Souvenirs 1

Thank you to JoyKirbs for helping with these. Reformatted and finished by fairywrenss.

Source: Common Events 0051 (ITEM_Doll), 0052 (ITEM_doodle), 0059 (ITEM_earring), 0060 (ITEM_poem), 0061 (ITEM_starshapedleaf), 0071 (Item_Pendant), 0073 (Item_TarotCard), 0078 (ITEM_snacks), 0054 (!!!TEXT VARIABLES); various maps.

Page 1 of Souvenirs. Includes Bell Pendant to Friendship Doodle.

Other Souvenir pages:


Bell Pendant


A pendant, without it's chain. It's shaped like a bell.


Main Page: Floor 1 Storage Room (WIP)

Location: In the closet.

(You open the closet.)

(It's full of boxes and paper, and...)

(A pendant shaped like a bell.)

(You got a BELL PENDANT!)

Third time onward

(You put the pendant in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)

Odile (hm1) Well. That closet was useless.

Isabeau (oh1) Pretty pendant though.

Odile (doubt1) Can the pendant heal me when I'm hurt?

Mirabelle (happy1) Maybe it can! You don't know!

First time

(You look at the pendant closely...)

(It's just a pendant shaped like a bell.)

(But you like it, so you put it in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)

(Tonics and any useful items will usually be visible, but you might get some useless but interesting things if you check everything in an room...)

(You got the bell pendant back.)

Second time

(Hm... You wonder if you could find a chain for it somewhere!)

ACT 1 & 2

(Ding ding!)


(Ding ding.)


(You hold it tightly in your hand.)


(You open the useless closet.)


(Got the Bell Pendant.)


If you've never tried to attach the pendant to the Massive Chain, and you don't currently have it

(You look at the pendant.)

(It's shaped like a bell, and you're sure it'll go "ding-ding" when you shake it.)

(You shake the pendant.)

(It goes "ding-ding".)

(As if summoned, the Funny Noises Appreciation Crew jump to your side.)

Isabeau (hahaha2) Ding ding!

Mirabelle (excited1) Ding ding!

(Ding ding.)

If you've never tried to attach the pendant to the chain

(If you had a chain, you could wear the pendant and go "ding ding" all day long.)


(You shake the pendant, making it sound ding,  ding,  ding.)

ACT 5, after defeating the King

(ding ding ding)


(Ding ding!)

Usage with the Massive Chain

First time

(You look at the pendant and chain.)

(Can they be... Fused into a new whole?)

(You take the chain, and try to put the pendant on it...)

(. . .)

Isabeau (hahaaa1) The chain's beads are too big for the pendant, aren't they.

Mirabelle (hm2) Oh, that's too bad.



(You're so sad!)

(Nothing ever goes right in your life!!!)

ACT 3 & 4

(You're so sad.)

(Nothing ever goes right in your life.)

Subsequent times

(Useless pendant without a chain.)


(But at least, you can do this!)

Plays the usual dialogue from "(You shake the pendant.)"

Bonding Earring


A beautiful dark dangling earring, proof of someone's love.


Main Page: Floor 2 Hallways (WIP)

Location: Interact with the frozen person in the hallway before the library.

First time

(Someone frozen in time.)

Subsequent times

(Someone looking for their partner, frozen in time.)

Mirabelle (anxious3) Oh! This is...

Mirabelle (anxious3) ...

Mirabelle (awkward2) I don't know. I've seen them around, sometimes. I think they're someone's partner...?

Isabeau (neutral1) Someone's bonded partner, even.

Isabeau (happy1) Look at their earrings. Aren't they bonding earrings?

(You look at them.)

(Their left ear has a beautiful dark dangling earring, and the right ear, a simple transparent one.)

If you don't know what bonding earrings are

(Are those bonding earrings? You're not familiar with what that is...)

Isabeau (brag1) The earrings have different, but complimentary designs... How romantic!

Mirabelle (happy4) I wonder which half is theirs! I feel like the clear one represents them better, so maybe that's the one their partner made...

Isabeau (neutral1) Do you think we'll see their partner somewhere in the House?

