Favor Tree

All text for the Favor Tree. Primarily contains story events.



(The sign says: "Favor Tree".)


ACT 1, before making a wish

(Don't forget to check the Favor Tree!)

ACT 2, before meeting Loop

(Now that you're here, you'd like to check the Favor Tree.)

After Bad Touch, before talking to Loop


(You can tell Loop is looking at you.)

Kingquest, before having the final talk with Loop


(You need to talk to Loop.)


Before talking to Isabeau

(No time to run around anymore.)

(You have to talk to Isabeau.)

After talking to Isabeau

(You have to talk to Loop.)


Too early

Approaching the Favor Tree before Isabeau leaves.

(This is the Favor Tree.)

(There's nothing for you to do there right now...)


Wishing upon the Favor Tree in ACT 1. Only possible once Isabeau is gone.

Siffrin approaches the tree. Birds chirp.

Siffrin stares up at the Favor Tree looming over him.

(The Favor Tree looms above you.)

(You slowly walk closer to the trunk of the tree, where you can see some leaves you can grab.)

(You need a leaf to ask the Favor Tree for something, after all.)

(You look around for a leaf you like, and think.)


(Asking for a favor from a higher power like a big tree sounds pretty close to a wish, you think.)

(A wish, a wish...)

(The Favor Trees seem to be popular among people in Vaugarde lately. You think that if people came to make a wish, they'd probably wish for Vaugarde to be saved...)

(You don't really need to add another wish like that to the pile. The trees are probably already on it.)

(But you'd feel bad wishing for something big and taking away from everyone's wish to save Vaugarde.)

(Something small, then. Something simple. Something nice.)


(Okay, you have a few ideas... But you can only choose one.)

(You wish...)

  • (...to visit more places with Mirabelle.)

    (Mirabelle has changed so much since you've met her...)

    (She doesn't realize it, but now she's able to talk to people while looking them in the eyes. Sometimes she even snarks back when you tease her, which you didn't think was even possible.)

    (You'd like to continue traveling with her and see her get even more comfortable expressing herself.)

  • (...to wear clothes Isabeau has made.)

    (You didn't expect to have so much fun traveling with Isabeau.)

    (You often joke together, but you never really talk about real, important things... You're glad he told you about his dream to become a clothing designer. It suits him.)

    (To talk to him, and watch him as he crafts clothes for you to wear... Seeing his smile as you wear something he created himself... It would make you happy.)

  • (...to go with Odile to see her country.)

    (Ka Bue is where Odile is from... She probably knows all the cool places.)

    (Even if she doesn't, talking with Odile is always interesting. You're both strangers to this country, ignorant of its culture, so you have a lot in common.)

    (Being with Odile is easy. Sometimes you feel like she understands you better than you understand yourself.)

    (You'd like to talk with her more so you can understand her, too.)

  • (...to be here when Bonnie reunites with their sister.)

    (Bonnie has been distant from you lately...)

    (You're not sure why.)

    (But you'd like to be here when they see their sister again...)

    (They miss their sister so much. Sometimes you can hear them cry out at night, calling their sister's name.)

    (If you could help them save her, help them get back to their sister and see her safe and alive... You'd like to do that. You want them to be happy.)

(You want to stay with them!)

(A wish in mind, you look at the leaf you've chosen, and wish.)

(You breathe your wish into the leaf, repeat it three times, and fold the leaf closed, keeping your wish safe.)

(All done!)

(Gently, you let the leaf go, and walk back to the town.)

(You have a sleepover to go to, after all.)

Siffrin steps away from the tree and turns back toward the path to town.


(The Clocktower to the east of town, past the broken bridge, huh? It may be time for you to head out there...)

Returning after making a wish

(The Favor Tree is here.)

(You can see the leaf with your wish swaying gently in the wind.)


Meeting Loop

Siffrin approaches the tree. Birds chirp.

(The Favor Tree.)

(Isabeau said the tree felt "weird"...)

(And you heard someone telling you to come here, didn't you?)

(What was that voice...?)


(You walk towards the tree.)

Siffrin takes two steps forward, now under the canopy's shade.

(...The tree is so big, everything under it is dark as night, but...)

(You feel like someone is here, sitting at the foot of the tree.)

(Looking at you.)

