Loop Pre-Dialogue

Created by Felikitty in collaboration with bibliomaniac and codacheetah, edited by candycoatedrox

A list of chats initiated by Loop, before you're able to select anything.

Source: Common Event 162 (PreDialogue)


Loop's conversations are sorted by priority. Generally, story related conversations always play first. After that is sidequest related conversations, and after that is random stuff.

The types are referred to as such on this page:

  • High Priority (Story convos)
  • Medium Priority (Sidequest convos) [called "Less Priority" in game files]
  • Low Priority (Random convos)


Basic Hellos

Only seen when no pre-dialogue is triggered.


Loop (teehee4) Heya, stardust! How can I help you on this wonderful new loop?

ACT 3 & 4

Loop (happy1) Hey, stardust. How can I help you on this wonderful new loop?

High Priority

First death against the King

You receive this convo when approaching Loop after the King kills you for the first time in ACT 2.

Loop (hm1) Heya, stardust!

Loop (hm1) You were just fighting the King for the first time, weren't you...

Loop (happy1) He's pretty strong, isn't he? Didn't he kill you in one shot???

(He sure did.)

(You can still feel that hit... Your whole body is wracked with tremors.)

(And what it did...)


Loop (hm1) Hm, what to do, what to do...

Loop (teehee2) I feel like... Finding a way to win against the King would be a good first step?

Loop (hm1) Is there a way for you to survive his first attack? Maybe you should ask your Housemaiden, or look around Dormont...

Loop (teehee1) Anyway! How can I help you on this wonderful new loop?


You receive this conversation when talking to Loop after reaching the end with all Friendquests completed for the first time. You can get this in ACT 3 or 4.

Loop (teehee1) Welcome back, stardust!

Siffrin (hide5) "..."

Loop (sad1) ...

Loop (teehee5) Power of love didn't cut it, huh?

Loop (happy1) That's too bad. I was hoping this could be it somehow, too.

Loop (teehee3) But at least you found out more about your party, didn't you? You had fun, didn't you?

Siffrin (hide5) "What is it all good for, if they'll all forget it in the next loop?"

Loop (sad1) ...

Loop (sad1) Yeah, but...

Loop (sad1) ...

(For once, Loop seems at a loss for words.)

If this conversation was obtained in ACT 4

Loop (sad1) ...

Loop (away1) ...Well, anyway...

Loop (happy1) You've helped your party during one loop. You talked to the King, and, well, found out some things, I guess.

Loop (teehee2) Maybe you should find out more about the loops now, don't you think?

If you haven't done Loop's hangout yet

Loop (happy1) Come and talk to me later. I can help you figure out what to do next.

If you have Memory of Memories

Loop (hm1) And you can read some of that weird language now. Maybe there's some place you should go to, that you couldn't access before in the House...?

Loop (happy2) And, knowing you, there's probably some books you didn't want to look at before, didn't you? Maybe you should try and read them, now.

Loop (sad1) ...

Loop (teehee4) In the meantime, though...

Loop (teehee4) How can I help you on this wonderful new loop?


You get this after the Bonnie incident at the end of Kingquest. For more, see Kingquest.

Loop (ew1) ...

Siffrin (hide5) "..."

Loop (ew1) ...

Loop (fake1) Hey--

Siffrin (hide5) "Stop."

Siffrin (hide5) "Just say 'I told you so', and we can move on."

Loop (angry1) I TOLD YOU SO!!!

Loop (lol1) Teehee, what a stupid idea you had!!! Thinking the King could be turned good!!!

Loop (lol3) He's the King!!! He's probably the reason you're here, or related to it, at least!!!

Loop (angry1) And all you had to do was find out he shares your tragic backstory for you to feel pity for him. He didn't have to lift a finger!

Loop (guilty2) And because of you... Bonnie was--

Loop (sad2) ...

Loop (fake1) Anyway, I told you so.

Loop (away1) But... What he said back then...

Siffrin (hide4) "He mentioned something..."

Siffrin (angry2) "Something about 'Wish Craft'."

Loop (ew1) He did.

Siffrin (angry1) "What's 'Wish Craft'?"

Loop (away1) ...

Loop (away1) I don't know.

