House Library

Created by fairywrenss.

Source: Map084 (Library (Key2-2)), Map159 (ACT5_Library (Key2-2)), Common Event 0172 (SteppyCookingBook), Common Event 0173 (RunningBook)

Dialogue for the Library on Floor 2.


Frozen librarian

  • First time: (Someone frozen in time.)
  • Subsequent times: (The librarian, frozen in time.)

Mirabelle (anxious3) That's the librarian...!

Mirabelle (sad2) ...

Isabeau (brag1) Were they a good one, Mira?

Mirabelle (happy1) O-oh, yes! They always had good recommendations if you're looking for something...

Mirabelle (happy2) And they have a sixth sense for knowing exactly what kind of book you'd like to read at any given time!

Mirabelle (haha1) They're the one who recommended "The Cursing of Château Castle" to me! And, well, to everyone else in the House, hehe.

Odile (huh1) Oh, that book series you're a fan of...

Mirabelle (excited1) Yes!!! I'm incredibly thankful to them for that!

Odile (huh1) Uh huh...

Mirabelle (stressed1) ...It's a good series, madame Odile.

Odile (what2) ...Uh huh.

Mirabelle (serious1) I'll make you read it one day, madame Odile.

Odile (urgh1) ............................ Uh huh.

Odile (reading1) Try to convince the others instead.

Mirabelle (anxious2) ... Isab--

Isabeau (neutral1) It has romance, right?

Mirabelle (happy1) Yes!

Isabeau (brag1) Sold!!!

Repeated interaction

(The librarian, frozen in time.)


(Someone frozen in time.)

Bottom left bookcase

(The bookcase is filled with theater scripts.)

While looking for a familytale

(No familytales.)

  • First time: (You gently touch the back of a Vaugardian comedy you remember liking.)
  • Subsequent times: (The Vaugardian comedy you remember liking is still here.)

Isabeau (sif!1) Aw, don't worry Sif, you'll be able to see some plays soon!

Bonnie (sulk5) ...

Bonnie (surprised1) So, there's... There's something I've always wondered.

Mirabelle (happy1) What is it, Bonnie?

Bonnie (serious1) Well, um... You know that stage play Frin brought us to, before we got the last Orb to open the House?

Bonnie (sad1) In it... The main characters...

Bonnie (serious1) The two men kissed on the mouth, right?

Mirabelle (awkward1b) Ah...

Odile (urgh1) Oh gems.

Isabeau (fufufu1) Shush, I want to hear this.

Bonnie (sad1) And so, um... When people kiss on the mouth. In plays.

Bonnie (surprised1) They don't REALLY kiss, right? They have some transparent paper in between so their lips don't touch, right???

Mirabelle (awkward1) . . .

Mirabelle (awkward1b) ...What?

Odile (what2) What.

Isabeau (sif!1) UH HUH, WHAT?

  • ACT 2: Siffrin (lol1) (Haha!)
  • ACT 3: Siffrin (smiling2) (Still funny, actually.)
  • ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1) (Is it still funny?)
  • "Yeah, Bonnie. They definitely have paper in between."

Bonnie (happy1) Huh!

Bonnie (hmf2) Yeah, I knew it! No one would ever kiss someone on the mouth in a play! Not in front of everyone!

Isabeau (LMAO1) Not in front of everyone!!!!

Mirabelle (happy1) Hehehe...

Odile (isthatso1) Oh, that's really good.

Odile (lol2) Boniface, this is why you're my favorite.

Bonnie (yeah!1) Woohoo!

Repeated interaction


(Vaugardian plays are okay, but you REALLY like Poterian plays!)


(Vaugardian plays are okay, but you REALLY like Poterian plays!)

(You think. It's been a little bit since you've seen one.)


(Vaugardian plays are okay, but you REALLY like Poterian plays!)

(Not that you remember a single one, right now!!!)


(The bookcase is filled with theater scripts.)

(What's the point of reading them? Aren't you in one right now?)

Repeated interaction

(Stop going off-script and keep going!!!)

Bottom right bookcase

(The bookcase is filled with various novels.)

("How To Not Make A Fool Of Yourself: A Journey", "Tick", "Soul Emperor IV: The Soulempering", and "The Cursing of Château Castle", issues #40 to #48.)

After talking to the Castle-loving One

( ...Issue #48? You should remember this number.)

While looking for a familytale

(No familytales.)


(The bookcase is filled with various novels.)