(Cautiously, with a hand on your dagger, you walk towards the base of the tree.)

(. . .)

(Well, uh, you found someone alright.)

Siffrin "Uh, hello, stranger."

Loop sitting under the Favor Tree. Their legs are crossed, and their hands are on their knees. Though their body faces toward the right, their head is turned straight ahead, staring intently at the viewer.

??? ...Hello, stranger.

??? (subdued1) ...

Siffrin (surprised1) (A... star?) "..."

??? (subdued1) ...

The stranger's silly theme music begins to play.

??? (lol1) My, struck speechless at the sight of me, aren't you?

??? (lol5) You're so cute, stardust!

Siffrin (um1) (Stardust?!?) "Um--"

??? (lol3) Aw, Siffrin, look at you. All lost and confused.

Siffrin (surprised1) (Huh? Wait...) "How do you know my--"

??? (happy2) Why wouldn't I know? You're Sif! Siffrin!

??? (well3) No middle names, no last name! Just Siffrin!

??? (hmmm1) I shouldn't wonder why you look like this, though. It makes sense that you'd feel overwhelmed!

??? (teehee1) Considering this is your first loop, and all.

Siffrin (surprised2) (HUH!??!) "HOW DO YOU--"

??? (lol5) Aw, of course I know, stardust!

??? (teehee1) I know about you, I know about your party, about the loops, about that funny silver coin you carry--

Siffrin (surprised2) (Alright, that's it.) "CAN YOU STOP TALKING PLEASE"

??? (hmmm1) Oh stars, no need to yell.

??? (teehee3) Let's take a deep breath in, and out, okay? Breathe with me, let's go. In...

(Your head hurts and your hands are shaking and your heart is beating like it's about to explode, so you probably should.)

(Slowly, following the astral being, you breathe in, and out.)

??? (well2) Pheeeeeeeeeee e e e ew.

??? (happy1) Alright! Who I am, right?

??? (well3) Hm, well, let's see, let's go with...

??? (lol5) Loop. Your ally Loop, here to help you with the loops. Easy to remember, right?

Loop (teehee2) And for pronouns, you may address me with the royal We.

Siffrin (um2) (Um.) "That doesn't make ANY sense."

Loop (lol4) Ah, yes, that's true, isn't it?

Loop (teehee3) Then use they/them for me. I'm sure you'll think about me all the time, so you might as well know what pronouns to use!

(Yeah, better know this one's pronouns so you can think very clearly in your head that they're getting on your nerves.)

Siffrin (okay2) (Your turn, you guess.) "I use--"

Loop (happy1) He/they, I know. It's in your profile.

Loop (lol3) I can read, you know!

Siffrin (awkward1) "My what now--"

Loop (teehee2) Anyway stardust, I'm here to help! Ask whatever questions your little heart desires!

(Yep, full blown headache now.)


Siffrin (okay2) (Questions, questions...) "You said I'm, uh, 'looping'?"

Loop (lol5) Oh, getting right into it! I like it, stardust!

Loop (lol1) Are you sitting down? You better sit down, you're gonna get a lot of info at once!


Siffrin sits down. Their feet are now visible under the Favor Tree's canopy, opposite Loop's.

(You sit down.)

Loop (teehee2) So! You're stuck in a time loop! Fun, right?

Loop (lol1) Which means that every time you die, you'll loop back, and you'll get to try it all over again!

Loop (lol3) No matter how horribly or stupidly you die, like, let's say, crushed by a giant rock, you will always come back!

Siffrin (surprised1) (They saw that...?) "Did you see--"

Loop (hmmm1) Of course I saw, stardust! How can I help you if I don't know what you're doing?

Loop (happy1) Also, you've probably noticed a lot of things got reset, right?

Loop (hm1) Your party members are saying the same things, all the items you got while you were in the House disappeared...

Siffrin (questions1) (Yeah, you noticed your pockets got emptier...) "Because I didn't pick anything up yet, right?"

Loop (teehee5) Stardust, you smart cookie, you got it!

Loop (hmmm1) So you'll have to pick them up again. If you want! Which you probably should, since you got a long road ahead of you.

Siffrin (questions1) (So what about...) "I have to pick up keys again, too?"

Loop (lol4) Yep! Every time! Well, until you learn.