Loop (hm1) Wish Craft... Crafting wishes? That sounds impossible, and way too convenient.

Loop (hmmm1) But he seemed to imply you were using it? That's what it felt like to me.

Siffrin (shit1) "I've never heard of Wish Craft before."

Loop (ew1) Me neither. I wouldn't even know where to find information about it.

Loop (away1) But... That IS new information.

Loop (happy1) So, as stupid as the whole "making friends with the King" was...

Loop (fake1) You did find something new.

(Was it worth it?)

(Every time you close your eyes, you still see a hand, tightening.)

Loop (sad2) I'm also wondering... The way you looped last time, wasn't it...

Loop (sad2) ...

Loop (fake1) Whatever, it's not like your Kid will remember whatever just happened anyway!

Loop (fake1) Just put it behind you!


Loop (lol1) And this whole thing gave you something else, didn't it?

Loop (happy1) Another Memory to equip.


(You didn't even notice...)

Loop (fake1) You'll always remember this, after all.

Loop (happy1) Let me do the usual.

Loop (teehee3) [You got a MEMORY OF MEMORIES. When equipped, Memory of Memories allows you to read books you couldn't before!]

Loop (serious2) The ones written in that language that just gives you a headache. The ones from your country.

(Oh, how useful and neat, to be able to read your own blinding language.)

(You might as well read any books you find, before you forget again.)

(Like you do everything else.)

Loop (hm1) And, if you can read that language...

Loop (happy1) Maybe you can explore the House a bit more.

Loop (teehee2) Don't despair, stardust. There's still a path to follow!


If you haven't done Loop's hangout yet

Loop (happy1) ...You should talk to me about the loops, too. I can help you figure out what to do next.

Loop (away1) In the meantime, though...

Loop (teehee3) How can I help you on this wonderful new loop?


Chats associated with Loopquest. "Loopquest" is the storyline about investigating the loops, starting with ACT 3 and ending with the ACT 4 finale.

For details, see Loopquest.

After learning about Time Craft

This predialogue occurs when talking to Loop after learning about Time Craft using the book in the Candle Room and after talking to the Head Housemaiden at least once in ACT 3.

It is also unlocks the Loop Hangout.

Siffrin (serious1) "So."

Loop (hm1) Sooooooo?

Siffrin (um2) "Got any theories about the loops I'm trapped in?"

Loop (happy1) Why would I?

Siffrin (um2) "Your name is LITERALLY 'Loop'."

Loop (hm1) . . .

Loop (teehee4) Oh, stars above, it is! Teehee!


Loop (lol4) But just because I call myself "Loop" doesn't mean I know anything! I'm just bad at names!!!

Loop (happy1) But I'll see what I can do. What's your question?

Siffrin (neutral3) "Do you know anything that could help?"

Loop (teehee5) Such a broad question, stardust!

Loop (hmmm1) As I've told you before... I know as much as you do, right now.

Siffrin (serious1) "How can that be?"

Loop (oh my1) What do you mean?

Siffrin (serious1) "Aren't you here to help me?"

Siffrin (shit1) "Why don't you know more about the loops you're supposed to help me with...?"

Loop (oh my1) . . .

Loop (teehee2) Tee--

Siffrin (um2) "Don't you 'Teehee' me."

Loop (teehee1) Awwwwwwwww.

Loop (hm1) I still don't have a good answer for you, stardust!

Loop (happy1) Isn't it already nice that you have me to talk to about those loops?

Loop (lol5) You could be alone, stuck with only your tiny brain for company, with no one to talk to!

Siffrin (serious1) "..."

Loop (hm1) Okay, okay, okay...

Loop (hm1) Well...

Loop (teehee2) Why don't we summarize what we know about those loops? We might find something out!

(You sigh, and nod.)

(Nothing better to do, you suppose.)

Loop (hm1) Soooooo...

Loop (happy2) You're currently stuck in a time loop, for some unknown reason.

Loop (hm1) The loop starts when you wake up in Dormont, and seems to end when you talk to the Head Housemaiden...

Siffrin (neutral1) "Unless I die first, or touch a Tear."

Loop (hm1) Yes... Maybe the loop considers getting frozen in time by those Tears a sort of death?

Loop (hm1) But why aren't you looping back when you get frozen in battle...?

