Equipment (Armor and Weapons)

Text for armor and weapons.

  • For Memories, see Memories.
  • For a more technical view of these items, please check out the ISAT wiki instead.


Refinding Equipment

When you pick up equipment you already have, the world skips and this text plays (with a few exceptions).

First time


(You stumble.)

(There was something there, you remember.)

(Did this happen because whatever you found here before is already in your possession...?)

(You feel dizzy.)

Second time

(You don't stumble this time, but you feel dizzy still.)

(Felt like the air around you warped and changed for a second...)


Third time

(You're getting used to this.)

(Something was here before, but you always keep whatever weapons or armors you get through loops...)

(Is the world... Rewriting itself, when you look again?)


Fourth time

(You're ready for it, this time.)

(You'll be fine looking at old spots like this, from now on.)

Fifth time onwards


Four in one loop

Odile (dotdotdot2) ...

Odile (dotdotdot2) Something's weird.

Mirabelle (anxious1) Huh? Something's weird? Like what?

Odile (dotdotdot2) ...I'll let you know when I find out.


You get one Weird Point.


Siffrin's Knife


Your trusty dagger. Does the job.


Obtained by default.

Garden Scissors


Not that easy to wield. Cuts everything.
[Boosts ATK, lowers ATKSPD.]


Location: Floor 2, Gardening Room, in the closet.

(The closet is filled with gardening supplies.)


If you don't have the Gardening Scissors

(You got the GARDEN SCISSORS!)

(You put the Garden Scissors in your pocket to equip later.)

If you do

The generic text for refinding equipment plays, and then the following.

(There's some gardening books about rare and powerful plants.)

While looking for books about specific Wish Craft rituals

(Powerful plants... Somehow, you're reminded of the Favor Tree.)

(...One of the books has a section on Favor Trees, but it's pretty useless.)

(The bottom of the page says "For more information on this topic, check out...")

(You can't read the title they're recommending.)

(They do mention the cover of the book they're recommending has a picture of a big, sparkly tree.)

(Can you find that book somewhere...?)


(None of them catch your eye.)



A blade gifted by the Change God, and sharpened by you.
[Boosts ATK when fighting the King.]


Full Page: Quest for the KnifeKey.

(Sharpening stone, apply to KeyKnife.)

First time

(You take the KeyKnife and sharpening stone, and mumble repeatedly the first thing that comes to mind...)

Subsequent times

(You take the KeyKnife and sharpening stone, and mumble repeatedly...)

"Please be sharp, please be sharp, please be sharp."

Isabeau (fufufu1) Please be sharp,

Mirabelle (excited1) Please be sharp,

Bonnie (yeah!2) Please be sharp!!!

Odile (lol2) Well, it's sharp now.

First time only


(You got the KNIFEKEY!)

(You put the Knifekey in your pocket to equip later.)

[Woohoo, you did it!]

[You are now the proud owner of a KnifeKey, a knife that can cut anything, ESPECIALLY the King.]

[Yes, you heard that correctly! When the KnifeKey is equipped, your ATTACK will be boosted when fighting against the King! Isn't that grand!!!]

[One thing though... This weapon isn't like the others. You can only equip it when you make it, which means you'll have to pick up the KeyKnife and sharpen it every time.]

[It's an important item, after all! You can't just HAVE it!!!]



(You'll always remember this.)

[If you equip this memory, and loop back to the King, you will automatically have the KnifeKey equipped!!!]

[That's it, stardust! Bye!!!]

Subsequent times

(You got the KNIFEKEY!)

(You put the Knifekey in your pocket to equip later.)

Traveler's Hat


Looks remarkably like a wizard's hat.
[Boosts ATKSPD & CritChance.]


Obtained by default.

Starry Hat


The fabric lining the inside of the hat is filled with stars.
[Boosts DEF, ATKSPD & CritChance, heals 5% HP every turn.]


Location: Floor 3, Star-shaped Door Room, in the drawer.

(A drawer.)

(You open it...)

If you don't have the Starry Hat

(There's a beautiful hat inside.)

(It's very similar to yours.)

(You got the STARRY HAT!)

(You put the hat in your Pockets to equip later.)

If you do


The world skips.

(--Nothing inside.)

(But the Starry Hat was here before. You remember.)

(No Hat!)


You can see better, now.
[Boosts ATKSPD & CritChance]


Obtained by entering ACT 6.