Siffrin (um2) (Huh?) "Learn wh--"

Loop (teehee5) Anyway, this is a lot of information, but don't worry! You'll pick things up as you go along!

Loop (happy2) Oh, but your weapons and equipment won't be reset though! So that's good news!

Loop (lol1) Isn't it nice that you get to keep your cool powerful equipment?

Loop (teehee2) Especially since you, stardust, will keep whatever Experience you have, but the rest of your party won't. Compensate by having powerful weapons equipped!

(Your friends won't grow and get Experience like you?)

(You guess it makes sense, since they won't remember whatever enemies you face...)

Loop (fake2) Speaking of your party, you can tell them about the loops, if you want! They might be able to help, and nothing is keeping you from telling them, so...

Siffrin (neutral3) (Uh, why?) "Why would I tell them?"

Loop (happy1) Why wouldn't you? Don't you need help?

(Uh, you've just learned that you can start again as many times as you want and fix your mistakes.)

Siffrin (fufu1) (Why would you need help? You're the one in a position to help your friends here...) "I don't really need their help."

Loop (teehee3) Right, because you got me!

(NOT what you meant.)

Siffrin (okay2) (Questions, questions...) "What should I do now?"

Loop (well3) Hm, let's see...

Loop (teehee3) Have you tried Not Dying???


Loop (lol2) I dunno! Just an idea!

Loop (hm1) Just go back to the House and try again! And maybe die again? Guess we'll see!

Loop (teehee3) Remember: no death is wasted!

(Thanks, that was useless.)

Siffrin (okay2) (Questions, questions...) "Any advice?"

Loop (hm1) Advice, yes. I have advice.

Loop (happy2) Don't eat pineapples! You're allergic.

Siffrin (um2)

  • "........."

    Loop (hm1) Hey, you ask for advice, I give you advice!

  • "Am I?"

    Loop (lol1) You REALLY are. Don't try it!

Loop (lol3) ...Aw, you look so steamed! Okay, real advice, real advice...

Loop (well4) While you were talking to your party, didn't you see a weird symbol appear?

Loop (happy1) Two little triangles, maybe?

Loop (happy1) It might happen with some conversations you've heard before. If you see it, you can zone out by pressing the [button] button.

Loop (lol5) It makes you stop listening and makes conversations go faster. No point in staying aware for conversations you've already experienced, huh?

Loop (hm1) Let's try it with the next text box, so you know how it works.

The zone out symbol (A pixel art icon of two white right-facing arrows.) appears. Dialogue repeats until the assigned button has been pressed long enough to skip all of it.

Loop (teehee3) I am talking now, so press [button] whenever! Nope, that's the wrong button, stardust. Wrong again. I said [button]! Come on now, this is getting silly.

When pressing shift:

Loop (teehee3)

  • YEAH!!!!
  • You're doing it!!!
  • So proud of you!!!
  • YEAH!!!!
  • You're doing it!!!
  • Don't make the same mistakes I did, okay?
  • You're doing it!
  • So proud of you!!!

When letting go of shift:

Loop (hm1) No, don't press that, silly, press [button]! Let's try again.

(Yeah, that's it.)

Loop (teehee1) You did it! It'll take some time for you to get used to it, but it'll save you time, for sure.

Loop (teehee3) You might miss what your party is saying, but who cares, right? If you make them mad, you can always loop back and they'll have forgotten all about it!

Loop (well4) If you want me to say it another way...

Loop (teehee2) [If you see the zone out icon during a conversation, press [button] to fast-forward through it!]

(Ow ow ow ow.)

(You don't know how they did that, but their voice resonated through your head...)

(You've heard that voice before, yesterday-- Well, in another version of today, really...)

(So they WERE the voice you've been hearing, giving you advice?)

Loop (lol5) See, I'm useful. I'm very useful! That's why I'm here, helpful Loop.

(That IS useful, but...)

Siffrin (hide1) (...) "Why are you helping me?"

Loop (happy1) . . .

Loop (well2) Because I think you should be helped.

Loop (happy1) I won't always have the answers, but... I think having someone on your side to talk to is better than dealing with this alone.

Loop (lol1) Right?


Siffrin (um2) (...) "But I never asked for your help..."

Loop (lol3) Tough luck, stardust!!! I'll still help you out!!!