Siffrin (surprised1) (Huh? Isn't it because...) "I thought the Tears worked differently than an actual time freeze skill."

Loop (hm1) Is that so? ...Well, you're the one getting frozen, so you'd know...

Loop (hmmm1) So, you loop if something keeps you from advancing in some way...

Loop (hm1) . . .

Loop (sad1) I wonder if other things would count as "keeping you from advancing".

Siffrin (surprised3) "Like what?"

Loop (hm1) Like...

Loop (lol3) What if we cut off your legs, would you immediately loop back? You can't "advance" if you have no legs, right?

Siffrin (um2) (Um...) "I'd rather not test that one."

Loop (fake1) Awww. But understandable.


(But it is interesting, though.)

(What makes the loop actually loop?)

If you've gotten Bonnie to yell at Siffrin

(You feel like... You can remember a few times when time looped back on its own, even if it was just a few minutes...)

Loop (sad1) Maybe... Does the loop consider talking to the Head Housemaiden... Something that keeps you from advancing, somehow?


(Maybe, but...)

(What would "advancing" even mean, then?)

(Towards what goal?)

(Is there something that happens when you talk to the Head Housemaiden that makes a certain goal impossible to accomplish?)

(. . .)

Loop (sad2) . . .

Loop (well3) As you've found out, all of this might be the work of Time Craft, a power that should be impossible to use...

Loop (subdued1) But you and the King are somehow able to manipulate it.

Siffrin (hide1) (But...) "Am I manipulating Time Craft if I can't control it?"

Loop (happy1) But you can, can't you?

Loop (happy2) You can more or less control where you come back. Except when you talk to the Head Housemaiden, it seems, which brings you back to the start.

Loop (hmmm1) But just being able to loop back in time and avoid death might count as you being able to use Time Craft.

Siffrin (serious1) (But if Time Craft is supposed to be too dangerous to even use...) "How did I get that power?"

Loop (hm1) And how can you break the loop for good?

Loop (fake2) Yes, those are the big questions, aren't they?

Loop (well3) ...   I do wonder about the limitations of your powers, still.

Loop (sad1) What makes you actually loop?

Loop (away1) Somehow, I feel like finding out more about that would be useful...

Loop (away1) . . .

(. . .)

Loop (away1) ...

Loop (serious2) Stardust, we've been talking for a while, so maybe not right now, but...

Loop (serious2) When you have some time, will you hang out with me for a bit?

Siffrin (surprised1) (Huh?) "Hang out?"

Loop (away1) I have... A theory I'd like to test. And...

Loop (lol5) And we haven't spent any time together, stardust!!! I'm lonely!!! I want to have a long conversation with someone, anyone!!! I wanna hang ouuuuuut!!!


Loop (happy1) Again, it doesn't have to be right now.

Loop (happy2) Our little hang out time might last a while. Maybe even longer than the rest of the day.

Loop (teehee2) I'm sure you have plans for this loop, so I can wait until you have time!

Loop (happy1) ...Okay?

(A theory Loop would like to test about the loops...?)

(It might be useful.)

(You should talk to Loop and hang out with them when you have time, then.)

Loop (lol4) Yay!!! I'll be waiting, stardust!

Loop (teehee1) In the meantime...

Loop (teehee5) How can I help you on this wonderful new loop?

After finding out about Wish Craft

This one can only be obtained in ACT 4, after reading the journal in the room behind the star-shaped door. Requiring Memory of Memories means it's locked behind completing Kingquest, and Siffrin refuses to read it until all Friendquests were completed at least once.

Loop (teehee4) Hi stard--

Siffrin (unhinged1) "Loop!!!"

Loop (oh my1) Woah! Y-yes?

Siffrin (happy1) "You heard it, didn't you?"

Loop (oh1) Heard what? You know, I don't actually spy on you all the ti--

Siffrin (nya1) "I found it, Loop!"

Siffrin (unhinged1) "Wish Craft!!!"

Loop (oh1) Wish Craft...? The thing the King spoke of?

Siffrin (unhinged1) "I found it in a book, Loop!"

Siffrin (unhinged1) "The writer said they wanted to create a whole new body, and used Wish Craft for it!"

Siffrin (unhinged2) "Wish Craft made their wish come true!!!"

