Isabeau Beginning Talk

Isabeau's dialogue in Dormont, both at the Favor Tree and in Dormont.

For the Bad Touch event, see here.

Source: Map034 (Village Tree (LOOP)), Common Event 130 (!!!IsabeauDormontConvo)


Conversation Starters

Favor Tree


(Isabeau is here, probably pondering what favor to ask the Tree.)

ACT 1 & 2

Siffrin (smiling3)

Loop 1

Siffrin (awkward1)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake1)

  • "Isa!" ACT 1 & 2

    Isabeau (sif!1) Sif!

    ACT 1

    Siffrin (lmao1)

    ACT 2

    Siffrin (smiling3)


    Isabeau (LMAO1) Sif!!!!!

    ACT 1

    Siffrin (lmao1)

    ACT 2

    Siffrin (smiling3)

    • "Isaaaaaaa!!!!!!!"

      First time this loop

      Isabeau (hahaha2) Sif!!!!!

      Second time this loop

      Isabeau (brag1) Okay, that's it!!! I'm ending this bit!!!

      Siffrin (boo1) (Aw.) "Booooo."

      Isabeau (fufufu1) That's how it has to be, Siffrin.

    • "Okay that's enough."

      Isabeau (boo1) Aw, boo!

  • "Hey, uh, Isa..." Loop 1

    Isabeau (really1) Hey, uh, Sif? Are you still half-asleep?

    Isabeau (really3) You should stop taking forever naps, Sif. Naps give you cotton brain.

  • "Isa." ACT 3 & 4

    Isabeau (really1) Sif. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed? I get it.

  • "Hi Isa, I need to do the Favor Tree thing!" Available fourth time onwards

    Isabeau (uwah!1) Oh! Sorry, I'm in your way then, aren't I? I'll get out of your hair, see you at the Clocktower!!!

    This skips asking Isabeau any questions, and he immediately leaves.

  • (Stay silent.) Available in ACT 4

    Isabeau (uwah!1) Wah! Sif! I didn't see you there!

Isabeau (up1) Anyway, I was just looking at the Favor Tree! Isn't this tree cool???


Siffrin (fufu1) (Hm...)

Loop 1

Siffrin (n-nya2) (Oh, wait, you remember this!)


Siffrin (smiling3) (Joke time.)

ACT 3 onwards

Siffrin (fake1) (Cue joke.)

"Yeah it is..."

Isabeau (hahaha2) Glad you agree!

ACT 1 & 2

Siffrin (fufu1)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake1)

  • "One could say it's a pretty..."

    Isabeau (sif!1) Uh huh???

  • (Stop here.) Available third time onwards

    (No. You will always make the joke.)

    ACT 3 & 4

    (You have to keep some sort of routine to stay sane, and if always making the joke is how, so be it.)

ACT 1 & 2

Siffrin (joke1)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake1)

"...TREE-mendous tree."

Isabeau (LMAO1) HAHAHA!!!!! YEAH!!!! YEAH!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!

(You both laugh.)

The Shoulder Touch

For the compliation of the entire romantic subplot, including Bad Touch, see here.

Before asking about the hand thing

(Laughing uproariously, he raises his hand towards your shoulder...)

(...but stops, and brings it to his side.)

Second time

(Didn't he do this before? What a weird gesture.)

Third time

(What's up with the hand???)

Fourth time

(Okay he did the hand thing again. You're too curious. You'll have to ask later.)

Subsequent times before asking

(You need to ask!!!)

Isabeau (sniff1) Haa... That was funny.

After asking about the hand thing

First time

(Laughing uproariously, he raises his hand towards your shoulder...)

(You get it now.)

(This is him   trying to touch you.)

(You freeze.)

(His hand is in the air.)

(And goes closer... Closer...)

(His hand   abruptly stops above your shoulder, and goes back to his side.)

Isabeau (sniff1) Haa... That was funny.

Second time

(Laughing uproariously, he raises his hand towards your shoulder...)

(You watch his hand get closer to you again.)

(Maybe this time...)

(Closer... Closer...)

(His hand   abruptly stops above your shoulder, and goes back to his side.)

Isabeau (sniff1) Haa... That was funny.

Third time

(You wait for him to touch you.)

(You're beginning to think he never will.)

(You look at his hand coming closer... Closer...)

(As expected, his hand stops above your shoulder.)

Isabeau (sniff1) Haa... That was funny.

