Generic Text
Edited by candycoatedrox and fairywrenssA page for dialogue that stays the same across all rooms.
I don't want to write it down every time, and it's not even that interesting.
Sources: Common Events 190 (BirdEvent), 197 (FakeDoorDormont) 194 (FlowersInteract), 195 (BunchaFlowersInteract), 219 (HoleInteract), 133 (Locked Door), 120 (Save Point), 83 (Tears Code), 195 (TorchInteract), 135 (WeaponFoundAgain), 201 (Act5_PickUpTonics), 200 (Act5_SavePoint), 207 (Act5_NothingElse)
- Birds
- Chairs
- Change ornaments
- Doors in Dormont
- Flowers
- Holes
- Locked openphrase doors
- Locked regular doors
- Save points
- Tears
- Torches
- Refinding equipment
- Unlocking a door
- Using a crest on tears
- ACT 5
Source: Common Event 190 (BirdEvent)
First time only
This gets skipped if the first interaction with a bird is in ACT 3 or 4.
(The bird chirps.)
(Oh! In Vaugarde, they say birds go "peeoo peeoo"!)
Bird Piou piou!
ACT 1 & 2 only
(Peeoo peeoo!)
Chairs and stools
The text is very often (but not always) the same, yet it's not a Common Event, for some reason. If there's more than one seat, the second line won't play, and some versions only play it in ACTs 2 and 3.
In ACT 5, the first line plays as appropiate, and the second varies by room.
Candle Room, Floor 1 Break Room, Gardening Room, Infirmary, Storage Rooms on Floor 1, Floor 2, and in the Entrance
(A [chair/stool].)
Pottery Room, Writing Room, Head Housemaiden's Office, Secret Room (only in ACT 2 & 3); Armory, Kitchen, Garden
(A [chair/stool].)
(But there's only one, so it'd be rude to sit down.)
(A chair.)
(You wish you could sit down.)
Change ornaments
Despite being the same in every instance, it's not a Common Event.
(You're not sure what it is, but it has something to do with the Change belief.)
(Mirabelle has a similar brooch design.)
ACT 2 onwards
(A Change ornament.)
Doors in Dormont
ACT 1 & 2
(This door must lead to the rest of the house.)
(But you can't go there. You've been told going farther than the first room in other people's houses is very rude.)
(Vaugardian customs are so weird.)
ACT 3 & 4
(This door leads to the rest of the house.)
These only apply to flowers in flowerpots. Flowers in the grass in Dormont cannot be interacted with.
Regular flowers
(Some flowers.)
(They smell like... flowers.)
(Some flowers.)
(They smell flowery!)
Frozen flowers
(Some frozen flowers.)
(They smell like... flowers.)
(Some frozen flowers.)
Buncha flowers
ACT 1 & 2
- (Flowers.)
- (A bunch of flowers.)
- (That sure is a lot of flowers.)
ACT 3+
(A hole in the wall.)
(The hole doesn't really bring you anywhere.)
Locked openphrase doors
- First time: (You look at it curiously.)
- Subsequent times: (You look at it.)
(Isabeau sees you look.)
Isabeau (neutral1) Have you never seen a lock like this before, Sif?
Isabeau (brag1) It's a special kind of Vaugardian lock! Instead of a key, it needs specific words to open!
Odile (doubt1) Words...?
Mirabelle (happy1) Yes, you just need to say the words aloud!
Mirabelle (awkward2) I think they call it a, uh... An openphrase?
Odile (lol4) An openphrase... Fascinating.
Odile (huh1) So what is the phrase for this lock?
Mirabelle (happy1) I...
Mirabelle (anxious1) Do not know.
Odile (urgh1) Ah.
Odile (hm2) So it's locked?
Mirabelle (awkward1) Yes.
Odile (huh1) Yahoo.
Locked regular doors
This text varies based on which key Memory of Keys is looking for, but typically follows the same format.
(The door is locked.)
(The symbol over the keyhole is shaped like a [key]...)
If you have Memory of Keys equipped but don't know where the key is
(Maybe you should explore the [left/right] side of this floor...?)
With Memory of Keys and knowledge of the key's location
(The key for it was on the [left/right] side, in the [room], wasn't it?)
Save points
(You reach towards the light...)
(Everyone was healed.)
(Your [friends/allies/family members]' Craft Skills and Experience has been recorded for this location.)
(Save your progress?)
ACT 1 & 2
(You close your eyes.)
ACT 3 & 4
(You close your single eye.)
(You close your eye.)
The screen fades out, and you are taken to the save screen.
Dialogue ends here.
(The Tear floats gently.)
(Touch it?)
(Yes, looping time!)
(No, living time.)
(You walk away from the Tear.)
ACT 3 & 4
(You walk away from the Tear.)
(A torch.)
(It burns brightly.)
Unlocking a door
ACT 2 & 3
(Key time.)
(You insert the key into the keyhole, and open the door.)
Using a crest on tears
(The Tear floats gently.)
(You have a Star Crest, so...)
(Use the Star Crest?)
(Free path time!) ACT 2
(You use the Star Crest.)
(Nah.) ACT 2
(You decide to not use the Star Crest right now.)
(Yes.) ACT 3 onwards
In ACTs 3 and 4, plays the same text as using the crest in ACT 2. In ACT 5, clears the tears without comment.
(No.) ACT 3 onwards
In ACTs 3 and 4, plays the same text as using the crest in ACT 2. In ACT 5, moves away from the tears without comment.
Trying to pick up any restorative item in ACT 5.
First time
(An item.)
(You don't think you need to pick up items anymore.)
Second time
(An item.)
(You leave it alone.)
Third time
(Don't need it.)
Fourth time onwards
(You've slept too long already.)
Siffrin walks away from the Tear.
Save Points
(Save your progress?)
(You close your eye tightly.)
The screen fades out, and you are taken to the save screen.
Dialogue ends here.
Chairs and Stools
This pushes our definition of "generic", but I wanted to compile this.
Entrance Storage Room, Pottery Room, Writing Room
Armory, Kitchen, Candle dorm, Floor 1 Storage Room, Floor 1 Break Room
(A [chair/stool].)
(But you're fine, so it'd be a waste of time to sit down.)
Gardening Room, Head Housemaiden's Office
(A [chair/stool].)
(But you're fine!!!)
(A [chair/stool].)
Floor 2 Break Room
(A [chair/stool].)
(A chair.)
(You wish you could sit down.)
(No no no you wouldn't you wouldn't wish for anything ever again because you know that somehow somehow somehow Wish Craft brought you here)
Nothing else
Interacting with spaces that had equipment, weapons, or souvenirs.
At random:
Option 1
(Nothing here.)
Option 2
Option 3
(Nothing to pick up!!!)
Option 4
(You breathe in, and out.)
(It doesn't help.)
Option 5
(You ignore how the world is breaking down around you.)
Option 6
(You smell sugar coming from somewhere.)