Loop (oh1) Create a whole new body?! That's--

Siffrin (nya1) "Impossible, right?"

Siffrin (unhinged1) "But they did it, with Wish Craft!"

Siffrin (unhinged1) "It's real, Loop, it has to be!!!"

Loop (hm1) A Craft that allows you to do the impossible... Like creating a body...

Siffrin (nya1) "Like looping in time!"

Loop (hmmm1) Like, maybe... Freezing people in time, as well?


(That's right...)

(If the King knows about Wish Craft, could Wish Craft be how he got the power to Craft time?)

(Did he use Wish Craft to be able to use Time Craft?)

(It makes sense, doesn't it? Doesn't it?!?)

Loop (oh1) Huh...

Loop (lol5) Ha! Stars, that's something, isn't it? That's a new lead!!!

Siffrin (nya1) "Finally, right?"

Loop (lol5) Finally, indeed!

Loop (lol3) Well. You know what to do, don't you, stardust?

Siffrin (happy1) "Find more information!"

Loop (lol1) Indeed you do.

Loop (hm1) Not to send you on another book chase, but...

Siffrin (um1) "Book time."

Loop (happy1) Book time.

Loop (hm1) You can read those weird books now, can't you? Maybe one of them might mention it...


Loop (happy1) Alright! Now that you're here, though...

Loop (lol1) How can I help you on this wonderful new loop?

After asking about wishes

This one is for talking to Loop after asking the people of Dormont for their wishes and looking at the Head Housemaiden's list in her office. Doing this enables you to talk to her again and end ACT 4.

Loop (happy1) ...Heya, stardu--

Siffrin (unhinged1) "LOOP!"

Siffrin (unhinged2) "I figured it out, Loop!"

Siffrin (unhinged1) "Everyone's wish-- It's probably the reason I'm here!"

Siffrin (unhinged1) "Everyone's wish to save Vaugarde!!!"

Loop (oh1) ...Huh?

Siffrin (unhinged2) "It makes sense, Loop!"

Siffrin (unhinged1) "I'm looping and not dying so we can beat the King!"

Siffrin (unhinged1) "Everyone has been wishing for Vaugarde to be saved from the King!"

Siffrin (unhinged1) "And if I die-- The King can't be beaten, Vaugarde can't be saved!"

Siffrin (unhinged2) "That's why I can loop back in time, Loop! THAT'S why!!!"

Loop (away1) What? But then, why--

Siffrin (unhinged1) "This whole time-- I might be trapped because Vaugarde wished for it!"

Siffrin (unhinged2) "Vaugardians don't know the ritual for the Favor Trees, but their belief and hope alone might have been enough!"

Siffrin (unhinged1) "An entire country of people wishing for the same thing should be enough to make the Universe listen, isn't it?"

Siffrin (unhinged1) "And the Head Housemaiden knows this! She made a list!"

Siffrin (unhinged1) "And she knows about the loops, at the very end, she always notices!!!"

Siffrin (unhinged2) "So she knows about Wish Craft, about the wish that brought me here..."

Siffrin (unhinged4) "So she'll know! She'll know how to fix it!"

Siffrin (unhinged4) "I just need to ask!!!"

Loop (away1) ...Is that so? But, didn't you already--

Siffrin (unhinged1) "It is so!"

Siffrin (unhinged1) "I might be able to break the loop, somehow!"

Loop (away1) ...

Siffrin (unhinged1) "You know, it might just be that I need to make everyone's wish come true! And everything will be back to normal!"

Siffrin (unhinged1) "If I talk to her, she'll know, she'll be able to tell me what to do..."

Siffrin (unhinged4) "If I can just talk to her...!"

Loop (away1) ...But, stardust, you already tried, and...

Siffrin (happy1) "It's all thanks to you, Loop."

Loop (oh1) W-What?

Siffrin (happy1) "If you didn't push me to keep going, if you weren't there, I wouldn't have gotten this far."

Siffrin (lol1) "So, thank you, Loop!"

Siffrin (nya1) "After I talk to her, I'll see you, right?"

Siffrin (unhinged1) "I'll see you, in a brand new world!"

Loop (away1) I...

Loop (sad2) ...

