Loop Hahahahahahahahaha!!!
Loop So this is it, stardust!!! I'll kill you!!! I'll kill you now!!!
Loop Kill you get rid of you open up your ribcage take out my heart that beats in your chest!!!
Loop And I'll finally be able to take back what's mine!!!!!!
(No, no, no, they can't, not now, no--)
Loop Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Loop I'm sorry, stardust!!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!!
Loop But I want my perfect ending, too!!!!!!
Loop Why should you be the only one to get it?! I suffered, too!!! I endured, too!!!
Loop I deserve it just as much, no, even more than you do!!!
Loop I'll take it, I'm taking it!!! This perfect ending of yours!!!!!!
(No, no, no, you don't want to die, not now!!!)
(Not when everything was finally going to be okay!!!)
(You try to grab Loop's hands around your throat, push them away, get them off you, but they're not budging.)
(You can't escape.)
(No, no, no, no, no, no...)
(You clench your eye shut, trying to think of a way to escape, to not make them do this, to...)
(. . .)
(Loop isn't moving.)
(Above you, you hear Loop trying to take a breath.)
Loop No, I can't...
Loop I can't do this.
Loop Not when I had to see you fight so hard...!!!
Loop I can't, I can't, I can't!!!
Loop I can't...
Regardless of if you won or lost the fight.
(Loop sobs.)
Loop Why...
Loop Why did it have to be you...?
Loop I could've... I wanted to...
Loop If only back then, I... If I had held on longer... Maybe then.
Loop ...
Siffrin (Oh, Loop...) "But don't you get it?"
Loop ...
Loop What is there to get...?
Siffrin "Uh, the reason I succeeded, maybe?"
Loop What...?

Siffrin "It's thanks to you, Loop!"
Loop ...
Loop What...?
Siffrin "Without you, I would've given up, too."
Siffrin "You were here, at my side, telling me to keep going."
Siffrin "Yeah, you didn't tell me everything, yeah, you didn't know what to do..."
Siffrin "But just knowing that I wasn't alone... That you were here..."
Loop ...
Loop You're lying.
Siffrin "Not."
Loop YOU'RE LYING!!!!!!
Siffrin "Not!"
Loop YOU'RE--
Siffrin "Loop."
Siffrin "Mira sends her thanks, by the way."
Siffrin "They all do."
Loop Thanks?
Loop ...To me...?
Siffrin (You laugh.) "Who else helped them get all the way to the King?"
Siffrin "They told me to say thank you, for bringing them to me."
Siffrin "For saving me."
Loop ...
Siffrin "See?"
Loop ...
Loop Stardust...
Loop Why couldn't it be me...?
Siffrin "I don't know."
Siffrin "Maybe it was in the script."
Siffrin "Maybe it was what the Universe wanted."
Siffrin "Or maybe it's no one's fault."
Loop ...
Siffrin "I'm sorry, Siffrin."
Siffrin "And thank you, Loop."
Siffrin "Without you, I would've given up a long time ago."
Siffrin "Thank you for helping me, this whole time."
Loop . . .
(Loop doesn't respond.)
Siffrin (. . .) "...Loop, we can--"
Loop Siffrin.
(You flinch.)
Loop ...
Loop Please.
Loop You're going to have to talk to them, from now on.
Loop No more keeping how you feel from them. We both know where this leads.
Loop And if one day, no matter what you do, everyone's paths and yours diverge...
Loop You'll have to learn to be okay with it.
Loop We can't... We can't do this again.
Loop Hold them hostage, against their knowledge, against their will, just because we're lonely.
Loop Learning to talk to them... Learning to let go...
Loop It'll be hard. It'll feel impossible. You might think you'd rather die than share how you feel.
Loop After all, isn't bottling things up the reason you managed to break the loops?
Loop You didn't have to tell them anything until the very end, and it turned out fine, didn't it?
Siffrin (...) "But..."
Siffrin "But if I had talked to them earlier, then maybe..."
Loop Yeah, dummy. If only you had been strong enough to talk to them, maybe this whole story wouldn't have happened at all.
Loop If only...
Loop . . .
Loop Oh well. It doesn't matter now.
(You can barely see Loop's hands anymore.)
Siffrin "Loop..."
Siffrin "Where will you go now?"
Loop Oh, stardust...
Loop ...
Loop I don't know! I'll join you so we can be one? I'll die? I'll stay under this tree forever?
Loop Does it matter?
"It does!!!"
Loop Haha...
Loop ...You're sweet, stardust.
Loop ...
"...I guess it doesn't."
Loop Exactly!
Loop What happens next doesn't matter.
Loop So you can imagine anything!
Loop ...Aw, don't worry, stardust.
Loop Somehow... I'm sure I'll see you again.
Loop You... And everyone else.
Loop Mirabelle, Isabeau, Odile, and Bonnie.
Loop I need to accept their thanks in person, don't I? That's just basic etiquette.
Loop A-And I'll need to give you back your silver coin eventually!
Siffrin "You do."
Loop ...Hm.
Loop I'll see you all again soon enough, stardust.
Loop I promise! I super promise! I super duper promise!
Loop So don't forget me, okay...?
Loop's Silver Coin
Interacting with Loop's Coin after battling them.
(This is Loop's silver coin.)
(They must've spent a lot of time carrying it around, too.)
(You flip it once, twice, three times.)
(You'll see each other again!)