Mirabelle (anxious3) Yes... They might've been looking for each other when the King attacked.

Mirabelle (anxious2) If we manage to beat the King, they'd get back to normal, and look for their partner...

Isabeau (disappointed1) They'd start running, trying to find them...

Mirabelle (happy2) Flower petals in their wake...

Isabeau (fufufu1) And then, they'd see each other from across a hallway, eyes locking...

Mirabelle (excited1) They'd take one step forward, hesitantly, wondering if this is real...

Isabeau (sniff1) And then...!!!

Bonnie (lol2) And then they'd trip on a brick and BREAK THEIR NOSE!

Odile (lol4) And their partner, seeing the blood, would faint in horror...

Bonnie (proud1) And then they'd feel so bad they made their partner faint, they would exile themselves in shame!

Odile (lol3) Ah, yes... How romantic...

Mirabelle (angy1) IT'S NOT!!!


If you don't know what bonding earrings are


(What's a bonding earring? You suppose it's not very important, but...)

The conversation ends.

First time after learning what bonding earrings are

(Ok, now you understand the context of this conversation.)


(Their fist is closed, as if they're holding something.)

(Could it be...?)

(You try to get it out...)

Isabeau (huh1) Sif? What are you...

(Their hand is frozen in time, but you manage to get the item out.)

(...It's a dark earring, same design as the one they're wearing on their left ear.)

Subsequent times

(You get the earring from their closed fist.)

(You got the BONDING EARRING!)

(You put the earring in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)

Odile (up1) Oh my.

Isabeau (huhwah1) OH!!!

Bonnie (hmf2) OH CRAB!!! THAT'S THE OTHER HALF!!!

Mirabelle (awawa1) Th-They didn't give it to their partner yet?!

Isabeau (disappointed1) ...

Mirabelle (serious1) ...

Isabeau (really1) We have to find their partner.

Mirabelle (excited1) And give them the earring...!!!


(Time to find their partner!)


(Time to find their partner.)


(Sure, not like you have anything to do anyway.)


Having the earring when you interact with the frozen person in the Pottery Room on Floor 3 allows you to give them the earring and removes it from your inventory.


(It's not for you, though.)

Broken Doll


A doll missing half its face. It's cute[!/.]


Main Page: Infirmary (WIP)

Location: In the closet.

(A closet. There's a porcelain doll in it.)

(It's cracked, with half its face missing. Someone probably threw it away.)

Bonnie (sulk2) Scary.

Isabeau (brag1) Looks kinda sad, doesn't it?


(You think it's cute!)

ACT 3 onwards

(You think it looks nice.)

(You got the BROKEN DOLL!)

(You put the doll in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)

Subsequent times, ACT 2

(You got the broken doll again!)

Subsequent times, ACT 3 & 4

(You got the broken doll again.)

(This doll will never see the end.)



(You look at the doll.)

(It's cute!)


(You hug the doll tightly.)

Mirabelle (anxious1) ...Is it nice to hug?

(It's porcelain.)

(It's not nice to hug at all.)


(You throw the doll on the ground.)

(Its face shatters into a dozen tiny pieces.)

Mirabelle (awawa1) Wah!

  • Siffrin (fake4)
  • "Oh no, it slipped!"

Isabeau (boo1) Poor doll...

Isabeau (angry2) ...

You get a Weird Point for this, and the doll is removed from your inventory.


(You make sure the doll's clothes look nice and neat.)

ACT 5, after defeating the King

(you make sure the doll can see what's around you)


(You hold the doll, and look at the sky outside.)

(You both made it!)

Crumpled Poem


You were there all along,

but still, you return home.


Main page: House Library.

Location: On the ground next to the bookshelves.

(There's a crumpled poem on the ground...)

(You pick it up.)

(You got the CRUMPLED POEM!)

(You put the poem in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)



(You're not sure you like this poem, for reasons you don't dare think about.)


(You love and hate this poem in equal measure.)


(Yeah, you've decided.)

(You hate this poem.)

(You throw the poem away.)

The poem is removed from your inventory.


(you want to go home you want to go home you want to go home you want to go home you want to go home you want to g


(. . .)

