
Sources: Map089 (Classroom (Key 3-3L)), Map164 (ACT5_Classroom (Key 3-3L))

All text for the classroom on the second floor.



Before finding the frozen partner

(The bookcase is filled with some books about many, many random things.)

(There's a book about something called "bonding earrings".)

(You wonder what that's about, but not enough to pick up the book.)

After finding the frozen partner

(The bookcase is filled with some books about many, many random things.)

(There's a book about something called "bonding earrings".)

First time

(Bonding earrings... Isn't that what the frozen person on the way to the library was wearing?)

(You pick up the book and flip through it.)

(...It's pretty dry. You'd rather not read it, actually.)

Subsequent times

(You pick up the book and flip through it, waiting for Mirabelle to comment.)

Mirabelle (oh!1) Siffrin? Are you curious about bonding earrings?

(You nod.)

Isabeau (wonder2) Do you not have those, where you're from?

Odile (huh3) You don't? We have bonding earrings in Ka Bue as well.

Isabeau (fufufu1) Let me explain it for you, Sif.

Isabeau (brag1) You see, Sif, when people love each other very much...

Bonnie (stop!2) Oh, oh, I wanna know what happens when people love each other very much, no one's ever told me!

Mirabelle (anxious2) ISABEAU.

Isabeau (awkward1) ...Many things happen, and then maybe they'll decide to get bonded, and spend a very long time together.

Isabeau (brag1) When they do, they'll start making a pair of bonding earrings! They're supposed to symbolize the other person, so the design is very, very important.

Mirabelle (happy1) And if the bonding is between three or more people, you'd make as many earrings as there are people!

Isabeau (hahaha1) And then you exchange earrings! So they'd each carry one of the earrings!

Isabeau (neutral1) I know it's not practiced everywhere, but it definitely is in Vaugarde.

Odile (wonder1) Not everyone does in Ka Bue, but it's popular there as well.

Odile (reading2) Not my kind of thing, though.

First time

Siffrin (surprised3) (Oh! So...)


Siffrin (questions1) (Well.)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake1) (...)

"Is that why you all wear earrings?"

Mirabelle (happy1) Huh? What do you mean?

(You point at Mirabelle, Isabeau and Bonnie's ears.)

Mirabelle (happy1) ...

Isabeau (hahaha2) ...

Bonnie (surprised1) ...


Isabeau (awkward1) Yeah, um, that's...

Bonnie (serious1) My sister said I had to wear them.

Isabeau (angry2) Well, it IS very common for people to wear earrings, but it's not... Related...

(Mirabelle, Isabeau and Bonnie all look at each other.)

Mirabelle (anxious2) ...

Mirabelle (sad1) Is it related? I'm suddenly worried.

Bonnie (surprised1) I haven't met a lot of people without earrings, even if they're not bonding earrings!

Isabeau (awkward1) It's true that I know very few Vaugardians without earrings...

Isabeau (wonder2) Is this why we wear them? As, like...

Mirabelle (serious4) A way to get us used to the idea at a young age?

Bonnie (happy2) A thing we gotta do because adults said so?


Odile (lol1) Hah. I suppose every country has its weird antiquated traditions...

Isabeau (hahaha2) I guess so! It's kinda funny!

Mirabelle (angy1) EW EW EW EW EW EW!!!!!!!!!

First time only

(Mirabelle seems genuinely upset at the idea!)

(Maybe you shouldn't have brought it up...)

First time

Siffrin (awkward1) (Say something!)


Siffrin (um1) (Say it again.)

ACT 3 & 4

Siffrin (fake1) (Follow the script.)

"But your earrings all look nice, though."

Isabeau (blush1) Aw, you think so...?

(You nod.)

(Isabeau hides his face.)

Isabeau (hahaha1) A-Anyway, your earrings ARE nice, Mira! They make you look cute!!!

Bonnie (happy1) I like my earrings because I can hang things on them.

Mirabelle (anxious2) ...  Yes.

Mirabelle (serious2) My earrings do look nice.

Mirabelle (serious3) And they were expensive. I'll throw them away dramatically another time.

Odile (lol4) That's the spirit.

First time only


(Maybe you could go see that frozen person again, in a future loop.)

Repeated interaction

(The bookcase is filled with some books about many, many random things.)


(The bookcase is filled with some books about many, many, many, many, many, many random things.)