Bookcase with the key

Left side

(The bookcase is filled with random books, from novels to picture books to massive research essays.)

First time

(You see this side of the bookcase shine slightly.)

(There must be a key somewhere... Maybe inside one of the books?)

(Which book should you examine?)

  • "Steppy Steppy Cooking"

    (You open the book...)

    (No key.)

    (The book falls open on a recipe for some kind of Ka Buan dumplings.)

    Bonnie (and then1) DUMPLINGS!!!!!!

    Odile (reading2) Ah, those are called "gyozas", Boniface.

    Bonnie (and then1) GYOZAS!!!!!!

    Bonnie (and then1) HOW DO YOU MAKE THEM?!??!!??

    Odile (hm1) Please stop screaming.

    Bonnie (wait1) SORRY!!!! Sorry.

    Bonnie (sulk5) How do you make them?

    (Bonnie looks intently at the recipe.)

    Bonnie (sulk5) Huh... Oh, okay... Oh, that's crabbing easy...

    Isabeau (sniff1) Our tiny little adorable chef's at it again.

    Bonnie (wait1) What? Oh, sorry! We can go, I can look at it later...

    Odile (dotdotdot2) No, it's fine, you might as well look at it now.

    Bonnie (smile4) Okay!!!

    • Without Bonnie's friendquest completed this loop

      Bonnie (happy1) My sister, she...

      Bonnie (sulk5) ...

      Bonnie (sad1) . . .

      Mirabelle (anxious3) ...What about your sister, Bonnie...?

      Bonnie (sad1) It...

      Bonnie (sulk2) It doesn't matter. Can we go now?

      Mirabelle (stressed2) ...

      ACT 2

      (You all look sadly at Bonnie, and try to keep moving...)

      ACT 3


      ACT 4


      (Why did you pick that book?)

    • With Bonnie's friendquest completed this loop

      Bonnie (happy1) My sister doesn't let me cook often even though she sucks at cooking, so it's nice I can cook with you guys.


      Mirabelle (anxious1) She doesn't...? Why not?

      Bonnie (hmf2) 'Cuz I blew up our kitchen once.

      Isabeau (surprised1) HUH?!?

      Bonnie (and then1) I was trying to craft a meal spicy enough to explode!!!

      Odile (hm1) A feat also known as a "bomb", Boniface.

      Bonnie (sulk5) That's what 'Nille said, yeah.

      Bonnie (sulk2) So I'm not allowed to cook Crafted meals anymore. Just regular ones where I follow the recipe.

      Bonnie (victory1) But it's not fair!!! I wanna get better at Crafted cooking!!! I wanna Craft a meal that makes you fart all the bad feelings out!!!

      Mirabelle (uwah!1) HUH?!?

      Odile (urgh1) A... Noble goal...


      (You're glad Bonnie felt comfortable enough to tell you this story.)

  • "Effort: The Key To Meaningful Change"

    First time

    (You open the book...)


    (Inside the book titled "Effort: The Key To Meaningful Change", there's a key.)

    (Pretty on-the-nose...)

    (You found the PAPER KEY!)

    (The keychain dangling from it is shaped like a hand in the Paper position...)

    (You put the Key in your Pocket.)

    (You now know where the Paper Key is located.)

    Subsequent times

    (You open the book.)

    (You found the PAPER KEY!)

    (The keychain dangling from it is shaped like a hand in the Paper position...)

    (You put the Key in your Pocket.)

  • "Running: From Your: Problems"

    (You open the book.)

    (No key.)

    Mirabelle (thinking1) This book seems to be about how to get a better running posture, and better endurance...

    Isabeau (hahaha1) M'dame Odile could use this book, huh?

    Odile (dotdotdot1) What does THAT mean.

    Isabeau (hahaaa1) J-Just that you're not very fast, is all?

    Mirabelle (anxious3) And you get tired easily, too...

    Odile (hm1) Maybe if you kids could stop running everywhere you go...

    Odile (dotdotdot1) Huh, Siffrin.

    • ACT 2: (You quickly look away from her glare.)
    • ACT 3: (You smile cutely.)
    • ACT 4: (You smile.)

    Bonnie (happy2) It's okay, Dile. I can teach you how to run good.

    Isabeau (hahaha1) Yes m'dame, take lessons from the kid who puts their arms straight behind them while running! I want to see you do it!

    Mirabelle (awkward1b) It IS a very interesting way to run, Bonnie... But why...?