Shiny Rapier


A graceful weapon made stronger with a Housemaiden's will.


Obtained by default.

Needle Sword


A rapier made for battle-- and big stitches. Protected by sharpness.


Location: Floor 1, Armory, on the wall.

If you don't have the Needle Sword

Bonnie (wow1) Oh! Look, on the wall, there's a sword!

Isabeau (neutral1) This sword looks rapier-like. You wanna take it, Mira?

Mirabelle (hm2) Hm... Taking things that don't belong to you is bad...

Mirabelle (happy4) But yes. I would like the sword.

Odile (hm1) You got over that quickly...

(You got the NEEDLE SWORD!)

(You give the Needle Sword to Mirabelle to equip later.)

First time finding most Floor 1 armor or weapons

[You found a Weapon!]

[Weapons and Armors can be equipped by going through the menu, and then to "Equip".]

[This specific weapon is for your little Housemaiden. Don't forget to equip it!]

If you do

Bonnie (wow1) Oh! Look, on the wall, there's--

The world skips.

Bonnie (sulk3) --nothing, it's just a normal boring wall.

The generic text for refinding equipment plays.

Big Bow


Cute! Massive! Makes one easy to pick out of a crowd! [Boosts DEF]


Obtained by default.

Stylish Bow


Made by a fellow classmate, with love.
[Boosts ATKSPD, recovers 2% HP every turn.]


Full page: Mirabelle's Fan

Siffrin (questions1) "Fanmail delivery!"

(You give her the gift.)

Mirabelle (awawa1) F-Fanmail?!? From a stylish lady?!?

Mirabelle (hm2) Okay... Oh, it's from one of my classmates...? I...

Mirabelle (awkward2) ...

Mirabelle (awawa1) Oh... Oh!!!

Mirabelle (awawa1) That's from, um, a scary classmate of mine...!

Mirabelle (stressed1) Or at least, I thought she was scary! She has a very intense look, you know!!!

Mirabelle (sad1) But... She's gifting me a bow she made...

Mirabelle (sad2) She thought it would fit me well, and she says... She says...

(Suddenly, Mirabelle starts tearing up!!!)

Mirabelle (sad3) S-She's such a nice person... I'm so glad that...

Mirabelle (sad3) So glad that...

Mirabelle (sad3) ...

Mirabelle (happy1) A-Anyway, look!!! Look at this bow! Isn't it pretty?

(She's crying, but she must not want you to mention it...)

(You look at the bow.)

(It's a very bright shade, and seems to sparkle in the light.)

(It would probably fit Mirabelle very well...)

Siffrin (smiling2) "It looks wonderful."

Mirabelle (happy1) It does!

(You got the STYLISH BOW!)

(Mirabelle keeps it safe.)


Crystal Knuckle


Gloves that hit really hard and are also the height of fashion.


Obtained by default.

Papier-mâché Hands


Hits surprisingly hard for paper.
[Normal attacks become PAPER attacks.]


Location: Floor 3, Pottery Room, on the shelf.

(A shelf filled with little Change Gods.)

(They're all different shapes and sizes, some smiling, some crying, some with no face at all.)

(There's a box here...)

(The box is filled with crafting materials and finished art pieces that no one liked.)


If you don't have the Papier-mâché Hands

Odile (urgh1) Papier-mâché gloves...?

Mirabelle (awkward1b) They're massive! They were not made for a kid, that's for sure.


(You take the gloves and put them near Isabeau's hands.)

Isabeau (oh1) Oh my...

Mirabelle (happy2) A perfect fit...

(Isabeau bats his eyes.)

Isabeau (fufufu1) My dear Siffrin... Would you do me the honor...

(You laugh and try to put the gloves on him.)

(The stiff papier-mâché makes it hard, but after some effort, you succeed in your task.)

Isabeau (brag1) Fu fu fu...

Isabeau (yeah!1) PAPIER-MÂCHÉ HANDS

Odile (lol1) How comfortable are they?

Isabeau (yeah!1) NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT


(The Papier-mâché Hands are equipped to Isabeau. That's just how it is now.)

[The PAPIER-MÂCHÉ HANDS are very special! When equipped, they turn Isabeau's basic Attack from Rock to Paper!]

If you do

The generic text for refinding equipment plays.