Fourth time; only in ACT 3 onwards

(You wait for him to touch you. You wait for him to touch you. You wait for him to touch you.)

(He has to do it.   You will never do it yourself.)

(But he won't touch you because he thinks you don't want him to.)

(And you can't say it. Because. That's embarrassing.)

(That's life-ending, even.   Asking for someone's touch.)

(But please, you think. Please, please, please.)

(A flicker of movement makes you look at his face.)

(He looks   stricken. Sad.)

(Seeing you look at him, he laughs   and brings his hand down.)

(You wonder what face you were making as you were waiting for him to touch you.)

Isabeau (awkward1) ...

Subsequent times without getting the Confession

(You wait for him to touch you.)

(His hand stops above your shoulder.)

30% chance

(Is it fun to go back here? To keep torturing yourself?)

Isabeau (sniff1) Haa... That was funny.

Bad Touch

Fifth (or later) time getting the shoulder touch after getting Memory of Confession.

(You wait for him to touch you.)

(Why do you have to wait? Why do you have to wait? Why do you have to wait?)

(. . .)

  • (Keep waiting.)

    (His hand stops above your shoulder.)

    30% chance

    (Is it fun to go back here? To keep torturing yourself?)

    Isabeau (sniff1) Haa... That was funny.

  • (...)

    (Suddenly  you realize a very basic thing.)

    (He will never touch you.   He will never say it to you.   You will be stuck here forever.)

    (Stuck in your yearning.)

    (Unless   you're the one who breaks the cycle.)

    (You reach out.)

    Isabeau ...

    Isabeau Uh, Sif?

    Isabeau Ah--

    Siffrin pulls Isabeau down by the collar. Though their faces aren't visible, it's obvious that Siffrin kissed Isabeau.
    Isabeau reels back. He holds up a hand between himself and Siffrin. His eyes are obscured by shadow and his expression is shocked.

    (He  pushed you away.)


    Time rewinds.

    Siffrin (fake3) "Hi Isa, I need to do the Favor Tree thing!"

    Isabeau (uwah!1) Oh! Sorry, I'm in your way then, aren't I? I'll get out of your hair, see you at the Clocktower!!!

    The conversation ends here, and Isabeau cannot be spoken to for the rest of the loop.

After Bad Touch

(You take a step back.)

(He does not reach towards you.)

Isabeau (sniff1) Haa... That was funny.

Tree's weird

ACT 2, Loop 1 only, when talking to Isabeau at the Favor Tree. Occurs after the shoulder touch but before asking questions.

Isabeau (wonder1) Anyway! The tree feels weird somehow... Or maybe it's just me?

Siffrin (surprised1) (What?) "The tree feels weird?"

Isabeau (wonder1) Yeah! Like, it feels... weird.

Isabeau (surprised1) But not mean! Like if a lion came towards you and offered you some candy, that'd be weird, right? That kinda weird!

Siffrin (okay1) (...What.)

  • "Sure."

    Isabeau (hahaha2) Aw, you always get me, Sif!

  • "Did you say that last time...?"

    Isabeau (wonder1) Last time...? What d'you mean? I just started feeling like this now!

(...The tree feels weird?)

(Maybe you should go take a look at it...)

Isabeau (blush1) ...Um...

You can then ask Isabeau questions as normal.

Question start at the Favor Tree

Isabeau (neutral1) I'm gonna go soon so you can do your thing with the tree, but do you wanna talk before I go?

Second time only, if you haven't talked to any other party member yet

[You don't need to talk to your allies about things you've already talked about, but the option is still here just in case you need a refresher!]


Kingquest variant

The loop immediately after that one scene in Kingquest. Happens at the Favor Tree and makes Isabeau leave to Dormont North.

Isabeau (hahaha1) Si--

Isabeau (sad4) Woah, what's wrong?

Siffrin (fake3) "I need to do the Favor Tree thing."

Isabeau (hahaaa1) Oh. Do you... Need me to leave?

Isabeau (brag1) Sure. But let's talk later, okay?

Isabeau leaves. Siffrin approaches the Favor Tree.

Questions start in northern Dormont


Isabeau (hahaha2) Hi again, Sif! What's up?

First Loop of ACT 3

After beating the King for the first time, leaving the meadow takes you straight to Loop, so the "initial" conversation with Isabeau is in Dormont North.

(Isabeau is here, looking towards the House.)

Isabeau (wonder2) Hi again, Sif?

Isabeau (sad2) You looked like you were in a hurry earlier, so I left you alone, but... Is everything okay?