    Bonnie (hmf3) Another kid in Bambouche said running like that was air-no-no-mic!

    Mirabelle (anxious1) Airnonomic...?

    Odile (hm2) ...I don't know that Vaugardian word.

    Isabeau (really1) Me neither.

    Isabeau (neutral1) What's it mean?

    Bonnie (sulk5) Um... It means...

    Bonnie (serious1) It means the wind doesn't matter and I can go fast. It's air-no-no-mic.

    Isabeau (oh1) Ah! Do you mean "ergonomic"?

    Bonnie (surprised1) Do I?

    Isabeau (really1) I hope not. That's not how you use that word.

    Bonnie (surprised1) It's not?

    Isabeau (really3) Nope.

    Bonnie (serious1) But running like that makes me faster.

    Mirabelle (anxious1) Does it?

    Bonnie (serious1) It does.

    Odile (doubt1) Okay.

    Bonnie (serious1) So Dile should run like this too.

    Odile (hm1) I'd rather not.

    Bonnie (stop!1) AW!!!!

    Mirabelle (pft1) Hehehe...

  • (Pass...)

    (You leave the books alone.)

Right side

(Getting close...)

After picking up the Paper Key

(Believe it or not, this side of the bookcase is irrelevant.)


Left side

(You open the book.)

(Got the PAPER KEY.)

Repeated interaction is generic.

Right side

(Forgotten again?!)

After picking up the Paper Key

(Nothing here!!!)

Top middle bookcase

(The bookcase is filled with books about the House of Change.)

While looking for a familytale

(No familytales.)

Odile (hm2) So, "The House of Change" is the name of the belief, but "The House" is the name of the place...

Bonnie (hmf3) And there's more than one House in Vaugarde.

Isabeau (hahaha1) And a "house" is where people live!

Odile (hm1) Such a confusing language.

Mirabelle (awawa1) N-no, it's not so bad!!! It makes sense!!!

Odile (huh1) Hm...

Mirabelle (awkward1b) I-If you'd like to know more about the House of Change...

Odile (lol2) Yes, recommend me a book. But let's be quick about it...

Mirabelle (excited1) Okay!!! Okay!!! Yes!!! Alright, I think you should try this one...

Mirabelle (happy1) "The Life-Changing Magic of Changing Yourself!"

Mirabelle (happy4) This one is a little abstract, but it is all about our beliefs and the Change God!

Mirabelle (hm3) Living while striving for change within ourselves, while keeping our ever-changing god in our thoughts...

Mirabelle (happy1) This book explains pretty well the belief that a lot of the people of Vaugarde live by!

Odile (hm2) Hm... Interesting that you only have one deity. Easy to keep track of, I suppose...

Isabeau (really1) Oh yeah, what do you have in Ka Bue then?

Odile (wonder2) We have... gods? Spirits? Expressions? The nuance gets a little lost in Vaugardian...

Odile (huh1) Expressions for everything.

Isabeau (hahaha1) So how many Expressions do you have then? A dozen?

Odile (reading1) A few thousand.




(You're not sure how many deities you worship.)



(Does the Universe count Expressions and the Change God within it?)

Isabeau (huhwah1) WHAT

Bonnie (wow1) SO MANY!!!


Odile (urgh1) Of course not! You only have to pray to the ones that you need.

Odile (hm2) So for me... The Expression of Search, the Expression of Writing, the Expression of Creator Craft...

Odile (gimme1) And lately, the Expressions of Battle and Victory, I suppose.

Bonnie (happy1) Cool...

Isabeau (neutral1) That's pretty neat!

Mirabelle (anxious2) I hope the Expressions and the Change God bless us in our journey...

Repeated interaction

(The bookcase is filled with books about the House of Change.)


(The bookcase is filled with books about the House of Change.)

(Absolutely irrelevant, as usual!)

Sparkly diary bookcase

First time

(The bookcase is filled with notebooks of all shapes and sizes.)

(They look kind of out of place here...)

(You point at them and look at Mirabelle.)

Mirabelle (happy1) Oh! They're diaries, Siffrin!

Odile (gimme1) Diaries, in a library?

Isabeau (neutral1) Oh yeah, you guys do that in Dormont too! It's popular in Jouvente as well!

Isabeau (wonder2) So, so, you know how our belief encourages change, right?

Isabeau (fufufu1) Sometimes, when people change, they might not feel any attachment to the people they were before...