(...Actually, now that the papier-mâché hands are gone, there's some tonics in there.)

(You got two SWEET TONICS!)

(You give them to Bonnie for safekeeping.)

Rectangular Earrings


Earrings that fortify the wearer's body and soul.
If you touch one it goes "ding ding"! [Boosts DEF]


Obtained by default.

Drop Earring


A single earring. Looks cooler than wearing two.
[Boosts ATKSPD.]


Location: Floor 2, Infirmary, on the empty bed.

(A bed.)

(Doesn't seem very comfy.)

If you don't have the Drop Earring

(There's a bunch of things on the bed, like... Oh?)

Bonnie (happy2) Earrings! Pretty!

Odile (doubt1) Just one, though.

Bonnie (hmf1) And it's broken, too!

Isabeau (yeah!1) I'll TAKE IT.

(You got the DROP EARRING!)

(You give the Drop Earring to Isabeau to equip later.)

If you do

The text for refinding equipment plays.

(There's a bunch of things on the bed, but none catch your eye.)


Dense Book


An incredibly dense book of spells. Or maybe it's a fairytale book...


Obtained by default.

Heavy Book


If you can knock someone out with it, it’s a weapon. [Boosts ATK,
but +1 COOLDOWN to all Craft Skills.]


Location: Floor 2, House Library, on the right table.

(A book that seems a little too heavy for the table it's on.)

If you don't have the Heavy Book

Isabeau (hahaha2) This book is massive!

Mirabelle (hm3) It's called... "The Complete History of Fishing."

Odile (what2) Hm...

(Odile takes the book with two hands...)

The sound of the book hitting the table.

(...And hits the table with it.)

Bonnie (serious1) Do that again.

Odile (up1) . . .

Bonnie (no!2) . . . Please!

The sound again.

Bonnie (and then1) CRAB YEAH

Odile (lol4) Ha, indeed.

Odile (lol3) I'll take this one.

(Odile got the HEAVY BOOK!)

(She puts it in her pocket to equip later.)

Isabeau (angry2) A fishing book... . . .


Odile (reading1) It's called "Ichthyology", and I am not studying it.

Isabeau (boo1) BOO.

If you do

Isabeau (hahaha1) This boo--

The world skips.

Isabeau (angry1) -oo..?

Isabeau (angry2) . . .

Mirabelle (anxious1) ... That was a very weak "boo", Isabeau...

Isabeau (hahaha1) Haha, yeah! I'm a spooky prankster!

Isabeau (boo1) . . .

You get a Weird Point for this. The text for refinding equipment then plays.

First Issue


The beginning of an adventure.


Full page: "The Cursing of Château Castle" sidequest compliation.

Castle-Loving One Y'know... The end of the world is fine and all... But I only have one regret...

Castle-Loving One I......


Castle-Loving One Did he manage to protect his castle to the very end?!? Did he finally find his friend Pierre-Jacques-Erneste, did he finally find more about himself?!?

Castle-Loving One Oh... I'll never know...

ACT 2 & 3

Siffrin (questions1)


Siffrin (fake1)

(The last one you've seen is...)

"I know how it ends."

Castle-Loving One . . .

Castle-Loving One What? No, that's a lie. I think you're lying to me right now.

(You explain the contents of issue #87, as best you can...)

Castle-Loving One . . .

Castle-Loving One What? Lord Joséphandre is just a guy?

Castle-Loving One That's...


Castle-Loving One He was just a guy... He was just a guy...!!!

Castle-Loving One He saved so many people, made the world a better place, and everyone thought it was because of who he was, of his past, but...

Castle-Loving One But he was just a guy...!!!

(Uh oh, tears are coming out!!!)

(Before you can try to figure out how to respond, they've already taken out a lovely handkerchief and blown their nose into it.)

Castle-Loving One Thank you. I... I'm so glad I got to know this, before...

If you don't have the First Issue

Castle-Loving One Here, take this.

(You got the FIRST ISSUE!)

(You put the First Issue in your pocket for Odile to equip later.)

If you have it

Castle-Loving One Here, take thi--

The world skips.

Castle-Loving One ...Huh?

Castle-Loving One Um, I wanted to give you something, but... I can't...

Castle-Loving One Knowing the final issue's contents must've shocked me more than I thought.

Castle-Loving One Now... Can you please leave? I need to lay in bed and think about this ending.

