Souvenirs 2

Thank you to JoyKirbs for helping with these. Reformatted by fairywrenss; Loving Fanmail added by felikazte, others by fairywrenss.

Source: Common Events 0055 (ITEM_remindernote), 0057 (ITEM_glass), 0065 (ITEM_Clay), 0069 (ITEM_mirrorpic), 0070 (ITEM_Sharpeningstone), 0072 (Item_Chain), 0076 (Item_GiftforMira), 0182 (ITEM_last ingredient), 0183 (ITEM_longthingy), 0184 (ITEM_shortgizmogadget), 0185 (ITEM_MakeBomb); various maps.

Page 2 of Souvenirs. Includes Long Thingy-Thing to Short Gizmo-Gadget.


Long Thingy-Thing


It's a long thingy-thing. Doesn't get more descriptive than that.


Main page: Storage Room (Dormont East).

Location: In the openphrase-locked house next to the Blind One.

(A letter is laying on the barrel.)

First time

(There seems to be something inside...)

(...You can only describe the item inside the letter as... A long thingy-thing.)

Subsequent times

(The long thingy-thing is inside.)

(You got the LONG THINGY-THING!)

(You put the thingy-thing in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)

If you don't know how to make a bomb

(Maybe it'll be useful later...?)

If you're making a bomb

(Don't you need this to make a bomb...?)


(You look at the thingy-thing.)

If you don't know how to make a bomb

(What could this be for...?)

If you don't have all the parts to make a bomb

(If you had a short gizmo-gadget and a secret ingredient, you might be able to make a bomb...)


(You don't need it.)

(You throw it away.)

The long thingy-thing is removed from your inventory.



(You forgot you picked this up.)

(Yours now!)

Making the Bomb

(You have everything you need.)

(You give them all to Isabeau.)

Isabeau (yeah!1) Alright! Bomb time.

(Isabeau made a BOMB!)

(You, uh, keep the bomb in your pockets. Wouldn't want Bonnie to carry it.)

Odile (lol1) Heh. This will be fun.

Bonnie (and then1) BOMB TIME!!!!!!!!

First time only

(You got a MEMORY OF BOMB!)

(You'll always remember this.)

[If you have this Memory equipped and loop back to the King, the Bomb will magically appear in your Pockets!]

Loving Fanmail



A gift for Mirabelle. It's lovingly wrapped.


A gift for Mirabelle. It can't be gifted anymore.


Main page: Stylish One's House

Location: From Mirabelle's Fan.


Before giving it to Mirabelle for the first time

(A gift for Mirabelle from the stylish woman.)

(It has a package and a letter.)

(Opening either would be rude, so you leave them alone.)

After giving it to Mirabelle once

(A gift for Mirabelle from the stylish woman.)

(It has a package with the Stylish Bow inside, and a letter.)

(Mirabelle didn't tell you the contents of the letter.)

(If you open the letter now, you won't be able to give Mirabelle her gift.)


(Open the letter?)

  • (Yes.)

    (You open the letter.)

    (It's many pages long. The stylish woman wrote about how she met Mirabelle, how much she admires her, and how she hopes the bow will fit her well...)

    (The last page only has one sentence written on it.)

    (It just says: "None of us blame you, Mirabelle.")


    You can no longer give the Loving Fanmail to Mirabelle in this loop.

  • (No???)

    (You leave the letter alone.)

After opening it

(Did it satisfy your curiosity?)

Lumpy Clay


Is nothing, but can become anything.


Main page: Pottery Room (WIP)

Location: On the table.

(There's some unused clay here...)

(You got some LUMPY CLAY!)

(You put the clay in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)



At random

(You squish the clay between your fingers.)

(Feels nice!)

(You mold the clay into a tiny triangle.)

(Tiny hat!)

(You mold the clay into an egg.)

(You're hungry!)

ACT 3 & 4

At random

(Hidden in your pocket, you squish the clay between your fingers, and try to breathe.)

(You think about throwing the clay so hard it sticks to the wall.)

(You mold the clay into a plate, and pierce a hole in the middle.)


(You press the clay between your palms, and try to breathe, breathe, breathe...)

ACT 5, after defeating the King

(squish squish squish)



(You make a tiny star.)

Massive Chain


A chain, without it's pendant. Its beads are massive...


Main page: Break Room (Floor 3)

Location: On the table

(There's a chain on the table, probably for a pendant.)

(You pick it up.)

