"I had a question about..."

Source: Common Event 166 (HadAQuestion...)

All of Loop's dialogues when asking them for help with sidequests!

Questions become unavailable once you see Loop's closing dialogue for the respective quest.

  • ACT 2: Siffrin (questions1):
  • ACT 3: Siffrin (neutral1):
  • ACT 4: Siffrin (tired2):


ACT 2 questions

Questions that first become available in ACT 2. If not resolved, they are still available in later acts.

"Should I check everything again?"

Available from the start.

"Should I check everything again?"

Loop (hm1) You mean, should you check the same barrels, the same closets, the same objects on tables every loop?

Loop (happy1) I mean, you can, but... You know things won't change, right?

Loop (lol4) If you really want to get a certain item again, or listen to your friends repeat something funny, you should!

Loop (happy2) I personally would only check two or three things every loop, and ignore the rest.

Loop (happy2) It will just make you crazy to expect something to change, when nothing will.

Loop (lol2) All that might change is your reaction to it!


"How come I can see where the keys are?"

Available from loop 2 onward.

"How come I can see where the keys are?"

Loop (oh my1) Whaaaaat? You caaaaaan? How can that beeeeeee?

Siffrin (surprised1) "Is it thanks to you?"

Loop (lol1) Maybe.

Loop (teehee2) I figured you'd have other things to worry about than where a stupid key is.

Loop (lol5) No need to thank me.


"How did you know I was allergic to pineapples?"

Available after dying because of the pineapple for the first time.

"How did you know I was allergic to pineapples?"

Loop (subdued1) I just knew.

Siffrin (surprised1) (What?) "How?"

Loop (teehee2) I just knew, stardust!

Loop (lol1) Like, really. What am I, again?

Siffrin (n-nya2) (Um...) "A star...?"

Loop (teehee2) Which iiiiiiiiiiiis?

Siffrin (hide1) "Part of the Universe?"

Loop (teehee1) Indeed.

Loop (happy1) So why wouldn't I know, when the Universe knows?


(You suppose that makes sense, but...)

"There's this book fan..."

Full page: Castle-Loving One sidequest

Available after talking to the Castle-loving One for the second time.

After talking to the Castle-loving One

"There's this book fan..."

Loop (hm1) Ah, that man living in the house full of books?

Loop (happy1) He seems to be really into that book series your Housemaiden likes... "The Cursing of Château Castle", right?

Loop (hmmm1) Didn't the last issue come out right as the King's Curse started freezing Vaugarde in time? It might be hard to find...

Loop (teehee3) If you find any issues, you should remember the issue number and tell him! Maybe you might end up finding the very last one!

After finding the last issue

"There's this book fan..."

Loop (teehee3) Yes, and you found the last issue of that book series they like!!!

Loop (hm1) Too bad you didn't actually open it when you found it. Better go back and actually read it...

Loop (teehee3) And then go and tell that book fan what the last issue is about! He'll be overjoyed!

After telling the Castle-loving One about the last issue

Despite what Loop may say here, this conversation only triggers if you have the First Issue in your inventory, which is the reward for telling the Castle-loving One.

"There's this book fan..."

Loop (away1) ...

Loop (away1) So that's what the ending of that book series is about?

Loop (away1) Where the hero is from... What their history is... It doesn't matter?

Loop (ew1) What a stupid series.

Loop (teehee4) Just go and let that book fan know if you haven't already.

"Mira has a fan..."

Full page: Mirabelle's Fan

Available after talking to the Stylish One for the first time.

After talking to the Stylish Lady

"Mira has a fan..."

Loop (happy1) She does. That stylish woman in Dormont, right?

Loop (teehee3) You should tell your Housemaiden! It'll make her happy!

After telling Mirabelle about the Stylish Lady

"Mira has a fan..."

Loop (hm1) She does...

Loop (oh my1) But she doesn't actually remember meeting her fan, even though they shared classes together! How devastating!

Loop (happy1) I wonder if there's a way to make her remember...

After reminding Mirabelle about her classmate

After interacting with the Stylish One's journal in classroom on Floor 2.

"Mira has a fan..."