Loop (teehee4) Alright! That's all I have for you right now, but don't forget to come to me when you feel stuck, okay?

Loop (teehee3) I'll be right here under this tree! Don't forget! Bye!!!

(They wave at you excitedly.)

(You awkwardly wave back as you go...)

Siffrin walks away from the Favor Tree.

(Loop, huh...)

(They're a little annoying, but... If you do find yourself stuck at some point, or just need someone to talk to, they might be able to help...)



(You ran here to talk to Loop, to try to figure out what to do, but...)

(You can't look at them right now.)

(You can't.)

Loop (serious2) ...

Loop (lol4) So?

Siffrin (hide4) (...) "...I beat the King."

Loop (lol5) You did?!? Oh, stars above, I'm so proud of you!!! You did it!!! You succeeded!!! You--

Siffrin (angry1) "And yet I'm still here."

Loop (well2) ...Yes.

Loop (happy1) Indeed you are.

(...They don't seem surprised.)

(They don't seem surprised at all, do they?)

Siffrin (angry3) "Did you know this would happen?"

Loop (hm1) ...

Loop (happy1) I had a feeling, yes.


Loop (well2) But it felt cruel to tell you, so I didn't.

Loop (well2) You looked so...

Loop (teehee5) So happy and innocent and stupid!!! I just didn't have the heart to tell you!!!

Loop (sad1) ...I just didn't have the heart to tell you.

Loop (serious2) I knew from the start that the loops wouldn't end after defeating the King.

Siffrin (angry1) "Why not...?"

Loop (happy1) I don't know why it didn't end with beating the King.

Loop (happy1) I just knew it wouldn't.

Siffrin (hide4) (...) "I..."

Siffrin (hide4) "I never thought about the reason why I got this power."

Siffrin (hide4) "I just thought... It was to beat the King."

Siffrin (hide4) "That the Change God, someone, anyone, gave me this power to beat him."

Siffrin (hide5) "But if beating him made me loop back anyway..."

Loop (serious2) ...

Siffrin (hide5) "I don't know what to do now."

Loop (serious2) ...

Loop (happy1) So will you give up, then?

Loop (happy1) You're stuck in this loop, stardust.

Loop (happy1) Beating the King brought you back here. You don't know why. You don't even know how you even got this power.

Loop (happy1) You don't know if there's even a way to escape.

Loop (well2) So... Because there's no clear way to escape...

Loop (serious2) Will you give up?

(Give up...?)


(No. You're fine, aren't you?)

(Right now, you're alive. Right now, you can think. Right now, your allies are still here. Right now, you're not alone.)

(There's no reason to give up now, just because you're trapped.)

(If you're trapped, find a door, and open it.)

(And, you still have some doors to open, don't you?)

Siffrin (angry2) "The Head Housemaiden seemed to know something was wrong, didn't she?"

Loop (hm1) Ah... I guess she did.

Loop (hm1) She said something about... Something being broken? Failing?

Siffrin (serious1) "Did she mean the loops?"

Loop (oh1) The loops, breaking?

Loop (well3) ...That's possible.

Loop (serious2) Maybe the loops WERE supposed to stop after beating the King, but something went wrong somehow.

(And that's something you can find out.)

(You just need to talk to her again. Find out what she knows.)

Siffrin (angry2) "And the King..."

Loop (oh1) The King?! What about him?

Siffrin (hide1) "Something about his powers..."

Siffrin (angry2) "He can freeze people's time. And I can rewind time."

Loop (hm1) ...Yes, that's...

Loop (hmmm1) Both powers ARE related to time, aren't they?

Loop (hm1) I don't think I've ever heard about anyone who could control time before...

Siffrin (angry2) "Isn't that something to find out more about?"

Loop (happy1) ...I suppose so?

Siffrin (hide1) "Maybe I just need to ask him."

Loop (oh my1) Ask the King?!?

Loop (ew1) Well, um, sure, I suppose that might work?

Loop (well2) Talking to the King himself... I do wonder what he'd have to say.

Loop (happy1) It's worth trying!

Loop (sad1) ...And, stardust...

Loop (happy2) I know you're not interested in talking to your party about the loops. If so...

Loop (lol1) You'll have to make sure to act so they don't find out anything is wrong.