(You got the MASSIVE CHAIN!)

(You put the massive chain in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)


If you've never tried to attach the Bell Pendant to the chain, and you don't currently have it

(A chain with slightly bigger than average beads.)

(It doesn't look very fetching on its own, but if you had a pendant...)

Usage with the Bell Pendant

First time

(You look at the pendant and chain.)

(Can they be... Fused into a new whole?)

(You take the chain, and try to put the pendant on it...)

(. . .)

Isabeau (hahaaa1) The chain's beads are too big for the pendant, aren't they.

Mirabelle (hm2) Oh, that's too bad.



(You're so sad!)

(Nothing ever goes right in your life!!!)

ACT 3 & 4

(You're so sad.)

(Nothing ever goes right in your life.)

Subsequent times

(Useless chain without a pendant.)

ACT 5 & 6


(Useless, useless, useless.)

ACT 5, after defeating the King



(This chain really is massive, isn't it?)

(You're sure you'll find a way to use it, one day.)

(There's no hurry!)

Mirror Picture


A picture of you and your [friends/allies/family members/actors].


See Mirror Room.


  • The loop you first took the picture in
    Image ID: A picture of the party, taken by the mirror. Everyone except Isabeau looks surprised. End ID.
  • ACT 2 & ACT 3
    Image ID: A picture of the party, taken by the mirror. Everyone except Isabeau and Siffrin looks surprised. Siffrin smiles contently. End ID.
  • ACT 4
    Image ID: A picture of the party, taken by the mirror. Everyone except Isabeau and Siffrin looks surprised. Siffrin's smile is forced. End ID.
  • ACT 5
    Image ID: A picture of Siffrin, taken by the mirror. He stands alone with his face in shadow. End ID.
  • ACT 6

    (You grip the picture, and throw it as far away as you can.)

    (It's over, it's over, it's over, you're fine, you're fine, you're fine!)

    (And if you're not now, you will be soon!!!)

Reminder Note


ACT 1 & 2

A note Mirabelle wrote for you and your sieve-like brain. Press [button] to interact!

ACT 3 & 4

A note Mirabelle wrote for you. But you know what to do.


See Mirabelle Beginning Talk.


Prior to ACT 4

(You look at the note.)

ACT 1, if you've done at least one task

(You've crossed a few things out already, but you read it all again.)

Mirabelle "Siffrin!!! Don't forget to get everyone!!!"

Mirabelle "Odile is probably in the shop getting supplies. The shop is that building with a bunch of barrels around it!"

Mirabelle "I saw Bonnie go to the east! They're probably near the veggie fields... Just go east and then south!"

Mirabelle "And Isabeau must be at the Favor Tree to the west. Give him some time though! I think he has a lot to ask for!"

Mirabelle "Before you go talk to him, you could walk around Dormont? I'm sure people would be happy to talk!"

Mirabelle "There's a little girl with pigtails slightly north, I think she really likes to talk about battles... Don't be afraid to talk to anyone in the village!"

Mirabelle "And, well, also, you should see the Change God's statue and pray for victory! If you want!!! (You really should!!!)"

Mirabelle "Let's meet at the Clocktower to the east after! Just jump over the broken bridge and you'll find it!"

Mirabelle "Yours,"

Mirabelle "Mirabelle."

Before asking Mirabelle what she drew on the note

(On the bottom of the paper, a Crafted drawing animates back and forth.)

(It's some kind of... thick, flowy line?)

(What is it... You should ask her.)

After asking, ACT 1 & 2

(She drew a little ribbon on the bottom right!)

(It's supposed to be her! Ha! Because she wears one! You get it. You're very smart.)

After asking, ACT 3 & 4

(She crafted a drawing of a little ribbon on the bottom right.)


(You know.)

Secret Ingredient


A small vial labelled "Secret Ingredient". What is it for?


Main page: Floor 3 Hallways.

Location: In the hallway after the Floor 3 boss, by interacting with Claude a second time.

(Mirabelle's roommate.)

(Her eyes are open. Resigned.)

If you're making a bomb, first time

(She was the one who was getting ready to make a bomb in Mirabelle's dorm room, wasn't she?)

If you're making a bomb

(...She's holding something tightly in her fist.)

(You kneel down.)

(It's a small vial labelled "Secret Ingredient".)


(You put the vial in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)


(You look at the vial.)

(There's some kind of sparkly liquid inside...)