Loop (fake1) Sure, stardust.

(You smile.)

(Loop seems to smile back.)

Loop (away1) ...But, stardust... Before you go and talk to her...

Loop (subdued1) I had a theory, while you were gone.

(A theory?)

Loop (away1) ...How do I put this...

Loop (away1) The times when you loop back on your own, and not because of your death...

Loop (serious2) I was thinking the reason why might be linked to your emotional state.


Loop (serious2) Emotions are often high, when you loop back in those moments, aren't they?

Loop (away1) So maybe you don't loop because you die... But because you feel like there would be no reason to go on, maybe?

Loop (away1) Something that, to you, feels on the same level of hopelessness as death? On the same level as the world ending?

(You think about a House, exploding in lights.)

Siffrin (angry2) "Something like the death of my family members, you mean?"

Loop (sad2) ...Yes.

Loop (away1) But wouldn't that fit? Wouldn't that explain it?

Loop (hm1) You can't continue, because your party is dead.

If Bonnie yelled at you during the 2nd Snack Break

Loop (serious2) You can't continue, because the Kid is crying and hates you.

If you got the Bad Touch event

Loop (serious2) You can't continue, because the Fighter rejected you.

If you got the Tutorial event

Loop (serious2) You can't continue, because you killed a Sadness in a way that makes them scared of you.

If you got the Ghost event

Loop (serious2) You can't continue, because you all saw a ghost of yourself and they're reacting like nothing's wrong.

If you got the Suspicious event

Loop (hm1) You can't continue, because your Researcher has found out about your loops and hates you for keeping them secret.

Loop (subdued1) You can't continue, because the King has beaten you, and the Kid is about to die.

Loop (subdued1) You can't continue, because, somehow, you know this is the end.


(Maybe that's the case, but...)

(But why would time loop back just because of how you feel?)

(You didn't wish for any of this, did you?)


Siffrin (hide5) "What about the Head Housemaiden?"

Siffrin (angry3) "Why do I always loop back when I talk to her?"

Loop (away1) ...I don't know, yet.

Loop (away1) I don't know if what happens with the Head Housemaiden is even related to that. It could be that this is the loop's natural end, or something.

Loop (serious2) But if it is linked to your feelings...

Loop (serious2) Does something happen when you see her that makes you feel like this is the end?


(. . .)


Time skips back.

(Loop sighs.)

Loop (lol5) Heya stardust! How can I help you in this wonderful new loop?

Medium Priority

Come back to Loop for the first time

This one is for ACT 2, when you go back to talk to Loop for the first time. If I'm reading the conditions right, it's when you loop back to Dormont after the Head Housemaiden's office is locked off for the first time and you're stuck. Loop sobs at you to say hi.

Loop (lol5) Aw, you did come and see me!

Loop (lol1) Was it because you felt sorry for me, all alone under this big tree? That's so sweet, stardust!

(You're regretting it, now.)

Loop (lol3) Aw, stardust, I can tell you're starting to like me. It's okay, just admit it! I won't judge! It's not weird!


Loop (lol5) Teehee!

Loop (teehee4) Anyway, how can I help you on this wonderful new loop?

Call Loop

When talking to Loop for the third time or more, you get the (Call Loop.) skill.

Loop (teehee1) Heya, stardust!

Loop (hm1) Hm...

Loop (hmmm1) It takes you a lot of time, doesn't it? To loop back and talk to me?

Siffrin (neutral3) (It sure does.) "It's fine."

Loop (hmmm1) ...Is it?

Siffrin (okay2) (...) "...It's fine."

Loop (hmmm1) Uh huh.

Loop (hm1) But, hm... I wonder if... Yeah, that's a good idea.

Loop (teehee3) How about I teach you a special Craft Skill so you can talk to me whenever?

Siffrin (um1) (A Craft Skill to talk to Loop, even when you're not near them?) "That seems impossible."

Loop (lol1) Only because you don't know the specific hand shape for it.


Loop (lol4) Yes, stardust.

Loop (lol1) A fourth hand shape. So you can talk to me whenever. Are you interested?

(A fourth hand shape...)

(If anyone would know about this, it'd be someone like Loop.)

(You nod.)

Loop (teehee3) Great! Alright, are you ready?