Loop (lol5) And you already failed this loop by making your Housemaiden worried about you, teehee!


(It's true. With the way you woke up, she's probably worried about you, even now...)

Loop (expressionnumber) She said she wanted to talk to you, didn't she? You should talk to her this loop, see what that's all about.

Loop (happy2) Add this to your brain list of things to do.

(There's quite a few things on it already.)

(Find out more about the King and his powers, to see if they're related to yours.)

(Talk to the Head Housemaiden, to see if she knows more about the loops.)

(Talk to Mirabelle this loop, see what's wrong. Might as well talk to everyone else after, too.)

(But see?)

(As long as you have paths you can follow... Questions to answer...Goals to strive for...)

(You'll be fine.)

(You're fine.)

Loop (serious2) ...



(Why is Loop helping you?)

(They appeared after you looped for the first time... And said they were here to help.)

(And they knew about the loops. Knew this whole time beating the King wouldn't help.)

(And they picked that name, didn't they? "Loop"?)

(Aren't they... Related to the loops, too?)

Siffrin (serious1) "Loop..."

Loop (teehee1) Hm~?

Siffrin (hide1)

  • "Are you really here to help me?"

    Loop (sad2) Stardust...

    Loop (serious2) Yes.

    Loop (serious2) If you can believe anything, believe that.

    Loop (subdued1) I asked to be here, so I could help you.

    Siffrin (serious1) "Why?"

    Siffrin (angry2) "Aren't you stuck here too, just because you're helping me?"

    Loop (well2) ...

    Loop (fake1) I reiterate, stardust: I asked to be here.

    Loop (teehee1) Don't worry about me. Being here is surprisingly restful!

    Loop (teehee3) I'm here to help you any way I can, and I mean it!!!


    (If they're offering their help...)

    (It'd be stupid not to take it, isn't it?)

  • "Nothing."

    (You don't really need to know, do you?)

    (You don't want to start doubting them.)

    (Loop said they're here to help you. That's all you need to know.)

Siffrin (hide1) "To answer your question, though..."

Loop (happy1) Hm?

Siffrin (angry2) "No, Loop."

Siffrin (angry3) "It's too early to give up."

Loop (well2) ...I'm very glad to hear that, stardust.

Loop (teehee3) Please don't give up, stardust!!! If the loops started, they can end!!!

Loop (lol6) It's just basic logic. I can guarantee that you won't be stuck here forever.

Loop (lol5) It's a Loop Guarantee!!!

Loop (teehee3) And as always, you can count on me to help you!

Loop (teehee3) If you need a refresher, or help figuring out where to go, I'll be here!

Loop (lol5) I'm here to help, stardust!!!

(You smile.)

Siffrin (hide1)

  • "...Thank you, Loop."

    Loop (lol4) GROSS!!!!!

    Loop (well2) It's my pleasure, stardust.

  • (Ew, no.)

    Loop (teehee4) ...

    Loop (lol4) Teehee, well...

Loop (happy3) In the meantime...

Loop (teehee3) How can I help you on this wonderful new loop, stardust?

Siffrin (neutral1) (...)

  • "What should I do next?"
  • "Let's talk about something."

    Loop (happy1) Sure. What do you want to talk about?

    See Loop Chats.

  • "I had a question about..."
  • "Nah, nothing."

    Loop (teehee5) Good luck, stardust!!!

    (Loop waves you goodbye excitedly.)

    (You wave back.)


Loop (away1) . . .

Siffrin (TS_away1) "..."

Loop (hm1) This was... Not the nicest thing you could've said?

Loop (sad2) To... Any of them?

Siffrin (TS_normal1) "Does it matter?"

Loop (hm1) Well... Um...

Loop (hmmm1) Yes? Why wouldn't it matter?

Siffrin (TS_away2) "They'll come with me to the House anyway."

Siffrin (TS_dismissive2) "They've always done it before."

Loop (sad1) ... Okay, but...

Siffrin (TS_fake1) "But it really doesn't matter!"

Siffrin (TS_fake2) "Because I've found it, Loop!!!"

Loop (hm1) Found it? Found what?

Siffrin (unhinged1) "How to break this loop! How to escape!!!"

Loop (oh1) What?! But--

Siffrin (TS_fake2) "I'm here to kill the King, aren't I?"