If you don't know how to make a bomb. Unused; you can't pick it up otherwise.

(What is it for?)

If you don't have all the parts to make a bomb

(If you had a long thingy-thing and a short gizmo-gadget, you might be able to make a bomb...)

Making the Bomb

See above, under Long Thingy-Thing.

Sharpening Stone


To make things sharper! Use it on the KeyKnife!


Main page: Armory (WIP)

Location: Interact with the forge or the anvil.

Forgetting what it's called

Guaranteed first time, then a 1 in 3 chance


(A big steel thing with a stone on it and an oven for weapons. Those things have a name but you can't remember what it is.)

Odile (hm1) ...It's a forge and that's an anvil, Siffrin.

Isabeau (brag1) And the stone is a sharpening stone!


(OH YEAH...)

ACT 3 & 4


Remembering what it's called

(An anvil, sharpening stone, and forge.)

While trying to sharpen the KeyKnife

Can play after either previous dialogue

First time

(...Sharpening stone! For the KeyKnife!!!)

Subsequent times

(Ah, then...)

(You pick it up.)


(You put the stone in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)

First time

(You should be able to sharpen the KeyKnife now... When you get it back, that is.)


Without the KeyKnife

Or if you already have the KnifeKey.

(You don't have anything on you that needs to be sharpened.)

(Maybe once you pick up the KeyKnife...)


(You play with the stone in your pocket.)

ACT 3 & 4

(You grip the stone.)

Failing to sharpen the KeyKnife

Plays the first time you try to sharpen the KeyKnife.

(Sharpening stone, apply to KeyKnife.)

(You try and focus on sharpening the knife...)

(. . .)

(...It doesn't seem to be getting sharper.)

Isabeau (wonder2) Huh? Is that how you sharpen knives now, Sif?

Siffrin (surprised1) (Huh?) What do you mean?

Isabeau (neutral1) I dunno! Feels like you usually say something when you sharpen your dagger.

(Do you?)

(You can't remember.)

Odile (dotdotdot2) Yes, something's missing...

Mirabelle (thinking1) Doesn't Siffrin talk usually?

Bonnie (and then1) They do!!! They mumble when they make things!!!

Bonnie (serious1) Like, "mumble mumble mumble".

Mirabelle (haha1) A few weeks ago, you were carving a little wooden Odile, remember? And you were saying...

Mirabelle (hm1) ...Something? I can't remember.

Isabeau (wonder2) Hm... Can't remember either...

Odile (urgh1) Are we as forgetful as Siffrin now? This doesn't bode well...

Bonnie (lol1) If I saw a piece of carving wood or some carving stuff I'd remember.

Isabeau (brag1) Heheh, yeah!

(Could it be that easy?)

(Hm, carving, carving... Where can you find carving tools or something...)

Subsequent attempts to sharpen the KeyKnife without finding the carving wood play only this line.

(Gotta find carving wood, if only so you can remember what the stars you mumble when you're carving stuff.)

Sharpening the KeyKnife

After finding the carving wood in the trap room.

(Sharpening stone, apply to KeyKnife.)

  • First time: (You take the KeyKnife and sharpening stone, and mumble repeatedly the first thing that comes to mind...)
  • Subsequent times: (You take the KeyKnife and sharpening stone, and mumble repeatedly...)
  • "Please be sharp, please be sharp, please be sharp."

Isabeau (fufufu1) Please be sharp,

Mirabelle (excited1) Please be sharp,

Bonnie (yeah!2) Please be sharp!!!

Odile (lol2) Well, it's sharp now.

First time only


(You got the KNIFEKEY!)

(You put the Knifekey in your pocket to equip later.)

[Woohoo, you did it!]

[You are now the proud owner of a KnifeKey, a knife that can cut anything, ESPECIALLY the King.]

[Yes, you heard that correctly! When the KnifeKey is equipped, your ATTACK will be boosted when fighting against the King! Isn't that grand!!!]

[One thing though... This weapon isn't like the others. You can only equip it when you make it, which means you'll have to pick up the KeyKnife and sharpen it every time.]

[It's an important item, after all! You can't just HAVE it!!!]



(You'll always remember this.)

[If you equip this memory, and loop back to the King, you will automatically have the KnifeKey equipped!!!]

[That's it, stardust! Bye!!!]

Subsequent times

(You got the KNIFEKEY!)

(You put the Knifekey in your pocket to equip later.)