(A board with some doodles in the corner.)

Isabeau (oh1) It's a nice classroom, isn't it? Wonder what classes were taught here.

Mirabelle (anxious1) Hnrgh... I have bad memories of this classroom.

Bonnie (serious1) Why? Did you have a bad class in this room, Belle?

Mirabelle (anxious2) Ah, no, not... Um...

Mirabelle (awkward1) It's... I gave a class here, not too long before the King attacked.

Bonnie (no!2) YOU'RE A TEACHER?

Isabeau (oh1) Gasp! You never said!

Mirabelle (awawa1) N-no!!! It was just one lecture, I, um...

Mirabelle (hm2) The Head Housemaiden... She said it would be good for me, to give a lecture...

Odile (gimme1) A lecture on...?

Mirabelle (hm1) I'm... 'm well known in Dormont's House for being the Housemaiden who has taken... The most classes?

Isabeau (really1) Taken the most classes? Like, as a student?

Bonnie (happy2) How many is that?

Mirabelle (awkward1) Haha... Since I came to live here, I think I registered for...

Mirabelle (anxious1) ...A little more than a hundred and fifty classes...?

First time only


Isabeau (huhwah1) HUH?!?

Odile (uwah!1) MIRABELLE?!

Bonnie (no!2) YOU WENT TO SCHOOL THAT LONG?!????!??!?!?!?!

Mirabelle (anxious1) So she wanted me to do a lecture... On what taking all those classes taught me...

Odile (huh1) ...And?

Mirabelle (stressed2) And...

Without all Friendquests completed this loop

Mirabelle (hm1) . . .

Isabeau (brag1) ...Should we drop it?

Mirabelle (hm2) Yes, please...

The conversation then ends here.

With all Friendquests completed this loop

Mirabelle (anxious2) And I messed it up. I just didn't know what to say...

Mirabelle (anxious1) I didn't think taking all those different classes taught me anything worthwhile, to be honest.

Mirabelle (awawa1) I liked taking them! And I liked learning those things!

Mirabelle (awkward2) But... I didn't do anything with what I learned. And I wasn't even good at any of it.

Mirabelle (anxious1) So... Wasn't it all just a waste of time?

Mirabelle (awkward1) And that's what I ended up saying during the class...

Mirabelle (anxious2) And everyone was just... Silently looking at me. Judging me...

Mirabelle (awkward1) So, um, I ran away from the class and stayed in my room for a week, haha.

Bonnie (no!2) Oh no!

Odile (hm1) Oh gems.

Isabeau (fufufu1) To evade judgement and wait for it to blow over, I get it.

Isabeau (neutral1) But taking all those classes doesn't seem like it was a waste of time, though?

Isabeau (hahaha1) It's fine to learn things just for learning's sake!

Odile (yeah1) And you never know when that knowledge might come in handy.

Mirabelle (happy1) Hm... That's true!

Mirabelle (hm2) But... Thinking about it now, I felt like I HAD to do something with that knowledge.

Mirabelle (anxious1) Everyone else in the classes felt like they were learning about their passion, you know?

Mirabelle (anxious1) Artists taking art classes, getting better at their craft, that sort of thing.

Mirabelle (anxious3) But I was just... Not using those skills outside of class...

Mirabelle (happy1) But... Just because everyone was doing their way... Means I can do things my way, too.

Mirabelle (happy2) And I can just take a lot of classes because I like to learn!

Bonnie (happy2) Yeah!

Odile (lol3) Maybe this is what the Head Housemaiden wanted you to realize, when she asked you to prepare this class.

Mirabelle (oh!1) Oh...!

Mirabelle (happy1) Heh, maybe!

First time only


(You'll always remember this.)

[When Memory of Learning is equipped, all of your Housemaiden’s Craft Skill Cooldowns will be lowered by 1!]

First repeated interaction

(A board with some doodles in the corner.)

(Someone wrote on the board "Don't stay with your mistakes! Don't be afraid to start over!")


(You nod! What a true little fact!)


(Okay, board.)


(You discreetly erase what's written, making sure nothing remains.)

Second repeated interaction

(A board with some doodles in the corner.)


(A board with some doodles in the corner.)

(Someone wrote on the board "Don't stay with your mistakes! Don't be afraid to start over!")

(. . .)