Loop (teehee5) She does! And the twist is...

Loop (oh1) Your Housemaiden thinks she's kinda cool but mostly scary!!!

Loop (hm1) You should let that stylish lady know... I wonder how she'll react?

After receiving the fan's gift

"Mira has a fan..."

Loop (oh my1) Yes, and the stylish woman gave you a gift for your Housemaiden!

Loop (teehee3) Give it to her! Do it! Do it!!!

After giving Mirabelle the gift

"Mira has a fan..."

Loop (teehee3) And you gave that fan's gift to your Housemaiden!!!

Loop (well2) That was sweet. That was nice. Makes my heart grow warm.

Loop (teehee4) You got a pretty bow for your Housemaiden too!

Loop (happy1) It's too bad you shouldn't give that gift to your Housemaiden again. Can't give her something she already owns, huh?

Loop (teehee3) And that's the end of this quest! Good job, stardust!

"I'm gonna make a bomb."

Available after picking up the Short Gizmo-Gadget in Mirabelle's Dorm Room for the first time.

"I'm gonna make a bomb."

Loop (teehee1) YOU ARE!!!

Loop (lol3) Do it, do it, do it, it's gonna be so useful.

Loop (hm1) So you need... A long thingy-thing, a short gizmo-gadget, and a secret ingredient, huh?

Loop (hmmm1) The short gizmo-gadget is in your Housemaiden's dorm room... I wonder where the rest is.

Loop (teehee3) When you have all three ingredients, just interact with one of them in your pockets to make it!

"Do you know how to fix a knife?"

Available after breaking the KeyKnife by opening Floor 3's gate for the first time.

After breaking the KeyKnife

"Do you know how to fix a knife?"

Loop (teehee1) Oh, are you thinking about fixing up the KeyKnife? Smart, smart.

Loop (hm1) I mean, don't you sharpen your own dagger? How do you do it?

Siffrin (neutral1) "Sharpening stone."

Loop (hmmm1) And... Where is it?

Siffrin (okay2)

  • ACT 2: "Bonnie used it as a skipping stone a week ago."

    Loop (lol5) Ha!

  • ACT 3 & 4: "Forgot."

    Loop (happy1) ...

Loop (hm1) But then you don't have yours, huh.

Loop (teehee2) So just find one somewhere else!


After using the Sharpening Stone and failing

"Do you know how to fix a knife?"

Loop (lol5) Still trying to sharpen that KeyKnife, huh?

Loop (hm1) Using the sharpening stone you found on Floor 1 didn't do the trick...

Loop (hmmm1) But when you tried, your party said you were doing it differently that you usually do? What do they mean?

Loop (teehee2) They said you usually mumble something when you sharpen your dagger, or carve wood.

Loop (hm1) They might remember how you usually do things if they saw wood carving tools, wouldn't they? I wonder where you could find some...

After successfully sharpening the KeyKnife

"Do you know how to fix a knife?"

Loop (lol5) You know how to sharpen the KeyKnife now!

Loop (teehee3) Find the sharpening stone on Floor 1, find the KeyKnife on Floor 3, apply stone to KeyKnife.

Loop (oh my1) It'll probably make battling the King easier, now!

ACT 3 questions

"The sadnesses are different."

Available after entering the House in ACT 3 for the first time.

"The sadnesses are different."

Loop (hm1) Hm, I've noticed. They don't always appear at the floor where they should be, right?

Siffrin (serious1) "This didn't happen before I beat the King."

Loop (serious2) They did not. Is it because you beat the King? Is it related...?

Loop (hm1) ...

Siffrin (sad2) "...No theories?"

Loop (hm1) ...None.

Loop (teehee3) But hey, variety is the spice of life, isn't it? Teehee!


"Mirabelle's statue..."

Full page: Change God Event

Available after interacting with the undamaged Change God statue again after obtaining the KeyKnife.


"Mirabelle's statue..."

Loop (hm1) Huh?

Loop (oh my1) Oh, the Change God's statue where you get the KeyKnife!

Loop (lol4) I didn't know your Housemaiden made it. Explains why it looks so bad, teehee!

(It's true, sadly.)