(You nod again.)

Loop (teehee1) So, take your hand, and make a fist.

(You do so.)

Loop (teehee2) Then, you're going to raise your thumb and little finger.

(Raise thumb, raise little finger...)

Loop (lol4) And, keeping your hand in that shape, you're going to put your hand next to your face, with the thumb to your ear and little finger to your mouth.

Loop (lol1) THAT'S the secret hand shape no one knows about.


(You've never heard about this, but you have a bad memory. You may have just forgotten it.)

Loop (happy3) And then, the very last step...

(There's more?!)

Loop (lol4) There is, stardust.

Loop (lol5) You just have to think very loudly: "Boy I sure wish I could talk to Loop right now!!!"

Siffrin (okay1) (...) "Now that part just sounds silly."

Loop (lol5) HAHA!

Loop (lol1) Yes, that's definitely the silly part of this ritual.

Loop (lol5) And that's it! Now, you can call me whenever!

Loop (hm1) Well, mostly whenever. It might not work, sometimes. Especially if you get too far.

Loop (lol1) And we won't be able to chat very long or anything, so you'll still need to come whenever you want a breather, or need to chat.

Loop (teehee2) But now, I can help you out, and give you hints whenever!

Loop (happy1) Or, if you want me to put it another way...

Loop (lol5) [You've just learned the skill (Call Loop.) You can call me anytime to get some precious hints!]

Loop (well4) [To call me, just go into your Craft menu and select (Call Loop.)! Easy as pie!]


Loop (lol5) Teehee!

Loop (happy1) Alright! Now that you're here, though...

Loop (lol1) How can I help you on this wonderful new loop?

Bad Touch

Talk to Loop after smooching Isabeau.

Loop (happy1) ...

Siffrin (hide3) "..."

Loop (happy1) ...

Loop (lol3) Stardust, you traitor!!! I thought what we had was special!

Siffrin (hide3) "..."

Loop (lol5) But you didn't value me, did you, and I had to see you kiss the fighter, in front of my very eyes! The shock! The betrayal!!!

Siffrin (hide3) "Shut up."

Loop (lol3) And then you looped right back! Refusing to face the consequences of your actions!

Loop (happy2) What were you afraid of? For him to finally see you? To see what kind of person you truly are?

Loop (happy1) Maybe he would have accepted you, you know. Maybe you're not as disgusting as you think you are.

Siffrin (no1) "Shut up!"

Loop (fake1) Or, stardust... Maybe you ARE that disgusting. Not letting the poor fighter make his own decisions! Who would do that! Or--

Siffrin (angry4) "SHUT. UP."

Loop (happy1) ...

Siffrin (angry4) "I don't want to talk or THINK about ANY of this."

Siffrin (scary2) "Especially not with YOU."

Loop (happy1) ...

Loop (teehee1) But, stardust... Who else but me?

Siffrin (scary3) "..."

Loop (ew1) ...

Loop (fake1) Anyway, you got a Memory for your troubles. You can check it out later, I don't think you'd like me to tell you what it does.

Loop (teehee3) So! How can I help you on this wonderful new loop?

Forgotten names

If you got the death wake up event where Siffrin forgets Mirabelle's name. That one's triggered in ACT 4 only if you called Loop 10 or more times.

Loop (teehee3) Hi, stardust!

Siffrin (hide1) "Thanks, for earlier."

Loop (ew1) Please don't mention it.

Loop (teehee4) ...How can I help you on this wonderful new loop?

Family Members

After completing Friendquests for the first time. Lower priority than the other Friendquest convo, so you can't get it the first Loop chat after.

Loop (teehee3) Hi, stardust!

Loop (hm1) Hm...

Loop (lol1) Are you calling your party "family members" now? You know this sounds really awkward, right?

Siffrin (um2) (...) "YOU'RE awkward."

Loop (oh1) ...

Loop (sad2) ......

(Oh, somehow this one seems to have hit home.)

(You feel a little bad.)

Loop (sad2) ...

Loop (teehee2) A-Anyway! How can I help you on this wonderful new loop?

Your Dagger

This conversation unlocks after looping with tears 20 or more times. No matter how this conversation is completed, you'll get the "Warning! Sharp!" achievement.