(You won't go home ever again.)


(But maybe you can make yourself another home.)

(You can't wait.)

Drawn Card


A crumpled, hand-drawn card.

The bottom says "[card]"


Main page: Writing Dorm (WIP)

Location: In the closet on the right.

(A closet haphazardly filled with art notebooks and art supplies.)

First time only

(And... Oh!)

(There's a crumpled pile of hand-drawn cards.)

(Pick one?)

  • Yes[!/.]

    (You pick a card at random...)

    A card is picked at random based on the current ACT.

  • No[!/.]

    (You leave the pile alone.)


Six of Swords (2 in 7 chance)

(This card has a drawing of a man carrying six swords on a boat.)

(How does the boat not sink???)

(The bottom says "Six of Swords.")

The Star (1 in 7 chance)

(It's a card with a drawing of a star with an upside down face...?)

(Oops, you're holding the card upside down.)

(It's just a normal, not-upside-down star.)

(The bottom, unsurprisingly, says "The Star".)

Ace of Wands (1 in 7 chance)

(This card has a drawing of a hand holding a piece of wood.)

(The bottom says "Ace of Wands".)

Eight of Pentacles (3 in 7 chance)

(This card has a drawing of someone making some plates.)

(They seem happy to be working.)

(The bottom says "Eight of Pentacles".)


Two of Swords (2 in 7 chance)

(The card has a drawing of a pair of scissors.)

(The bottom says "Two of Swords".)

Six of Pentacles (1 in 7 chance)

(It's a card with a drawing of someone walking on the sky and offering flowers to sky people.)

(...It's upside down.)

(The man is touching the ground, and giving flowers to normal people.)

(The bottom says "Six of Pentacles".)

The Hermit (1 in 7 chance)

(The card has a drawing of a hooded person in a cave.)

(They look sad and alone.)

(The bottom says "The Hermit".)

Five of Wands (3 in 7 chance)

(The card has a drawing of five women fighting with spears.)

(Why are they fighting?)

(The bottom says "Five of Wands".)


Eight of Swords (2 in 7 chance)

(The card has a drawing of a trapped, blindfolded man.)

(He's surrounded by swords.)

(Why is he alone?)

(The bottom says "Eight of Swords".)

Ten of Swords (1 in 7 chance)

(You pick the card upside down. You can tell from the design on the back.)

(You turn it around and look at the design.)

(It's a dead person.)

(Dozens of swords stabbed them in the back.)

(You can't see their face.)

(The bottom says "Ten of Swords.")

Five of Pentacles (1 in 7 chance)

(The card has a drawing of someone surrounded by empty glasses.)

(They probably don't have any friends.)

(The bottom says "Five of Pentacles".)

The Hanged Man (3 in 7 chance)

(The card has a drawing of someone hanging upside down.)

(They look like they're about to die, but they're smiling.)

(The bottom says "The Hanged Man".)

(You got the DRAWN CARD!)

(You put the card in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)


This card is always The Fool.


(You pick up a card at random.)

(Got the Drawn Card.)



(You wonder what kind of games you play with a card like this.)


(You wonder who drew this.)


(You ball up the card, and throw it as far as you can.)

(It goes pretty far.)

Bonnie (oh!1) New record.

The card is removed from your inventory.


(It's a traveler.)

(He is walking to his death, eyes wide open.)

(The card says "The Fool".)



(You rip the card into pieces.)

The card is removed from your inventory.

ACT 5, after defeating the King

(it's you!)


(You haven't looked at it when you picked it up, after all.)

(It's a traveler.)

(He seems to be starting a new journey.)

(The card says "The Fool".)

Eternal Snacks



Wh-- How did those snacks get there?!


A bunch of snacks given to you by Bonnie.


See Bonnie End Talk (ACT 6). (WIP)


First time only

(You observe your pockets full of snacks in disbelief.)

(There's some cookies, some onigiris, a lot of malanga fritters...)

(Did Bonnie slip them in your pockets when they hugged you?)

(You smile.)

(Closing your eyes, you pick a snack at random...)