Loop (hm1) I don't know much about the Change belief...

Loop (teehee2) But maybe if you looked at a bunch of statues in the House, you might learn something about them!


After Mirabelle's talk

After interacting with statues often enough for Mirabelle to talk about them.

"Mirabelle's statue..."

Loop (hm1) Ah, so believers make a statue to connect with the Change God, even in a small way...

Loop (oh1) And some people might have talked to the Change God through their statues?

Loop (teehee1) Kinda cute! And it's a nice way to feel closer to your faith.

Before doing Mirabelle's Friendquest:

Loop (hm1) Not that you know much about the Change belief still, don't you? Maybe that'll come later...


Loop (teehee2) You should look at your Housemaiden's statue again! Maybe you'll find out something more about it.

After the event

"Mirabelle's statue..."

Loop (oh my1) You went to Mirabelle's statue, I saw that! I wanted to ask you about it!

Loop (hm1) I couldn't see you very well... I saw you go to the statue, and ask your Housemaiden to touch it...

Loop (oh my1) And then poof! Nothing! I think you were talking to someone?

Siffrin (um1) (Heh.) "Yeah, the Change God."

Loop (teehee1) Hahaha!

Loop (angry1) WHAT?!?

(You tell Loop about how you and Mirabelle talked to the Change God.)

Loop (hm1) . . .

Loop (ew1) Well, um, putting aside the whole "the Change God knows you're looping and thinks it's funny to watch" aside...

Loop (teehee4) It's so nice that the Change God talked to your Housemaiden!

Loop (away1) She was thinking she was a bad believer because she doesn't feel romantic or sexual attraction...

Loop (happy1) Isn't it nice to know some god out there doesn't care about that sorta thing?

Loop (lol5) Especially the Change God! Kind of freeing! Your Housemaiden got some closure!

Loop (happy1) Even if she doesn't remember.

(You nod.)


Loop (ew1) ...

Loop (ew1) So they think it's funny, huh...?

(Loop swears under their breath.)

(You're angry, too, but you just breathe and move on.)

Loop (fake2) ...Well, neat! That's neat! And I guess that's the end of that!!!

"At the end, Isabeau..."

Full page: Confession

First becomes availaible after reaching the end for the first time.

After Isabeau's first failed confession

"At the end, Isabeau..."

Loop (hm1) Ah, the thing he said he'd tell you at the end of your journey?

Loop (hmmm1) He mentions he wants to tell you something, when you go and sleep at the Clocktower... That's probably it.

Loop (lol5) But someone interrupted him just as he was about to tell you! How unfortunate!!!

Loop (hm1) If only there was a way to make sure he wouldn't be interrupted, maybe you'd finally get to hear what he has to say...

Before distracting Bonnie for the first time:

(If you talked to Bonnie beforehand, maybe...)


After multiple interruptions:

(And it keeps happening, too.)


After the "confession" proper

"At the end, Isabeau..."

Loop (lol4) ...Pft... Yeah...

Loop (lol5) HAHAHAHAHA!!! Yeah!!!

Loop (lol3) Your Fighter... He was about to tell you, without being interrupted, and you had to ruin it yourself!!!

Loop (lol3) How nice of him, to stop himself from saying it because you looked upset!!!

Loop (lol5) But you just really wanted him to tell you!!! Even though you know!!!

Loop (lol1) Because you know what he wants to tell you, don't you? You can be dense sometimes, but you're not THAT dense!

Loop (lol4) ...Teehee, ooooh, you're so angry! I can see it in your face!

Loop (oh my1) Who are you angry at? At me??? But I'm just telling the truth, stardust~!

(And laughing about it.)

Loop (lol5) Because it's just too funny, stardust!!! A blinding tragedy, and there's nothing you can do to change it!!!

Loop (lol5) Hahahahahahahaha!!!

(You want to stop talking about this.)

"Odile seems suspicious of me..."

Full page: Odile Sus Event

Available after talking to Odile during a snack break while meeting the Weird Point threshold for alternate dialogue in ACT 3 or 4 (4 points for the first and second, 14 for the third).

Before the event

"Odile seems suspicious of me..."

Loop (ew1) ...Is that so?