Shiny Piece of Glass

This section contains written depictions of self-harm. To skip it, go to Short Gizmo-Gadget. Interacting with the glass in any ACT other than ACT 5 removes it from your inventory


Shiny. Sharp. Use carefully.


Main page: Floor 2 Break Room (WIP)

Location: On the left table.

(A vial, but it's broken.)

(The pieces of glass catch the light, making them almost sparkle.)



(But sharp! You leave the pretty glass alone.)

ACT 3 & 4



(You discreetly put the piece of glass in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)





ACT 3 & 4

(You look at the glass shard.)

(The light of the frozen torches scatters through it.)


The sound of a cut. Siffrin loses 10 HP.


First time only


Bonnie (no!2) Aaaaaaaah, your finger!!!

Odile (serious2) Did you cut yourself?

Odile (gimme1) Here, give me your hand.

(She gently takes your hand and wraps a bandage around your finger.)

(So nice, even though she tries to pretend she is not.)

(Next to her, Bonnie carefully takes the glass shard from you...)

(...and throws it across the room.)

Bonnie (ew1) Why do you have sharp things like this in your pocket anyway...?


You get two Weird Points for this, and the Shiny Piece of Glass is removed from your inventory.

Subsequent times

(The cut on your finger is gone, like it never existed.)


  • (Put the glass away.)

    (Not the time to be clumsy.)

  • (Look at the glass again.)
    The previous scene plays again.


(You pierce a tiny dot on the back of your arm with the point of the glass.)

(You make another, and another, and another.)


Subsequent times in ACT 5

(You make more tiny stars.)

ACT 5, after defeating the King

(hide it hide it hide it don't make them worry)



(UH OH!)

(You should be careful with this.)

(You throw it away before you hurt yourself.)

The Shiny Piece of Glass is removed from your inventory.

Short Gizmo-Gadget


It's a short gizmo-gadget. Doesn't get more descriptive than that.


Main page: Mirabelle's Room

Location: In Claude's closet, on the top right.

(A closet filled with unsafe-looking potions.)

Isabeau (wonder2) ...Hm.

Isabeau (really3) Was your roommate making bombs? Because with all the materials she has in here, it looks like she was learning how to make Craft bombs.

Mirabelle (awawa1) What?! No!!! Was she???

Isabeau (hahaha1) Hahaha!

Isabeau (neutral1) I'm just saying. She has the materials to make a Craft bomb.

Isabeau (really1) Looks like she didn't finish it though, if that makes you feel better?

Odile (urgh1) How... do you know... how to make a Craft bomb...

Isabeau (hahaaa1) I-I learned it while I was studying to become a Defender... B-But isn't that just common knowledge???

Odile (dotdotdot3) I've never learned that.

Mirabelle (awawa1) I-I've never learned how to make a bomb!!!

Bonnie (happy2) I know I'm a kid and you'd think I DEFINITELY know how to make bombs, but I've never learned either.

Isabeau (uwah!1) O-oh...

  • ACT 2: Siffrin (questions1)
  • ACT 3: Siffrin (neutral3)
  • ACT 4: Siffrin (fake1)
  • "What else does it need, then?"

Isabeau (boo1) Um. Why?

Bonnie (serious1) Za.

Bonnie (serious1) We have to throw a bomb at the King.

Bonnie (smile4) It'd be so funny.

Mirabelle (uwah!1) WHAT?!!!?

Isabeau (boo1) ...

Isabeau (really1) Yes. It would be funny.

Odile (lol2) It would. What else do we need?

Isabeau (wonder2) Your roommate has some stuff already, so we just need...

(Isabeau starts explaining what you need with very confusing words!)

Odile (urgh1) ...What?

Bonnie (serious1) Use simpler words, Za.

Isabeau (awkward1) Um...

Isabeau (fufufu1) There's already a short gizmo-gadget here, so we just need a long thingy-thing, and a secret ingredient.

Bonnie (happy2) Oh, okay. Makes sense.

Odile (urgh1) It doesn't--

Bonnie (and then1) TIME TO FIND THOSE THINGS!!!


(You put the short gizmo-gadget in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)


(You look at the short gizmo-gadget.)

If you don't know how to make a bomb. Unused; picking it up starts the bomb quest.

(What could this be for...?)

If you don't have all the parts to make a bomb

(If you had a long thingy-thing and a secret ingredient, you might be able to make a bomb...)

Making the Bomb

See above, under Long Thingy-Thing.