This section features discussion of suicide. To skip, go to Low Priority.

Full page: Your Dagger

Loop (teehee4) Hi, stardust!

Loop (lol1) Say, you've looped back a lot using tears, haven't you? Was it on purpose, or did you trip into them?

Siffrin (questions1) (Well...)

  • "On purpose, I guess."

    Loop (hm1) Hm...

  • "I'm just clumsy, teehee."

    Loop (lol3) You sure are, teehee!

Loop (hm1) I suppose it is useful! It's a fast way to loop back.

Loop (lol5) Isn't it tiring though, having to walk back to find one? Are you tired? Are you annoyed yet???

(Are they trying to get on your nerves on purpose...)

Loop (happy3) Not on purpose! Just trying to make conversation!


(It IS annoying to have to walk back every time, though.)

Loop (teehee3) Right??? Well, there's no faster way, and it's either this or die in a fight, so I'd say the Tears are better.

Siffrin (questions1) (Is it the only way...?)

  • (Yeah, no other way.)

    Loop (hmmm1) ...?

    Siffrin (okay2) "Those Tears are sure getting on my nerves though."

    Loop (lol5) Heheh, so annoying, right?

    The conversation ends at this point.

  • "I do have a dagger..."

    The conversation continues on.

Loop (lol1) Haha, you sure do!

Loop (lol1) ...

Loop (happy1) What do you mean, "I do have a dagger"...?


Loop (serious1) Stardust, are you serious? You want to stab yourself and die so you can loop back?

Loop (guilty2) You shouldn't! Stabbing yourself isn't as easy as touching a Tear, you know! It'll hurt! A lot!!!

(That's quite a reaction from Loop...)

Siffrin (hide1) (It'd definitely hurt, yeah...)

  • "That's true..."

    Loop (guilty1) ...So you won't think about it anymore?

    Siffrin (hide1)

    • "I won't. It was just an idea."

      Loop (serious1) Okay. Good.

      Loop (lol2) ...Anyway! How can I help you this time, stardust?

      The conversation ends at this point.

    • "But what if..."

      The conversation continues on.

  • "That's fine..."

    The conversation continues on.

Loop (guilty2) Stardust, I don't want you to!!!

Loop (angry1) Listen to me and don't even think about it, for Universe's sake!!!

Siffrin (angry2) (Loop seems REALLY against the idea...)

  • "Okay, FINE, I'll stop thinking about it."

    Loop (angry1) Okay, GOOD!!!

    Loop (ew1) Stars. Such a stupid idea.

    Loop (ew1) ...

    Loop (lol2) Anyway! How can I help you this time, stardust?

    The conversation ends at this point.

  • "And who are you to tell me what to do?!"

    Loop (angry1) Stardust, don't--

    Time skips back slightly.

    Loop (sad1) Ah--

    (Loop suddenly freezes.)

    (You see them clutch their head in their hands in pain, when suddenly--)

    Time skips back, again.




    Loop (possessed1)

    Time skips back a third time.

    (Loop won't look at you.)

    Loop (ew1) ...

    Loop (fake2) You should probably go now. I'd rather not see your face again this loop.


    (You flee.)

You cannot talk to Loop again for the entire loop.

Your Dagger, continued

When returning to Loop the next loop after obtaining the dagger, regardless of whether you used it.

Loop (subdued1) ...

Loop (lol3) Aw, I can't stay mad at you, you little cutie!

Loop (lol1) Look at you, stardust! So stupid, so lost. So willing to stab themselves for things to go slightly quicker.

Loop (fake2) Just so you know, being forced to tell you how to kill yourself? Not the best way for me to spend my day.

If you used the dagger

Loop (lol5) So, how did suicide feel, you cutie patootie?

Loop (fake1) Not so easy, huh?

Loop (fake1) Yeah.

Siffrin (hide1) (...)

  • "I shouldn't have said it."

    The conversation continues on.

  • "Why do you care?"

    Loop (ew1) . . . Yeah, I wonder too.

    Loop (fake1) ...Anyway. How can I help you on this WONDERFUL new loop.

    The conversation ends here. You keep the dagger in your inventory.

Loop (subdued1) ...

Siffrin (serious1)

  • "Can I take it back?"

    The conversation continues on.