Rolled up papers

Identical in ACT 5.

(Various school supplies.)

Student papers

Pile of papers at the bottom left of the room. Identical in ACT 5.

(A pile of students' papers.)

List of names

(A list of students' names for a month long class.)

First time

(...Some of the students have more than their first and last name listed...)

Subsequent times

(Some of the students have more than their first and last name listed.)

Odile (reading2) Huh, this student has one, two... Five names?

Odile (huh2) This is a Vaugardian practice, as I recall.

Isabeau (hahaha1) Having more than one name? Yeah!

Mirabelle (happy1) A lot of Vaugardians have more than one name! Usually it's one masculine name, one feminine name, and a free one for good measure!

Isabeau (hahaha1) But some parents just go wild and give more than that. I had a coworker with ten names!

Mirabelle (happy3) The many names represent our capacity for change, our power to evolve, to become someone new at a moment's notice...

Mirabelle (happy4) ...And if you decide to change genders, or become someone different than who you were before, you already have a name ready to pick out!

Odile (lol4) This is... lovely, actually. How Vaugarde's goal of change goes even as deep as names...

Odile (lol4) I have another name too, so I feel a little closer to Vaugarde at this moment.

Bonnie (yeah!3) You do?! I wanna know, I wanna know!!!

Mirabelle (excited1) I'm curious as well... If that's okay!

Odile (lol2) Hm... If you tell me yours, I might. Unless that's frowned upon?

Mirabelle (hm2) Not really frowned upon... But some people might keep it secret for personal reasons!

Mirabelle (happy1) That's why not everyone on the student list wrote down every name, see?

Mirabelle (happy2) I wouldn't mind telling you though, madame Odile!

Bonnie (sulk5) I'd tell you, but I forgot mine. My sister is the one who remembers.

Isabeau (wonder2) Hm...

Isabeau (neutral1) I'm gonna pass! I wanna keep them secret.

Isabeau (hahaha2) Because if I do change again, I don't want you to already know how to call me! I want it to be a surprise!

Odile (huh1) Oh... Of course.

Odile (lol2) Then let us keep our names secret for a little while longer.



(Vaugarde is so weird.)


(You only have the one name.)


("Siffrin", no other names, no last name.)

Repeated interaction

Identical in ACT 5.

(A list of students' names.)


(A list of students' names for a month long class.)

(Some of the students have more than their first and last name listed.)

(Good for them!)

Note on the wall

(A note stuck to the wall.)


(Out of the corner of your eye, you see Bonnie chomp on an apple.)


(A note stuck to the wall.)


Bonnie appears on the right side of the room. They sit on the ground and eat something.

(Out of the corner of your eye, you see Bonnie chomp on an apple.)

The screen turns black for one frame.


Siffrin turns to the right. Bonnie disappears.

(But Bonnie isn't here.)

Repeated interaction

(A note stuck to the wall.)

School books

Stack of books on a desk in the top right.

(Some school books.)

(Mathematics, geography, Crafting, art, sewing, cooking...)


(Some school books.)

Desk with an item

Top left desk. Generic in ACT 5.

(Some vials.)

First time

(Let's see...)

Subsequent times

(You pick them up.)

(You got one SUPER SWEET TONIC!)

(You give it to Bonnie for safekeeping.)

Repeated interaction

(Nothing else here.)

Marc's Super Awesome Great Amazing Super Duper Cool Notebook (DO NOT TOUCH!)

Top right desk.

Before learning of the Crying Key

Before reaching the locked door to the bathroom for the first time.

(A desk.)

(On it is a notebook titled: "Marc's Super Awesome Great Amazing Super Duper Cool Notebook (DO NOT TOUCH!)")

(Out of respect, you leave the Super Duper Cool notebook alone.)

After learning of the Crying Key

(A desk.)

(On it is a notebook titled: "Marc's Super Awesome Great Amazing Super Duper Cool Notebook (DO NOT TOUCH!)")

(Out of disrespect, you open the Super Duper Cool notebook wide.)

First time only

(Oh thank the stars it's here.)

(You found the CRYING KEY!)

(The keychain dangling from it is shaped like a crying mask...)

Bonnie (no!2) A key, here???

Odile (hm1) A mask, huh... This feels out of place. I was expecting a keychain shaped like scissors or something.

First time

(You put the Key in your Pocket.)