First time

(It's an onigiri!)

(...This one has an apricot in the middle.)


Second time

(It's some malanga fritters!!!)

(You jump in place for a bit, and eat them happily.)


Third time

(It's a cookie!)

(So boring. So good.)


Fourth time

(It's a pineapple slice!)

(WUH OH!!!!!!!!!)

(You should let Bonnie know you're allergic.)

(In the meantime, you throw the slice far away from you, wiping your hands on your pants.)

Fifth time

(It's a peach!)

(You didn't know Bonnie carried peaches with them.)

(Oh... But they offered you one once, didn't they...?)

(You look at the peach for a bit, and bite into it.)


(You smile.)

Sixth time onwards

(You only look to make sure it's not anything pineapple related, and eat.)


Four-Pointed Leaf


Crinkle, crinkle, it's close to Fall.

Its shape looks familiar somehow.


Main Page: Dormont East (WIP)

Location: From the Sky-loving Kid; the rightmost of the three kids. Unavailable in ACT 5, because she won't talk to you.

Sky-loving kid .............................

(The kid still dances as she looks at you curiously.)

Sky-loving kid ................You look  so weird.

Sky-loving kid Are you from up in the sky?

  • ACT 2: Siffrin (boo1) (Are you?)
  • ACT 3 & 4: Siffrin (fake1) (...)
  • "How did you know?!??!"

    Sky-loving kid Yesssssssss... I knew it...

    Sky-loving kid If you're from the sky then... I'm going to give this back to you.

    (You got a FOUR-POINTED LEAF!)

    (You put the leaf in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)

    Sky-loving kid It fell from the sky, but I'm giving it back.

    • ACT 2: Siffrin (smiling2)
    • ACT 3 & 4: Siffrin (fake1)
    • "Thank you for this gift."

    Sky-loving kid Mhm.

    (The kid nods stoically.)

  • "No."

    Sky-loving kid It's okay. I won't tell anyone.

    (The kid nods seriously at you.)


(You look at the four-pointed leaf...)

(Its shape reminds you of something.)

In Dormont

(You look up. You only see clouds.)

In the House

(You remember the sky.)


(You look at the leaf.)

(Shaped like a star.)

(You remember and forget and remember and forget.)

(You rip the leaf into tiny pieces.)

The leaf is removed from your inventory.

Friendship Doodle


A static drawing of you and your friends.


Drawing Kid ...

First time

(This kid seems to be drawing pictures of someone.)

Subsequent times

(The amazing artist is here[!/.])

image ID: A child's drawing of Mirabelle, with hearts around her. end image ID.
  • ACT 1 & 2: Siffrin (nya1) (...It's Mirabelle!)
  • ACT 3 & 4: Siffrin (fake1) (...It's Mirabelle.)
  • "It's Mirabelle!"

(The kid beams at you!)

(They shuffle their drawings around and show you another one.)

image ID: A child's drawing of Siffrin. end image ID.
  • ACT 1 & 2: Siffrin (nya1) (...It's you!)
  • ACT 3 & 4: Siffrin (fake1) (...It's you.)
  • "It's me!"

First time

(The kid smiles and kicks their feet happily.)

(You really like their art.)



(You'd like to get that drawing again.)

ACT 3 onwards


  • Siffrin (smiling3)
  • "Can you draw me something I can take with me?"

(The kid looks at you for a moment, and then gets to work.)


image ID: A child's drawing of the party. end image ID.
  • ACT 1 & 2: Siffrin (nya1) (...It's you and your [friends/allies]!)
  • ACT 3 & 4: Siffrin (fake1) (...It's you and your [allies/family members].)
  • "It's me and my friends!"

(The kid makes a happy noise and gives you the drawing.)


(You put the drawing in your pocket along with your Souvenirs.)

  • ACT 1 & 2: Siffrin (lol1)
  • ACT 3 & 4: Siffrin (smiling3)
  • "Thank you, talented one!"

(The kid laughs happily, and gets back to drawing.)


image ID: A child's drawing of the party. end image ID.


image ID: The same drawing of the party, except Siffrin's face has been scratched out. end image ID.