  • "But I'll still keep it." (Keep your dagger.)

    Loop (ew1) Of course you will. As upset as I am, I might've done the same in your position.

    Loop (fake1) It IS very useful, to be able to loop back whenever you please.

    Loop (fake1) Just, you know. Curse you for putting me in this position, I guess.

    Loop (ew1) And... Even though you have it, still... I hope you won't use it.

    Loop (away1) For your sake.


    Loop (fake1) ...Anyway. How can I help you on this WONDERFUL new loop.

    The conversation ends here. You keep the dagger in your inventory.

Loop (ew1) ...Sure. If you want to.

Loop (happy1) Do you want to? As upset as I am, this IS a useful skill to have, you know.

Loop (ew1) It'll only get easier and faster, too.

Loop (ew1) Anything that makes a loop end slightly quicker.

Siffrin (hide1)

  • "I don't want to be able to do that anymore." (Stop being able to use your dagger on yourself.)

    Loop (happy1) ...Okay.

    Loop (hm1) Then, uh...

    Loop (teehee3) PCHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

    Loop (happy1) There.


    (You're glad.)

    (It probably would've gotten easier, but killing yourself to loop back isn't your idea of a good time.)

    Siffrin (serious1) (But...) "What happened to you, back then?"

    Loop (happy1) Oh, you know. Universe stuff.

    Loop (ew1) ...I can help you out, stardust, but...

    Loop (happy1) Helping you out comes with certain rules.

    Loop (happy1) But I asked to be here. So it's fine.

    Loop (lol5) ...Anyway, stardust! How can I help you on this wonderful new loop!

    The conversation ends here. The dagger is removed from your inventory.

  • "...I'll keep it." (Keep your dagger.)

    Loop (ew1) Yeah, I get it. I'd probably do the same, in your shoes.

    Loop (happy1) ...Anyway. How can I help you on this wonderful new loop.

    The conversation ends here. You keep the dagger in your inventory.

Low Priority

Talk to Loop a lot

Talk to Loop seven or more times.

Loop (teehee4) Hi, stardust!

Loop (hm1) I feel like I see you pretty often. Are you sure you don't have anything better to do?

Loop (well2) If I was in your place, which I'm not... I'd spend my time in the House forever, getting stronger and stronger.

Loop (teehee1) Anyway! How can I help you on this wonderful new loop?

Talk to Loop even more

Talk to Loop fifteen or more times.

Loop (serious1) HERE AGAIN?!?

Loop (lol3) You really like to talk to me, huh stardust? It's been more than 15 times already!

Siffrin (angry3) (Urgh.) "I'm soooo sorry for bothering you."

Loop (well2) I forgive you, stardust.

Loop (hm1) But, hm... Maybe you should get something as a reward, don't you think? For coming to talk to me so often.

Loop (teehee2) A secret tutorial! Maybe you'll know about it already, though.

Loop (teehee5) So! There's an item you can give to your party if you talk to them in Dormont. Did you know that?

If you have not found the Bright flower before

(Is there...?)

Loop (oh my1) How did you not find it already?!?

Loop (hmmm1) You should explore Dormont a bit more, stardust! There's a flower you can get, and give it to your party.

If you have found the Bright Flower before

(Is Loop talking about that flower...?)

Loop (teehee2) Yes, yes!

Siffrin (fufu1) "Is the tutorial about how I can give you that flower, too?"

Loop (angry1) What?! No, gross!!! I don't want it!!!

Loop (ew1) I don't want any of your stuff. But...

Loop (happy1) I am a bit of a special case still, and so, there's a couple items you can show me, if you wanted.

(Is that so...?)

Loop (hm1) I'm too lazy to open new choices for you in our conversations, though.

Loop (teehee3) So just stand kinda close to the tree, and just interact with your Souvenirs. Maybe I'll have something to say about it!

Loop (happy1) So, in simpler terms...

Loop (lol4) [If you use a Souvenir near me, I might react to it!]


Loop (happy2) Anyway! How can I help you?


If you told Isabeau the Favor Tree might have a parasite.

Loop (hm1) A parasite, huh?

Loop (teehee4) You wound me, stardust!!!

Loop (teehee4) Anyway! How can I help you on this wonderful new loop?