Geometric Glasses


Object that curses the wearer with blindness whenever it's not worn.
[Boosts DEF & ATKSPD.]


Obtained by default.

Opaque Glasses


Makes you look super intimidating. But at what cost...
[Boosts ATK & CritChance, but lowers DEF.]


Location: Floor 1, Candle Room, in the closet on the right.

(You open the closet...)

If you don't have the Opaque Glasses

(There's a pair of glasses inside a transparent case.)

(Unlike the case, the glasses are completely opaque...)

Odile (hm1) Glasses you can't even see out of... Absolutely useless.

Bonnie (happy2) Are you gonna take them?

Odile (reading2) Hm...

Odile (reading2) . . .

Odile (lol2) Yes. I'll take them.

(You got the OPAQUE GLASSES!)

(You give the Opaque Glasses to Odile to equip later.)

First time finding most Floor 1 armor or weapons

[You found an Armor!]

[Weapons and Armors can be equipped by going through the menu, and then to "Equip".]

[This specific armor is for that Researcher of yours. Don't forget to equip it!]

If you do; first time

(There's a pair of

The world skips. Text for refinding equipment plays.

(There's no glasses in there, but there are some supplies...)

(You got a SALTY BROTH!)

(You give them to Bonnie for safekeeping.)

If you do; subsequent times

The world skips. Text for refinding equipment plays.

(You take the item.)

(You got a SALTY BROTH!)

(You give them to Bonnie for safekeeping.)


Frying Pan


Good for cooking. Better for smacking.


Obtained by default.

Griddle Pan


Hm... Pancakes...
[Bonnie's buffs will always boost ATTACK.]


Location: Dormont, Beautiful One's House, in the closet the second loop you interact with it.

(Beautiful cutlery.)

Second time

(...Oh? There's a broken griddle pan in there... You didn't notice it before.)

Beautiful One Ah, this? I've been meaning to throw it out... Do you want it?

(Bonnie might like one of those, even if it's broken...)

(You nod.)

(You got a GRIDDLE PAN!)

(You put the Griddle Pan in your Pockets for Bonnie to equip later.)



Make veggies that will make you strong!
[Bonnie's buffs will always boost DEFENSE.]


Location: Floor 1, Kitchen, in the sink.

(A sink and some kitchen utensils.)

If you don't have the Wok

Bonnie (no!1) HERE!!!

Mirabelle (awawa1) Wh-what? What is it???

Bonnie (hmf2) WOK.

(Bonnie points to a big, thin cooking pot.)

Odile (huh1) Wok?

Isabeau (fufufu1) Wok...

Mirabelle (anxious1) Yes, that's... A wok.

Bonnie (yeah!1) WOK!!!!!!!!!

(You got the WOK!)

(You give the Wok to Bonnie to equip later.)

First time finding most Floor 1 armor or weapons

[You found a Weapon!]

[Weapons and Armors can be equipped by going through the menu, and then to "Equip".]

[This specific Weapon is for that Kid of yours. Don't forget to equip it!]

If you do

Bonnie (no!1) HERE!!!

Mirabelle (awawa1) Wh-what? What is it???

Bonnie (hmf2) WO--

The world skips.

Bonnie (sulk3) --t's that? Is that an entire potato in the sink?

Mirabelle (hm3) What a waste...

The text for refinding equipment then plays.

Round Hat


Hat so heavy it HAS to make you stronger. [Boosts ATK.]


Obtained by default.

Pillow Hat


Both a pillow AND a hat! [Boosts ATK.]


Location: Floor 1, Writing Dorm, on the rightside bed.

(A bed.)

If you don't have the Pillow Hat

(The bed itself doesn't seem very comfy, but that pillow...)

Isabeau (oh1) Why does that pillow look so comfy...

Odile (awkward1) It has a strange shape, though, doesn't it?

Bonnie (sulk5) That's...

Bonnie (no!2) Wait, that's not a pillow! THAT'S A HAT!!! JUST LIKE MINE!!!

Odile (hm1) What.

(You got the PILLOW HAT!)

(You give the Pillow Hat to Bonnie to equip later.)

If you do

Isabeau (oh1) Why does that pillow look so--

The world skips.

Isabeau (wonder2) So... Not... Here?

Mirabelle (anxious1) Some people like to sleep with no pillows, or so I've heard...

The text for refinding equipment then plays.