(You now know where the Crying Key is located.)


Isabeau (hm4) ...Sif?

(Looking at the key in your hand is making you realize...)

(The trap at the entrance, the key in the admin room, this key that you had to backtrack for...)

(You're not very good at your job, are you.)

(It's your job to look for traps, your job to see hidden things, and you've failed at those multiple times.)

(If you weren't looping, there's no way you would have been able to get this far. You'd have died for good right away. And possibly brought everyone down with you.)

(You can't help but sigh.)

(Someone pokes your hip gently.)

Bonnie (serious1) Hey.

Bonnie (hmf3) Have a peach.

(Peach time?)

(You take the peach and silently nibble on it.)

Mirabelle (anxious1) ...

Isabeau (hm4) ...

Odile (serious1) ...

Bonnie (sulk5) ...

(. . .)


Siffrin (awkward1) (SAY SOMETHING...) "Th-thank you Bonnie..."

Bonnie (sulk2) It's fi--

Siffrin (blep1) "...You're a peach."

Bonnie (ew1) Okay, no--

Odile (urgh1) Ew.

Isabeau (hahaha2) HA!!!!

Siffrin (joke1) "I feel peachy again."

Isabeau (LMAO1) YEAH!!!

Mirabelle (haha1) Hahaha...

Bonnie (ew1) ...I don't know why I even worry about you sometimes.


(Anyway, key! Better get back to Floor 3.)

(You could walk around and get some experience... Or you could just find a tear somewhere and loop forwards...)

Subsequent times

(You pick up the key, and do not think about how bad you are at your job.)

After picking up the Crying Key this loop

(A desk.)

(On it is a notebook titled: "Marc's Super Awesome Great Amazing Super Duper Cool Notebook (DO NOT TOUCH!)")


(Got the CRYING KEY.)

(You think about snacks for some reason.)

(A fruit, maybe? Why would you think about a fruit now?)

(That's weird. You're so weird.)

Repeated interaction

(A desk.)

Stylish One's desk

Bottom left desk.

For the full sidequest about the Stylish One, see Mirabelle's Fan.

(A desk with an open notebook.)

(It has very lovely handwriting.)

Mirabelle (happy2) Oh! I recognize this handwriting...

Mirabelle (happy1) This is the seat of a very stylish very scary lady with amazing fashion sense!

Mirabelle (excited1) She often wore this very cool dress, and she always has her dark hair in a bun...

Mirabelle (haha1) We often had the same classes, but she probably doesn't know I exist. I'm a little sad about it, I always wanted to ask her for fashion tips...

Regularly, the conversation ends here.

If you've talked to the Stylish One, but not told Mirabelle about her

(This vaguely rings a bell...)

(You should maybe tell Mirabelle about her when you're in Dormont.)

If you've told Mirabelle about the Stylish One this loop (or told her in Dormont and looped forwards)

This interaction is not repeatable.

Siffrin (joke1) (Wait, this sounds like...) "That's the stylish lady I was talking to you about."

Mirabelle (happy3) Who?


Siffrin (joke2) (...) "Yes, her. Your fan."

Bonnie (no!2) You have a fan, Belle?!

Isabeau (fufufu1) Mira... Remember us when you're famous...

Mirabelle (awawa1) So that's who you meant... Yes, I know her!!!

Mirabelle (anxious2) But see, if you said she was scary, I would've known who you meant.

Mirabelle (anxious1) She has a very intense glare, and she talks in a way where I never know if she's making fun of people or not...

(You make a face.)

(The stylish lady didn't look very scary when you talked to her...)

Mirabelle (serious1) If you see her again, look into her eyes. You'll know what I mean.

(You might try that.)

(Either way, you should go talk to the stylish lady and let her know that Mirabelle knows her...)

Repeated interaction

(A desk with an open notebook.)

(It has very lovely handwriting.)


(A desk with an open notebook.)

Empty desk

Bottom center desk. Identical in ACT 5.

(An empty desk.)

Desk with a book

Bottom right desk.

(A desk.)

(On it is an open issue of "The Cursing of Château Castle", issue #32.)

If you've talked to the Castle-loving One

(...Issue #32? You should remember this number.)


(A desk.)



Generic text for frozen flowers prior to ACT 5.

(Frozen flowers.)

(Why do they smell so sweet?)