Isabeau (fufufu1) ...Or they might want any trace of who they were to just disappear from their sight!

Isabeau (hahaha2) And so some Houses let it widely known that you can give away items that remind you too much of who you were...

Isabeau (hahaha2) Like diaries!

Odile (hm1) But those items... Aren't they given away to be disposed of?

Mirabelle (anxious2) Most items are, but diaries in particular are usually kept by Houses. I-It's common knowledge though!!!

Mirabelle (anxious1) I personally find it weird... Even if I changed that much, I wouldn't want people to read my thoughts...

Isabeau (brag1) It's more of a gesture, right? Letting go of your past self! Names and any obvious signifiers are erased by the House anyway. But mostly...

Isabeau (happy1) It's about history! Isn't it fun to be able to pick up a diary written by someone a very long time ago? See big historical events from their perspective?

Isabeau (wonder2) More than "giving away a part of who you were", I think a lot of people actually give their diaries away so it's like.

Isabeau (brag1) "Look mom, I wrote a book that's in a library".

Odile (lol1) Ha! I can understand that, then,


(The idea of anyone reading your deepest thoughts, even years in the future, completely removed from you...)


(Again, Vaugarde is weird.)

(But also you love drama, so you happily pick the gaudiest, sparkliest diary you see.)

Mirabelle (happy1) Oh, this one looks fairly recent!

Mirabelle (awkward1) We could read a little bit... Like, a tiny bit.

The conversation continues.

Subsequent times

(The bookcase is filled with notebooks of all shapes and sizes.)

(You look at the sparkly diary.)

(Mirabelle catches you looking.)

Mirabelle (happy1) Oh, this one looks fairly recent!

Mirabelle (awkward1) We could read a little bit... Like, a tiny bit.

  • During Kingquest: (You probably should, right now.)
  • Otherwise: (...)

Siffrin (hide1)

  • "No time."

    Isabeau (boo1) Aw, boo...

    (You get away from the diary.)

  • "...Sure."

    The conversation continues.

While looking for a familytale

Plays after you read the diary or choose not to.

(No familytales.)

Reading the diary

Odile (serious3) We do not have time...

Odile (smile1) ...Is what I would usually say, but I'd also love to think about boring, mundane, everyday problems for a bit.

Isabeau (brag1) Dear diary, save us from thinking about our problems!

Bonnie (and then1) Belle, pick a page!!!

Odile (isthatso1) One page, and then we're going.

Mirabelle (anxious1) I, I'm reading again? Okay, hmmm...

(Everyone huddles around her.)

(Mirabelle takes a deep breath, and opens it straight in the middle.)

Mirabelle (anxious1) Okay...

Diary "Mom told me to clean my room today."


Diary "Urgh. Also, Dad noticed no one can say the name of the island north of here anymore?"

Diary "I tried to say it yesterday and I got like the WEIRDEST headache for HOURS."

Diary "Might trick my friends into saying it tomorrow."

(The rest is just doodles of a little girl laughing uproariously.)

Odile (huh2) Ah, the island north of Vaugarde... I remember when it happened.

Odile (wonder1) Well... "Remember" isn't the right word, is it? We all just know something happened.

Odile (lol1) An entire stretch of land disappearing from people's minds doesn't happen often, does it?

Bonnie (and then1) I think, I think my village was really close to it!!! My sister said it was all everyone could talk about for weeks!!!

Mirabelle (anxious2) That's so frightening... I'm glad that whatever happened, she didn't get caught up in it!

Bonnie (wait1) Oh... yeah...

Isabeau (wonder1) ...

Mirabelle (anxious1) ...

Bonnie (sulk5) ...

Bonnie (sulk2) Still...

Bonnie (surprised1) That country's name... What was it's name again?

Isabeau (wonder2) Oh, I think it was something like--

Mirabelle (uwah!1) DON'T

Odile (uwah!1) SAY IT!!!!

Isabeau (huhwah1) CRAB!!!!

Bonnie (lol2) NYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH!!!!!!!!!!

First time only

First time total, regardless of Kingquest progression.


(Huh! What an interesting diary entry!)

Second time only

Second time total, regardless of Kingquest progression.


(You open your mouth, but no sound comes out.)

First time during Kingquest

The conversation ends prior to this point if you are not currently in Kingquest.

(The name of this country...)

(You try to remember, remember, remember.)

(Only silence answers you.)

(Is this... What the King wanted you to remember?)