(You smile and nod.)

Isabeau (sad3) ...

Isabeau (really1) Sure, I'll believe you.

Isabeau (hahaha2) What's up?


ACT 1 & 2

Siffrin (questions1) (Questions for Isa...)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake1) (...)

"Clocktower, sleepover?"

"What's up with the big tree?"

"What will you do after?" ACT 1

"Anything weird happen lately?" ACT 2 onwards

"Can I help you with anything?" ACT 3 onwards

"What's up with the hand thing?" Second time onwards; only once

"Flower for you."

(Stay silent.) ACT 4


"Clocktower, sleepover?"

Isabeau (hahaha2) Huh? A sleepover? Crab yeah!

Isabeau (wonder2) Doesn't the clocktower have only three beds though...? I'm guessing Bonbon and Mira will share, and m'dame Odile will take her own...

Isabeau (yeah!1) Which means we'll share beds again, Sif! I got dibs on the left side!

ACT 1 & 2

Siffrin (fufu1)


Siffrin (smiling2)


Siffrin (fake1)

  • "Sure!"

    Isabeau (hahaha2) Yay!!!

    Isabeau (really1) But please try to not hog the covers this time. It's getting cold at night.

  • "I'm actually sharing with Mira."

    Isabeau (huhwah1) What??? Are you??? But WHY?!?

    Isabeau (hahaha1) ...You're smiling! You're messing with me, aren't you?

    Isabeau (yeah!1) You should know this, Sif! I'll always be at your side, whether in battle or in bed!

    Isabeau (omgggg1) ...UM, Y-YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!!!!!!

    ACT 1 & 2

    (What a nice guy.)

    ACT 3 & 4


"What's up with the big tree?"

Isabeau (neutral1) Oh? You don't know about the Favor Tree?

If you asked him to leave to do the Favor Tree thing

Isabeau (wonder2) ...But didn't you just ask me to leave so you could...

(Oh, oops.)

(You did just ask him to leave the Favor Tree, didn't you...)

Isabeau (hahaha1) ...You know, Sif, you can just ask me if you need anything! No need for those theatrics!!!

Isabeau (fufufu1) But I understand. I will now answer your weird question.

Isabeau (fufufu1) Well, it's just a random big tree. But when you're a believer of the House of Change, the biggest tree in a certain place is called a Favor Tree!

Isabeau (wonder2) "It's like, it’s the tree with the most power, so you can ask it things? As a favor?

Isabeau (brag1) Like, "Please help me pass my Defender exams!!!!!" Which is like, a totally random example.

Loop 0

Siffrin (okay1) (Wasn't Isabeau a Defender...?)

Loop 1

Siffrin (questions1) (Just say the same thing...)


Siffrin (smiling1) (...)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake1) (You know your lines.)

"Did you ask a mythical tree to help you pass your exams?"

Isabeau (brag1) And I passed with flying colors, thank you very much!!!

Isabeau (really1) Well, I did study very hard, so it's not like the tree did much. But even a little bit helps!

Isabeau (hahaha2) You should ask the tree for a favor too! It's a big day tomorrow!

Loop 1

(You already did.)

(No point in asking for another one...)

After reading the book on Wish Craft in the Secret Library

(The Favor Tree...)

(Wish Craft...)


"What will you do after?"

Only available in ACT 1.

Isabeau (wonder1) After we beat the King?

Isabeau (hahaha1) Wow, Sif! So confident! So cool! I like it!!!

Isabeau (wonder2) I think I'll just return home to Jouvente... I don't have anything else planned!

Isabeau (sad1) ...I wonder how Jouvente is doing. When we left it, it was still standing, moving, but I think the King's Curse may have caught up to it...

Siffrin (smiling3) (So then...) "Will you take your job back?"

Isabeau (awkward1) Nah, being a Defender has kinda lost its shine.

Isabeau (yeah!1) I always admired the Defenders, y'know? It's all about protecting your neighborhood, your city!

Isabeau (brag1) Helping them out with whatever they need, be it getting a cat from a tree or helping an old man with his bags!

Isabeau (sad1) But when Mira came to Jouvente asking for help, after Dormont's House had fallen...

Isabeau (sad1) I was ready to help, for all of Jouvente's Defenders to help, and you know what they said?

Isabeau (boo1) "Nah."

Isabeau (angry1) And I could tell that they said that because they were scared! The worst Defenders see is like, a robbery maybe!