Siffrin (unhinged1) "Everyone's been wishing for it, for the King to be defeated, so that's why I'm here, aren't I?!"

Loop (hm1) Well, um...

Loop (sad2) Maybe? I don't--

Siffrin (unhinged1) "And, and, and!!!"

Siffrin (unhinged2) "Mira's always the one, isn't she?!"

Loop (oh1) The one? The one to what?

Siffrin (unhinged2) "The one to deal the final strike on the King!!!"

Loop (oh my1) ...And?

Siffrin (TS_unhinged2) (Why doesn't Loop get it?!?) "And if everyone's wish is centered on me..."

Siffrin (TS_fake2) "And if I'm the only one who's looping and remembering..."

Siffrin (TS_fake1) "And if time keeps rewinding after I kill the King..."

Siffrin (fake2) "The Head Housemaiden said it might be because the wish hasn't come true, right? So..."

Siffrin (unhinged1) "Isn't it rewinding because it's not me, the person who's in the middle of this, killing the King?!?"

Loop (oh1) ...

Loop (ew1) That...

Loop (ew1) . . .

Loop (away1) It can't be that simple, stardust.

Siffrin (unhinged1) "Maybe it IS that simple!"

Siffrin (unhinged2) "We've never thought about it, haven't we?"

Siffrin (unhinged1) "Maybe it WAS that easy, all this time!!!"

Loop (sad2) No, I...

Loop (sad2) I can say with certainty that it's not it.

Loop (serious2) It has to be something else...

Siffrin (scary1) "Why?"

Loop (hm1) Huh? Well, are you even sure you've never defeated the King yourself?

Loop (sad2) I'm sure it must've happened once or twice. You've been looping for a long time, so you might have forgo--

Siffrin (scary1) "'It must've happened once or twice'?"

Siffrin (TS_fake1b) "I'm certain I never defeated him myself."

Siffrin (TS_dismissive2) "And yet..."

Siffrin (TS_fake1) "How can you say it with certainty?"

Siffrin (TS_fake1)

Siffrin (TS_yahoo2) "Do you know something?"

Loop (guilty2) N-No, I don't know any more than you, stardust!!!


Loop (guilty1) It's just... I know that's not it.

Loop (guilty2) It has to be something else that's causing the loops, something else that can break them. Something--

Siffrin (TS_angry1) "THEN WHAT ELSE, LOOP?!?"






Siffrin (TS_despair2) "IT HAS TO BE THIS, LOOP, OR-- OR--"

The screen turns black with the sound of Siffrin hitting the ground.

(You fall to your knees.)

Siffrin "Or, or does it mean-- It means--"

Siffrin "It means I'm stuck here for good, aren't I?"

Siffrin "Forever?"

Loop ...

Loop . . .

(. . .)

Siffrin (No.) "You think I'm stuck here forever."

Loop What? N-No, I--

Siffrin "Loop."

Siffrin "You knew."

Siffrin "You knew this whole time."

Siffrin "You knew this whole time there was no escape."

Loop . . .

Loop Stardust...

Siffrin (Stars.) "No, no, no, no, no, no..."

Loop S-Stardust, I...

Siffrin "Why didn't you tell me?"

Loop ...

Siffrin "Why did you lie to me?"

Loop I-I didn't...

Loop I was b-brought here to help you, and-- And I thought, if I was here, we could--

Siffrin "You knew there was no way to break the loops?"

Loop I thought that if we tried, together, w-we'd--

Siffrin "YOU KNEW."

Siffrin "YOU KNEW!!!!!!"


Loop Stardust--





Loop . . .

Loop No.

Loop No, I didn't like to watch this at all.

Siffrin "Curse you, Loop."

Loop . . .

Loop Stardust...

Loop I...

Loop I'm sorry... I really am...

Loop . . .

Loop But please, stardust-- Siffrin!!! If we think, if we go through it all again, we can--

(You don't have time for this.)

A glitch and a smash cut. Siffrin is now outside the clocktower. It is now evening.

(The Clocktower.)

(You arrived later than usual.)

(Is everyone eating still?)

(You need to join them, and act normally this time, so you can all go to the House together tomorrow.)

(You don't care if they're not strong enough. You can make it on your own, defeat the King on your own.)

(You just want them here.)

Siffrin steps inside.