("Just remember it... Say it... Make it real...")

(You can't say it, you don't even want to try, but...)

(. . .)

(You turn to Isabeau.)

Subsequent times

(You turn to Isabeau.)

(Maybe this time?)

  • First time: Siffrin (serious1)
  • Subsequent times: Siffrin (fake1)
  • "But can you try and say it anyway?"

    Isabeau (sniff1) Huh, but whyyyyyyyyyy? It's just gonna give me a heada--

    (Isabeau looks at you.)

    (Something about your expression makes him reconsider.)

    Isabeau (brag1) Well... Sure, Sif! I'll say it!

    Isabeau (neutral1) That country's name was. . .

    Isabeau (wonder1) Was. . .

    Isabeau (angry2) . . .

    Isabeau (really1) You know, I had it before, but now that I'm actively trying to remember it, nothing comes to mind?

    Odile (up1) Huh, is that so?

    Bonnie (hmf3) You're dumb, Za, I know it! It's. . .

    Bonnie (wait1) . . .

    Bonnie (no!2) Weh? But...

    Odile (hm2) Wait...

    Mirabelle (awawa1) Huh?! What's...

    Isabeau (neutral1) Can't remember it either, yeah?

    Isabeau (wonder2) When you asked me, answering you felt automatic, like if you asked me what 1 plus 1 makes, but trying to remember it now is more like...

    Mirabelle (anxious2) Like calculating 72 times 89!!!

    Isabeau (really1) Nah, that's 6408, I have a brain and I know how to use it.

    Mirabelle (uwah!1) WHAT?

    Odile (uwah!1) ISABEAU?

    Isabeau (wonder2) Nah, it felt more like...

    Isabeau (disappointed1) Asking me to remember my first steps.

    Isabeau (fight2) How can I remember that!!! I can't remember that!!! How can you expect me to remember that!!!

    Odile (urgh1) What a terrible analogy.

    Odile (awkward1) But I can't seem to remember it either... When we were talking about it, I could think it clearly, but trying to remember it now, let alone say it...

    Mirabelle (anxious3) I can't remember the country itself, either! I just remember it was an island, north of Vaugarde...

    Mirabelle (thinking1) And... And it had a different belief than the Change belief, didn't it? Something about the sky...?

    • First time: Siffrin (fake1) (You know.)
    • Subsequent times: Siffrin (fake3) (You know, you know, you know.)
    • "The Universe."

    Mirabelle (happy2) That's right! The Universe!

    Bonnie (sulk2) Oh yeah... Like, stars and stuff.

    Odile (gimme1) We also know that people could remember that country clearly, before.

    Odile (guilty1) And. . .

    Odile (sigh1) Urgh, my head is killing me.

    Bonnie (ew1) And we know that trying to remember stuff makes our brains hurt.

    Odile (question2) Let's stop here. It'd be bad to fight the King with a raging migraine...

    Isabeau (awkward1) Yeah...

    Isabeau (hm4) Sorry we couldn't say it, Sif!

    (You don't respond.)

    Isabeau (hm5) ...?

    You get two Weird Points for this.

    First time only


    (So the King is from that country as well.)

    (The country no one can remember.)

    (Your country. The country you were born in, raised in, spent your entire childhood in.)

    (And yet...)

    (Even now, thinking about it, what it may have looked like...)

    (You can't even imagine it.)

    (For a long time now, you haven't been able to remember anything about it. You forget it even exists, half the time.)

    (Anything linked to that country has just stopped existing for you.)

    (Your childhood, your parents, your life, your language, your culture, your faith, the stars, the constellations, the Universe.)

    (It's all gone, forgotten.)


    (The King... He was from there, you're sure of it.)

    (And then, something happened, and the country disappeared without a trace, unable to be remembered by anyone.)

    (No one can remember what made everyone forget about its very existence... But something must've, right?)

    (But... If it happened... If he's so attached to it, he asks you if you remember it every single time you see him...)

    (If he's so attached to that country... Why would he be so obsessed with Vaugarde, then?)

    (Why would he decide to freeze it all in time?)

    (. . .)

    (You can't figure it out quite yet, but there must be something somewhere... Something that's similar to his goal...)

  • Available second time onwards: (No point.)

    (Who cares, who cares, who cares.)

Repeated interaction

First time in ACT 2

(That was fascinating!)

Subsequent times in ACT 2

(You try to think of that country's name...)

(Nope! Nothing comes to mind.)