Isabeau (angry1) So suddenly helping to save Vaugarde was too much for them!

Isabeau (angry2) But not helping because you're scared... I just couldn't accept that. That's not brave.

Isabeau (brag1) So I quit, and I won't go back! I'll do something else... Maybe it's time for me to do something brand new!

Isabeau (fufufu1) I got a secret... I've always wanted to be a clothing designer! So maybe I could just take an apprenticeship somewhere...!

Siffrin (smiling2) (You never knew.) "That sounds great, Isa."

Isabeau (fufufu1) Heheh... I knew you'd approve!

Isabeau (neutral1) What about you, Sif? What will you do when we beat the King?

Siffrin (smiling3) (What will you do...?) "Start a comedy club."

Isabeau (really1) Wait, really? Are you serious?

Siffrin (blep1)

  • "Yes absolutely."

    Isabeau (fufufu1) Yes... Finally more people will be able to hear your puns...

  • "Nah."

    Isabeau (boo1) Aw! That would've been cool!!!

"Anything weird happen lately?"

Available from ACT 2 onwards. Asking gets you a Pre-Dialogue.

Loop 1

Isabeau (wonder2) Yeah! The tree!

Isabeau (angry2) I told you, something feels off.

Isabeau (hahaha2) ...But I have other things to worry about, so who cares!

Loop 2

Isabeau (wonder2) Um...

Isabeau (boo1) The tree felt a little weird earlier, so I thought something was wrong, but it passed, so I guess it's fine.

First time

Siffrin (fufu1) (Oh!) "I know what's wrong with it."

Isabeau (really1) Oh? What's wrong with it?

Siffrin (joke1) "It has a parasite."

Isabeau (wonder1) A... parasite. What kind?

Siffrin (expressionnumber) "The shiny, annoying kind."

Isabeau (angry2) ...So a firefly has taken over the tree...

(You nod.)

Isabeau (angry2) ...

Isabeau (really1) That IS weird.

(Sure is.)

"Can I help you with anything?"

Available from ACT 3 onwards.

If you've already done all other Friendquests in the same loop, the option reads "Hey, I finished helping everyone out."

If you chose "Give me a second...", the option instead reads "Let's hang out now!" and picks up at the same spot as "I'm ready now!"

A lot of dialogue here is dependant on whether Isabeau's Friendquest has been completed for the first time. For simplicity's sake, these are "Before the quest" and "After the quest".

Before helping everyone else

Isabeau (wonder2) Do I need help with anything... Um...

Isabeau (angry2) . . .

Isabeau (wonder1) Well... Maybe, kind of, but...

Isabeau (wonder2) Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Before the quest

(It seems serious... Does he have a big problem he needs help with?)

(You steel yourself.)

After the quest


Isabeau (wonder2) ...

Isabeau (fufufu1) Okay, well...

Isabeau (really1) I'd rather you ask everyone else if they need help, first. Mine might take some time.

Before the quest

(Huh... A task so long it might take a long time?)

(It must be really important to him.)

(You nod seriously.)

After the quest; ACT 3

(Time to see what's the best place to look at the stars, maybe...?)

(You nod.)



(You nod.)

Isabeau (hahaha1) Heh, so serious!

Isabeau (neutral1) So, um, yeah! Make sure to help everyone and do whatever you need to do, first!

Subsequent times asking before helping everyone

Isabeau (wonder2) Hm, you haven't helped everyone yet, right?

Isabeau (hahaha1) I'd rather wait until you're done!

(Sounds like you'd better help everyone else in the same loop first.)

After helping everybody else

  • If you did not ask Isabeau if he needs help this loop

    Isabeau (neutral1) Huh? Oh, that's cool!

    Isabeau (blush1) I did see you running around with everyone earlier. It looked like fun...


    (That's right, you didn't ask him if he needed any help, this loop...)


    Before the quest

    Siffrin (okay2)

    After the quest

    Siffrin (fake1)

    "So, do you need help with anything?"

    Isabeau (neutral1) Help?

    Isabeau (omgggg1) Oh! Oh, oh, oh! Yes, I do need help with something, now that I'm thinking about it!!!

    Isabeau (hahaha1) Is that what you were doing today? Helping everyone out? I didn't know!

    ACT 3

    Siffrin (blep1)

    ACT 4

    Siffrin (sadsmile2)

    "I kept the best one for last."

    Isabeau (blush2) AW, SIF..........................

    Isabeau (blush3) I-I'm glad!!!