Loop (teehee1) That Researcher of yours is pretty perceptive. Better not act weird, or interact with stuff that makes you act weird too often in one loop.

Loop (lol5) Or do! What does it matter? She won't be able to figure anything out anyway.

Loop (lol3) Figuring out you're looping in time just because you're "acting weird" would be quite an achievement!


After the event

"Odile seems suspicious of me..."

Loop (away1) ...And she figured it out, didn't she?


Loop (away1) . . .

Loop (well2) I had something similar happen to me, once.

Loop (away1) Someone figuring out I was hiding something.

Siffrin (tired1) "And what happened next?"

Loop (away1) . . .

Loop (away1) Something terrible.

Loop (away1) And now I'm here, so.

Loop (away1) ...


"Bonnie was looking at a book..."

Full page: Bonnie's Sidequest

Becomes available after Bonnie picks up the book in the Floor 3 Writing Room.


"Bonnie was looking at a book...."

Loop (hm1) They were, weren't they?

Loop (hm1) A book with a scary figurine on it... They acted very defensive when they saw you'd noticed.

Loop (hmmm1) But... Who cares? Is it that important to find out?


(Something about it worries you.)

(Since Bonnie takes the book away before you can read it, you wonder if you could find that book elsewhere...)

Siffrin finds a second book

Unlocked after Siffrin finds a copy of the book in the Floor 1 Break Room.

"Bonnie was looking at a book..."

Loop (happy1) They were... And you found a copy of that book elsewhere.

Loop (away1) "Life To Ashes: Death Rituals From Around the World"...

Loop (sad2) Why would... Why would they look at this book? What would make them interested in this...?

(You think you know the exact moment that made them think about this.)

Bonnie yells at Siffrin

Unlocked after redoing the second snack break and having a preteen yell at Siffrin. You can't advance past this point if you've never done Bonnie's Friendquest.

"Bonnie was looking at a book...."

Loop (serious2) Yes.

Loop (serious2) They were looking at a book about burial rituals, because you all talked about what you'd all do if you died.

Loop (sad2) No wonder the Kid was upset about it.

Loop (ew1) ...

Loop (fake2) Pretty stupid of you adults to talk about that stuff where they could hear you!

Loop (fake1) No wonder the kid hates you!!!


Loop (happy1) And?

Loop (serious2) Will you do something about it? Talk to your Kid about it after, maybe?


Before doing Bonnie's Friendquest:

(You can't, you can't, you can't even think about it.)

After doing Bonnie's Friendquest:

(You should.)


Wrap up conversation after receiving Memory of Promise.

"Bonnie was looking at a book..."

Loop (happy1) They were! A book about burial rituals, because you adults all talked about your death.

Loop (away1) Kids shouldn't be worrying about things like this... What a world we live in.

Loop (happy1) ...I'm glad that you got the courage to talk to them about it. It seems like it helped you both.

Loop (well2) And... You made a promise, didn't you?

Loop (teehee1) Try to keep it!

Before finishing Kingquest

(You'll try.)



(Too late for that, isn't it.)

"I've been seeing myself in the House."

Full page: Ghost Event

Becomes available after seeing ghosts 3 or more times.

Before the event

Available after seeing 3 or more ghosts without having seen the event.

Of note: the likelihood of seeing a ghost is increased per act, not by number of loops (ACT 2: 1 in 15, ACT 3: 1 in 5, ACT 4: 1 in 3).

"I've been seeing myself in the House.

Loop (oh my1) Yourself...? Like how?

(You tell Loop about how you saw yourself walking around the House a few times.)

Loop (hm1) ...An image of yourself, walking around the House...

Loop (lol4) Maybe they're... Reflections? Remnants of your past loops? I wouldn't know.


(Odile uses the same word to describe the Sadnesses...)

Siffrin (hide1) "Could it be a Sadness?"

Loop (lol5) Ha! You see a copy of you walking around, and you assume it's a Sadness?

Loop (happy1) Are you sad, stardust?

Loop (hm1) I'm gonna go ahead and say they're linked to your loops.

Loop (teehee1) If they are, you might see them more and more as you loop through time...