(You can't even think its name anymore.)


(What kind of person can't even say their country's name.)


(No no no no no no--)

(You try and say it over and over and over again but nothing comes out!!!)

(Stupid blinding idiot can't even say their country's name!!! Hahahahaha!!!)

Repeated interaction

(Stop looking at it!!!)

List of checked out books

(A list of books that have been checked out of the library.)

Odile (dotdotdot2) ...

(Odile is looking intently at the list...)

While looking for a familytale

(You take a look, too.)

(...No one here seems to have checked out a familytale.)

Pile of lists

(A pile of lists of books that have been checked out of the library.)

Odile (dotdotdot2) ...

(Odile is looking intently at the list...)

While looking for a familytale

(You take a look, too.)

(...Looks like one person checked out every single available issue of "The Cursing of Château Castle".)

(No one here seems to have checked out a familytale.)

Odile (urgh1) ...


In ACT 5, both the list, the pile of lists, and the newly extended table have the same text.

(A list of books that have been checked out of the library.)

(Odile is looking intently at the list...)


(But Odile isn't here, stupid!!!!!!)

Repeated interaction

(A list of books that have been checked out of the library.)

Heavy Book

(A book that seems a little too heavy for the table it's on.)

First time

Isabeau (hahaha2) This book is massive!

Mirabelle (hm3) It's called... "The Complete History of Fishing."

Odile (what2) Hm...

(Odile takes the book with two hands...)

The sound of the book hitting the table.

(...And hits the table with it.)

Bonnie (serious1) Do that again.

Odile (up1) . . .

Bonnie (no!2) . . . Please!

The sound again.

Bonnie (and then1) CRAB YEAH

Odile (lol4) Ha, indeed.

Odile (lol3) I'll take this one.

(Odile got the HEAVY BOOK!)

(She puts it in her pocket to equip later.)

Isabeau (angry2) A fishing book... . . .


Odile (reading1) It's called "Ichthyology", and I am not studying it.

Isabeau (boo1) BOO.

Subsequent times

Isabeau (hahaha1) This boo--

The world skips.

Isabeau (angry1) -oo..?

Isabeau (angry2) . . .

Mirabelle (anxious1) ... That was a very weak "boo", Isabeau...

Isabeau (hahaha1) Haha, yeah! I'm a spooky prankster!

Isabeau (boo1) . . .

You get a Weird Point for this. The text for refinding equipment then plays.

Repeated interaction

(An empty table.)


(You look at the book.)

The world skips.


Repeated interaction

(An empty table, as always, as always, as always.)

Crumpled poem

For souvenir interaction, see Souvenirs 1.

(There's a crumpled poem on the ground...)

(You pick it up.)

(You got the CRUMPLED POEM!)

(You put the poem in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)



(You put the poem in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)

Secret passage

Before talking to the librarian in Dormont

(. . .)

(This wall feels different somehow...)

(But you don't see any switches or anything, so you leave it alone.)

After learning about the secret library

On subsequent interactions in a single loop and during ACT 5, you just pass through without comment.

First time

(The librarian in Dormont mentioned a secret library, didn't they?)


(Yeah, hidden switch.)

(This one was very well hidden... If you weren't certain there was a switch there, you never would've noticed it.)

Subsequent times

(You press the switch.)

The passage opens.

Mirabelle (uwah!1) WHAT?!?

Odile (uwah!1) What the gems--?!

Bonnie (and then1) SECRET PASSAGE!!!

Mirabelle (awawa1) But how-- How did you--

  • ACT 2: Siffrin (surprised3)
  • ACT 3 & 4: Siffrin (fake1)
  • "I just touched it and it opened!"

    Mirabelle (anxious3) That's so weird?! Was it here all this time?!?

    (You go ahead.)

  • Available in ACT 3 onwards: "Wow, a secret passage~!"

    Isabeau (really1) Nice one, but you're the one who found it, buddy.

    (You wink.)

    Isabeau (blush1) . . .

    Odile (dotdotdot1) Isabeau, don't let the wink distract you.

    Isabeau (huhwah1) CRAB, WAIT,

    (You've already moved on.)

    You get a Weird Point for this.


(Some vials.)

  • First time: (Let's see...)
  • Subsequent times: (You pick them up.)

(You got two SWEET TONICS!)

(You give it to Bonnie for safekeeping.)

Repeated interaction

(Nothing else here.)


Interaction text is generic.

Change God statue

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