    Isabeau (neutral1) I was just thinking I wanted to hang out with you today, since I saw you running around with everyone.

    Isabeau (awkward1) But you didn't talk to me much today, so I was, um, worried you... Didn't want to...

    Isabeau (hahaha1) I-It doesn't matter! I'm glad I thought about what we could do today, then!!!

  • If you asked Isabeau if he needs help this loop

    Isabeau (hahaha2) You did? You did!

    Isabeau (fufufu1) Heh, I saw you run around with everyone today, which made me very jealous.

    Isabeau (hahaha1) So I'm glad I get to spend time with you!

Isabeau (surprised1) ...Um, are you ready now?

Isabeau (wonder2) We'll probably have to go to the Clocktower immediately after we're done, so I don’t think you'll have time to do anything in the village after...

Isabeau (hahaaa1) So I wanna make sure you did everything you needed to...?


Siffrin (questions1)


Siffrin (fake1)

(Hang out with Isabeau now?)

  • "I'm ready now!"

    Isabeau (hahaha1) Heh, okay! Well, um...

    Isabeau (brag1) Follow me, Sif!!!

    First time repeating any friendquest

    [Wow, you're here again!]

    [You don't REALLY have to go through this whole thing again. You can just zone through it, and skip it completely, if you'd like.]

    [You'll even still get their cool skill! But if you do, the skill will be a tiny bit less useful. Your choice!]

    Second time onwards

    (Zone out?)

    • (Yes.)
    • (No.)

    For the rest, see Isaquest.

  • "Give me a second..."

    At the Favor Tree

    Isabeau (hahaha1) Sure, Sif! In the meantime, I'll let you do your thing here, and I'll wait for you North of Dormont, okay?

    Dormont North

    Isabeau (hahaha1) Sure, Sif! I'll see you later!!!

"What's up with the hand thing?"

Available after getting the Shoulder Touch 4 times. Can only be asked once.

Isabeau (wonder2) The... hand thing? What?

(You do the same gesture he does every time you talk to him at this time.)

(Bringing your hand up towards his shoulder, then sharply taking your hand back.)

(Isabeau looks at your gesture, confused, then suddenly stills.)

Isabeau (omgggg1) Ah. Um. Well.

Isabeau (shy1) I'm. I was. Trying to touch your shoulder. As like. A bro thing.


Isabeau (omgggg1) B-But I remembered you don't like to be touched!!! I remembered mid-move!!!! So I didn't touch you!!!! So it's okay!!! Sorry!!!!!!!

(He was trying to touch your shoulder?)

(You're not sure how to react to this.)

Isabeau (shy1) Aaaah, see, this is why I didn't do it! Because you do that face every time people try to touch you! I'm sorry!!! I try to remember!!!! Sorry!!!!


(Okay, you're confused, but...)

(It feels like he thinks you don't want to be touched.)

(You  don't want to think about this anymore.)


Siffrin (hide1)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake1)


"Flower for you."

Only available with the Bright Flower in your inventory.

Isabeau (huhwah1) W-what? A flower?

Isabeau (uwah!1) ...For me?

Siffrin (okay2) "You're the only one here, Isa."

Isabeau (shy1) Haha, yeah!!!!!!!!!

(Isabeau takes the flower and cradles it gently in his hands.)

Isabeau (blush2) ... Thanks, Sif...

Isabeau (hahaha2) I... I'll treasure it forever!!!

(He seems happy.)

(Stay silent.)

Available in ACT 4. Can only be chosen once per loop.

Every time this option is chosen in a new loop, Isabeau tells an additional joke, up to three.

For simplicity's sake, the "first/second/third times" qualifiers count across all jokes combined.

Isabeau (angry2) . . .

Isabeau (brag1) Okay, my turn!

Isabeau (up1) Hm... What's a good joke...

First time

Siffrin (surprised3)

Subsequent times

Siffrin (fake1)

"What for?"

Isabeau (really1) Well, to make you laugh, duh.

Isabeau (hahaha1) You always make me laugh with your puns, so it's my turn!

First time

Siffrin (surprised3)

Subsequent times

Siffrin (hide1)

"But why?"

Isabeau (huh2) Uh, because we're friends?

First time


Subsequent times


Isabeau (angry1) ...Do you not-- Nevermind.

Isabeau (boo1) A funny joke, a funny joke...

First joke

(Isabeau looks around, and seems to notice the Clocktower in the distance.)