After the event 1

Choosing this question for the first time after seeing the event.

"I've been seeing myself in the House."

Loop (lol3) Ah, yes, the copies of you walking around. And?

Siffrin (hide1) "They could see them too."

Loop (oh my1) Your party could?

Siffrin (hide4) "They all went to talk to one of them."

Loop (oh my1) ...

Siffrin (hide4) "It smiled at them."

Siffrin (hide5) "Mirabelle was really upset."

Siffrin (hide6) "Why would me smiling at them scare her that much?"

Loop (subdued1) . . .

(Isabeau said it had a blissful smile...)

(Like it was happy to see him... To see everyone...)

(So... It wanted to see them, and he thought it was...)

Loop (subdued1) . . .

Loop (ew1) Heh.

Loop (lol5) It must really have been a disgusting smile, for your Housemaiden to react like this!


After the event 2

Choosing this question for the second time after seeing the event.

"I've been seeing myself in the House."

Loop (sad2) . . .

Loop (sad2) I shouldn't have said that, earlier.

Siffrin (sad2) (Huh...?) "What?"

Loop (sad1) That the ghost... Or remnant of you, or whatever...

Loop (sad1) That it probably gave them a disgusting smile.


Siffrin (sadsmile1) "It's fine."

(It's probably true, anyway.)

Loop (sad1) . . .

Loop (serious2) You really love them all, don't you? Even now?

Loop (serious2) Enough for a reflection of you to react like this.

(Enough to make you want to cry.)

Loop (ew1) ...


"I saw a weird shade..."

Full page: Color Theory

Becomes available after seeing red for the first time during Kingquest.

Before reading both books

"I saw a weird shade..."

Loop (oh my1) A weird... Shade?

Siffrin (hide4) "When I was fighting the King."

Siffrin (hide5) "A shade that doesn't exist."

Before reading any book on color theory

Loop (hm1) A shade that doesn't exist...

Loop (hmmm1) Interesting. I wonder if you could find more information about it somewhere...

Loop (oh1) Not that it's that important or related to the loops, but it's weird, right?

After reading the first book on color theory

After reading the first book on color theory in the Floor 2 Secret Library.

Loop (hm1) Like... A "color"?

(A "color"?)

Loop (oh my1) Don't you remember? I think you read a book about it somewhere...

Loop (hm1) Maybe you should look at it again, try to find other books, if you wanted to find out more...?

After reading the second color book

After reading the second book on color theory in the Floor 3 Observatory.

"I saw a weird shade..."

Loop (teehee3) Yep, and you found two books about it!

Loop (hm1) Hm, so it seems colors have always existed, but we can't see them anymore...

Loop (hm1) And we get to see them again when... Something breaks?

Loop (away1) One color appears first, it seems...

Loop (hmmm1) A... "Visceral" color? Does that match what you've seen...?

(It does.)

(Somehow, that color made you think of blood and bodies and horrible things.)

Loop (oh1) Hm...

Loop (teehee2) Maybe it appeared because you tried to break whatever rule makes it impossible for anyone to say your country's name?

Loop (happy1) That'd count as something "breaking", wouldn't it? Breaking a rule?

(Breaking a rule...)

(Maybe that's it.)

Loop (away1) Hm.

Loop (ew1) But that's all speculation. And I doubt you'll be able to learn more...

Loop (teehee3) But good job finding that out! You're so smart and knowledgeable, stardust!

"Can I stay here a little bit?"

Available in ACT 4. Not possible via "(Call Loop)".

Loop (oh1) Huh? What?

Loop (fake1) Stay here? With me? Why? Don't you want to spend time with your party instead?

Siffrin (hide1)

  • "I want to spend time here."

    Loop (urgh1) But why...

    Loop (sad2) . . .

    Loop (ew1) Do what you want. Just go away when you have enough.

    The music stops. Birds chirp. Loop and Siffrin sit in silence.

    Loop (ew1) . . .

    Siffrin (hide1) "Thanks."

    Loop (sad1) ...

    Loop (fake1) Any actual questions?

  • "You're right, that was stupid."

    Loop (ew1) Sure was! Go back to your party, stardust!