Isabeau (oh1) Ah, I know!!!

Isabeau (hahaha2) Do you know what I think about 6:30?

First time

Siffrin (um1)

Subsequent times

Siffrin (fake1)

"...The time?"

Isabeau (fufufu1) Yup.

First time

Siffrin (sadsmile1)

Subsequent times

Siffrin (fake1)

"I dunno, what?"

Isabeau (fufufu1) Well...

Isabeau (LMAO1) I think 6:30  is HANDS DOWN the best time of the day!!!

First time



(That's pretty good.)

(You laugh.)

Isabeau (hahaha1) Yay!

(You'll need to remember to laugh, next time.)

You then return to asking questions.

Second joke

Isabeau (really1) ...Oh, you knew this one?

Second time

(Oh, you forgot to laugh.)

Subsequent times


Isabeau (wonder2) Hey, it's okay, I have others. Hm...

Isabeau (wonder2) Yesterday, I bought like ten watches. Do you know why?

Second time

Siffrin (sadsmile1)

Subsequent times

Siffrin (fake1)

"I don't know, Isa."

Isabeau (LMAO1) Because I have a lot of time on my hands!!!

Second time


(You laugh.)

Isabeau (fufufu1) Success.

You then return to asking questions.

Third joke

Isabeau (huh1) ...Oh, you knew this one too? Tough crowd, tough crowd.

First time

(Hey, stupid, maybe smile when someone tells a joke.)

Subsequent times


Isabeau (angry2) Okay... Last chance, Isabeau... Don't mess it up.

Isabeau (oh1) Oh!

Isabeau (hahaha2) Okay, so, why shouldn't you take up time travel?

Third time

Siffrin (hide1)

Subsequent times

Siffrin (fake3)

(Ha.) "Why, Isa?"

Isabeau (fufufu1) Easy.

Isabeau (hahaha1) Because there's no future in it!!!

Third time






Isabeau (fufufu1) Heh!

Isabeau (hahaha1) See, I knew I was gonna get it eventually!

Isabeau (neutral1) ...

(You keep laughing.)

(You just can't stop.)

(Tears run down your face.)

Isabeau (huh2) Woah, hey, Sif...

(Oh no, oh no, you're laughing too much!!!)

(You've been laughing for too long, stupid!!! He's gonna think you're weird!!!)

(Stop laughing!!!)

(You try and breathe slowly in, and out, come on, stupid.)



Isabeau (disappointed1) . . .

Isabeau (fufufu1) So, sounds like I should become a comedian, huh?

(You try not to start laughing again.)

(You wipe your face.)

Siffrin (lol1) "I needed that, I think!"

Isabeau (sad1) Yeah, looks like you reaaaaally did.

Isabeau (sad4) What's wrong?

Siffrin (smiling2) "Nothing's wrong!"

Isabeau (hahaaa1) Oh, so we're gonna ignore the hysteric laughing and crying, huh?

Siffrin (lol1) "Yyyyep."

Isabeau (angry2) . . .

Isabeau (brag1) Okay, but only for now, and only because it's you, Sif!

(You smile.)

(Isabeau hesitantly smiles back.)

(You got a MEMORY OF PUNS!)

(You'll always remember this.)

[When Memory of Puns is equipped, your Fighter will have a higher chance to do a Critical hit!]

Isabeau (sad3) ...

Isabeau (sad4) Do you want to talk a little more...? About something else, maybe?

Subsequent times

(You laugh in a totally not unhinged way.)

Isabeau (hahaaa1) Ah, liked that one, huh...?


If this is your first time talking to Isabeau in ACT 1, you can only select this to end the conversation after asking "Clocktower, sleepover?" / "What's up with the big tree?" / "What will you do after?"

Favor Tree; ACT 1-3

Isabeau (hahaha2) Okay! I'll be going now, I'll see you at the Clocktower later!

Favor Tree; ACT 4

Isabeau (hm4) Okay...

Isabeau (hahaha1) I'll be going now, I'll see you at the Clocktower later, yeah?

Dormont North; ACT 1-3

Isabeau (hahaha2) Okay! Let me know if you need anything, 'kay?

Dormont North; ACT 4

Isabeau (huh2) Okay... Let me know if you need anything, okay?



(You talked to Isabeau!)

(You cross Isabeau from the Reminder Note.)

(Time to go to the Favor Tree!)

ACT 2; Loop 1

(Isabeau said the tree felt weird...)

(You decide to take a look at the tree.)